《Witch's Contract》Ch 10


Elluet takes a time to admire his new gear, then with a single sweep of his sword he incinerates the vines and monster plant that were heading towards him.

Elluet: This power… is what I need to prove that I am a Hero, those plants are no match for me now not even you monster.

He points his sword towards Cattleya, but she hasn’t flinch an inch, she knows that the power given by Houhua will only lead Elluet to death.

Cattleya: An armor only protects you from physical attacks.

She shows her mastery in the magic arts by creating various magic circles around her, these gather mana and take the shape of small bullets, each magic circle has around 30 of these. She stretches her arm with a first, as soon as she opened it the circles start shooting, the bullets are not complete focused in Elluet as they also hit those around them.

The barrage is reckless even if the human don’t die directly they can feel the pain of being shoot the screams are loud the citizens are terrify by them, some of the adventurers are losing enough Ether for their Ethereal Body to vanish leaving their physical body unprotected to magic making them receive physical damage instead, because of that their bodies are being torn apart by the bullets leaving limp flying all over the place and unrecognizable bodies.

At Victoria team place.

In the instant Victoria was attacked by a predator plant John use a spell banned by the guild because of how dangerous it is, the spell increases the movement speed of the user enough to travel at light speed for a couple of seconds, but it wasn’t enough, he manages to move Victoria away but he receive the attack and was trapped from the legs.


Bors: John!

Bors rushes to save John, he swings his axe with everything he got cutting the plant in two.

John: Thanks Bors.

Victoria: Mister John… your legs.

John legs were heavenly injured by the predator plant.

Ryckna: Don’t worry I’ll heal him; you go before it’s too late.

Victoria rush towards Orchid.

At Orchid place

Orchid: Come on stop crying, by the way why I am crying. I need to help them.

???: But I want mom to come for me.

Orchid: I cannot wait that much, she will… Wait… Who are you?

???: Me? I am Orchid and you?

Orchid: Orchid too.

Orchid2: Who truly you are?

Samanta: Samanta.

Orchid: So that’s your name, I wanted to know the name of the soul that was in control of my body.

Samanta: If you are the real Orchid that means… that more than reincarnate I just enter your body and control it.

Orchid: Yes, but I must say that it was a lot of help, thanks to you I can return to my mother, something that would take me a lot more of time.

Samanta: Even if that is true you should understand our position with Alice.

Orchid: Ours?

Samanta: I don’t think she cares. Just control yourself and let me save them.

Orchid: Fine.

Orchid: Ah…

She looks around and move her hands to confirm she is in control.

Orchid: Okay, now to save them.

Suddenly the cage is covered and consumed by fire letting Orchid to fall in the ground.

Victoria: Stand up Orchid, we have to take you to your mother to stop this.

Victoria stands in front of Orchid, then proceeds to pull Orchid from her arm to take her to Cattleya.

Orchid: Wait! Even if you do it she will still kill everyone in this town.

Victoria: What!


Orchid: The vines around the town are transmitting and preparing a large scale magic, it has venomous proprieties, so it will kill every living being in it except of us.

Victoria: But she will stop if we reunite both of you right.

Orchid shakes her head to say no, but Victoria puts a confused face as if she didn’t know the meaning.

Orchid: Nod you head up to say no with you head and down for yes.

Samanta: How do you know?

Orchid: I have some knowledge the world since birth.

Orchid: *Nods her head up*

Victoria: Why?

Orchid: Because that lizard is so determined in killing us.

Ryckna: What is happening?

Orchid: Just telling my mom will unleash a highly venomous magic in the whole town.

Everyone around that was reaching the cage place heard it and start to lose control over it.

Gustav: Then we have to aid Elluet to kill that monster.

As Gustav turn in direction to Elluet in order to aid him Orchid grab his hand with a vine stopping him from advancing.

Orchid: Saying that in front of me, you sure have gust, but we have to put the citizens safe.

Ryckna: She is right; they should be in the church taking refuge.

Kori: But the town is surround by the vines making impossible to get out.

Orchid: Go to the church I have something in mind.

At the fight against Cattleya

Just a couple of humans survive the magic bullet barrage, one being Elluet who is still trying to reach Cattleya, but she continues to repel him and his attacks with ease.

Cattleya: Just what are you trying to get from this Houhua, you know that even with that thing he is no match for me.

Soon Cattleya realize what Houhua is looking for.

Cattleya: I see but I won’t give it to you.

Elluet: What *gasp* are you mumbling.

Cattleya: This town death.

The earth shakes, the vines around the town start to glow with a violet light, from the sky only light can be seen then a cloud of venom.

Houhua: Smart indeed, you too Sugar.

Sugar: That woman sure is having some strange ideas, copy the magic of an alraune venom, would you tell why she need that.

Houhua: No.

Houhua disappears in the night sky.

Sugar: Hope you are safe Vici.

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