《Free》Chapter 18: The Legendary.. What?! Part III


He hit my blade, it was a hard hit. His tongue was out, it was sharp.

He had a big smile on his face and his hair was long and fluffy.

He quickly jumped back after I blocked him.

"FEH! Let's see if you're as strong as your bounty says!" he said.

I quickly looked at Tommy, his eyes, they weren't like normal.

It was as if there was fear in his eyes.

I quickly looked back, the guy had jumped towards me again.

I jumped to the side and jumped back again to attack.

He blocked me with his blade quickly.

"You sure know how to jump around furishishi" he said and laughed.

His laugh is annoying.

"Y-You.." Tommy said.

I jumped back in to attack, but he blocked me again.

I jumped back.

"You never mentioned your bounty-nyan" he said.

Suddenly he jumped towards the attacker and attacked.

He hit his neck.

Tommy looked back at me.

"So you're more dangerous than what I thought.." he said.

"HEY! No chit-chatting! We're fighting!" the attacker said from a distance.

"Can we finish this first" I said and had a fighting stance ready.

He jumped towards me.

I attacked at the same time, we both hit our blades.

He quickly jumped back.

"Well, before I finish you off, I might as well introduce my self" he said.

I jumped and attacked.

He quickly blocked it, I jumped back.

"Katsura, take it easy, your stamina is draining away" Fushima said, he sounded sleepy.

"I know already.." I mumbled.

"Hey now, take it easy now! I gave your time to talk, now it's mine!" he said.

I jumped back, to Tommy.

I looked at him, he looked confused.

I looked back, he was talking, but I couldn't even hear him.


"HEY! DO YOU GUYS EVEN HEAR ME?!" he shouted from a distance.

I put my hands between the sides of my mouth.

"NO!" I shouted back.

He looked annoyed.

"NO JOKE?!" he shouted.

"NOPE-nyan!" Tommy shouted.

"Man.." he said quietly.

He slowly walked towards us.

"What I said was, that I am a bounty hunter, working under the infamous Immortal Akira" he said.

"WHA!- The Infamous Akira!-nyan" Tommy said.

"My name, it's Hiroto" he said while sticking out his tongue.

I started running towards him, but he was laughing.

"You think you will kill me this time? How foolish Freheheh" he laughed.

Then I stopped my self, I was still gliding but was slowing down.

I looked at him while still moving, he looked confused.

Then, with all of my power I threw my sword, I hit his shoulder.

"GARGH!" he screamed.

He quickly pulled out my sword and threw it away.

Veins popped up on his forehead, his face became red.

He started running, he was huffing, like a wolf.

"TOMMY! QUICKLY!" I shouted.

Hiroto was running faster and faster.

I was starting to hyper ventilate.

I started running backwards, but I tripped and fell, all while looking at Hiroto.

Suddenly, a shadow appeared from above, just as Hiroto was about to attack.

"Dont worry, I'm here to fight too-nyan!" Tommy said while blocking the attack.

I rolled to the side and quickly sprinted to grab my sword.

Hiroto ignored Tommy and went out for me.

"HEY-nyan! I am fighting you-nyan!" Tommy shouted and hit Hiroto's leg.

He screamed, but it wasn't as loud.

I grabbed my sword and looked towards Hiroto.

With the sword on his leg, he jumped towards me.

"Few.. Let's end this shall we?" Fushima said.


I dodged his attack.

"Why are you even awake?" I mumbled.

"Easy, I see an old friend of course" he said.


Hiroto attacked again, but this time I didn't block.

I attacked at the same time.

Whoever has the most strength wins.

It was a tie, we were both equal, I couldn't get closer to him.

I dropped my sword and ducked.

Then I kicked him on the stomach.

He groaned.

I picked up my sword and hit him with my blade, it went through his chest.

Blood started to run down his mouth.

I slowly pulled out my sword.

Then I felt it..

..Fushima appeared from my body.

I looked at Tommy, he looked frightened.

"What do you want?" I mumbled aggressively.

"Yo, I haven't seen you in a while now.." Fushima said.

"..Dark Magician".

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