《Free》Chapter 10: Sudden Enrollment! Part II


Each one of them making the same move, at the same time, in the same rhythm.

Each screaming the same at the right and same moment. It was, amazing!

"Listen up now!" the one next to me screamed.

"We have a new student enrolling, he will be under my command so be nice to him and have respect!" he continued.

Everyone bent down, in front of us.

"We are pleased to have a new student train with us" they each shouted.

I slowly made my way to the training arena, they were all placed like a square.

I went to the middle.

"Alright, now begin sword training!" the teacher screamed.

He looked really serious, but this is his job.

We all swinged our swords over and over again. We kept on training like this for a long time, I could feel my self sweat.

I made sure not to hit the one in front of me, that would start an unnecessary conflict.

We kept training for hours.

"All right now! Time for a lunch break, you guys deserve it!" he shouted.

As soon as he finished talking a lot of assistants came from a hallway with the same kind of buns I ate earlier.

The sun was still up but was about to set.

The teacher went to the hallway where the assistants came from.

An assistant came up to me and gave me a plate with two buns and a bottle of water.


I opened the door, slowly.

I bowed down.

"Master, you needed me?" I said.

"The student. The one who you found in the forest" he began.

"Yes master" I replied.

"Do you know exactly, who he is?" he asked me.

"No sir, I only brought him since it looked like he had a powerful future" I replied.


I looked up.

He took out a yellow crumpled paper, it was a bounty poster.

In the middle was a small picture of someone, and under was the price.

I looked carefully, it was..

..The student whom I saved.

"He has a lot of money to give, so how about we try to.." he began.

"Kill him and take all of the money?" he asked.

I had known about the money he needed, since I am his favorite student.

"I'm asking you, to let me take care of the matter" he asked.

I bowed down again.

"Do as you please, this is your dojo, master!" I replied.

I slowly looked up.

His smile grew larger and larger, almost up to his eye.

His face was covered with shadows.

"Do what you please, from here on I will take care of this" he said.

I couldn't help but smile.

I opened the door for him, he slowly walked out.

I began walking to my own room.


I had given the plate to the assistant, but the teacher hasn't returned, what is he up to?

There were still a few people left eating, but most of us have already finished.

I could barely see it, but it was a tall man. He was slowly walking out from the hallway where the teacher left.

I could feel something.



He slowly showed his face, pulled back hair, tall and masculine.

His eyes were closed but he didn't have a beard.

He slowly walked to where the teacher used to stand when we were training.

"Hello my dear students, I will now be the teacher and going over the principals of magic" he began.

"I am the owner and founder of this dojo" he said.

Everyone bowed down.

I quickly picked up on it and bowed down, even though I was a bit late.

"We are pleased to have you as our teacher" everyone shouted

I just mumbled.

We all rose up again and waited for our training to begin.

His smile was very weird, abnormal even.

"Now then, shall we begin with meditation?" he asked.

Meditation.. ?

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