《Changing Monster》1.First Day


I held the blade up, ready to act. As I moved forward, my chest and upper arm were torn open, And I looked to see that I was bleeding vigorously. I tried to stop it, I tried to move, but all I heard was the clanging of my blade as the darkness started swallowing my vision.

When I rose, there was darkness ahead and dirt beneath me. I only had a sword and nothing else. I moved my arms and continued examining my body. Later, I started walking ahead but returned to the place I rose as everything looked the same, and I realized I might get lost. Just as I was wondering what to do next? I saw a sudden blur of movement. Small shadows were moving everywhere, then others who looked like me started to rise as I was waiting for something else to happen.


They are just standing there; Why are they not moving? It might be because they are waiting for me as soon as I realize this. I ran towards the closest one, still no movement, so I moved it a bit but with no success. I check on the others; they acted the same way. After having no success, I sat down and started wondering.

What am I? I do not look like the creature in the memory and all others who rose after I do not move much. They are too stationary, but I am definitely related to them with our similar bodies and lack of fleshy bits. But, no matter how much I tried to move them, they went back to stay still. The only other thing that moves here are the blurs, critters. I saw them while I was trying to move the fellows, but they are too fast to catch and run away to a place I can not see.


I was the only one who had a sword in the six of us. Others had nothing. The sword was heavy, and I was too weak to hold it like in the memory. So I left it there when I went to move my fellows and trying to catch the critters again. I managed neither. I came back to the sword now that it looked like there was nothing to do, nobody new was raising for some time now, and when I was moving a lot, the critters stopped coming. This got me thinking, why did I have a sword? Who should I use it on? As I recognized that there are only two gropes here, it became obvious what I should do with the sword. Now how do I hit the critters?

So, I made up a plan. I will stand still when the critters come close to me; I will attack them with the sword. I started the plan. I was waiting while holding down the sword and standing still for some time. It got me thinking if I was staying still because I was waiting for the critters, then were my kin also waiting for something, what could it be? It was certainly not me or the critters. After waiting even longer, I finally saw a big critter coming into the clearing. It was moving slowly while shaking its head then it moved closer to one of my fellows, and it started to push it then later it bit into the fellow's leg after seeing no response the critter then moved back and repeated this action on another fellow then it moved towards me by then some other critter also started pouring in. I waited for the big critter to come within range. As soon as it did, I swung the sword from the bottom to up.


Nothing happened. I looked at the critter. It was also looking for something then I realized I missed it. Immediately I made a quick swing this time I felt something in my hand, and I knew I hit it. Then I heard something for the first time. It was a scream from the critter.

I looked for the critter, and it started running back fast. I tried to catch it and ran behind it but could not, then the big critter vanished. I looked for another critter, But could not find any, As I was returning to the group. I felt weak, and I realized that I messed up and that none of the critters are coming back now after hearing the scream.

Now I am going to have the company of beings that will not move. If they had simply helped me? I could have easily caught the critters. But no, they had to just stand there doing nothing while I was trying to catch the critters. When I saw them again, I had the urge to hit the kin. I swung the sword at it. It fell to the ground. I hit it again, I repeated this until I heard something break, and I stopped. then I felt something move into me, and it felt good.

I looked away from the broken body and saw it moving. It was now looking at me with bright blue light for the first time. I moved back. It continued to look at me and moved its head. It did nothing but look at me finally when I looked away from it. I saw that the others were also looking at me. I felt horrified.

Then I ran away from there.

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