《“Idol” Is The Strongest Job In This World! – Reincarnated as an Idol!》Chapter 11 – Strolling around the capital


Chapter 11 – Strolling around the capital

(Re-read chapter 10 if you haven't already. I made some big changes in the second half so make sure you've read it before reading chapter 11)

“Wooooow!” I said in amazement.

We are currently at the main road of the Capital. The palace is at the middle of the capital. After leaving the palace, you can immediately head to the normal district where everyone lives. There’s no aristocratic district or any special district for rich people. Everyone is treated equally and nobles don’t think that they rule their land but more like represent it.

Nobles and Commoners are treated equally and both have to follow the same law. There’s no exceptions with this. The first king of our country made sure that everyone will be treated equally. And even to this day everyone still follows this rule.

Why? Well, it’s because the Royal family is very strong. We have the strongest knights in the entire world and the Royal family itself is also very strong. My father, the king is probably one of the strongest man in this continent. And my mother has very strong magic, rivaling the top magicians in this world.

Our influence to the public is also very strong. Because of the massive television screen in the plaza inside the capital, we can make “public” appearances once a week. And that increases our popularity on commoners.

Anyway, right now we are currently in the middle of the road of the main district of the capital where a lot of restaurants, inns and shops are stationed at. So, when I shouted, naturally plenty of people gave me weird looks.

“Hey Yuki-sama, don’t just randomly shout okay?”

The girl who talked to me is my teacher, Mika-san. She scolded me after I randomly shouted. Many people were giving us glances but after a few minutes, they just lost interest and moved on.

“Don’t worry about it. They’ll eventually lose interest and move on. Also, didn’t I tell you to stop calling me Yuki-sama in public? Call me Yuki-chan okay?”


“Eh? But…”

“But what? Right now, I’m not a princess okay? I am your younger sister.”

“Ehhhhh… F-fine Yuki-ch… cha… Yuki-chan.”

“Good!” I then stood with an victorious pose.

Right now, I am currently wearing a magic bracelet that will let me disguise myself to whatever I want. I chose to make my disguised look similar to Mika-san. She has blonde hair with pointy eyes with the looks of a very cute 13 years old. So, I just made myself look like her.

So basically, we look like sisters. She’s the older one while I am the younger one.

While I was thinking of these things, I heard Mika-san say something

“How old were you before you got reincarnated?”

“Hmm… I was 16 I think”

“Ehhhh? So you’re 22 now?”

“No! No! No! I am 6 okay!”

“Yeah sure you are.”

We then continued our walk while finding a restaurant. I noticed that people around us were smiling and it looks like they were satisfied with their lives.

Huh… I guess my father is doing a great job if they are satisfied…

After a few more minutes of walking, we stopped at a restaurant. It was a fancy expensive looking restaurant. We were about to go inside but I stopped Mika-san and told her:

“Hey Mika-san, can we go to a normal restaurant?”

“Eh? Why?”

Mika looked surprised when I said this. So I explained why I didn’t want to eat here.

“I want to try out the food that normal people eats in this country”

“Eh? S-Sure I guess… Hmm… Let’s go to the inn I used to stay at.”

“Inn?” Confused, I asked Mika what she meant by going to a inn.

“You see, that inn also serves food to people who’s not staying in it. Also, their food is delicious so sometimes after teaching you, I go there to eat food.”


“Also, I am friends with the owner of that Inn. They are really nice people so I want to see them again.”


“That must be a really good inn then.”



We are currently standing in front of a small Inn. Mika opened the door. As soon as she opened this, We heard a voice from the counter inside the Inn.

“Welcome to our Inn.” The lady in the counter said. Mika then responded.


“Oh? It’s miss elf again. Ara? Who’s the cute girl next to you? Is she your sister?”

“Hahaha yes…”

“I see, so how may I help you miss elf?”

“Prin- I mean my sister wanted to eat good food, So I decided to go here because your food tastes amazing.”

“Ara~ thank you for the compliment. Alright little girl, look forward to it okay?”

“Umm yes.” I said in a small voice.

I couldn’t respond properly. I still can’t communicate properly to people even If I am used to being talked about, because people always talked about me whenever they see me walk in the hallway in middle school.

And whenever they do that, I always keep my head low and just kept silent because they were talking about me in a negative way for liking girls. But now, I resolved myself to be cheerful and happy. Unlike my past life full of sadness. So even if people are talking about them negatively, I will still keep my head high and be positive.

But even If I become used to getting attention, I still can’t handle a proper conversation with strangers.

Mika then ordered our food and led me to a table.

After 5 minutes, our food came. It was curry with rice.

We prayed and started to eat. I took a bite and…

“Hmm?!” I was surprised

““Delicious!”” Me and Mika said at the same time

The curry isn’t too spicy and the sauce tastes amazing with the rice, meat and vegetables. The meat was tender and juicy. It was amazing. The rice made it perfect.

“How was it” the lady on the counter asked us.

“It tastes good.” I said

“Thank you. Gad you liked it. My husband was the one who made that.”


We then finished eating and left.

“Come again!”

The door closed and we started our walk back to the palace. While we were walking, Mika asked me this:

“Hey Yuki-sama… did you get a skill when you leveled up?”

Surprised by this sudden question I stopped and akward looked at her.

“Wh-what do you mean?

“You see, everyone gets a skill when they reach a milestone in levels. Everybody gets a new skill at level 10 so it would be weird if you didn’t get one.”

“What do people normally get?”

“Well… a passive skill that increases physical damage by .5%”

“That low?! The one I got was much be- MHM!” I covered my mouth in an attempt to hide my secret. But..

“ I knew it. So you did get a skill… whatever.”

“Eh? You’re not going to ask what it is?”

“It looks like you didn’t want to reveal it. So why would I force you Yuki-sama.”

“I see…”

We then continued to walk.

“Hey Mika-san.”


“Can you keep calling me ‘Yuki-chan’?”

“What?! Why?”

“I don’t like you calling me ‘Yuki-sama’.”

“Eh umm sure…”




“It’s amazing how much your personality changed.”


“When I first met you, you were very calmed and resolved, you were very cool. But now, you get excited on almost everything and instead of being cool, it’s kinda cute.”

“Eh?! Well… I did that to look cool in front of my student…”

“Pff” I accidently let out a laugh

“I mean! I want my student to look up to me you know!”


“Why are you laughing?!”

Our conversation continued until we finally reached the palace.

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