《“Idol” Is The Strongest Job In This World! – Reincarnated as an Idol!》Chapter 8 - Confession


Chapter 8 – Confession


Everyone shouted in unison after seeing my status. It seemed like everyone was surprised. I mean, I don’t blame them. Even I was surprised. Also, what’s a high human? I’m gonna have to ask the goddess a lot of questions.

Father quickly told the priest and the others in the room to not tell anyone about this. If this information becomes public, it will cause us a lot of headache. My father already knows that I can use all 7 attributes. But he had never heard of “Creation Magic” . So after this he demanded a lot of information.


After seeing my status father, mother and my teacher gathered in one room

“Yuki, would you be kind enough to explain why your status is like that?" My father asked. To be honest… I have no idea. The goddess never explained anything to me so I myself have no clue why my status was like that.

“Ummm… I don’t know?” I said in pure confusion. Picking up on this, my father explained that my status was exactly 10x higher than an average human here. The hero only has a boost of 3x according to the records. So seeing someone that has 10x basic stats, they were surprised.

“I guess it has to deal with my job?”

“About that, Princess-sama. What does ‘Idol’ mean and why is your race ‘High Human’” My teacher asked. After my father saw my status, he immediately called in Mika-san in here and showed her my status.

Ahhhhhhh, I don’t have a choice here now. I can't lie my way through here. I guess I have to tell them that I was reincarnated… But, I’m afraid of one thing. Will they accept me? Even though, mentally I am much older than I appear to be. Will they still accept me? Will they be disgusted with me? There’s no turning back after I admit this.


“About that… I have to tell you guys something” I said in a serious and cold tone. Seeing my eyes empty, They all gulped and kept quiet to hear what I am about to say.

“Do you guys believe in reincarnation?”

I then explained to them that I was reincarnated. I was a normal student in my past life. No friends and is always alone. After watching my favorite idol group perform. I try heading back home. At this moment, I got hit by a truck.

I then told them that I met the goddess. And that my death was an accident caused by the goddess. And so as an apology she asked me what abilities I wanted for my next life. I told her that I wanted to become an Idol. As they helped me with the hardest times of my life. They made me smile and happy. Making me forget the horrible things that my classmates were doing to me.

I wanted to be like them. I also want to help others who are suffering and lonely. So I asked for one thing and one thing only.

I want to be an Idol.

With that as my only true wish, She fulfilled it and reincarnated me into this world. As a princess. A daughter of a king and a queen. The two most influential people in a country.

After I told them this, there was only silence filling the room. Anxiety is filling within me and as every second pass, I question myself if I had made the right decision.

However, all of my worries were relieved. As I feel two people hugging me. I see my Father and mother hugging me both. They finally release me from their embrace. And told me

“Yuki, I am really glad that you told us.” They said, after that they continued.


“Yuki, no matter who you are, human or demon. As your parents, We will always accept you.”

After he told me that. Strength from my legs were removed. All the tension in my body was relieved. And tears fell down from my eyes.

Mother and father both kneeled down and hugged me. My teacher at the back just smiling at me. Seeing them being supportive and accepting of me. I couldn’t hold my tears any longer. I cried, I cried for minutes.

I then stood up and told them “Thank you, Thank you very much for accepting me.”


After that, I continued to explain that with the idol job. The goddess decided to strengthen me. And the I asked them how they felt about it

“”We’re glad that you told us the truth about you.””

Apparently they were getting worried on why I was learning so fast and was curious. So they were glad that they found out about the truth.

My teacher was also very accepting with me. As she also thought that there was something odd with me.

Anyways, after this we all talked to each other more about what our future plans will be. And I told them what I wanted to do.

“Mother, Father and Mika-san. In the future I’d like to travel around the world to help others in need. Not just with my power, But also with my singing in dancing. I want to make people smile.” I told them this and they were very accepting. However, they allowed me to do this as long as Mika-san was with me

Mika-san then said that after I graduate from the academy in the west empire, I can find her at the capital of the southern empire. She then explained that she works as an alchemist there. But she’s be more than happy enough to join me in my journey around the world.

Mika-san’s goal is to learn magic all around the world. She wanted to learn all of the magic spells possible. She has only travelled through 2 countries so far. The western empire and Japan.

If you are curious about the geography of this continent. Japan is in the middle of this continent and is surrounded by 4 empires. As you might’ve guessed their names are the western, eastern, southern, and northern empire. The southern, northern and eastern empires all have very good relationships with Japan, but the western empire is not very friendly. The recent rules have been making stupid decisions so the four countries kept their distance with the western empire.

By sending me to an academy there, they hope to make the relationship between our countries better.

After talking to them, we had dinner and celebrated my 6th birthday until I finally went to bed. While in bed I could only think of one thing

“I’m glad that I’m surrounded with nice people.” I then slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep

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