《“Idol” Is The Strongest Job In This World! – Reincarnated as an Idol!》Chapter 1 - Reincarnation


Chapter 1 – Reincarnation!

Ah, I couldn’t ask her what she meant by giving me a new body…

Well whatever I guess I’ll find out soon

After that I lost my consciousness… and after a few minutes

Eh? I can hear something again? Why am I hearing someone crying…

After that I slowly open my eyes.

“Congratulations your majesty, It’s a girl.’

I see so I was reincarnated huh…. Wait? What did he just say?

“Your majesty, have you decided on a name yet?”

“Yes, From now on her name is Yuki. Hikari Yuki!”

“I see, she does look very cheerful and bright. She will definitely shine and make everyone happy… Princess Yuki, what a fitting name for her.”



Apparently I was reincarnated as a princess… well I guess I can study magic properly if I’m a royal but still goddess-sama isn’t this kinda overkill?


Its almost been 5 years since I was reincarnated, I started going to the library when I turned 2 so I learned quite a bit about the history of this country.

After sneaking around and reading books in the library I found out that this world also uses Japanese. Apparently the hero of this world was also from Japan! So as a sign of respect, every country used his language! I can’t imagine the transition from their language to Japanese though… that must have been hell. Also, that hero was also the founder of this country! His name was Hikari Haruto and he named our country japan… I guess he was too lazy to come up with another name… well I guess I would’ve done the same thing so whatever.

After reading more books, I learned that my father’s name is Hikari Sato (慧) and my mother’s name is Hikari Rei (麗). Apparently My mother was a baron and there was a certain girl who was not accepting of their relationship. But apparently she was doing some illegal things so she was exiled. And in the end my mother and father got married out of love and not because of politics and they overcame challenges together and is now living happily…


Sounds like a generic otome game where the main character is a baron and the crown prince falls in love with her but a villain is stopping their love because she was jealous but the crown prince and the mc reveals her wrong doings silencing her and with no one else opposing they live a happy life together…

I hope I don’t get dragged in a situation like that hehehe. Well apparently I also have a brother but I can’t seem to find any information about him…

Well I guess I could ask dad…

After reading more books about history I decided to ask dad about my brother and magic…


After knocking the door in the office a old man opened. He looked at me surprised and said.

“Hello Yuki-sama, May I ask what are you doing here?”

“I would like to ask my father a question”

“I see, can you please wait for a second. I must inform this first to his majesty”

“Yes don’t worry about it.”

“Thank you very much, now if you may excuse me”

After that he left to inform father about my arrival

Are you wondering who he is? His name is Sebastian and he is a butler serving the royal family. He was always playing with me when I had nothing else to do so I have taken a liking to him. Well of course not in a romantic way but I think of him as… my 2nd father.

After a few minutes Sebastian came back

“His majesty is ready to meet you, Yuki-sama”

“Yes, thank you Sebastian.”

“Don’t worry about it Yuki-sama”

I wonder how he can always stay so calm and collected…

After that I finally went inside the office and after closing the door what awaits me is…



My father leaped towards me and hugged me tightly… too tight in fact…

“Dad, please stop I’m dying” I said, while trying to find a way to breathe

“Ah, I’m sorry my daughter’ Worried, he asked if I was okay. And I said “don’t worry I’m fine”

After that he regained his normal wise king attitude

“So, what’s your business here my daughter?”


“Well I have some questions to ask…”

“Go on.”

“I was wondering where my brother is”

“Ah, he’s studying magic at an academy”

Ah, I see…

“Speaking of magic…I was wondering where the books about magic is stored at?”

“Aren’t you a bit too young to learn magic? Most people learn the foundation magic at the age of 6 after their status get’s seen and their magic power increases to a point where they can use magic… But I suppose you’re not normal, you can talk to me in equal footing after all!”

Eh? What did he mean by status?

“Well if you are interested go to the back of the library. All magic textbooks and research papers are stored in there. Even our founder’s research is stored there. Just don’t use magic as your body isn’t fully developed yet. Though, no one can understand his research because of some unknown characters and we still haven’t deciphered them yet… ”

I see… It must have a lot of kanji then…

“ Just make sure that you don’t leave a mess there Ok Yuki-chan?”

“Yes! Thank you very much dad!” I said as I smiled

After that my father started head patting me for some reason…

“My daughter is so cute….”

Well I guess my smile was effective… now all I want is friends! Wait… I forgot to ask my brother’s name… well whatever but right now I want to study magic! My otaku side just won’t let me ignore it so let’s start studying tomorrow!

Or so I said but… I ALREADY TURNED 5 YEARS OLD!!

Procrastination is scary…

Well anyways I might as well study magic today then!

So I went to the room where the magic books are at and picked up the book called “The Foundation of Magic” by Hikari Haruto… EH?! Its written by our founder? Well This should be the real deal then. Well time to read!

After a few hours and reaching the halfway point, I closed the book.

“I see:”

So mana is another type of energy. You can either use mana to enhance your body or give it to the goddess and she’ll turn your imagination be it magic or skill into reality… Apparently this is only limited to magic and skills but sometimes when you imagine something new it’ll turn into a skill if it’s compatible with your attribute and level

You can enhance a part of your body by focusing mana into it. You can focus mana into your hands and it can become as strong as a rock. Skills and magic also use mana… And apparently there’s a thing called attributes. You need to have affinity for a attribute to be able to use it more efficiently. They say that it reduces mana usage by 10x! for example water magic originally uses 50 mp. But if you have an affinity with it, it becomes 5!

The average adult have 50 mp so even if I use magic worse case scenario is I’ll pass out for a few minutes…

“I might as well try magic then” After that I opened a window and decided that I would try to shoot through it into our garden.

At this point I completely forgot what father said a few months ago… about only kids that’s above 5 years old can use magic. And that the average 50mp is for adults…

“Okay, Imagine something flowing to my hands and Turn that something into water with high pressure…please goddess-sama”

After that I feel energy being drained from me and after a few seconds.

“Water Bolt!”

“EH!?” I shouted, surprised.

Too much water came out from my hands, with it’s powerful pressure it destroyed the castle walls After that I just stood there. Feeling like all of my energy was deprived out of me, I fell to my knees.

“What was that!?”

A loud voice came from my back. It seems like my mom was in the library and heard the noise so she came and checked


After that I started losing consciousness and my mother started to panic

“Yuki! Yuki are you alright?! Yuki answer me!”

And I begin losing consciousness.

Am I going to die again?

I wondered for a moment until my consciousness left.

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