《Shades Of The Lion City》Episode 2 Chapter 3
“So who do we interview first? The ex-con or the asshole?” Weijin asked as he drove the patrol car down the road towards MedaPharm’s Singapore branch at one of Jurong’s industrial parks.
“I take the arsehole. The ex-con might be less willing to talk, we’ll waste our energy with him later,” Xiaoye replied.
“Or he might have a looser tongue for all we know.”
“Let’s just wait and see, then. C’mon, let’s just deal with Mr Kang and get out of here.”
The receptionist made clear her disdain of having two uniformed police officers requesting to see Kang Zhan Ling, but it was soon revealed that her disdain was not directed at them as a well-dressed Chinese man in his late twenties showed up. Xiaoye immediately disliked him: There was an aura of arrogant superiority around him.
“Shit, Chen Weijin. Never thought I would see you again after polytechnic,” the man said to Weijin, who merely shrugged.
“Nice to see that you remembered me despite how little we interacted back then. I take it that we came at the wrong time?”
“Damn right, and speaking of time, I want to know why two officers from the police’s personal freakshow carnival wants to waste mine? If this is about Mr Peterson-”
“It is about Mr Peterson.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I have no idea how or why he got torn apart. Now, if you excuse me, I have more shit to settle and I do not want to waste my breath telling you blueshirts what I don’t know about-”
“Sounds like you’re hiding something, Mr Kang. Do you want us to come back with a warrant to bring you in for questioning, or would you prefer to cooperate with us?”
Xiaoye’s dare caused Kang Zhan Ling to pause for a moment before the latter snorted and folded his arms as he turned back towards them.
“Fine, fine, what do you want to know?”
“The night Ronald Peterson was killed, you were seen talking to Ronald Peterson in the morning. Mind telling us what it was about?” Weijin asked.
“We were discussing a proposed deal regarding a breakthrough involving one of our research projects. I can’t tell you the details, it’s classified information within the company.”
“Understandable. Did he mention any disagreements, anyone he may be having trouble with?”
“Heh, trouble? Yeah, he has trouble with just about everyone who doesn’t like our company. Guess you have thousands of people to go through, eh?”
“You know damn well what we’re asking about?”
“Well, you should have been more specific, then. I’m so busy that my memory doesn’t really work well when talking to people of a lower status trying to act big.”
Xiaoye was fighting an urge to throw this obnoxious man out the window. Weijin, meanwhile, merely glared at him without a word until the latter gave up.
“All right, all right, Mr Peterson mentioned that he was having some issues with Mr Van Schilt. They were rushing some kind of test that I have no knowledge of. Don’t go pulling out your handcuffs or something. That’s all I know.”
“All right, thanks. Let’s go, Xiaoye. I doubt he has any more intelligent information,” Weijin said before turning to leave.
“You know, I heard that trash Tom Ang is working as a police officer… The police’s quality must be going down if they need God’s mistake to help them enforce the law.”
Both Xiaoye and Weijin stopped in their tracks and turned around to face Zhan Ling.
“He’s not out in the field, if you’re uninformed, now keep your mouth closed before you accidentally give us a reason to arrest you,” Weijin growled at his former polytechnic junior, who not-so-subtly gave them both the finger as he walked away.
“Donkey-faced cunt,” Xiaoye muttered under her breath.
“I pity you guys. You’ve just seen what our esteemed manager of Public Relations is like once he’s off-camera.”
Both sergeants turned around to see a Caucasian man dressed in a white shirt with yellow tie standing behind them.
“Who’re you?” Weijin asked.
“Theodore Stone. I used to handle the company’s sensitive documents before getting transferred to our branch office here as chief audit. I hope you would not judge our company’s reputation based on Mr Kang’s behaviour, though I must admit, he has gotten meaner the last few days.”
“Really? How so?”
“The big wigs back home are demanding that he deal with the publicity fallout following the murder of one of our company’s executives as quick as possible.”
“Yeah, that’ll definitely add more stress to the job. By the way, how well do you know Mr Kang?”
“Enough to know that he is not a pleasant person. Once he marks you for his wrath, the best you can do is get yourself transferred somewhere far from him or quit the company before your sanity erodes from what he does.”
“But the company tolerates him?” Xiaoye asked.
“Well, yes, unfortunately. If you’re helping the company make millions, you’re untouchable, even if you commit vile acts like sexual harassment, until someone gathers enough courage to go public on your butt. That’s the reality of the business world.”
“And you don’t seem to be afraid of offending him,” Weijin commented.
“Because my guns are bigger than his. Too bad everyone else in his department only has peashooters. Besides, I’ll be going back to Australia soon, so I just have to tolerate looking at his face until the end of this month.”
“I see. Mr Stone, does Mr Kang have any association with Mr Peterson?”
“I’ve heard about Mr Peterson’s death. I would love to help you, but I don’t really know Mr Peterson well, even back in Australia, unfortunately. But I think he’s met Mr Kang a few times.”
“A few times?”
“Yes, but nothing to suggest they were close. Mr Kang has travelled to Australia a few times to meet with Mr Peterson, but the meetings often starts and ends with a cold handshake. I do not recall them meeting when both are in Singapore, though. And as he told you just now, Mr Peterson was having issues with Mr Van Schilt, another of our company’s executives from the main office back in Australia.”
“I see. By the way, Mr Stone, could you point us to one Mr Hekkal Bailor?”
“Oh, our chief chemist? At this time, he should be visiting one of our partners’ labs to check on progress regarding new products. He should be at Han Jeong Pharmaceutical Incorporated by now, with Dr Clifford Tan.”
“Thanks for the information, Mr Stone.”
“Any time, officers,” Theodore Stone replied before walking off.
“Helpful fellow, that Stone guy,” Xiaoye commented as she and Weijin left the office and exited MedaPharm’s building.
“A bit too helpful,” Weijin replied.
“Aye, now that you mentioned it, feels like we nearly got suckered into some office politics. Also, why would a PR manager have so much clout on a company? And the way he behaves, it’s so sickeningly childish and obnoxious,” the cambion commented as she and Weijin entered their patrol vehicle.
“Yeah, that’s what happens when you spend your whole childhood hurting others knowing that you’re protected by daddy’s money. No matter how mature you become, your personality’s stuck in schoolyard bully mode. Anyways, Mr Stone says that Hekkal Bailor is usually visiting the labs that belong to one of MedaPharm’s partners… Han Jeong Pharmaceutical Incorporated, aka HJP Inc,” Weijin explained as he started the engine and drove out the industrial park.
“Oh, that Korean company? Heard its reputation went down the gutters recently because some untested drugs got sold to the public.”
“Yeah, they usually deal with beauty products but as of recent, they’ve been switching to healthcare too. HJP Inc is being accused of conducting an illegal test on the public regarding one of its newest products. Over five hundred worldwide hospitalized, seventeen deaths from sudden liver failure. It’s scary, man. Liver failure takes time to kill, but whatever this product is, it nuked its victim’s livers.”
“Shit, that’s messed up.”
“Yeah- Shit, I don’t answer my phone when I’m driving. Looks like it’s Inspector Jason. Could you answer for me?”
Xiaoye grabbed the phone off the mount and quickly answered.
“Hello, Inspector Jason?”
“Xiaoye? I’m pretty sure that I called Weijin.”
“Aye, Weijin’s driving, so I’m answering his phone.”
“Oh, right. Thought I mixed up your numbers. Have you spoken with Kang Zhan Ling?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Ah, damn… Look, I just found out he’s the nephew of David Kang. You know, the Assistant Commissioner who is in charge of the Magic Law Enforcement Unit?”
Xiaoye felt her temper rising at the mention of that name. AC David Kang was the most politically-motivated officers on the force, which unfortunately means he knows every loophole that exists and is willing to dirty his hands as long as it doesn’t involve breaking the law (which obviously would be career suicide), knowing exactly what strings to pull to deal with his enemies and benefit himself. That man always treated AC Bradley like a political rival despite Bradley being well-known for lacking political goals, being content with leading the Special Hazard Exorcism Unit.
The whole one-sided rivalry started when his son, Sergeant Kang Renbing, was tried and found guilty of several outrage of modesty cases, including one against an injured and unconscious Xiaoye three years ago in the aftermath of a terrorist attack: He was caught in the act, kicking off a huge internal investigation which exposed his many crimes. For once, AC Kang had no string he could pull to save Renbing since Xiaoye’s father, Malphas, appeared in person during the trial, and an angry Goetic demon is not someone you can speak against without losing your soul. Since then, AC Kang had refocused back on Bradley by targeting the Shades for his political agendas.
“Shit, that old fart- Sorry, inspector.”
“Yes, that old fart. I know what his son did to you, Xiaoye, so you’re free to use any vulgarities to describe him, just not when he’s around you. Anyways, when I found out, I tried to call you and Weijin off so Farhan and I can handle Zhan Ling and reduce any political blowback, but I guess it’s too late for that…”
“So we should expect backlash?”
“Your father would probably eat AC Kang alive if he tries anything against you, so I doubt it would be bad. But never mind that, Farhan and I are at HJP Inc. There’s some kind of dispute between HJP and MedaPharm going on. Clifford Tan and Hekkal Bailor are both here, so if you and Weijin could get here within ten minutes and pull them both aside for interviews, that’ll be great.”
“Weijin, how long will it take?”
“HJP Inc is not far from here. If the GPS is correct, we’ll be there in five minutes,” Weijin replied.
“You heard him, sir.”
“Yeah, see you in five.”
“Dispute? Sounds strange to be having a business dispute when one of your executives just got gibbed,” Weijin commented.
“Let’s just go there and sort this mess out.”
Jason had downplayed the whole situation as a “dispute”: It was about to turn into a corporate gang clash. The moment Xiaoye and Weijin arrived at HJP Inc’s main research facility, they could see their team leader and Farhan struggling to keep some men dressed in lab coats from lunging at two fellows whom Xiaoye assumed would be Hekkal and Clifford.
“Stinking thieves!”
“You idiots ruined our company!”
“Xiaoye, Weijin, get these two idiots out the gates before they get lynched!” Jason called out to his subordinates upon seeing them.
“Yes, please, get them out! Because of these two baegchi, my company is now responsible for seventeen deaths related to an untested experimental drug! MedaPharm took our product and sold it to the public before we could conduct safety tests!” one of the angry men, whom Xiaoye recognized
“Hold on, Mr Jeong. No one mentioned this untested drug. Care to explain?”
“I would most certainly love to, inspector, once these two are out of my sight!”
“Okay, you two, out the gates, now,” Weijin muttered as he and Xiaoye ushered the two men, one elf and one Chinese man appearing to be in his late twenties with thin-rimmed glasses and slightly dishevelled hair away from the angry crowd.
“It’s nonsense, I’m telling you! We never sold untested drugs to the public!” the elf protested.
“Hey, we don’t even know what’s happening, so how about we go to our car over there and talk before they decide to beat you both up with science? Xiaoye, you take Clifford, I’ll handle Hekkal,” Weijin retorted as he split the elf from the Chinese man and esocrted him towards a nearby tree while Xiaoye brought the man to their patrol vehicle..
“Okay, Mr Clifford Tan, right? We’ll like to ask you some questions regarding Mr Ronald Peterson.”
“Ah, Mr Peterson, we heard what happened to him. What do you wish to know about?” Clifford asked.
“Basic questions first: How well do you know Mr Peterson and what was your relationship with him like,” Xiaoye asked.
“Well, he and I aren’t exactly close, but we do communicate quite often, usually through video chat. I am one of the chief chemists in charge of creating new products for our company, and every time Mr Peterson comes to Singapore, he would check on my department. He’s a rather hands-on executive.”
“And what were you talking to him about on the day of his murder?”
“Yes, I remember. He had approached me and Hekkal that morning, requesting an update for a drug we’re developing to help with severe insomnia, a healthier, safer alternative to sleeping pills, see?”
“How long has this drug been in development?”
“Two years, now. As per signed agreements between our companies, HJP was supposed to begin manufacturing it this year, but as you saw earlier, something happened. They’re accusing MedaPharm of stealing an untested version of the drug and selling it to the public, which caused a lot of people around the world to be hospitalized… Even a few deaths.”
“Any reason why they would accuse your company?”
“I don’t know why they think we did it, I mean, maybe it really was someone from MedaPharm who stole the prototype and sold it through black markets, but who knows? HJP Inc isn’t exactly known for covering up their mistakes, however. Five years ago, the entire board of directors publicly apologized for an incident where one of their facial products was contaminated due to manufacturing errors. If they’re accusing my company of doing something wrong, they might have a good reason, and I’ll be inclined to believe them.”
“I’ll take that information into account. Now, back to the subject of the deceased Mr Peterson. Does he have any enemies?”
“None that I know of. He’s a very private person, at least, he was to me. You might want to check with his direct colleagues, they might know a thing or two.”
Xiaoye nodded, but then a question began bugging the back of her head. She hesitated for a moment, but then decided to ask anyways.
“Tell me about Mr Kang Zhan Ling.”
“Our PR manager? Why? What do you want to know about him?”
“Mr Kang is only in charge of the company’s public relations in Singapore, yet he had enough clout to be meeting with the executives from the main branch in Australia and know about things that should not be within his job scope. Why does he have so much power?”
Clifford swallowed nervously as he looked around before leaning forward slightly with his voice lowered.
“Look, don’t go around telling this to anyone, but Mr Kang was stuffed into the role of PR manager because he ticked off the big boss back in Australia. Hekkal and I literally took over his role, so he’s not exactly pleased with us. The thing is, Mr Kang is multi-talented, a genius, you could say, so I’ve been doing my best to stay on his good side. His greatest trait is gathering information without anyone realizing. He knows a lot about what’s going between all the departments, and he knows how to use that information.”
“He’s blackmailing?” Xiaoye asked.
“Well, I don’t know if you can call it blackmail since he never made any threats, but he makes sure everyone knows that he has information they don’t want being leaked. Combine that cunning with a firm confidence and an expertise in subtle manipulations and you get a nightmare who can ruin a famous person without lifting a finger. That’s the reason why he knows so much, and why he’s so arrogant. He thinks he’s untouchable.”
“Huh, that explains why he didn’t mind insulting me and my colleague despite our bodycams. All right, we’re done. Cheers.”
“Anytime, officer. Just be careful when dealing with Zhan Ling. I’ve lost friends to him,” Clifford replied before joining Hekkal, whom Weijin was done interviewing, and leaving the area in a car.
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