《Holmes: the case of the colored blood》feb. 3 20xx : Recoring 2


This is a recorded conversation. I, sherlock holmes and-


For god's sake Watson, show some self-control.

Watson and I have potentially discovered a new suspect in our case. I apologize for my comrade miss-

Heart, Trinity Heart

Miss. Heart, where were you on the 2nd of february?

Well, I was getting flowers for my boyfriend, he’s so sweet...

I see,

I honestly don’t know what I’d do if he weren't in my life. I’d die for him. He'd die for me. We’re like Bonnie and Clyde… I’d be Clyde, obviously, I’m just, SUCH a Clyde.

Don’t you mean Bonnie?

No, Why? Because I’m pretty? Because I'm missing one of my toes? I can be whoever I want and I want to be Clyde.

Of course, you can, why those particular people though? have you done something illegal?

Illegal? Of course not why would I-


Holmes, Watson, holmes… now Miss Heart I believe I asked where YOU were.

Well, yeah, but I just love him so much.

I can tell, miss heart as much as I would LOVE to further converse about your boyfriend. That being said I would like you to focus on what I'm asking. I don't want to learn about your relationship. I would like to learn more about you.

Oh, um, awkward... you seem nice but, I’m kinda taken.

You know what I mea-

My boyfriend's taken to.

As am I, Miss heart I feel like you trying to evade my questions.

You do?

I do. In fact, I think you're hiding something.

I am?

YES! now miss heart, if you refuse to answer my questions, we can always take this down to the station-

No, we aren't taking this anywhere, mam, I’m so sorry, we normally don’t operate this way.

No, it's okay, I was actually having fun, I’ve never been questioned by a detective before.


Babe, Look what I- whose this?

Oh, honey, this is Mr. Holmes, he’s a detective

Yeah, no shit

Have I seen you somewhere before?...

Hon, What do you think? is it too much-

ah, yes! I beleave I saw you in the papers-

Okay, time to go home

But we were having a really good conversation.

Honey, please, I’m hungry...

...you can be such a baby sometimes, you know that?

I thought you liked that about me.

.... aw <3 I can’t say no to that face… :3 alright let's go.

You folks have a nice evening

Hold on! I’m not done yet!.... WATSON!

No, we are not going to take a random woman to jail.

She kept dodging my questions

Because you were harassing her. She was humoring you. Look, we can’t just press random strangers into saying something… that's not how this works

Oh, Watson, Watson, you fool. you pure, unadulterated idiot.

Recording end

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