《The Bad Boy's Property》Ep.3: Chapter 8: Two Boys in a Row



"We're s-sorry, Theos! P-please! Don't d-do this! W-we d-don't know who s-she is. G-give us a chance t-to know her. C-c-can you t-tell us who s-she i-is? W-we aren't aware t-that you k-know her." The leader quavered without the intent to even look toward the man.

"Y-yes. P-please t-tell us!" Agreed said the woman on the left.

I saw the other woman nod. "P-please g-give us a chance, Theos!"

They keep calling him Theos. Is that his name?

I wanted to talk, however, I know I shouldn't, so I stayed quiet. Moreover, I don't know what to say.

Even if I know what I'm going to say, anything I say might ruin what he's doing for me if I talk. I know for sure when these women knew that we don't know each other, it's not going to be in my favor.

I heard him tsked.

"Idiots like the three of you will keep making mistakes if I let you stay at my territory. Now, you know what to do." Remarked of the man beside me.

His territory? So this is his school the reason why they are afraid of him? Is he telling them to get out of his school? If I get his statement right, then he could get rid of whoever he wants because this is his school? But this is his school and it should be concerning him that some people turning their back to patronize his school because it's business, isn't that right? That fact must be alarming him because he owns this school and getting rid of people is not something that he is supposed to do.

These thoughts are just confusing me more. Nothing explains why these women are too terrified of him. What to be afraid of? And they also seemed to be terrified of being dispelled. Why are these women pleading to stay? They have even kneeled? Why are they so determined to stay? I still don't understand anything.

"P-please, please, please! Don't do this to us!"

My attention did not stay attached only to the ladies in front of me and the man beside me. I sensed that something is happening with our surroundings which broaden the coverage of my attention.

I realized that our surroundings were filled with eyes paid to us. It's like in one snap, everybody's attention was paid to us. It was as if all of them were interested in me and wanted to see me. Most of the expressions I recognized on their faces were like they were interested to see what was happening and raking their eyes around our spot to see who are the people involved. Their looks are more lasting to me. I know I'm too beautiful that they can't resist looking at me but it seems different to me. There has to be going on that I don't have an idea what is.

Because of this, I got more curious about who this man is. Who is he apart from being the owner of this school?

It made me think about the real situation here. I didn't even know this guy for him to shoulder me like this. It is not believable that he is defending someone he doesn't know and only happens to come across with. Does he have motives? Oh, my veggies. I hope not.

Does he know someone who knows me? Maybe he does. It's very odd to me that he is defending me without a substantial reason.

I suddenly felt a hand locks my left arm and pulled me away from the people. As soon as I raised my eyes to the person, I recognized the man they called Theos.


I looked at the arm that he is holding. It seems like it was just a moment ago that I was trying to understand and feel his presence, but now he is holding me and I could feel his touch already.

He brought me into the unoccupied space of the school. He let go of my arm.

Now, I could talk to him already.

"Hey. Can I ask something?"

He did not turn his head or look. It's like he got nailed at his position.

The fact that he is staying and listening, I continued.

"Why did you save me? Do you know someone who knows me?" I asked.

I have waited for an answer. I saw his throat move like he just gulped before slowly turning his head to look at me. He stared at my eyes for a second, down to my nose, to my cheeks, and lastly my lips, quietly. Then, his eyes went up again to my eyes. After that, he begins to walk away without even saying a word.

That's weird. I think I lost my breath for a moment but it seemed like a thousand years while he was looking at me that way. My heart is unexplainably beating loudly.

I am really curious. Why did he save me? If he doesn't know someone who knows me, then why?

"Wait!" I called him out before he could finally leave.

He stopped the continuous steps he made toward his front.

"Just one last question." One last question, even though I did not have the answers to the question I asked him initially. I break speaking for about a second or two to make sure he was listening and would not walk away, then rolled it out my tongue. "Why don't you have facial expressions?"

This time, I am not waiting for an answer.

I saw him turn his head slowly, only to show his fiery eyes. They were looking straight into my eyes and penetrating my soul. Okay. I was just kidding. Don't murder me, please. He rolled his eyes away and started to walk again.

I got to breathe when he turned away. I got nervous about that. I thought I'm going to die with that stare.

But I realized how funny it was after a few seconds, so it made me start giggling. I waved my eyes to stare at him again, whom I was supposed to see walking away and from a far distance already, but to my surprise, he is staring at me with his eyes like fire. I was startled. I snap out of the laughter and quickly went serious, then I turned around just to avoid the death stare he is throwing at me.

I bit my lower lip while wishing he wouldn't do anything to harm me. Then, I felt like I could breathe again when I heard he was making his steps away again. I'm happy I could still live.

Even though he did not answer my question, it's fine. I can figure it out myself. It's better this way than talk to him again that way.

He is so pretty to look at. So handsome. However, he doesn't seem to know how to smile.

I suddenly remembered his name. He is Theos and I don't remember I know someone who is named after that. I don't recognize his face, too. So, I'm sure we don't know each other.

I'm glad that I am safe until now. Big thanks to the guy who didn't want to talk to me. If I know someone he knows, I might recognize that person right away when I see the face, but if it's not going to be the thing, then he simply wanted to help me earlier.


I remember something. I forgot to thank him for saving me.

But he might know me or someone he knows, knows me as there are practically a lot of people who know me because I am a goddess. I am the queen of goddesses. That is the reason why a lot of people know me!

Kidding aside, I have to thank him when we meet again for being kind to me.

I think I need to take myself to my classroom now. I might be late for class if I continue being floated by thoughts.

I started to walk towards the way of my classroom.

As I walk my way through this hallway to get to my classroom, I hear other footsteps simultaneously as I walk. It frightens me. I couldn't figure out whether to stop or continue to walk. I am completely aware that there could be someone else walking here in this hallway because there are a lot of fellow students here. It will not be surprising to know someone else's walking around the school premises. But that is if the school is not Eco High that anyone must not be worried about anything like this in this kind of situation.

I couldn't turn my head. It's like I'm going to die if I do so. I'm too nervous.

This might be the same as in the earlier event and there is nobody else here to defend me this time.

I gulped.

I tried to stop walking to see if the one behind me who is also walking would walk past me, but the sounds of the footsteps from my back have faded to my ears, too.

Has the person behind my back been following me through here and plans to do something bad to me, too?

Holy, moly! I am dead!

I have still managed to proceed walking. Then, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me again. Oh, my veggies! This person is following me for real!

I'm too afraid to turn to look at the person. I don't have guts.

I inhaled and exhaled. Don't be afraid, Jelaine. You need to pretend that you are not afraid of them and you are strong so your life gets longer.

It took us to the middle of this long hallway but until now, there isn't anything that has happened to me yet. I was even able to walk 70% of the hallway and still nothing happened.

For the second time, I tried to stop walking and the sound of the footsteps at my back are gone too. Only minutes ago, this is creeping me out, but now all the fears I had were gone and replaced by irritation because I just discovered that this person is not going to hurt me and only trying to freak me out.

I can't stand it anymore so I did not walk for now.

I uttered a heavy sigh out of irritation. A second later, I decided to turn around to confront the person behind me. Then, I saw a man hiding his hands in his jeans pockets. He has a strong and a very manly aura, standing with his eyes looking into his front.

I scanned his face and I was surprised secretly. He is handsome.

So, the whole time, this is the person walking behind me. I got alarmed, anxious, and hesitated because he is a guy and I am a lady, but despite that, I was able to pull myself together and cheer myself up. I have to convince myself constantly to look strong and fearless. I should not be frightened.

"Hey, you, long-legged guy! Are you following me?" I asked in a boastful manner. He is very tall, the reason why I said that but I realized how dumb it was to talk to him this way because it's not like I could intimidate a man like him if I do so.

He looked at me reluctantly. His face was stained with wonder a little bit, but his whole character mostly portrays an aura of a bad boy.

"I don't. I am only letting you go first because I am a real man. Ladies go first to me." He stretched his head, left and right. My system panicked because he was stretching like he was about to go into a physical fight. But I did not show. I should not. I could feel that he got pissed. "You sounded like you are accusing me, miss. Next time, you better not assume."

Of course, I have to defend myself.

"W-w-what? I did not accuse you, mister! That's the reason why I asked you. Because I did not want to accuse you! Can you blame me? You also stop whenever I stop walking!" I pretended to be as brave as my friends would do if they are put in this situation.

His glare is as hellish as I have experienced with Grey earlier.

"Never call me the way you called me earlier, again. If you don't want to die yet."

I got to breathe well again when he walked past me. I'm so weak. I get intimidated so easily.

I shook my head violently to force awake myself.

No. This is nothing. There are a lot more to come. I have to focus on being brave and fearless. I am just at the start of the whole year.

"What's your name, then?" I asked while he is walking away from where I am.

He stopped walking. He did not turn around.

"Why do you have to know?"

I gulped without a sound. I am honestly very nervous right now. I hope this guy won't do anything to harm me. I hope he is a real guy.

"If you don't want to be called something else, you have to tell me your name," I answered.

I heard the guy tittered.

"Not that you can call me by my name either." He begin to walk again and this time faster.

I got goosebumps talking to this guy right here. I can't feel my nerves. I am still tense.

Again, I am glad that I am still alive until now. I just hope that this guy did not take this too seriously. I hope that I did not piss him off real good.

When I recovered and came back to my senses, it made me think about what he said.

Is he telling me that I can't call him by his name? Then what should I call him? And why so?

That's weird. Why can't I call him by his name?

Why every man that I come across with are weird? I'm being left with questions like that Theos earlier.

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