《Silverwing: Guardian》Chapter 12


Sounds of creaking metal wheezed through the air and the Technician sensed what was happening. The giant steel tower from before was finally giving in as its melted legs collapsed in on themselves, and soon the steel tower broke off from the power lines and was falling straight toward them.

The Technician cursed as he was forced to hop back out of the way, releasing Chase from his grip, right as the tower crashed in between them. "How inconvenient," he said.

Then a police car rolled up at the entrance of the plant and Calvin came out in his full gear, blue and white uniform armor, his helmet clasped on with a dark tinted visor staring right at the Technician. With his blaster at the ready, Calvin threw a pair of electric handcuffs at the Technician, who simply caught and crushed them. The Technician sighed with a static voice, “You can spare me the formalities, I’m sure you already know my answer.”

“Yeah, well, I still gotta do my job,” Calvin aimed his blaster at the robot and fired.

The Technician formed a metallic barrier from his body and blocked the majority of the blasts, this time no lasers could get through. At the same time, on the outside end of the barrier, blasters were formed and started firing back at Calvin, who instinctively ran for cover. The ground shook with every explosion, stone and metal flew all around as Calvin ducked behind a collapsed metal pillar.

"This guy's insane," Calvin said to himself before peeking over to see the Technician and find Chase, but he immediately had to duck under again as a laser narrowly missed him.

The robot was about to approach him before a higher pitched voice shouted from the base of the fallen tower from earlier.

"Hey Tin Can!" Alice was there, with her hair blowing in the wind and wielding a blaster from one of the fallen guards. "Eat Lasers!" She blasted away, albeit clumsily and it took her a good few seconds of blasting a bunch of stuff around the Technician before she managed to even hit him. The rifle was shaking crazily in her hands as she struggled to hold the weapon while it fired a barrage of lasers.

The Technician simply stared at her unamused, watching her embarrass herself, until some of the lasers actually started hitting him but none of the lasers burned through his body’s hard exterior. He had strengthened his armor to counteract such common weaponry.

"Enough of this," the Technician retracted his weaponized barrier, and jumped high up into the air and landed right in front of Alice, then he simply grabbed the nozzle of the blaster and absorbed the weapon right from her hands.

"Uhhh," Alice was wide eyed before she gave a nervous smile. "Heh, heh, maybe we can talk about this?"

"Out of all the fools who would dare oppose me, a little girl with questionably colored hair is the last thing I expected. You should know your place," the Technician snarled as he raised a hot hand right to her face.


“Well, I’ll have you know that my hair is a perfectly fine color,” Alice pouted but started edging away as she was faced with an incoming laser blast.

However, a blue laser blast hit the Technician at the back of his head, which distracted him enough to give Alice time to run.

“Argh!” The Technician growled and tried to fire after Alice, but he was too angry to aim properly. He whirled around and saw Calvin standing next to Chase’s limp body with a blaster raised.

The Technician roared and fired back. Calvin did his best to dodge, but with no cover and not nearly enough speed, a laser grazed his arm. Calvin grimaced as a hot scorch mark appeared with the armor melted off, but he held on. However, more lasers continued to hit him, another on the shoulder, two grazed his side, and one was a direct hit to the chest that sent him tumbling down.

He gritted his teeth and clutched at his wounds as he felt searing burns and agony flash in waves through his body. Knowing that he was vulnerable, Calvin quickly grabbed a black device and through the pain he peeked to see the Technician walking up to him, and quickly he chucked an electric boa that swiftly moved through the air from a small circular object to two cables swinging around and wrapping the Technician up with jolts of electricity. The Technician backed off, struggling through the shock, as he writhed around to shake it off.

[Battery: 5%]

Chase felt relieved as he got back up, the pressure he felt before was gone now, but he didn't quite know what happened. He pushed the steel tower off of himself and looked around, trying to regain his senses. What happened? A power tower crashed on him, which he assumed stopped the Technician, fortunately. He checked his vitals and his limbs and, even more relieved, found very few damages, other than most of his exterior armor gone. He still has enough of his body to be able to walk, an ability he never wanted to lose again.

But something was wrong, where was the Technician? He heard a metallic shriek and looked up to see the Technician getting zapped by an electric boa wrapped around him, and in front of him was Calvin, who was crouched on the ground with smoke coming off of him. Chase gritted his teeth as he realized all too well what was happening, Calvin wouldn’t be able to last for much longer.

Fortunately, the lasers would have cauterized any wounds caused by them upon impact, so they didn’t need to worry about blood loss, but even still, the burns would be incredibly dangerous.

Chase tried to get to him but his movements felt painfully slow and he crumpled to the ground. Checking his vitals again, he realized his body was much more damaged than he thought, and his battery was getting dangerously low. His body must’ve entered a low power mode to help preserve himself, but at the same time hindered his abilities.

To make things worse, the boa was never going to hold the Technician for long, especially when he had grabbed onto the cables and partially absorbed it enough to tear it apart. The Technician seethed, dropping the pieces, with the smoke still coming off of him, and immediately he fired a laser at Calvin, but at the same time another laser blast hit him on the back, causing him to miss.


“What is it now!” The Technician roared, whirling around to see Alice again. Then she started running around the Technician, firing shots at the same time, as the Technician fired back. This time though, she actually did land a few of the shots, but with each shot the Technician became more enraged. Eventually, he just formed a giant saw blade and threw it at Alice, who narrowly dodged it as it sliced off the ends of her long pink hair and straight through the door of the electricity plant and partially through the ground.

Recovering from what just happened, Alice tried to catch her breath and turned back to the Technician, but he was already right in front of her and tore away her blaster. “You should be banned from using these weapons.”

Panicking, Alice tried to punch the robot, but the Technician just tanked the hit and Alice reeled from the pain, clutching her fist which started to grow red. “Ow!”

“Did you really think that could hurt me,” the Technician said, yanking Alice by the hair and flinging her across the asphalt yard. Hitting the ground, Alice gasped for air as she felt frozen from the impact. And Chase desperately tried to move, to do something.

There wasn't another second to lose. His legs were shaky and he couldn't possibly beat the Technician in his current state...he couldn't even beat him in his prime.

“What would Rowan—No. What can I do?” Chase thought to himself. Maybe he didn’t have to beat him. He just needed a boost. Chase scanned around as quickly as he could, looking for anything that could help.

His battery was running dangerously low, but then he spotted a broken power cable from the steel tower, still sparkling with yellow electricity. Got it.

The Technician's hand glared with a vicious green, as Alice tried crawling away - cursing at herself a thousand times in her mind for not coming up with a better plan. “I would ask you for your last words, but quite frankly I don’t care at this point,” the Technician droned coldly and fired one laser blast at Alice’s head.

However, coming right in front of it was a blue and white figure. Calvin.

[Battery: 50%]

With his arm in front and legs stood strong, Calvin took the laser through his arm, which ended at his chest. “Argh, what about mine?” Calvin grimaced before collapsing.

“Calvin!” Alice shrieked and quickly jumped to his body, Calvin’s eyes were already closed as she shook him, but he didn’t respond except for his shallow breathing.

[Battery: 80%]

“Well, that was a waste,” the Technician said.

[Battery: 100%]

“Does this make you happy?” Alice cried at the robot. “Does killing people make you happy?”

[Battery: 120%]

"No. I gave you warnings. But you left me no choice,” the Technician said, raising his arm again.

But before the Technician could continue, a flash of lightning streaked through the scene, and a dark blue fist smashed into his head, sending him flying several feet away and grinded into the ground.

[Battery: 150%]

"Chase?!!" Alice said, shocked.

Standing in front of her was a regal knight radiating with lightning crackling all around his body, the rings on his body were glowing fiercely now as a bright blue aura surrounded Chase. "You look AWESOME!"

"And you're in danger. Get yourself and Calvin out of here!" Chase yelled back, and without another word, he dashed at the Technician again at lightning speeds.

Smashing into the Technician right as they were getting off the ground and slamming him into a wall. "Argh, how?" The Technician struggled to get a word out as Chase started punching him senselessly without giving him time to react, each hit breaking off pieces of his body and pushing him further into the brick wall, until one final hit broke him right through the wall and down into the open streets.

The Technician robotic body was dented and fractured all around, especially his face. Although he was slowly regenerating, he was running out of materials fast as green and black substances were crawling to him from other directions. Chase walked over to him with a Shocker in hand, planning to end things until a sudden pain ran through his chest.

[Battery: 1%]

Just as quickly as his battery had supercharged, it was drained in a matter of milliseconds. Chase wheezed as the pain was so sudden and piercingly agonizing that he could barely breathe. “No! Just a little bit longer! Please,” Chase pleaded with himself.

"What's wrong?" The Technician sneered, almost fully repaired. "Can't handle your own power?" Chase shakily grabbed his shocker again, pushed the button, and threw it at the Technician, hoping to do something. But the Technician simply stepped on the device and crushed it, and with a pathetic sizzle it was absorbed. "Tsk," the robot raised his arm and tried to fire a laser blast but it still didn't work. The Technician grumbled angrily, "you really caused me a lot of problems." Then they both heard the clicking of phones as a large crowd of people were gathered around at the scene, and to top it all off, a stream of Zone security guards and Horizon police were coming. "Lots of problems." The Technician made his escape, running off and hopping over the buildings with rockets propelling him.

Chase on the other hand was on the ground clutching his chest, as things were slowly going black. The last thing he saw were the masked guards picking him up and the sounds of Alice's cries.

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