《The Six Stones of the Realm》Chapter 2: He’s the King’s Head General
It does not matter what other people call you or what your title is. What you do know in the present and for the future, for others or yourself, that defines who or what you truly are.
- Alessio Amaryllis
Upon walking in the cold hallways with Garett, I soon suddenly stopped as I looked through one of the tall windows, and there I saw a glimpse of what was going on outside. The barricades that will be used for the next battle are currently under preparations. Several groups of knights, mages, and archers were all over the place, beginning preparation for today’s battle, though guessing from their actions to some of them, they seemed to be in a panic. I wonder if they’re just worried if they'll be able to live another day, if they’ll be able to still go home, to see their friends and family once again after another battle is over, or perhaps… they are worried about knowing the truth of who caused the gruesome deaths to their fellow messengers several days ago.
They were all found burnt that almost none of us were able to recognize them. From the report we receive, a certain brutal General, who we presume is the culprit, is the one who'll be leading the infantry soldiers from Helio Vermillion in today's battle. From how they describe the person, he seems to be someone who's very familiar to Garett and I for a very long time.
I could be wrong, but from the looks on his expression after hearing it, he wasn't happy about it. Ever since our training earlier this morning he still seemed troubled, silent, and constantly avoiding any eye contact.
"You seem unsettled for quite some time now, Garett…" I said as he stood there in the middle of the hallway, not facing me. Still, I continued to say, "You know that you can tell me what’s wrong… It’s better that way than keeping it all to yourself."
After a moment of silence, he suddenly took a deep breath before nodding a bit, then finally faced me with a much calmer and relaxed expression now. But what came out from his mouth made me surprised and suspicious of him all of a sudden.
"You know, Al… I could just run straight at the guy and plunge my axe deeply into his skull, then I will just be killed right after for that stupid attempt. But… I know it's not gonna be worth it, and would just be a waste of time for the both of us, right?"
My eyes then squinted as I stared at him. I know he wouldn't do such a thing, but I could sense that he's planning something else entirely, and he's involving me in it.
"Yes, you're right. Even with the power of my stone, I won't be able to be quick enough to stop you on your reckless plan if that happens." I said before crossing my arms. "But it seems there's something else in your mind that involves me, isn't there?"
"Ha! Never thought that you could read minds, Al. But yes, you're right about all of that. And it's just a simple task really, and only you who I know would be able to do it right." he responded with a smirk on his face and as he walked closer to me.
"Garett, I wouldn't mind doing it, but if he has something to do with revenge—"
"Who says anything about revenge?" he said, quickly interrupting me as he crossed his arms. "I just wanted you to teach that guy a lesson or two to never mess with us… and also to never to mess with the people here… And don't say that the king wouldn't agree to this. I highly doubt that he's not angry with the person who killed all of his messengers. With how he's treated everyone as his friends, how could he not be?"
Unfortunately, I had to agree that he was right about some of what he said.
The king does treat every knight, mages, even mere citizens in towns, or anyone his kingdom scopes, he all treated them as his 'friends'. Even those who are from the other kingdom who just got recruited, he would happily welcome them with open arms. And despite how he always seems to be happy, deep inside he's probably already feeling anger and regret for so much loss.
I suppose there's no other choice, is there? Though I have no intention to kill the man, and it's not enough for the lost lives he caused, but it's probably- and hopefully enough for Garett to not do anything reckless in the future. I thought before taking a deep breath before responding to him with, "... I'll see what I can do."
"That's the spirit!" he said as he suddenly patted me, much harder on the back this time, before sliding his arm around my neck and pulled me a bit closer to his side. "Now that part is settled, aren't you going to meet up with the king this morning? Or more importantly... meet up with her before she leaves for their journey soon?"
As he said those last words, I looked down at his hand where he was holding an anemone flower, before looking back at him with a smirk on his face which annoyed me, but I still kept my composure and slowly began to move his arm off from me.
"I’ve already told you multiple times that there's nothing going on between Lady Lucerne and me…" I said before looking away in a different direction. "... And a woman such as herself deserves a better man, not someone like me who's got a bad reputation, let alone looks that bring fear in the land..."
"And there you are again with your self-loathing." he said as he sighed and shook his head. "Have confidence in yourself for once in your life, Al! Sure- we heard that she already turned down a lot of men before we met her, but those guys only came for her looks. But you? despite what she heard about you... and despite your so-called 'scary appearance', she didn't hesitate on coming along with you that night, didn't she?"
I couldn't deny that any of what he just said wasn't true. But responsibilities always come first and would always occupy us no matter what, so there's only little- or there's no time even for such things as having fun and looking for love for people like me. But then again, fate always has its tricks up its sleeves just for its cruel sense of humor.
"Right, I think that's enough time wasted. Now if you have nothing else important to say to me, and you’re feeling fine now to fight, then I suggest that you better get yourself ready, get to your position like everyone else, and as planned… While I'll be excusing myself now to report to the king that everything is ready." I said as I began walking away while holding that certain object in one hand.
Garrett’s shocked expression was the last thing I saw from him. But not long after, I heard him say in a satisfied and happy tone, "Ooohhhh— Alrighty then. Seems we'll continue more of this talk tonight. And remember what I told you earlier!" before hearing his footsteps fade as he walks to the opposite direction of the hallway.
It seems that he noticed it after all. Though I'm wondering now if listening to his advice was ever a good idea in the first place. I thought as I began staring at the white anemone flower that I was able to slip away from his hand earlier. White anemones symbolizes protection, and perhaps the reason why he picks this flower specifically. Though, does he truly expect me to make such a bold move at a time like this?
I shook my head before soon arriving in front of the two big doors of the king's study room, and hid my hand that was holding the flower on my back. And as I was about to knock on the door, I stopped as soon as I suddenly heard a familiar voice of a man, the king himself, saying, "... Are you truly sure that you’ll be fine traveling? I could order the Head General to accompany you on your trip to make sure you're safe."
"No need, your Highness... I know that you are concerned for my safety, but I can assure you that I'm quite capable of protecting myself and others, and we will return as soon as we've accomplished our task." she replied in a calm and reassuring manner.
It seems that there’s nothing that would change her mind. Even if it’s only a couple of days, and I know that she could protect herself, still I… No, I need to put my worries aside, and trust her decisions… I put my thoughts into a halt, and finally knocked on the door.
"Oh! Come in!" the king responded, before I opened the door and walked in.
The king stood there in front of the window blocking the morning’s sunlight, with his hands on his back and his usual smile on his face. Then there’s the Lady of the Lake or known now as the Lady in Blue, who slightly turned her head to look at me as I bowed and greeted them both, "Good morning, Lady Lucerne... Your Highness."
"My apologies if I'm interrupting something, but I must report to His Highness that the preparations and troops are primed for battle, and now awaiting your orders."
"Ah, right. Our enemy waits for no one afterall," he said before he looked at her.
"Of course, I understand… But please, even when just observing, and even when he is with you, please, still try to keep yourself safe, Your Highness..." she said as she bowed to him.
He then nodded to her in response before he continued walking away.
After watching him leave the room, I was about to follow him, but I took another one look at the lady, and there I noticed that her smile slowly faded while she was looking down at the small white box that she had in her hands. And not for long, without any hesitation- or any second thoughts even, my legs began to move on their own. Making me walk towards her side, to carefully put the white anemone flower behind her left ear, as I said to her, "May you have a safe journey. I… No, We will all be waiting for your return, Lady Lucerne."
Her face flushed a bit as her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me and touched the flower gently, she then began to smile again. And that was the last expression I saw from her before I soon left the room, and followed the king, who- as expected- would look at me with a goofy grin because of what he just saw. I stared at him for a while before looking in a different direction, and started walking away with him in silence.
But it didn't take long before he broke it when he finally spoke.
"You know, General. I knew that you secretly have feelings for Lady Lucerne, but I never thought, or expected even, that you can—"
"Finish that sentence..." I quickly interrupted him with a grim tone and gave him a sudden glare, "... and I won't hesitate to end your bloodline here and now in this very hallway. I’ll slice your head with my sword then throw your body off in the nearby window, any witnesses outside will be horrified..." But of course I never meant that, and as expected from him, he chuckled it off awkwardly.
"There you go again with your grim sense of humor. I was only joking… on some part of it at least. But it seems that you didn’t deny it either way. So it must be true..."
"Hmph. Whether I deny it or accept it as a fact, I know that it won’t stop you from teasing me, and instead you’ll be doing it more often..." I said as I looked away from him. "I've served you long enough to know you that much at least, Your Highness."
"Ah, I suppose that you’re right about that." he said with a slight chuckle after.
"And I must say, I am truly impressed by how you're able to keep yourself determined, and patient in serving a childish king like me. Any other hot-tempered man would have probably quit after a day or two, but you still stayed for years now, and despite knowing of the terrible tragedy that I caused as well…" he said as his cheerful tone seemed to have died down a bit, and his head slightly lowered now.
As soon as I sensed that the air suddenly became heavy, I turned my head to look at him. Seeing his eyes were focused on his brooch that has the Stone of Void embedded on his tie, the stone was glowing bright purple. His hand fidgeted on it for a while then stopped as his eyes shifted to me as soon as he noticed me watching him.
"You’re staring… Are you perhaps worried that I might not be able to take it and cause another tragedy?" he asked as he looked at me while still keeping that smile on his face, despite that I could sense that he seemed to feel uneasy. "It is true that I'm not the one who will be facing the enemy in battle, and I will just be observing it, but still, I fear much more facing the truth from the man himself, and causing distractions later…"
"I know, and I'm aware of that… That's why I already had it planned beforehand." I said as I handed him a pair of golden armlets fused with a source of magic. "You can wear these for now."
He gave me a surprised look mixed with a bit of hesitation whether to take it but decided to take them anyway. "I know these armlets… They are used to keep the user's powers and emotions stable. But if they won't be able to hold it any longer, it'll break and cause some damage to the person who gave it, or what I've heard at least..." he said as he locked them on his wrists.
He stared at the armlets before looking back at me once again and asked, "Are you… truly sure about this? You might need these armlets more than I do."
"Thank you for your concern, but I'll be able to control my emotions and its power just fine now, and even without them anymore." I said before opening the big doors for him as he looked at me in disbelief for a moment before soon smiling again.
"Alright, I'll believe your word for it." he said before walking out to the rampart.
As I followed him right after, I noticed that most of the archers were surprised to see their king walk out of the door. Perhaps they were still hoping for him to change his mind on watching today's battle at the last second, but unfortunately for us, he didn't.
Though, I told them before that I will take the blame if anything were to happen to him, and for the fact that I didn't even try to convince him earlier as well, fully knowing it'll just be a waste of time. Because knowing him, he's as stubborn as I am.
"Right, this is it… There’s no going back on this decision." I said before I took a deep breath then turned to look at the king beside me, and asked him, "Are you ready?"
His eyes were focused at the distance as he responded, "Ready as I’ll ever be."
And then we heard it. The loud sound of the horn coming from afar. With their horses galloping, and banners of their kingdom, the kingdom of Helio Vermillion, are being held high. There's also two Generals who came this time instead of one. Though only one of them was wearing a mask that covered their upper face, while the other wasn’t afraid to show their face. With that, I was able to recognize him as someone who is very familiar to me. From what they reported to me before, and seeing his face now, I am certain that he is that man, that General, the one who’s called the Brutal Bear.
The king then put his hood on while asking, "... Do you know him, General?"
I nodded as I grabbed my bow and arrow. "General Haco. One of the most brutal Generals in Helio Vermillion. Any novice under him will either die from his very difficult training, or will survive but barely. He’s pretty greedy and so full of himself… I'm surprised that he still has a title despite the disobedience that he did."
Though, I wouldn't be surprised to know if he truly was the one responsible for the massacre of our men. I thought then I noticed he lowered his hand as if it became numb.
"I see," he said in a serious tone with his head lowered. "Then do what you must."
I stared at him for a moment before looking at the opposing army that just arrived.
"Halt!" General Haco shouted loudly from afar.
He then looked at us, more specifically, at the King. "King of Ivory Moon!" he yelled as he pointed his finger at him. "You are aware we’re at war, and yet you kept on sending your messengers in our territory. In the Queen’s territory!... Though I must say…" from his face boiling with rage, he let out with a chuckle then smirked. "It was truly enjoyable to kill off your idiotic men while it lasted, but now it’s getting exhausting and annoying…"
Some of our archers nearby began whispering to each other. "How could he!" I heard one of them whisper to the other. "That man isn’t human!" whispers another. And just like what Garett told me earlier, the king was truly affected by it. But it's just now that his anger has become much more visible than before.
His hands clenched into fists as the golden armlets he's wearing began to shake. He then said under his breath, "How sickening. I've heard enough, that's enough…"
"Your Highness, I think it's best if you would—" one of the nearby archers said but the king raised his hand.
"I'll be fine," he said with his head lowered. "I want to see this until the end."
The archer and I exchanged looks and nodded to each other. I looked back at the Brutal General who still hadn't shut his mouth.
Taking a deep breath, I nocked an arrow into my bow, maintained the draw, then began to aim it at my target, and not for long...
"Not only that you’re a coward, but you’re also not that much different from—"
I shot him and he was already too late to dodge it. The arrow was shot directly on his hand and even went deep through his arm. It was quickly followed by his loud screeching of pain with several curses that spouted out of his dirty, loud mouth. He then looked at me directly, gritted his teeth in anger then soon raised his sword with his other hand and soon commanded,
"That bloody traitor…! Warriors! Don’t spare these hypocrites! Charge!"
Then it began. Cavalry soldiers, along with their very injured general, galloped their way towards the castle, while everyone was already in position, and moving like clockwork under orders that we’ve planned for days.
"Hold," I ordered, looking down at the horde of soldiers below.
I noticed the king looking at me, making me turn in his direction. "For your poor sensitive ears, Your Highness, I may suggest that you cover them for now. My voice may make you deaf, especially how close you are beside me right now..."
He nodded quietly before moving back and covered his ears with his hands.
I looked down below, and not long, I pulled out my sword and raised it high in the air, casting Magic Adrenaline to all of my archers around, causing their magic and dexterity to increase as I called out very loudly, "Fire!"
All of the archers casted Arrow Rain at the same time as they let their arrows fly.
Even if it was an attack with only one arrow from each of them, those arrows turned into ice and were multiplied as they began raining down on the enemy. And then there were screams of pain— ringing in all sorts of directions, along with the sounds of clashing swords, and loud battle cries. Though while there were sounds of war going on in front of the portcullis, there was something that I noticed that was off-putting to me. That there was something that didn't add up.
I noticed that there were still a group of cavalry soldiers in line in the distance but what drew my attention was a suspicious figure, their masked general that seemed to stare in my direction. He looked away as soon as I fully noticed him and he looked at General Haco who retreated with his surviving men.
The masked General then continued to stare at them once again before soon raising his hand, and the rest of his men behind him began to leave, leaving General Haco and his men behind.
"Semaphore! Ask three thousand soldiers to drive them to the river bank!" I ordered to which the king soon walked beside me giving me a confused expression on his face.
Keeping myself quiet while still looking at the distance, the king then looked in that direction as well, and soon realized the next thing that was about to happen.
As our soldiers stopped before reaching the dried up river bank, General Haco and his men stopped just right at the middle of it, and began to tell them mockingly to come at them and fight, while the masked General and his cavalry were already on the other side, keeping themselves quiet and only been observing the idiocy and mockery of his so-called ‘allies’. Then the wooden dam opened, causing a huge flood of water surging quickly in the river bank and wiped out General Haco along with his men.
The masked General and his soldiers didn’t faze at all as they did nothing and soon left.. I find it strange but I let out a sigh of relief at our victory. Our men all around cheered and the king chuckled.
"You used your knowledge on the terrain of this kingdom to our advantage very well, General. Truly, you keep surprising me with these kinds of things."
"If I didn't, then I'm no good at my job, am I? " I said as I began rubbing my temple, feeling a sudden headache coming. "I didn't expect that there would be another who came, but luckily, he didn't seem to be interested in what Haco was planning, and just got dragged into his mess. But he was observant of us, so I suppose we'll be changing our—"
I suddenly paused and turned to his direction as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"General Amaryllis, I believe that you’ve done enough for today… So why not celebrate tonight at the Grand Hall with the others, or return to your bedroom to take a long and needed rest. Either way, I just want you to take this out of your mind for tonight. We can talk more about the change of plans, strategies… and that mysterious general, after tomorrow’s morning meeting..." he said, giving me a small smile.
He then removed his hood as his eyes shifted away from me, and his tone became slightly awkward. "Does… Does that sound fine with you? Though, I’m not telling you this as an order, but I too am concerned for your well-being after all…"
I stared at him for a moment, surprised by what he just said before soon realizing, Ah, that’s right… He’s that type of king after all. Concerned even for people as low as me, even as a stranger to him back then… He truly hasn't changed. I sighed in relief at the thought.
"Alright, I’ll take your word for it."
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