《The Six Stones of the Realm》Chapter 1: Clock Tower’s Midnight Chimes
On the highest floor of the clocktower there she sat once more, laughing one last time as death knocked on her door. She then gladly opened it and welcomed him with open arms. But the daughter wonders if she’s satisfied with this. If this is the ending that she waited for so long.
- Alessio Amaryllis
When I was still living peacefully with my step-father and my step-brother, when I still had a place to call home. When I was still able to visit a friend and his daughter after my long day’s work as a mercenary. Oh, how I miss those good old times, and how I wished for things to stay the same. But it has been so long, too long, and now it’s nothing more than just a wishful thought of mine. Now all I know is nothing else but to obey, fight, defend, and survive in this never-ending bloody war. As my hands only knew how to clutch on to a sharp weapon to strike, slash it against every flesh and bones of my enemies that come in my way.
Traitor! Traitor! Here comes the Bloody Traitor!
The same words I keep on hearing as my enemies charged towards me, and the last words that they ever shouted at the top of their lungs before soon meeting my blade and falling to the ground like flies right after.
There are still some who choose to run away or cower in their homes, and there are some who would look at me with a smile, and emotionless eyes as they open their arms wide as if they were opening their doors, welcoming death itself. Those are the type of people who make me hesitate at times to kill, and it sometimes makes me wonder if their lives truly mean nothing more to them.
But I suppose that it doesn’t matter, not in times like these...
Despite what different types of people think of me, I am no one’s hero, nor am I someone who always thirst for blood and battles. I’m just a Head General who does what is being ordered, and it is expected that death is inevitable when it comes to never-ending wars. I had already lost count of how many allies I’d fought beside- after a time, their names and faces had faded into the recesses of my hazy memory.
And then there was the Lady of the Lake.
She was one of the very few people with a reputation that matched the Sorceress. I'd heard of the woman through rumored stories and snatches of tavern gossip. "I heard she was the Sorceress’s daughter", one patron would say to another over a cup of ale. "I heard that they both are still living in that old clock tower in the hidden village, but the people there said that they only see the daughter who goes in and out of the clocktower..."
When I reported what I heard to the king, he then ordered me to find and protect her at all costs. Despite being tired from the previous battle, I never told him nor had I shown any weakness, and so I obeyed his orders, but things never went as planned.
The enemy found out about the Sorceress’ and her daughter’s whereabouts first and led an attack on the village. Once I arrived, the houses were already burning down, and some of the villagers were running away, but most of them were already burnt corpses with their drops of blood streaming down like rivers.
I gritted my teeth in anger and clutched onto my sword before closing my eyes and soon jumped down on a statue, fully breaking it on my landing and was enough to catch their attention. As I slowly stood up, I could hear them slowly start approaching me, seeing them armed with weapons, ready to attack for any of my movements.
I then took a deep breath before opening my eyes and in a couple of seconds, I struck them down in just one quick swoop then soon had their bodies immediately falling on the ground.
"It’s the Bloody Traitor! Get him!" one of them, a female’s voice, ordered her men before heading quickly inside of the clock tower.
She’s going for them, I need to get there before anything else happens.
But of course, things have never been that simple nowadays. Well, since when did things have been simple when it comes to wars. I sighed before taking a quick look around to see how many of them must I need to fight before being able to pass through. Soon I stabbed my sword quickly into the ground as the golden-colored stone in my tie began to glow, and casted Tempus Bane.
All my enemies around me slowed down after the spell, making me quicker by comparison, and enabling me to strike them all down in less than a minute, giving them a quick and painless death. The power of the Stone of Time is truly useful for situations like this, though I know only a couple of basic spells at the moment such as that one.
Before the spell wore off, I didn’t waste a single second and quickly headed inside the clocktower, going straight to the top floor, hoping that I wasn’t too late. But I always knew that fate always has its tricks up its sleeves just for its cruel sense of humor...
When I arrived there shortly, the Sorceress was already gone, and the culprit was now going for the daughter, the Lady of the Lake. The one who I was ordered to protect. I noticed that she was standing frozen in fear as the culprit pulled out a dagger. Without thinking of any plan, I acted quickly, and it took me exactly four seconds to close the gap and save her.
One. The lady of the lake closed her eyes, tears started streaming down her face.
Two. The culprit charges forward, but I noticed that she dropped her dagger.
Three. I quickly grabbed the daughter by the shoulder and pulled her away from us as I charged in towards the culprit with a ball of fire in my other hand, ready to shoot.
Four. But the culprit smiled and cast an Energy Blast that would hit us both.
Moments right after the explosion, a loud sound of shattered glass was heard then came the midnight chimes. The whole room was covered in smoke as I could feel there's now static energy in the air. I looked around to find the culprit but all I saw was the pieces of glasses on the floor along with the culprit's dagger.
I carefully picked it up and inspected it. It was not familiar to me at first sight, it looked like it was hand-made. The blade was made of ice magic, while the handle was made of metal and is covered in blue fabric.
There is a small orb as the dagger’s pommel that has a bird emblem inside of it that’s familiar to me, which assures me that they were from the enemy kingdom, the kingdom of Helio Vermillion.
It seems that they're getting more desperate than ever. I thought before slowly walking a bit on the large shattered window and carefully looked down to see if there was anyone there. But I didn't see anyone.
There’s only the red cloak that the culprit was wearing earlier. I suddenly felt a sudden chill run down my spine before being pulled back into the room by someone.
I quickly looked at that person and fortunately saw that it was her, she suddenly looked frightened as I was for a moment before we both sighed in relief.
"You’re not hurt, are you?" I asked.
She was surprised at first, but then quickly shook her head in response.
"That’s good, I'm glad that you're unharmed..." I said before falling to my knees and noticed her ran beside me. I then grunted in pain as I felt the wound in my chest. When I slowly looked at my hand, it was covered with my blood. Of course, I was hit, and that was expected coming from a big-range attack like that.
Seems like I've been too reckless again... I thought before looking at her.
"You are very badly wounded, please, let me..." she said.
"Don't worry, this is nothing more than a scratch. I'll be fine, I can assure you that..." I replied as I shook my head and began to slowly walk away. But she looked at me with disbelief before approaching me, and suddenly stopping me from my tracks.
She then forcefully but still carefully leaned me against the wall, and placed her hand on my wound, then I soon felt a sense of relief as the pain slowly fades away as if she’s healing me. And not for long, my eyes started to close by themselves despite how I didn't want to. Well, it’s not like I tried not to.
"You should take a rest for now..." she said in a soft tone but I shook my head.
"No, not yet. I still have a job to do. I still have to make sure of your safety..."
"I know that your are worried, but I can assure you that we will all be fine soon. I already had my two friends call for help in the nearest village. So you can rest assured, General Amaryllis of Ivory Moon."
After hearing that, I was quickly surprised at what she just called me, making me ask her all of a sudden, "General? How did you know my position?"
"Well, just like how I presume how you found this place. I've heard certain stories about you as well." She responded as I felt her stop, and suddenly heard sounds of ripping clothes. To my gentle surprise, she actually tore off her clothes a bit. "I heard that the people in your homeland call you the Bloody Traitor." she continued as I carefully sat up properly, no longer leaning on the walls.
I then heard her footsteps coming from behind me, and felt that she began to wrap the ripped fabric around my chest, covering my wound. "And I also heard how you one day mysteriously became the Head General serving Ivory Moon’s King..." I suddenly flinched a bit in pain when she began to tie it tightly.
"Though, I must say, I’m a bit surprised how you don’t fear me despite how I look, and all of the rumors you might have heard about me and my actions."
"Why would I be afraid of you?" She asked as I could feel her gentle hand on my back. "Please, tell me, why should I be afraid of someone who just saved my life earlier?"
I became silent for a while before opening my eyes, looking at my bloodied hand.
"I’m no one’s hero..." I responded in a cold tone.
"And you are no monster as well." she quickly added. "Not to me you are not..."
I suddenly became quiet and looked away as I saw her suddenly standing up.
"Stories can truly make you curious about things and people," she said as I heard her slowly walking away. "Some of them are true..." I then looked up at her, seeing how the silver moon creates a veil glowing around her body as she holds out her hand to me with a smile on her face. "... And some of them are not."
After she said those words, I couldn’t help but stare at her for a moment before soon taking her hand and carefully getting up. It was a strange feeling. I felt like this already happened before, but at the same time, how could that be possible if this is the first time I’ve been in this place, and the first time I’ve met her?
Perhaps, that I was just overthinking things again...
After the incident that night, the hidden village turned into nothing more than a ghost town. It was like nothing happened, like the town never existed and was easily forgotten by most people in the world. Though new stories and rumors were being told in taverns, such stories like the daughter accused of being the culprit for her own mother’s death, or stories that they both were killed during that night. Whatever they want to believe or spread at this point, it doesn’t truly matter to me, and it seemed that it didn’t matter to her as well.
Though it was strange, she didn't seem to mourn for the loss of her mother and express that much sorrow that night. She was calm, but I was sure that I heard her asking herself once under her breath if that was the true ending that her mother wanted. But it seemed that none of us would be able to know the answer to that.
She was quick to agree to go home with us to Ivory Moon along with a couple of survivors of the burnt village. And of course, the king never expected that we'd be coming home with that many people, but he was happy, overjoyed even. He welcomed them with open arms with such hospitality like he always does, but after that- once the king and I were alone, he gave me one of those long sermons- lecturing me like some sort of child, before letting me return to my quarters.
But as expected, it didn’t end there, as soon as I saw my step-brother, Garett, standing there with his arms crossed. He gave me the same long sermon- or more of a speech— as soon as I arrived back to my quarters. He knows that I wouldn't just go to places and be some damsel's knight in shining armor, especially if he hasn't met the woman himself. And so he assumed that it was the king’s orders given to me, which was true, and as expected, he was not very happy with it.
He was never fond of the king after all. Especially after knowing the truth, he stayed serving under the king’s rule for quite some time now, and for reasons that I still haven’t known or even asked him about even until now.
"I understand. It was an order by the king, and being the worry-wart person that you are, you had to go there immediately and despite being exhausted from our previous battle. But I just- I don’t- Why- Why didn’t you at least bring me along with you? We could have easily defeated them all together and you wouldn’t have ended up hurt like that! The Sorceress wouldn’t have died! I could have given you your— I could have given her revenge on a single platter!" Garett shouted at me.
I looked exhausted to the point I could feel my eyebags going deep. I just feel exhausted. "None of us wanted it, though..."
"What?" he said in a surprised tone, but still there’s a bit of anger in it.
"I was sent there by the king to protect her. That was my main priority. But when I came, the infantry soldiers of Helio Vermillion were already there and almost wiped out all of the people in the village. I fought them of course, but I had to make it quick. She needed a protector, not a vengeful person. And I didn’t bring you along with me, not only because it was urgent, but also because—"
"Because I don’t know when to be either." He said as he suddenly interrupted me.
The room was then filled with silence, as he looked at me like he was waiting for my answer- say something- anything, hoping that I would prove him wrong… But unfortunately, I didn’t.
"I don’t need to hear this from you," he spat. "Ever since you met that man, the self-proclaimed King of Ivory Moon, you started to change! Even though you seem like a bloody killer in battle, the thought of vengeance never came back to you ever again! And now you talk to me about kindness and protection?!..."
"You followed me by your own volition, I never asked you nor have I told you about my departure at that time. And I never said anything about kindness as well..." I said before sighing and standing up then walking towards him. "A dog may obey their master’s orders anytime, but once they hurt them unreasonably, even if they’re tame, they can and will still bite..."
The two of us exchanged burning glares at one another for a while. This is not going anywhere, and I’m exhausted from dealing with this kind of thing right now. I sighed at the thought and turned around, slowly walking back to my bed and sat down.
"You and I have been together for so long, we fought side by side in every battle in our mercenary days, and I did think the same way you did. After knowing the truth, I thought of killing the king for what he did, for vengeance. But I kept on hesitating when I had the chance until… I decided to not do it anymore." I said before looking at the Stone of Time on top of the end table beside my bed.
"In a different timeline, I would have probably killed him already after knowing the truth. In another, I wouldn't be mad at him that much, instead, I would try to understand him. But in this one, I’m not entirely sure how this one will end for any of us..." I then grabbed the stone and clutched onto it tightly before looking at him.
"You can still go home, Garett. It’s been so long, too long even. And this is my punishment for the mistake that I made, it’s mine alone to bear..." I said in a tired tone.
And there came a moment of silence before a loud sound punching the wall occurred that suddenly made me look at him. The wall was somewhat broken, it left a mark but it wasn't enough to leave a hole. I noticed that he was still glaring at me, but it seemed that his anger had lessened a bit than how it was earlier.
"You’re a damned fool." he snapped as a clunk sound was made when he threw his sword onto the floor. "If it weren’t for them, I would have left a long time ago." Those were the last words I heard from him before he soon stormed off the room.
Well, this isn’t the first time we argued. He’ll calm down after some time, so I’m not that worried that much. Though, it seemed that I got somewhat of an answer from him. Vengeance, because of what happened in the past... But even he seems to be hesitating on doing it, or perhaps he’s just waiting for the perfect timing to do so... I shook my head at the thought then stood up and picked up his sword on the floor, looking at my reflection in its blade.
Soon I saw glimpses— visions of blood on it a couple of times, before quickly throwing it on the floor, and noticing my shaking hands before grasping my head. I then tried to slowly calm down.
I am no one’s hero, nor am I someone who’s a bloodthirsty monster, and yet... why…
"You’re late." were the first words I heard as I suddenly opened my eyes, seeing the bright sky before turning my head to look around my surroundings. I saw the open hallway that separates this place and the huge garden from the other side, Gardenia. With smooth floorings, rows of arches with flat roofs that are made of marble and filled with tangled vines and flowers, hanging like waterfalls. This was the Royal Training Grounds— the king’s personal training area, where I attempted to teach him fencing, and he even gave Garett and I permission to train here as well.
Though it made me wonder how I ended up here. I didn’t recall falling asleep, or waking up, or walking here and started training with him.
Seeing his arms crossed and a dissatisfied look he said, "You were never late for our training like this before, so this is... a bit surprising to me."
I blinked once, or twice, or even a couple of times before slowly getting up from the floor. I truly can’t remember anything.
"I apologize, but I don’t even remember—" I stopped as soon as he suddenly threw my sword and by instinct I caught its grip with my hand. I then squinted my eyes as I looked at him, seeing that smirk on his face.
"Your agility seems fine, but let’s see if you still got it," he said as he charged towards me as I quickly blocked off his attack.
"It was strange. It almost felt like we just argued yesterday and you stormed off the room." I said as I parried and went on the offensive but soon I noticed how his expression just suddenly dropped.
"Oh, that..." he said before our blades met, and began to push against each other, trying to gain an upper hand. "No, it was yesterday- Of course it wasn’t yesterday! That happened a year ago!" He shouted and pushed against my sword and swung once more, barely giving me time to dodge.
He’s much faster now than how he was before. I thought before noticing him rushed at me with a hilt to the ribs, knocking me backward onto the floor.
When I looked up, the tip of his blade was already inches away from my throat, as he gave me such a blank stare that haunts me. But soon I noticed how the light on his eyes returned as he sighed and put his sword away from me.
"You’re getting weaker every day, Al... But that’s not the only thing that I’ve noticed from you nowadays." He started walking away a bit, then took a deep breath while looking at the horizon. "I noticed that you keep having a hard time sleeping at night, or you’re oversleeping during the day. And just like earlier, you start to forget things that just happened, but you can remember things that happened a year ago. It rarely happens, true, but it’s still concerning me..."
"Hmm, perhaps it’s the disadvantages of having the Stone of Time..." I said as I looked at the golden stone embedded on my tie. "I heard that the Sorceress cast a curse on each of the stones before hiding each of them scattered around the world."
"Huh, well that’s a pretty weird curse. But I suppose that’s only fair since she did see how some people in humanity are greedy for power, and even caused a never-ending war." He said as he scratched the back of his messy tangerine hair before looking at me.
"Ah, and that reminds me... I don’t think I have asked you this before, but where did you get that stone anyway?" he asked, making me suddenly remove my hand from my stone as a hazy memory of a certain person started flooding back to my mind.
My gaze then looked in a different direction for a moment.
"It was a gift from an old friend of mine... From a very long time ago." I replied before soon carefully standing up and placing my sword back to its scabbard and began to walk away. "We should better get going. We still have a lot of work to do today."
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Kill, Hate, Steal, Destroy, Rape. In the eyes of humans, these acts can only be done in extreme excess by a monster. a creature of nightmares. as soon as a human begins to do so, they are no longer considered human but a beast. However, it is not all true. Not all "monsters" do such things. Most just dont give a damn. In a world of piracy, adventure, and injustice are rampant, a beast waits its turn for the spotlight. Those humans can squabble over their power and their women, but not even the strongest can stand to The King Of The Ocean! I WILL BE KING IN THE END! (First time doing a fanfic. It should be interesting. Current world is one piece) (also, I'm making this to be unique so please enjoy and give me more Ideas for my brain factory. Thank you for your time, views, and Reviews.)
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The Flash and co. x Metta!Child!Reader
AGH THE PICTURE OF BARRY IS SO CUUUUUTE~!!!! sorry im a big fan of the show, aaand to show it heres a story of you x Barry/The Flash~! (there wont be a frequent schedule sorry ;3; also there will be large time skips, sorry again!!!! QwQ)
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