《A Tale from Entherah: The White Owl》Prologue


The realm of Entherah

Born out of the detached heart of Enthah

Being of great power and affection

She delivered the earth, the Elementals

She created the relics, the Fae

She bore the desire, Humankind

She divided this land into eight

One phase to each nation

One part of her to all creations

But take away her life. Steal the souls of her children. Empty out that wasted flesh. And what is left of her is this power. The potential to will reality. The power to reconstruct destiny, and that is what this man of lust had aimed to do.

It was forbidden to their nature the immortal breath, said to be cursed to collect the dead from those who rest. But this mage of ancient and flames was not afraid. He saw the ability of humankind to create their fate. He heard the cries of the lost souls in Esteria and it festered in his head that did not allow rest. So he made his choice. Carrying in his heart was the tarmorein, studied and evoked, it was his liberty.

As he traversed his home of the Fae life, Krugan, his blood and eth surge through him. Casting the words in which will finally free the creatures of Entherah, he entered the room of its Acolyte, the region’s prince, his kin.

“Brother, what’s the matter?”

In his eyes, he saw the youngling, so innocent and pure. Hair and dress as bright as the Celestials, the Acolyte was touched by the power of the goddess of whom he now loathes. And although he had such hatred for the powerful being, his heart ached to see the little boy go. At the cusps of finishing his spell, the child asked again.

“Brother, why are you crying?”

Suddenly, dark matter burst forth from his outreached hand. Like smoked shadows it encircled the boy, passing him through and through, gently taking away his life.

“Brother, what is this? I’m scared.”

Finishing his soft chant, the mage held his brother in his last breathes, finally responding to his silent cries of death, “Your sacrifice will not be in vain brother, for you will be free.”

And thus begins the tale from which Entherah will tell.

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