《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter Twenty Five.
At noon, Ferni Massett arrived at the study. Grada Karkart came along as well.
“You don’t have to be there.” Ferni was surprised at the Head Stewards accompanying her.
“I need to speak to our Master as well and the next councillor will be here. You know how Lika Dupra acted last time, she could say anything today.”
“So why are you coming now?’
“If our Master is upset, I want to allow him time to recover before the First Councillor arrives!”
“Oh, yes. That’s smart.”
They walked in silence to the study. Grada had decided he didn’t want to know what happened between the Ladies and Councillor Denpra, so he hadn’t asked Ferni. If he needed to know, the Dark Lord would tell him.
At the study, they were surprised to see that the Dark Lords Companion, as she was named in the head stewards private files, was alone. They bowed and she raised an eyebrow in interrogation.
“Our Master, Lady we wish to see him?” The Head Steward spoke.
“He isn’t here.” The Lady replied.
With a glance at each other, the brevity of the answer surprised them, but it also underscored the caution with which the Ladies needed to be dealt with, they gave another bow. “We will return another time, Lady.” Garda replied courteously, getting a nod in response.
Once outside they gave each other a look and a shrug than started to leave. A discordant whistling caused them to stop and turn. The two looked at each other and the same thought, unvoiced ran through their heads. The Dark Lord can’t carry a tune! Not that they intended to tell him.
“My Lord.” Garda spoke for both of them.
“Ah, good Steward and Chief Massett. How may I help you?” The Dark Lord replied,
The Head Steward signed for the Security Chief to go ahead.
“My Lord, my contacts in the security police indicate that they will be finishing up the interrogation of the associates of Lia Du Passa tomorrow.” She paused. “They will review all information and start with Lia after.”
After a fraction, she continued as the Dark Lord was obviously waiting for her to do so. She was uncomfortable about speaking about security matters in a corridor, even this corridor.
“I was also informed that the Legion has dispatched an intelligence ship disguised as a freighter. It has gone on indirect course so it won’t appear to have come directly from Tihad. The final destination is construction base SB 14. This is following on from information provided by Lilly Nanta, Lia’s assistant.”
“Very good. Before our friend Lia is interrogated, the spy ship must complete its mission. When should it arrive at its destination?”
“It will take most of today to get to its first stop. Then to a second before it arrives at SB 14. It should arrive tomorrow some time. I don’t have an exact time because no one can tell me how long it will be at each intermediate stop.” Ferni explained.
“That is good.” The Dark Lord thought for a fraction. “Have the Marshal tell me when the intelligence ship has arrived. If it is overnight, the next day will be in order.”
“Yes, my Lord.” The Security Chief acknowledged.
“Steward, you have something for me?”
“Indeed my Lord. An appointment has been made for Mr. Tobis Nenna. It seems that he wanted to know what we wanted from him so he could prepare. Miss Cania simply said that he should show up and find out.”
That earned him a laugh.
“Excellent. Is there anything else?” The Dark Lord inquired.
“No, sire.”
“I have one thing for you, Steward. The repair schedule is approved. I will so inform the First Councillor this afternoon.”
While they had been talking, they had moved into the study. The Dark Lords companion, looked up.
“Back already?” She asked.
The Dark Lord just smiled and went to an old wooden desk standing near the back of the room. He picked up the red folder laying there and handed it back to the Steward.
“Bring Councillor Dupra to me when she arrives please.”
“Of course sire, we will do so.” They both bowed and left, wondering where He had been.
It was a somber Councillor Dupra who arrived at the middle of the fourteenth period. Grada had a smile firmly fixed on his face as he greeted her. The two members of the imperial guard who had escorted her bowed and left.
“This way, Councillor, we are happy to see you again.”
“I am very unhappy with the way things have gone this week. Steward.”
“Indeed Councillor, a lot has happened.” The Steward replied.
“I realise that it is not your fault but we really need more communication between the palace and the council.” Lika Dupra was letting her angst show. “I was horrified when two Councillors were arrested just the day after they swore loyalty to the Dark Lord, where was his loyalty to them?” Lika rambled on in this vein for some while.
It was hard for Grada to keep a straight face. He gyrated between anger at the slurs cast at the palace to a desire to laugh at the comments that showed such naiveté.
The usual bevy of Ladies of the Circle were waiting outside. This included a returned Lady Tyler, now in a black and white boxed dress with black and white boxed tights, along with Lady Sydney in a short red dress to compliment her flaming red hair.
“Ladies, it is good to see you.” The Steward gave a bow. Lika Dupra nodded without smiling. The Dark Lord stepped out of the ante room.
“Councillor Dupra, I trust that you will enjoy your visit today, come in.”
Slowly, Dupra walked into the room. The Dark Lord indicated a chair into which she sank. Looking around she saw just the two chairs and a door, otherwise the room was bare. While portraits lined other walls, none were in evidence here. There was a small table to the side, on which stood an empty vase.
The two sat silently for a fraction. Lika looked at the Dark Lord who sat silently regarding her.
“Why am I here?”
“To meet with me.” The Dark Lord replied.
The silence returned. After a fraction Lika Dupra broke it.
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Lika sounded somewhat petulant.
“Yes, you are being very rude.”
The Councillor stared at the Dark Lord. “What do you mean? I don’t understand!” Lika’s surprise showed.
“You refused to say anything to any of the Ladies. You have not addressed me in the manner accustomed, using ‘sire,’ ‘my lord,’ ‘master.’ Or any other honorific.”
Lika stared at the Dark Lord, then looked away. “You haven’t earned it.”
“I don’t have to. I am by right the Dark Lord, Supreme Lord and Absolute Monarch of the Empire, so I am by virtue of my position, entitled to it. I have, in any case earned the right over many, many years, which you chose to ignore.” The Dark Lord continued his calm level tone.
Lika sat back stung by the calm words. The Dark Lord kept his level stare on her.
“Why should I when you have done the things you have since you returned!” Lika stormed.
“And what have I done?” Came the still calm reply.
“Arrested your own officers, two Councillors and prominent business people, thrown them into jails. Kept them under draconian edicts and we of the council have had no say in this matter at all!”
Lika stared as the Dark Lord laughed.
“Quite the contrary actually. The First Councillor was fully aware of the activities of the traitorous group even before I returned. They are not being held by my command, it is unnecessary. As to the case of Lia Du Passa and her brother, again their activities were well underway and it was the work of a member of the security police that brought everything to light. She and her group were held under my writ, which has been upheld before, so that we can track down her brother without alarming him. All the cases are in the hands of the police and the Legion. While I am being updated, I am not at this time directly involved.” He paused then continued.
“All of this you know. You and other members of the council have been kept fully informed by the First Councillor. I see no cause for you to complain.”
“We were not informed until after the event. We should have been involved from the beginning.”
“To what end?”
“We have the right to know what is going on.”
“Again I say, to what end?” The Dark Lords calm responses were clearly annoying the Councillor.
“For us to rule!” Lika almost shouted.
“But you are not the rulers, I am the ruler and you are my advisors, my cabinet as it were through whom I rule.” He looked at her calmly. “Do you not remember your oath?”
Lika subsided in her seat, head bowed.
After a fraction, The Dark Lord continued “You swore true faith and allegiance to me. I demand that of you. Not dumb obedience, I will listen to objections and recommendations, may even take them and actually have already.” He smiled. “You see, I do listen.”
“So what now, Dark Lord. Do more people die?”
“People die all the time. What you are asking is, will there be executions? I fear that the answer to that has to be yes.” He replied.
“I don’t know if I can stand that.” Lika whispered.
“Oh you can stand it. Those charged with treason are not your responsibility but belong in the courts or, in certain cases, with me. The power to sentence someone to death does not lie with you. The power to recommend clemency does.”
“You said you will listen.” Lika protested.
“And I will. Have I not been doing just that?” The Dark Lord replied.
“So what do I do?” Lika turned her eyes back to the Dark Lord.
“You do the job you were sent here to do, you will represent your cluster and the people of the empire as a whole. And you will treat myself and the Ladies of the Circle with the proper deference that is due our station.”
Lika stared. The Dark Lord’s last sentence had been delivered in a cold hard tone, underscored with a taste of his power.
“Yes, my Lord.” Underlined her submission.
The Dark Lord nodded and stood. “We will speak again Councillor Dupra. These meetings are important and will continue.”
“Yes sire.”
“Come.” They stepped out in the hall. The ladies were there still talking. Lika gave them a small bow. They gave her a smile.
“Ladies.” The Dark Lord turned to Lea Cania who stood waiting. “Miss Cania, come to guide the good councillor back?”
“I am ready sire.” Came with a bow and a smile. Lika Dupra noted the smile. It spelled to her how the Dark Lord was regarded in the palace. Someone to respect, even fear from time to time, but also to give the proper deference to.
“My Lord.” The two left.
The four came out, as before from the room behind the ante room.
“That one was more interesting.” Lady Dana commented.
“Yes, we will have to see how she turns out. She is stubborn, and I fear may become obstructive as her beliefs take some knocks. I think we will know soon enough.” The Dark Lord walked down the corridor towards the study, but made a sudden turn into the library. “Going to take out another book.” One of the Ladies asked.
“No, just going to recommend one.”
While they looked interested, The Dark Lord went in alone and, when He came back out, the Ladies where still there. He waved his hand at one, “Tyler, come sit with Me,” had the rest of the Ladies exchanging glances.
Reluctantly, Tyler joined the Dark Lord in the library. Some of the other ladies followed, curious.
A look of surprise, mixed with uncertainty, on her face, the slim brunette took the seat the Dark Lord pointed to. He then handed over a small book, which was accepted with some hesitation. She never took her eyes off the Dark Lord. When she looked up, the other ladies had left. They were alone.
“You have not been with the Circle for long, have you?” The Dark Lord opened the conversation.
“No, I haven’t.” Long was something different for Ladies of the circle.
“The last time, you did not come as I brought only those who had been with me from the beginning as I knew dark deeds were going to happen and felt that I needed experience. Perhaps I was wrong.”
Lady Tyler was more scared now then she had ever been. Her flash of anger had dissipated. The quiet words of warning she had been given by the other Ladies had sunk in. Like many although not nearly all of the women comprising the Old Ones, she aspired to become a member of the Circle. Sharing the fate of Jura was not what she wanted, even though she knew that Jura had.
Like all of them, she knew the power of the one they had named The Dark Lord, Le Seigneur Noir. As far as she knew, no one called Him by name except for a very few of those relatively close in power, along with a few others, who seemed in some way to be close to Him. Even though she knew his name, she didn’t dare.
“So what do you think of Councillor Dupra?” The Dark Lord asked
“I think that she is arrogant and believes that she know best what the Empire needs.” Tyler responded.
“Arrogance, oh yes, that is all too common. An abiding fault of the powerful.”
“I also think she may give you trouble.” Tyler pointed out.
The Dark Lord laughed. “Yes, that is another all too common problem working with the other members of the Empire.”
They fell silent for a fraction. Lady Tyler looked at The Dark Lord, emboldened by the silence, she voiced a thought that had occurred to her. “I know you don’t like to work the minds of people unless you have to. But, why didn’t you here?”
“Ah, the easy way out, so tempting.” The Dark Lord fell silent, then; “In my younger days when I was arrogant and so full of myself, I may have done.” Again he stopped. “It is seductive, this power to mould other people’s minds. I have to be constantly on guard against it and only use it in a very targeted manner.”
“I see.” Tyler murmured, although her face showed confusion.
“As to Councillor Dupra, if she continues on her path, she will find herself isolated on the council. Events there will take care of themselves. So you see, I will have no need to do any more there.” The Dark Lord shrugged and smiled.
“Oh, so you will leave things as they are?” Tyler was curious.
“I will continue to work as I have done. Not everything will be successful, they never are. But I will continue to maneuver both openly and behind the scenes. It is better to work that way at times.” He smiled.
Tyler looked down at the book in her hands. “And this.”
“Read it, it may help.” He encouraged her. “Also watch Gail, Dana, Luca and Andrea. The others as well, Taryn, Sydney is a joy. They have learned much in a hard school.” The Dark Lord smiled, stood and left.
Tyler looked at the book. The title was something about a Prince. Aloud she wondered. “Why would He give me a book about a prince?” With a shrug she left, but she took the book with her, going in search of the other Ladies. In another room she found Sydney chatting with Sandra, Jasmine and Kaylee.
“I see you survived.” Sydney laughed.
“And you have some homework!” Jasmine smiled.
“Yes, why would he give me a book about a prince?” The four Ladies all laughed and pointed at each other.
Before Tyler’s ire could rise above her surprise, Sandra spoke up. “We all thought the same thing!”
“I assure you that it is not that sort of book.” Kaylee put in.
“Oh.” Tyler looked at the picture on the front. “Who is this, the Prince himself?”
“No, it’s supposed to be the writer.” Sydney supplied. “But no one knows for sure.” She grinned, “I had already read the book, so I had a step up on the others He has given it to.”
Tyler looked again at the book. It was obviously old and well handled. She thought some more then smiled.
“Well, I had better go and start my reading.” Tyler left.
Grada was surprised at Lady Dana appearance at his door.
“The master does not wish to wait and will see Simone of Christos today, if she is willing.”
“I will see.” He reached for his comm. Simone of Christos was willing.
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