《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter Twenty Four.
Like all the previous councillors, Tylia Denpra was precisely on time.
“Good morning Chief.”
“Good morning Councillor. This way please.”
The two passed through security into the private areas of the palace.
“This is only my second visit to the palace, Chief, I never had a chance before.”
Ferni smiled and politely replied, “We are happy to see you again.”
Silence fell between the two.
Councillor Denpra wasn’t being uncivil, he just was not certain of what to say. He was uncertain of his reception, but had never been opposed to the palace or the Dark Lord and had consistently supported the First Councillor but was worried anyway.
“Here we are Councillor.”
Slightly shaken, he had been deep in thought and hadn’t noticed that they had approached the ante room, which he had learned from the other councillors, was where he was to meet the Dark Lord. He had not, however, been told that there were often Ladies there.
They were standing, arms folded, some with frowns and others with blank stares, obviously somewhat ruffled that he had been so deep in thought that he had been totally unaware of their presence.
“Ladies,” Ferni gave them a small bow. “Tylia Denpra, Councillor from the Fourth Cluster, to see our Master.” The silence was ominous. Ferni murmured “Sorry, but you are on your own,” then withdrew.
“Ladies, please excuse me,” Denpra was at a loss. “I was thinking.”
“Or not thinking.” One slim, brunette wearing a short blue and gold stripped dress, put in. She stepped forward.
“Tyler, play nice now.”
The Dark Lord was leaning against the entrance to the Ante Room. Denpra wondered if he had been there all the time or had just stepped out. He continued, “The Councillor did not mean to disrespect you, but was simply deep in thought.”
Lady Tyler stopped, then smiled. It wasn’t the usual broad charismatic smile the Ladies displayed. But it was a smile. “You are forgiven, for the moment.” The Ladies all left. Some unsmiling but a couple gave him smiles and one winked. Tylia Denpra did not know what a moment was but it sounded brief.
“I am afraid that you have annoyed the Ladies.” The Dark Lord beckoned him in.
“It was unintentional. Sire.”
“Oh, I saw that, but you did the worst possible thing to any women.” He smiled. “You didn’t pay attention to her!”
Tylia had no answer to that so he just sat.
“Now.” The Dark Lord relaxed into his chair. “Do you have any questions for me?”
“I have been receiving many messages, sire.”
“The members of the business community are upset with me?”
“Upset is the wrong term, sire, but they are concerned.” The Councillor replied.
“Yes, I have heard that.” The Dark Lord sat in thought. “You may tell your callers, that, as I assured the leaders yesterday, I have no desire to interfere with business or delve into the convoluted world of finance.”
“Yes sire that will be appreciated.”
“However there are two points. First, Star Builders is in a state of chaos. Some of the senior executives are implicated, although not all, but I cannot leave it like that. I will be taking action today in order to put the company back into a somewhat better state, however this is going to take time.”
“That will be excellent Sire. It is a worry to many of my callers.”
“And a realistic one.” The Dark Lord paused. “The second point is, as I said yesterday. No intention to interfere with business does not mean, no action at all. If something comes to hand I will take action if I feel the need to do so. What I do would depend on circumstances at the time of course.”
“That is what I have already told several callers.” Tylia interjected.
“Good.” The Dark Lord continued. “Otherwise, I would prefer that the respective planetary and galactic governments enforce their rules and that I don’t get involved at all.”
“Neither should you sire.”
The Dark Lord stood. “Now, you have been a supporter of the First Councillor, that is appreciated and I respect you for doing so. You support will be needed in the days ahead, hard things are going to happen.”
“Yes sire.” He paused. “However, I am uncertain about what you mean by ‘hard things’ sire.”
“That will be apparent in the days to come, do not worry over them until they arrive. Also, I will plead your case to the Ladies, it would not do for the public to see a councillor scrubbing the steps of the palace while the Ladies scolded you!” He laughed.
Tylia Denpra gave a weak laugh and a wan smile. He had no doubt that being on the wrong side of the Ladies was not a place to be. The powers that they had shown were evidence of that.
“I beg for your assistance in that regard.” The Councillor spoke sincerely. He got a smile in return.
Waiting outside was the Head Steward, Grada Karkart. He was holding one of the red covered binders that Tylia remembered from the oath taking. He wondered what it contained and soon found out.
“My Lord, Councillor.”
“Head Steward, you have something for me I see.” The Dark Lord looked pleased.
“Indeed sire, the schedule for restoration of the Hall of Hearing and for other repairs along with updating the palace.” He handed the folder over.
“Thank you good Steward. I will go over this and discuss it with you later today.” The Dark Lord did not open the binder but turned to Councillor Denpra.
“Thank you for coming Councillor, We will speak again, as I have told others it is important that we speak.” He paused than continued with a smile. “And I will intercede with the Ladies on your behalf.”
“Again my thanks sire.”
Garda's head was on a swivel between the two at that exchange and decided to ask Ferni at the earliest opportunity. He bowed his head, “My Lord.” Then to Tylia Denpra, “This way, Councillor.”
“Thank you Head Steward.”
The two walked back to the public area in silence. Fortunately there were no Ladies in the corridor, only workers and greetings went back and forth.
The Councillor commented on this. “You seem to have a good number of staff and know them all, Head Steward.”
“Only about two hundred for the whole palace. To do everything from cleaning to cooking to gardening to maintenance, administrative work and security. Some have more than one job to do. They are mostly relatives of people who have worked in that position in the palace before.” Grada explained. “For example, my assistant, Lea Cania is descended from Administrative Assistant Nita De Posse who was in the palace when the Dark Lord left a thousand years ago. But she has the instincts needed for someone to work here. We really need more staff, but to find the right person is difficult.”
“But you can’t marry, or so I have been told?”
“Nita was given permission by the Dark Lord to marry a member of the Legion but had to leave the palace to do so. She paid a price for her love.” There was a look of sadness on the Head Stewards face.
“I see.” Was all the Councillor could manage.
Arriving at the offices of the Steward, Councillor Denpra found two members of the guard waiting to escort him to his vehicle. Biding the Steward a courteous farewell, he left.
Back at the ante room, the Dark Lord had been joined by his usual companion and the Ladies Dana, Luca and Andrea.
“I don’t know but scrubbing the palace steps may be a good exercise for all the councillors.” Lady Andrea smiled.
“I do think that the rest of the visitors will be a little more attentive when they visit,” The Dark Lord laughed, “that is if the Councillor does spill the beans, as to speak.”
They all laughed as they walked back to the study. Arriving, they were met by a still miffed Lady Tyler.
“Come now Tyler, do not be so sensitive.” The Dark Lord said, “If I was to take every slight to heart, why, we would be wading through rivers of blood.”
“Yes I know, but he should have been more aware.”
Passing the folder to his companion, He regarded the less then mollified Tyler.
“Tell me, was it that a man was thinking and in deep thought so he did not realise that he was upon you or was it that he failed to recognise and immediately acknowledge your presence that annoys you.”
Tyler gave the Dark Lord a glare, she saw the trap laid for her.
“Now see here …”
“Do not take that tone with me.” Even softly spoken, the menace in the words carried. The Ladies stiffened. This was no longer a laughing manner.
“Your impatience with those we lead shows. Councillor Denpra is a good man and I need him. He was suitably apologetic and contrite. I see that no more needs to be done in this matter.”
Tyler stared back, meeting the Dark Lords level gaze, face flushed.
“Do you agree?” The Dark Lord continued. Slowly Tyler nodded, but the Dark Lord was not quite finished.
“Do you wish to join Jura?” Tyler shook her head as the others gasped.
“Then I will hear no more on Councillor Denpra.” The Dark Lord took his seat.
Tyler nodded and slowly left. Some followed.
Dana looked at the Dark Lord. “Was that last necessary?”
“I felt so. Tyler can sometimes get on her high horse and that can cause problems, which I don’t need.” He looked over at Dana, then Andrea and Luca. Finally he looked into the blue eyes of his companion.
He sighed. “I can cause more than enough problems on my own. I don’t need a petulant Lady of the Circle with a grudge against a member of the Council. This council that is. You have seen in the past what she can be like.”
He looked at Dana. “Go tell her that I am serious. What is coming is too important for me to spare anyone’s feelings, including my own.” He paused. “Stress to them all, I need all of us working together. There will be work for all.”
The four Ladies looked at each other. Luca sighed and folded her arms.
“This is getting tiresome, open your mind, let us in. We need to know!” The three Ladies present held their breath, other than his companion, few could talk like that to the one they called The Dark Lord. But Luca like them had supported Him from the beginning and could, most times get away with it.
The Dark Lord raised his eyebrows and stared back at Luca.
“You will soon have work to do. Your sword will be unleashed and will drink blood. Yes, very soon. You may tell them that.”
As they turned to go, He added. “Your first opportunity will be here, in the wasteland. If you want it.”
They left exchanging glances. They knew what that last comment foreshadowed.
Taking the folder back, the Dark Lord murmured. “Let’s see now what the palace staff have to offer.”
Opening the folder he ran his eyes over the information inside. There were detailed estimates for each part of the building.
“I am impressed, the previous Stewards have done excellent work.” Running His eyes over the timeline, He noted the expected finish dates. “Excellent, I expected no more.”
Raising his eyes, he looked at his companion. She was still staring at him.
“You need to speak to Tyler.”
“Indeed, why?” The Dark Lord stared back.
His companion took note of the brevity of the answer, a sure sign and not a good one. She chose her words with care.
“She has been a faithful member of the Circle. She has done your every bidding and she deserved better.”
“She lost her temper and challenged me. I can’t allow that.” Was the Dark Lord’s retort.
“I understand but still she didn’t deserve that.”
There was a moment of silent regard between the two, then the Dark Lord gave a sigh. “I will speak with Dana. Indeed all three.”
He stood, took a couple of steps then turned.
“Let Tyler have some space for a time, I will speak with her in private later.”
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