《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter Ten.
Ferni had quickly accessed information about Tobis Nenna of the Greater Data News Organisation. He was one of the more popular front man and had also been involved in investigating rumoured corruption in some government contracts. One of his reports had been responsible for the arrest and imprisonment of two business men. There was a suggestion that those two took the fall for other, more important men.
Ferni Massett frowned, then continued her reading.
Tobis had paid a penalty. He had been accused of unethical behaviour in his very next story. Another reporter had accused him of stealing her work and he was fired. In a lawsuit filed in protest, he had won and the accusation was dismissed.
Apparently this had not done much for his career. He had been unemployed for a while, and worked for several different organisations since then but had held his current position for a bit more than a year. Ferni sat back in thought, Nenna knew something about the palace yet it seems that he had never actually done any investigation of the palace, she would have known about it. She needed a second opinion and she knew where to go to get one.
Lieutenant Commander Rita Caenett, one of several members of the legions public relations team operating out of the Marshals office, looked trim and proper in the first class dress uniform that all members of the legion were required to wear when they attended at the palace. The white uniform, decorated with ribbons of the few medals she had been awarded so far, fit her perfectly. Her uniform sword, clean and shiny, swung at her side. She was proud of her appearance and happy in her position, especially as she was due to be rotated back into a field command, in her case possibly second command of a cruiser of some kind. However a summons to the palace on the afternoon of her slated two days off could not be ignored. The summons had come from the Chief of Palace Security, someone she knew slightly.
Smothering a sigh, she entered the palace a quarter after the fifteenth period. All of the visitors to the palace she could see were tourists, visitors to Tihab on business who had some spare time or peoples from other worlds. Like many in the military, especially those who came from off planet she had never been to the palace before so looked around with casual interest as she entered. Once in, she turned and walked in the direction of the Stewards office. She didn’t get very far when she was stopped by a member of the Imperial Guard.
“Lieutenant Commander Rita Caenett?”
“Yes, that is me.” Rita replied calmly although the guard had surprised her.
“Come this way.” The guard moved away.
“I am supposed to go to the Stewards’ office.” The guard made no reply, just gestured to her to follow him.
They walked to a door which had two palace guards watching it. Caenetts’ identification was checked and she and the guard were passed through. Down a short corridor they walked until they reached an intersection where they turned to the left, through another door they went, stepping into a suite of offices.
Moving through the offices, the guard lead her to an office in a corner. Showing her in, she recognised the wiry figure that rose from behind the desk.
Drawing herself up, she came to a brace but did not salute. The security chief of the palace rated low flag rank at least but was not in the Legion chain of command.
“Lieutenant Commander, thank you for coming.” Ferni Massett smiled. “Please sit.” She indicated a chair, which Rita Caenett took. “I need your expert opinion on a confidential manner. A matter in which you have experience in and no one in the palace has.”
Rita was intrigued.
“Do you know Tobis Nenna of the Greater Data News Organisation?” Massett began.
“Have you ever met him?”
“Yes.” Rita wondered what was going on.
“What do you think of him?”
“Well, he is smarter than most of the talking digital faces out there.” Rita began slowly, “He is careful in his work. There was some trouble over the alleged theft of information from a colleague but that turned out to be a false accusation. Since then he has bounced around. No one wanted to take too much of a risk on him it appears.”
“That much I have.” Ferni answered, wanting to dig deeper. “What do you think of him, both personally and professionally?”
“Sir, I am not sure what you are looking for.” Came the slow reply. Rita was looking somewhat confused.
“My name is Ferni,” the security chief replied with a smile, “and I want your personal opinion as to what this Nenna is like.” She sobered. “I cannot tell you why, but I need to know.”
“Well sir.” There was no way that Rita was going to call the palace security chief by her first name. “I have met him but I don’t know him very well. I understand that he married young but is divorced and currently is not seeing anyone. There were no children. I believe that he is satisfied in his current position as a front for the Greater Data News, that’s a pretty good seat that he has snagged. Personally, he is charming, smart and just a little arrogant.”
“Hmm, that is interesting, now …” What Ferni was about to ask went unsaid. There was a commotion in the offices, followed by silence. Both Ferni and Rita came to their feet, puzzled.
“Back to work everyone.” A cheerful female voice sounded.
A beautiful women appeared at the door to the chiefs’ office. Red hair floated and fell in waves around a classically beautiful face in which were set luminous green eyes. A short red dress with short sleeves, low cut over the breasts, complimented and clung to a slender yet curved body. Black knee-high boots completed her dress.
“Chief, I have a summons for you and Lieutenant Commander Caenett, if you will both come along.” The message was delivered in a bright and cheerful voice along with a dazzling smile.
“We will come immediately, Lady Sydney.” Ferni answered with a nod of her head, having recognised her from the morning. She noted absently that this dress was subtly different from what Lady Sydney had worn earlier.
The Lady turned and at Fernis’ urging Rita followed.
Somewhat dazed from her first encounter with a member of the Circle, it took a fraction for Rita to regain her equilibrium. “Where are we going?” She hissed to Ferni, receiving a look in reply. She was also wondering how the Lady knew her name, but reasoned that it would be no secret that she had been summoned to the palace.
“Don’t worry, things have gone well today and He is in a good mood.” Lady Sydney spoke over her shoulder. “I haven’t seen Him in such a sustained good mood for about ten thousand years!”
Rita stared at the cheerily given comment, her mouth open. Looking at the Security Chief, she got a shrug and raised eyebrows in reply. Closing her mouth with a snap, she squared her shoulders. She was an officer of the Legion, dammit, she would act like one.
Ferni noted the change and silently approved.
The Dark Lord was in a different room, one that the security chief had never been in. There was the usual small group of Ladies standing outside. Seeing the group arriving, they pointed and spoke in their strange language, the laughter was clear however. Lady Sydney waved a finger and replied with her own laugh.
Trying to ignore the group, who were all dressed in the idiosyncratic manner of the Ladies, the pair followed Lady Sydney into the room. Both stopped and stared. The room was lined with shelves holding books of all shapes and sizes. On the carpeted floor, stood more shelves filled with books. There were several chairs and couches, desks and even a ladder to reach the higher shelves.
“The delivery is made.” In her cheerful voice Lady Sydney addressed the four women and three men in the room.
“Thank you Sydney, again you have done well.” The Dark Lord then said something else in their own language, to which Lady Sydney gave a laughing reply and left.
After staring around for a fraction the two women realised that the Dark Lord was looking at them with a quizzical look, mixed with some amusement. The four Ladies were also watching with open amusement. The First Councillor and the Marshal both maintained a degree of detached reserve.
“We call this the library.” The Dark Lord explained.
“Yes sire.” Ferni answered for both, neither knowing what a library was. Rita swiftly composed herself and saluted the Marshal. Not wearing his uniform cap, the Marshal replied with a nod.
Turning to the First Councillor, the Dark Lord spoke calmly. “I will consider which of the names you have given me are best suited for the vacant positions on the High Council. You will know my mind in two days.” He held out a slim folder which was accepted by the brown haired Lady often seen at His side.
“Marshal, thank you for your thoughts. They are most illuminating. I also thank you for coming so promptly at such short notice and assure you that I will endeavor to give greater notice in the future. Now both of you, go and spend time with your families and let us all hope that nothing further disturbs your time off.”
The two bowed, the Marshall returning Rita’s salute with a smile and a barely concealed wink as he left. Rita was even more puzzled.
“Chief, Lieutenant Commander, welcome.” The Dark Lord settled in a comfortable looking chair. “How goes the search?”
“It goes well sire.” The security chief had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was beginning to take something of the measure of the Dark Lord and the Ladies, so was sure that He was up to something. She hadn’t missed the wink either.
“Search, my Lord?” Again Rita was puzzled.
“Indeed, I have been advised that it would be a good idea to have someone on the stewards’ staff who is competent in dealing with the news organisations. Do you agree?”
Ferni stood silent, the question clearly directed at Lieutenant Commander Caenett. Out of the corner of her eye, she observed that the Head Steward was quietly entering the room.
“I think that may be a good idea, sire, however it may also backfire.”
“Interesting thought,” The Dark Lord replied as He gave her a searching look, “please explain.”
Taking a fraction to collect her thoughts, Rita began. “Since you have returned sire, you have made several aggressive moves which have sent shockwaves through the Empire. By arresting treasonous members of the Legion General Staff, the High Council, and taking a slap at the news organisations, you have firmly established your authority.” She paused, also noting with part of her mind the Head Stewards appearance.
“This has sent shocks, not only through the official Empire, as we call it, but the unofficial part as well. The business community in particular is upset and unsure how to react to your return. From reports that I have seen, and listening to people that I talk to, some are afraid that you may take action against them.” Rita paused.
“Where did you hear that from?” The Dark Lord asked quietly.
“There are companies that supply services, make parts, build our vessels.” Rita replied. “I talk to some of these every day.” She took a breath then continued.
“The business community likes a certain amount of competition, a certain amount of information transfer between the businesses along with a certain amount of stability provided by the government. In general they do not like either instability or overreaching government control of the economy. The contacts that I have made are unsure as to what you are going to do next and have expressed concern about the moves that you have made. However having the Council and the Legion publicly swear allegiance to you is considered a brilliant move.” Ferni smiled at that. So did the Dark Lord.
“Tell me more about these contacts of yours,” the Dark Lord encouraged Rita.
“They are mostly executives in management and head offices along with some in the production units. I suspect that the executives are coached on what to tell me, but,” she added with a smile, “they sometimes get carried away and they like to show just how important they are.” After a pause, Rita continued.
“The production people on the other hand are more concerned with what the empire wants them to do. However they are also a good source of gossip about not only their own organisations but others as well. People talk and I like to keep in touch with both groups to see how their stories match. I look for inconsistencies.” Ferni nodded, this was a good technique.
“I see, but what are the top executives, chief officers, whatever they are called, and owners, really thinking?” The Dark Lord asked.
“That is a great question, sire. I have seen and met with some of those owners and top people on a few occasions. But I really don’t have a good read on them, and doubt that anyone in the Legion has.”
“I see. I have a question, please answer honestly.” He paused and the Ladies stiffened and became alert. Ferni and Garda also perked up, their instincts tingling. The Dark Lord fixed Rita with one of his piecing looks. “Do you think that it would be a good idea if I was to become more involved, in an overt manner, in the day to day affairs of the Empire?”
Staggered slightly by the look, Rita paused, considering the question. Overt? That implied that the Dark Lord was already involved in some covert manner. Again a straight answer was the best she felt.
“Sire, you have always worked through others, and the Empire is used to you working in this manner. I have no idea what you may have done in a covert or similar manner. When you have been directly or become openly involved, it has always been in situations where drastic intervention was needed. The people understand this and expect it. It is my opinion that you should continue to work in such a matter.”
There was silence. All in the room waited for the Dark Lords reaction. It came in the form of another question. “Earlier you said that the appointment of a person to liaison with the news organisations may also back fire. In your own words,” He looked at her intently, “what do you mean by that?”
Again Rita paused to gather her thoughts. What was all this about? She wondered. It felt like when she stood before a board of examiners for her last promotion grading.
“You have guarded your privacy jealously sire. Why, I am not at all sure, that is not important. What is important is the effect that it has had. You are a remote figure, one of awesome power that everyone believes in, or at least is not willing in most cases, to take such actions as to initiate a response from you. Your very remoteness from the people, most don’t even know what you look like, I didn’t, helps to insulate you, and creates an air of mystery. So when you do turn up, no one knows what to expect, and they therefore fear the worst from you. This is of great advantage to you for many reasons including the ability for you to choose your course of action. This also applies to the Ladies of course.
“As for the news organisations, by opening a line of communication to them, you are in effect lifting the veil of secrecy that surrounds you. This can only work to your disadvantage. Not in terms of the actual power you wield, but in a reduction of the remoteness or, if I may use the term, majestic image of yourself. You would become commonplace and people would start to lose their fear of you, with all that, that implies.”
There was a period of silence after the Lieutenant Commander stopped talking. The Dark Lord smiled.
“You may be interested to know that both the First Councillor and the Marshal said something quite similar just before you arrived. I take their advice and you summation seriously. However we still need someone working in the palace who can advise us on these things.” At this the Ladies seemed to relax.
The Dark Lord turned to the Head Steward. “What say you, my good Steward?”
“The Lieutenant Commander has stated her position in a most cogent manner. However you are also correct My Lord. I am not familiar with the news people, neither is any member of the staff and we need someone to help us there.”
The Dark Lord sat back, closed his eyes and steepled his fingers. The Ladies watched intently. Rita shifted her feet.
“Sit, all you standing.” The Dark Lord spoke without opening his eyes.
Rita opened her mouth to protest but her arm was grabbed by Ferni. The Ladies also waved their hands and pointed to chairs, as did the Steward. The three of them sat.
There was a space of silence.
“Lieutenant Commander, I have one last question. Earlier you spoke of both the ‘official and unofficial’ empire as you called them. I take it that there is more that has grown up around the business community, the Legion and the Civil Administration as well. Would you agree, or is there more to this?” The Dark Lord spoke without opening his eyes.
Rita shifted uncomfortably on her chair and adjusted her sword before replying. “Well sire, there are a group of people, professionals mostly, who work to facilitate deals between the business community and the various branches of the Empire as a whole. The main problem is that the Empire is so vast that these people are almost indispensable in order to get anything done. They exist, not just on Tihab, but in many galaxies across the Empire.
“As to whether or not they are a help or a hindrance to the workings of the Empire, there are those who feel that they should be eliminated and those who feel that they serve a useful purpose. Personally I tend to agree with the latter, somewhat. But there need to be controls in place, especially with regards to recruiting members of the Legion to their ranks. Also there is a whole group of professionals and amateurs who seek to push certain agendas for their own ideas and beliefs and not necessarily to the best interest of the Empire. Many of these were or are opposed to you and also believed that you would not return and are now likely in a state of shock that you indeed have. I am wary about what their next moves will be.” Rita sat back and waited for a response.
The Dark Lord opened his eyes. “Yes,” He murmured, “interesting, very interesting.”
He stood up with all others except the Ladies, following. A glance at the Ladies brought some looks back and forward. A silent exchange between them brought a nod to the Dark Lord. He smiled and turned to Rita.
“Yes, I will take the advice of the First Councillor and the Marshal. Lieutenant Commander Rita Caenett, you will take a temporary secondment to the palace. I say temporary, but it will be for one or two years at the most and will have no effect on your seniority. You should understand that you are the first member of the Legion to be seconded on a longer term than a month or two for many millennium. I have always endeavoured to keep the palace apart from both the Legion and the Civil Administration. An early need is for you to hire an assistant to train.”
Rita stood speechless, her mouth opening and closing. “Sire, I ...” That was as far as she got.
“Your career is not over, just temporarily placed on a different track. The Marshal will record that you are assigned to the palace on a temporary but indefinite basis.”
“Sire, I was just called to …”
The Dark Lord raised his finger. The Ladies smiled while both the Head Steward and Ferni kept their faces immobile. They were however, quietly enjoying the discomfort that the Legion officer was experiencing and they, for once, weren’t.
“This news man, Tobis Nenna, will he make a possible recruit?”
“Possible sire, but …” Again the finger was raised. “You will report to the Head Steward, but administratively you will work with Senior Administrator Madla Dinsta. You title will be something bland. Steward, do you have any ideas?”
“I think Senior Assistant sounds good, sire.” Karkart supplied. “Most will think that the Lieutenant Commander is some kind of liaison with the Legion anyway.”
“Agreed. Chief Massett, do you have any objection?”
“None sire.” Came from the Security Chief, who was happy to have this problem passed onto someone else.
“Excellent. Now Chief Massett, put this Tobis Nenna through a thorough security check. I want anything in his background to be brought to the foreground. Use both the security police and the Legion. Also get the Imperial Guard to put him under their security scan as well. Let’s see if he is as clean as we need.”
He looked again at the Ladies. They all smiled. “Welcome Lieutenant Commander, to the Palace.” Lady Dana gave a smile as she spoke for the four.
“Well Lieutenant Commander?” Came with a smile and a raised eyebrow from the Dark Lord.
“I ... I was just looking forward to my two days off.” Rita stammered. Everyone laughed. The Dark Lords smile got broader.
“My Lord, a question.” At the Dark Lords nod, the Steward continued.
“The Lieutenant Commander is housed on Fleet Base North West. It would be more convenient to have her housed here, closer to most of the people and places she will need. Also, should there be a situation arising where she is needed, being here would be an advantage. Bringing the Lieutenant Commander in on a legion shuttle would be conspicuous.”
“You have a good point Steward, arrange quarters here.” With a nod, he dismissed them, turning to the Ladies.
“Sire, I have friends!” Rita protested. She had been growing more annoyed with her life being arranged without any input.
“If you wish to entertain, make arrangements with the Chief Usher. I am sure he would be happy to accommodate you.” The Dark Lord gave Rita a calm look, one that Rita correctly interpreted as this discussion is over. Coming to attention, she saluted, executed a crisp about face and left. Giving a bow, the other two followed, carefully concealing their expressions.
Once outside, they navigated the quartet of Ladies chatting there. Walking back to the Stewards offices, Grada Karkart spoke to Rita for the first time. “I will introduce you to Madla when we get back. She will arrange both an office and quarters for you. I sent a comm message to the Marshal as soon as I had our Masters decision.” He gave her a sympathetic look. “You will find that a lot of decisions have been made for you already. Any weapons or other items assigned to you will have to be turned in, except your sword of course.” That was part of her uniform.
“When you get to your base, you will find that all your personal effects will have been packed. Check them over. You may face a lot of questions, do not say anything about our Master or the palace. A shuttle has been arranged for you and will bring you straight back. Don’t stress it, enjoy it. You will find working here to be the hardest and most stressful work you have ever done but it will also be the most rewarding. Our Master can be difficult to work for and I do not know exactly how much you will be interacting with him, but whatever you do, you will have to learn to read him. Do not try to mislead him, he knows if you are lying, always speak the truth as far as you know it. What you did today was perfect.” He paused. They had arrived at the entrance to the offices.
“Let’s get Madla up to date and then you can go and get your personal effects. Working here will mean that you wear civilian dress most of the time other than when you are on official business. At that time you will wear the palace uniform.” He smiled. “When you get back the four of us will have a little chat, there are things that you need to know. Don’t worry, it is just information; you know, the secret handshake!” Both Ferni and Grada laughed, Rita smiled, a somewhat weak smile, she was still feeling rather put upon. “Here we are,” Garda said as they arrived back at the Stewards offices.
Ferni left to continue digging into Tobis Nenna while Madla Dinsta greeted Rita in her no nonsense manner and promised to have quarters ready for her when she returned.
“Do you have any furniture to bring in?” was a typical question.
“Just an audio visual set.” Rita replied.
“No problem, we have adequate furniture stored. In fact I have a bed and some furniture close by ready to be moved as soon as we are closed.”
A member of the Imperial Guard appeared at the office door. “A shuttle is waiting for the Lieutenant Commander.” He announced. A second was close by.
“Go, get your personal effects and we will meet you here, then I will show you your new quarters.” Madla said with a smile.
Rita got up and then hesitated.
“My desk, there are a few things there as well.”
“The Marshal has that in hand. They will be here by the time you get back.”
“I see.” Rita managed. “The palace seems very efficient.”
“We try.” Madla smiled. The smile vanished, “You will find that we have a Master who draws the best from everyone.”
Rita nodded and left, there was nothing she could say to that last remark. She followed the two members of the Imperial Guard.
It didn’t take long. The Legion is well practised at moving its members from one location to another. Rita was met by two of her closest officer colleagues’, Major Liss Olleo and Lieutenant Colonel Roi Tonner.
“Wow, the palace that was sudden!” Major Olleo exclaimed. “Can I visit?” She smiled.
“Yes I guess, but I have to check with the Chief Usher, whoever that is.”
The two friends laughed. Rita was careful in what she said about the palace and while her two friends were interested, well trained officers that they were, they were careful not to ask too many questions. The Dark Lord was not mentioned. Time to visit was promised.
“One good thing about being stationed here, we get reasonable time off and I have never even seen the palace!” Major Olleo enthused.
“Speak for yourself.” Groused Roi Tonner, “I get to run one of my companies this weekend, just got approval to do a readiness exercise to Moon Base Eleven.”
“Better get ready then.” Such exercises were sought after as they were both expensive and needed cooperation from several different parts of the Legion.
“Oh, I am, the company Sergeant Major is as well. In his dour, under stated manner.”
They laughed at that. All the Sergeant Majors and other senior non-commissioned officers were reputed to be humourless automatons fashioned from spare parts at a secret facility somewhere!
“Well, I must be off, got to earn my credits.” She turned to the Imperia Guardsman standing silently by. “I’m ready.” He nodded. She had to give her friends points, they had given the two members of the Guard a look but had not made any comments. Working in legion headquarters meant that she had nothing significant such as weapons she had to return.
The trip back was as swift and uncomplicated as the trip out. Unloading the shuttle was simple. The trim and somewhat burly man waiting introduced himself as the Chief Usher. A wave had his two companions removing the Lieutenants Commanders personal effects from the shuttle into the palace.
“Welcome again.” He smiled, “If you will follow me, please.”
Leading Rita into the rear entrance of the building, the Chief Usher took her up a flight of stairs then down a long corridor, then turned right into another corridor. Near the end of that passageway, there was another, down which Madla Dinsta was waiting.
“Got everything I see.” Madla smiled. “This is your room.”
Rita watched as Madla opened the door. She saw that there was a letter and a number but no lock.
Eyes narrowed, Rita pointed the omission out, “I don’t see a lock.”
“No doors have locks, only the main doors. The ground floor of the Palace and the grounds are patrolled by palace security at all times. Also, I don’t know how He does it, but He secures the palace whether He is here or not here. The only times that there have been break-ins are by students on a dare or someone under the influence of some substance. For some reason He seems to tolerate those.” A smile was exchanged between the Chief Usher and Madla. Rita controlled her face, there was obviously going to be more that she was going to have to get used to than she had suspected.
“The entrance to the private quarters is secured as well by guards and security lockdown. Frankly it is mainly to keep people away from the Master, for their protection, not His!” Madla finished.
Rita chuckled as she entered then stopped and stared around the room. “Do you have a gym here?” Where the first words out of her mouth.
The room was exquisitely furnished with comfortable couches and chairs. Side tables were placed strategically around the spacious room, the only thing missing was a dining room table. Looking around as she moved into the room, Rita stared in disbelief. Through one of the two doors leading further into the suite she could see a spacious and well-appointed bathroom, while the other door lead to a bedroom in which stood a large and comfortable looking bed. Beautiful paintings displaying vistas of an unrecognised planet hung on each wall.
“Will this do?” Madla asked Rita, a somewhat worried look on her face.
“Do? I really don’t need such a room! It’s not like I am a visiting governor or prince!” Rita replied. “You didn’t answer, is there a gym?”
“A well-appointed one in the basement, Miss.” The Chief Usher assured Rita. “If you will pass me your comm unit, please.” Wondering why, she handed it over. “The Chief Usher tapped at it for a fraction then handed it back. “There, I have given you the basic entry into the palaces system. You will need to talk to the Head Stewards office to get the complete package. But this will show you where you need to go around the building for the time being.”
“Thank you, Chief Usher.” Rita spoke sincerely.
“You are welcome. Now if you will excuse me, I have the evening meal to attend to.” With a bow, he left.
The two junior ushers also bowed. “We did not hang up your dress uniforms.” One said. “I think that you should check them, they look like they need cleaning. The Ushers office can take care of that if you wish. The carpenters’ crew will send someone to install your audio visual unit”
“Thank you, I will look at them.” Rita replied. The two young men, they both looked close enough alike him to be related to the Chief Usher, nodded their heads again and left. Turning to Madla, Rita shook her head.
“This room is wonderful, a real upgrade from the rooms at the base!”
Madla smiled. “This is an average set of rooms in the palace.”
“How much is it going to cost me?” Earned her a surprised look.
“Nothing, oh from today until you leave, you don’t pay taxes on what you are paid.”
Rita absorbed this with raised eyebrows.
“I will show you where we all eat.” Madla moved to the door, gesturing to Rita to follow her. “All the staff eat together. Sometimes the Ladies join us, it has always been the case and I have read that on really rare occasions He joins us as well.”
They walked down and Madla showed her where on the main floor everyone ate. No Ladies were present, somewhat to Rita’s relief. The rest of the staff greeted her with a certain amount of reserve. Rita realised without surprise that she would have to earn her way in.
After lunch, Rita met with Head Steward Grada Karkart, Senior Administrator Madla Dinsta, Security Chief Ferni Massett and Administrative Assistant Lea Cania. There she learnt the ins and outs of the palace and how it operated. With only two hundred people on staff, there was never enough people to do everything. She also learned that the palace and what went on internally was never discussed in public, ever. Neither were the Dark Lord and the Ladies ever discussed. None of this was surprising.
Security codes were assigned to her and her comm unit updated.
“You better get to know the palace layout over the next two days, come the sixteenth, He will want to know you are at work.”
“So I get to learn everything in the next two days and then I start?”
There was laughter. “You have started.”
Turning to the Security Chief, Rita asked when she would hear what the results were of the investigation ordered by the Dark Lord.
“We should have a report by the sixteenth, a preliminary one anyway. A full report will take somewhat longer. Four or five days anyway.”
“I don’t want to rush this. I want to get the right person as an aide.”
“Agreed, this must be approached carefully. After the first report is received, we will all review it. One of us may see something the other misses.” Grada Karkart ran his eyes around the group. “Have a good weekend, Rita, I will meet with you all on the sixteenth.” They all stood up.
“Welcome to the palace.” The Head Steward smiled.
The standard two days of rest passed swiftly for all concerned. All the palaces staff spent their days off in their normal manner, each special to each person. However some always had to work to monitor those staff responsible for areas open to the public. Rita quickly had her quarters squared away, her dress uniforms cleaned by the ushers department and had taken the measure of how the rest of the office staff dressed and knew that she would have to add to her somewhat meagre collection of civilian dress.
Not certain of her relationship with the other staff members, Rita called on her friend, Major Liss Olleo. The Major was happy to help and Rita was soon outfitted to what she felt was the proper standard. Liss Olleo was justly impressed by Rita’s quarters.
“Wow.” Had been her response on viewing the room. A look into the bathroom had brought, “Party here for the whole company!” This earned a laugh, however Liss was also impressed by the security and the fact that there were two Imperial Guards close by as her security pass was inspected. She was even more impressed by the casual manner her friend had used while under the scrutiny.
Without surprise, shopping took most of the day. The two bringing back several bags of clothes with them.
“I will take that, Miss.” The two young ushers who had helped the day before were ready waiting.
“Thank you.”
Liss was surprised, and threw a look at her friend.
Rita smiled, then sobered. “When I spoke to the Chief Usher about you, I mentioned shopping. He informed me that everything brought into the palace has to be checked. I expected this.” She smiled again. “A room has been set aside for us. Let’s go and eat, then I will get you back to your comfortable barracks!”
That got a snort in reply as the two walked off.
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8 126 - In Serial21 Chapters
The Hunter's Final Wish
Deceived before his final murderous deed. Vanemar, infamous bounty hunter and vigilante, is now the most wanted fugitive in his homeland. With nowhere to hide, his only saving grace is his necklace, an artifact given to him by the Duke whose blood he spilt many months ago. Informed of the identity of the necklace's inheritor. Giris, a renowned mage and scholar of the nation, is tasked with capturing the elusive killer. Unknown to him, this chase will prove to be much deadlier than he could imagine. Unwilling to give up his chance at a secluded life, Vanemar must aid a cultist with unknown intentions. This is the story of a man thrust into the mystery of an empire from a millennia ago, struggling against the many who would do anything to stop him.
8 134 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Genesis Of Chaos
After the earth entered a new era which is known as "The Genesis of Chaos", which causes changes in the natural laws by which the universe is governed. The energy of chaos affects all the technology of the earth, turning it into obsolete scrap. The human being dependent on technology will now have to face all the aggressive changes that the earth is undergoing. And the new threats that loom over the world, is that or face extinction. Four orphaned brothers who have had to survive all their lives on their own, will now have to face a changing and dangerous world with their new skills, limited resources and new threats that have arisen from the energy of Chaos. Author's note: English is not my native language, I write because I like to write, that's my hobby, I hope for your support. Thank you
8 126 - In Serial54 Chapters
Power (Completed Story)
[C O M P L E T E D]Finished on 1 Jan 2019It is now the 22th Century and the year is 2112. Times are extremely different from the 21st Century. Now, the world is divided into only four continents- and Alara Berrera resides in Excidium.In Excidium, children are kidnapped from the low-class families who live in the rural areas. This is done to 're-populate' the upper-class families of Excidium- as well as the Governors, who rule this particular country. At age eight, Alara Berrera witnessed the kidnapping of her brother who was kidnapped by the Amorals. After the traumatic incident, her mother fell ill and the Berrera family collapsed.The Amorals are a group of people working for the Governors- the ruling party in Excidium- and do their dirty work for them, such as kidnapping young children from poor Exicidiums.Ever since that fateful day, Alara is determined to fight against them as she believes that she will have a better life once that is accomplished. However, what will Alara do to get what she wants, and what will it cost her? What secrets would she uncover as she tries to reunite her family?WINNER of LITWITSAWARDS (2018-2019) action category: 1ST PLACEWINNER of AURORA AWARDS (2019) action/adventure category: 3RD PLACE- h i g h e s t r a n k s (2019 -2020)(12.04.2020)#8/285K - MYSTERY#11/353K - ADVENTURE#215/33.9K - DYSTOPIAN#110/10.7K - FANTASYADVENTURE(06.04.2020)#6/352K - ADVENTURE#222/284K - MYSTERY#94/10.7K - FANTASYADVENTURE(20.02.2019)#1/14 - FLOADV2019#39/380 - BEGINNER#211/ 2.31k- SADSTORY(9.05.2019)#1/16 - FLOADV2019#270/321k - ADVENTURE(21.09.2020) #4/377K - ADVENTURE#75/4K - EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER#276/306K - MYSTERY#84/13.3K - FANTASY ADVENTURE(29.11.2020)#1/619 - HERBS#2/987 - SPECULATIVE#11/313K - MYSTERY #8/272 - COMPLETESTORY#875/26K - SERIES
8 128 - In Serial24 Chapters
Madara x Oc
Like the title says this is about Madara Uchiha.. the ultimate badass :3 I don't own anything in Naruto but I do make up some pretty cool characters... I hope you enjoy the book!
8 198