《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter three.
Off limits to the public, the Room of The Ministers was ornately decorated by a red felt like material covering much of the walls, this was a rare plant fibre called Sissil gathered from the planet Xtixs in the Third Cluster. It extended from about one third of the way up, all the way to the ceiling and Jenna and Ken gasped when they saw it. Where the red felt began there was a narrow white board all the way around the room. Below this, the walls were covered with a strange wood of a deep red colour. None of the councillors had seen anything like it before. The ceiling was painted a deep blue with white patches to resemble clouds. Ornate golden mouldings transited the joint from wall to ceiling along with more mouldings at the corners on both the walls and the ceiling. Around the double doors were rich mouldings painted white. Finishing off the room, the floors were of a white rock tile through which ran veins of red, yellow and black minerals. Even the news reporters were awed.
Entering the room Garda walked with dignity up to the dais on which rested the throne. Standing in front of the throne was the Dark Lord wearing his trademark black cloak, hood raised and standing, arms folded. Behind the throne, standing but not too close to it were the Ladies, all dressed in striking gowns of different makes, cuts and colours, each complimenting the Lady wearing it. All around the planet the viewers gasped at the sight and especially at Lady Luca, standing to the right of the Dark Lord. The warrior woman was dressed in highly polished armour of old and held the hilt of her sword in her right hand with the blade pointed down, tip resting on the dais. A sliver circlet graced her dark hair and her helm was held securely under her left arm.
Arriving at the dais, Grada Karkart stopped and bowed. The Dark Lord returned the bow and the Head Steward stepped to The Dark Lords left, where another uniformed assistant handed him a large, hard sided folder covered in a red material, similar to that on the walls. The assistant retained another folder.
The First Councillor and Marshal also bowed and went to the seats that they had been shown. Standing they waited while the rest of the council filed in and stood at their seats. Some noted the presence of both palace security and Imperial Guards along the walls.
“Welcome.” The Dark Lords spoke softly with as usual, an undercurrent of power. “Please be seated.” As He sat down, the rest followed.
“Before we proceed, I understand that some have doubts as to my legitimacy. I would hear from you today on this, and if you truly cannot see your way to swear your oath of allegiance to me, I will excuse you. Of course you would not be able to keep your position, and you would be replaced.” There was some consternation at that bit of news. “I do not wish for you to serve, and nor should you, if your conscience dictates otherwise. Think carefully about what you wish to do.” He sat back surveying the councillors. With a smile, he continued. “I do believe that you haven’t been fully informed, we are live on a world-wide broadcast.”
There was a gasp from both the councillors and the Ladies at that. This was obviously news to them as well. Some stared at the Steward. Although he kept his face carefully blank, he had the feeling that he was going to face retribution in the future.
The watching crowd loved it.
After this bombshell, the Dark Lord turned to the Marshal. “It is good to see you again Marshal. How was your meeting this morning?”
Recovering fast, the Marshal managed to stand and reply. “It went well sire, there were lots of questions, some of which I could not answer but am sure they will be answered in time.”
“Discuss this with the Star Commander when he arrives. He has already started on his way back.” This sent more waves of shock and surprise through the council. It was becoming obvious to all that this was the real thing. Even the disbelievers on the council no longer had any doubts.
“And good day to you, First Councillor. How was your meeting?”
“It went the same as the Marshals sire.” Les Doman Resta also stood and bowed. The Dark Lord smiled.
With a sudden movement the Dark Lord stood and stepped to the front of the dais. “Let us continue.” He looked to the Steward and waved him over. Another sign went to Lady Luca. Passing her sword to Lady Andrea to hold, she donned her helm. Taking the sword back and holding it upright, she reclaimed her position on the right side of the Dark Lord. The Steward called the first name.
“First Councillor Les Doman Resta.”
Slowly the tall man rose and stepped to stand in front of the trio at the edge of the dais.
“Are you ready to take your oath of allegiance to The Dark Lord and the Empire?” The Steward asked,
“I am.” Came with dignified calmness. The Dark Lord held out his hands and the First Councillor took them. The shock that went through Resta was visible and the councillors exchanged glances.
Lady Luca swung her sword high then brought it down so that it rested across Resta’s throat, under his chin. All watching gasped. The Steward opened the folder he was carrying and held it up so that Resta could read from it.
“I, Les Doman Resta, First Councillor, do solemnly swear true faith and allegiance to the Dark Lord, ruler of the Empire and do solemnly swear that I will carry out all my duties faithfully, honestly, and fulfill all instructions and orders given to me by the Dark Lord diligently and without any favour to any person, entity or organisation without exception.
This oath I take freely without any reservation or evasion. This oath I swear on my life and I will maintain it until released from it by the Dark Lord.”
The sword was raised and the hands were released.
There was another surprise. Lady Dana stepped forward with another thick piece of paper. With a flick of his fingers the Dark Lord affixed his seal to the paper and handed it to the Steward.
“Your formal certificate. It will be displayed in the public foyer of the palace for as long as you hold your position. A copy will be sent to you.” The certificate was handed to the uniformed steward’s assistant who carefully placed it in the folder she was holding. The First Councillor gave a bow, received a nod in reply, and returned to his seat.
All the public staff were in uniform. This particular assistant had learnt what she was to do with mounting terror. As the time for the arrival of the councillors drew closer, she was alone, waiting in the Room of the Ministers when the Dark Lord and the Ladies walked in. Ready to bolt when the Dark Lord fixed her with his stare, one of the Ladies had given her a quick look. This Lady, of medium height, willowy with striking red hair said something to the Dark Lord then walked over to her.
“Don’t be afraid, just do what you need to do. Nothing is going to go wrong. You have your instructions?”
“Yes, Lady,” the young woman managed. She had never believed that she would be this close to one of the Ladies, let alone talk to one.
“You know where to stand?” This was answered with a nod.
“Good, then you are set.” Came with the charismatic smile that all the Ladies seemed to possess. She looked at the heavy bound folder then ran her hand over it. “I haven’t seen that in a long time.” With another smile she left to join the others. The Dark Lord gave the Lady a nod and the assistant a smile. The young woman took a deep breath and found herself a lot calmer.
Next to swear the oath was Marshal of the Legion Ress Lissor. This was quickly done, the Marshals firm words echoing around the chamber. The steward’s assistant, gathering in the official document.
The broadcast was also being closely watched at Legion headquarters by almost the entire compliment of personal. Almost all cheered when the Marshal stepped back and saluted. A few didn’t, seeing their hopes and dreams dashed. Two officers in particular looked at each other and shook their heads. They would talk later, in safety.
The members of the High Council were next. “First Cluster, Japua Conti.” The Head Steward called. It was clear that Garda was now more comfortable
Slowly Japua Conti rose and walked to the dais, the Dark Lord regarding him thoughtfully as he did so. The councillor grew uncomfortable and the watchers and viewers held their breath, while at Legion Headquarters, the senior officers leant forward.
“Japua Conti, you were one of those on the Council who no longer regarded my return as a possibility. What say you now?” The Dark Lord spoke before the Steward could.
“My Lord, you stand before me, I have no choice but to accept you.”
“And will you take the oath of office?”
“I will.” Hands were offered and grasped. The sword was extended and the oath was recited. The official document was sealed and passed over.
“First Cluster, Don Krispa.” The parade continued. All the councillors took the oath of office. All up to Lika Dupra of the Fourth Cluster.
Slowly she walked up to the Dark Lord. They regarded each other, calmly in the case of the Dark Lord and sadly in the case of Lika Dupra.
“I do not know that I can swear allegiance to one who destroyed the planet of Ti Lepus.” She replied when asked.
“You have read all the reports. I see.” The Dark Lord held her in his gaze.
“I have.” Even the Ladies were openly watching with interest.
“So you lay the blame for that on me. Do you see what you are doing? Others were also involved. Don’t you think that I did everything I could to avoid the crisis? Even to the extent of sending my own ambassadors at the end. I had held it off for years by working behind the scenes.” The Dark Lords revelation caused many to stare in surprise.
“But in the end a planet was destroyed!” The Councillor protested
“Yes.” He paused. “What that means is none are perfect and all endeavors may be in vain.” He sighed. “Does that mean that one should not try?”
“I don’t know. If I disagree, will you listen to me?” Lika Dupra stared at her sovereign.
“I will listen, but that does not mean that I will in all cases agree with you, or accept your viewpoint, reasons or conclusion. But I will listen.”
Slowly Dupra extended her hands into the Dark Lords. The sword was extended. The oath was administered and the certificate stamped. All watching released their breath.
Finally, all the councillors were sworn in and the newly sworn council were all seated. The Dark Lord waved over the Head Steward. A word was spoken and the Head Steward moved to the front of the dais.
“This concludes the public broadcast.” All the view screens went blank. The commentators now took over. Some concentrated on the oath, others, on the implications of the Dark Lords return; some less serious, on the Ladies of the Circle dresses.
The doors opened, Ferni Massett walked in and bowed to the Dark Lord and then waved to the security guards. They stepped forward turned and saluted, executed a wheel and crisply marched out the double doors, followed by the Imperial Guard. Two of the Imperial Guard stopped and stood, one on each side of the doors. Shutting and securing the doors, she turned and stood at the center. Tapping on her comm, she spoke for the first time.
“The palace is secure Sire, Ladies, First Councillor, Marshal and Councillors.”
“Thank you Chief Massett. You have done well today.”
She held her face immobile but bowed at the compliment while noting some of the looks she received from a few of the councillors were less than complimentary. The smile inside grew wider at that but smile faded somewhat as she suddenly realised that the Ladies were now sitting on chairs that were not there a fraction before.
“Now gentlemen, let us to business.” The Dark Lord sat back on His throne. “First Councillor, I would have your input on the status of the Empire.” He smiled.
The First Councillor stood. “Considering the duration of your absence, the Empire is in excellent condition sire.” Some of the councillors winced at Resta’s opening but the Dark Lord showed no annoyance and may even had smiled a little. “The majority of the two hundred and fifty or so galaxies are at peace. Although there are several insurgences ongoing, each in different galaxies, I would call these serious only for the planets concerned. In addition the usual bouts of agitation are occurring on a number of other planets. In three of the serious insurgences the Legion is involved and they and the Council are monitoring all the rest, including the instances of agitation. The ambassadors to all these planets are providing regular reports. None in my opinion are deserving of your personal attention.”
After taking a sip of sparkling water, imported from Findus VI, Resta continued.
“As you will be aware, only the first and second clusters have been fully explored and all planets, including those in which we could be interested, catalogued. Other galaxies are much less explored. However lately there has been a resurgence in exploration and numerous settled planets have been found. Most of these have been by private individuals hoping to make a fortune,” He smiled, several others, including some of the Ladies smiled as well. “One example is the planet named Locus around the star Thera.” The Dark Lord nodded. “There has been some wars on this planet, the last of which occurred about five hundred years ago. Apart from monitoring, and giving some diplomatic assistance, the Empire was not involved in any of these wars.
“The process of exploration has been ongoing as I have said. This has evolved and there has been a dispute, involving both the council and the Legion, as to what extant this should occur in light of the plans for the projected invasion of one of the largest galaxies in the Triangulum cluster. A fleet has been assembled in a galaxy. The one that you so recently came from. This has to be resolved before we actually launch the invasion. That is the main point of contention at the council.” He paused.
“As I indicated, there have been discussions between the council and the Legion but I cannot speak for the Legion as that is a matter for the Marshal to address.” The First Councillor bowed and sat.
“Thank you,” The Dark Lord responded “Marshal, if you would speak for the Legion.”
“Sire, the Legion is not in as good a shape as I would like it.” The Marshall had bounded to his feet. “As the First Councillor said, a significant portion of our forces are poised for the invasion. I would like to see some redistribution of these forces, as I am concerned that too great a proportion has been concentrated there and we may be left with insufficient craft available for contingencies elsewhere. But before taking this step, I am honour bound to discuss this, and other items with the Star Commander when he arrives. Therefore I fear that I am unable to say more.”
“Certainly, send him your thoughts and I will speak to both of you when he arrives.” The Dark Lord ran his eyes over the rest of the council. “Is there anything that any of you ladies and gentlemen Councillors wish to add?”
There was a moment of silence then, Ken of Hosta rose. “Sire the First Councillor is our spokesman and he has laid out the dilemma before the council with honesty. All that is left to say is Welcome Back.” Ken started clapping joined by Simone of Christos and Tylia Denpra. The others followed quickly.
Standing the Dark Lord acknowledged the applause. Giving the Steward a nod, the Dark Lord gave thanks with a rather sardonic smile. “I thank you and as I said, I will discuss these matters with you as the day’s progress. Now I would be a less than gracious host if I was to send you home hungry. Good Steward, the Chief Usher, has he performed his miracle?”
The Steward bowed and replied. “He is outside sire.”
At this Massett unlocked the Doors and the Chief Usher walked in. Quaking, he had not met with the Dark Lord yet, he bowed, “The meal is ready sire, the cooks and I have done our humble best.”
“My thanks good Usher, I am certain it is excellent. Now go, all of you and eat.” At this the Ladies all rose and flowed past the high chair, one stopped at the Dark Lords throne and spoke quietly for a fraction. A nod and she left. The councillors followed. The Marshall and Resta paused for a fraction, but left at a wave from the Dark Lord.
After everyone left Massett shut the doors and, whistling tunelessly, walked to one of the tables and bent over it. “What are you doing?” Froze her. She looked over her shoulder at the Dark Lord. He was now out of his chair and had removed his cloak.
“My Lord, I thought that you left.”
“I am still here and you haven’t answered my question.” Came softly with both a smile and a touch of menace.
“My job, sire.” Came unthinkingly. At the raised eyebrows, she hurriedly continued. “I am checking for plants, listening devices, anything suspicious.”
“You think one of my councillors may be a spy?” Both the Dark Lords eyebrows were raised. The smile had vanished.
“Knowledge is power, sire. Some would do anything for it.”
For a space the Dark Lord held her gaze. Then he nodded and smiled. “Continue, do your job.” He smiled and walked out the back through a door that Security Chief Ferni Massett never knew existed. As she watched, it disappeared. Another shudder went through her as she realised that all the chairs the Ladies had been sitting on had also vanished.
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If you knew there was a world different from ours, what would you do? [a.] Try to go there. This was the choice on the application form of the so-called "Sealing Club" at my university. I did not know that this marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey. One on which I would experience unimaginable things, see magical places and meet mysterious beings. A journey that would change me forever. This is a fan fiction based on the Touhou Project bullet hell game series created by ZUN. It employs the many colorful and varied characters of these games (who are predominantly female), with some of them having canon personalities, while others are original interpretations. The story is written in first-person, as you may gather from the description above, and has a rather slow pacing - please bear with it. Warning: If you don't like to see your Touhou characters get hurt, emotionally or physically, this is not for you. There will be bloody conflicts.
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Paper Airplanes with written feelings.(Book 1)© 2016All rights reserved
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