《Invasion, Part One, Chapter One》Chapter Two
First Councillor Les Doman Resta and Marshal of the Legion Ress Lissor both arrived at the council chambers a fraction before the eleventh period. None of the other councillors had yet arrived although they were expected imminently.
“How was your meeting?” Resta spoke first. Both had held a meeting with their senior staff earlier. The shock that had rippled through both the buildings was palpable, reinforced by the announcement sent to all the legions bases and ships as well as the empires governors and ambassadors.
“Probably as good as yours.” Ress Lissor paused for a fraction. “This is going to take some getting used to. A whole new paradigm.” A broad shouldered and bulky man, he looked short compared to the tall and rangy first councillor. He also had short cropped, iron gray hair compared to the full head of hair adorning the first councillors. A personal choice of the First Councillor, he had held his position due to his strength of character and demonstrated competence.
“Yes indeed.” The First Councillor regarded the Marshal. “You look worried.”
“I am worried.” Staring sightlessly around Ress Lissor continued. “I have been very carefully monitoring movements and maneuvers. Both in Legion High Command and in the Council.” The Marshal took a deep breath. “You cannot be unaware of the goings on. I have been able to keep it under control by being careful of who was promoted and where they went. But still, I fear that there may be trouble.”
“I agree, I have not been unaware of ambitious people getting themselves elected to this and other councils and the rich and not so rich looking with avarice on my seat.” Les Doman Resta smiled. “But that is not our worry for now,” he smiled again, in anticipation, “I have been speaking to the Head Steward, there will be a ceremonial meeting at noon with our Master.”
“A ceremonial meeting?” Ress Lissor was puzzled.
“Yes, it seems that the last time he returned, there was a ceremony. I don’t know the details, but the Head Steward knows, and assures me that there is nothing to worry about.” There was another tight smile.
The Marshal had the distinct feeling that there was going to be something to worry about but a noise outside the doors distracted him. These were pushed open and a man with a distinctly self-important air bustled in. This was Tim Deuris from the Fifth Cluster. If there were to be any problems, he was sure to be at the center of them, thought the Marshal. Characteristically, Deuris ignored the two already sitting there.
Arriving after Deuris was his Fifth Cluster co-councillor, Simone of Christos, as different from Deuris as two people could possibly be. Following in were the rest of the High Council. Some came in quietly, some talking.
Resta stood, rapped his knuckles on the table, and called for the councillors to take their seats. This highly unusual action got everyone’s attention, but they complied although in an unhurried fashion.
“Councillors, I have important news.” The High Councillor paused. “Our Master has returned.” There was silence at the table. The Marshals sharp eyes noted that both Simone of Christos and Turves Plenna were unsurprised, but also that while Simone looked pleased, Plenna looked worried. Ken of Hosta appeared the happiest of any of the councillors, while Lika Dupra looked upset. Tim Deuris looked derisive and showed his disbelief as did Don Krispa. The rest of the councillors showed surprise and most also appeared incredulous. He wondered idly why, then dismissed the question.
“I met with him briefly last night. He now has returned to the palace.” The First Councillor sat as he finished.
Don Krispa spoke first. “And how did this come about? I have been concerned for some time that the Ladies might bring in a puppet or duplicate to rule so that they could pull the strings from behind. Are we certain that this is not what has happened? Before we approve of whoever this is, we must be convinced.” There was a murmur of agreement from the table. Tim Deuris was most vocal while Ymaus Tyon remained silent, watching the others.
Authua looked at the Marshal. “What does the Legion have to say about this?
“The Legion stands behind the Dark Lord. He came to see me before he saw the First Councillor last night.” The Marshal spoke quietly. “Oh, he has also raised Fleet Admiral Vis Vistricer to the rank of Star Commander. He should be here in just over two weeks, standard of course. As to how this came about? Your guess at this time is as good as mine.”
“So he bribes the Legion with ranks.” Tim Deuris laughed nastily. “What’s next?”
Ress Lissor stiffened. “Vis Vistricer is an honourable man and your suggestion is intolerable.” He ground out.
“I apologise.” Deuris smiled. Smirked might be better.
“I expect a brief from the Star Commander sometime today or tomorrow. That will answer most questions as to ‘how this came about’ Councillor.” The Marshal chose to ignore Deuris’s smirk as well as his smile of reply.
Leaning forward Jenna of Dispos emphasised her words. “You have met the man. We haven’t. For the sake of the Empire, we must be certain.” The rest of the members around the table nodded in agreement.
First Councillor Les Doman Resta nodded. “I agree completely, that is why we have transport waiting for us. We will go directly to the palace, so you may all see for yourself.”
There was a profound silence for a fraction.
“You expect us to just run over there?” Deuris protested.
“No, I expect you to obey the summons of our returned Master.”
With a concerned look, Ymaus Tyon spoke for the first time. “First Councillor, Marshal, you have both met this man. Are you both convinced that he is truly the Dark Lord returned?”
“I am.” The Marshal spoke. He smiled. “I also had to face the same question this morning.”
“As did I, and I am convinced.” The First Councillor stood and tapped his comm unit. The doors to the room opened and four members of the Imperial Guard entered. They bowed.
“We have delayed long enough, I am going to the palace come or stay as you will. But be prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be.” Resta turned to the door.
Most of the rest stood to follow, while Deuris and Lika Dupra remained seated.
“Consequences? No one said anything about consequences?” Deuris protested.
“Do you think that you could ignore a summons like this one, and just get away with it?” Simone of Christos spoke for the first time, “We of Christos know the Dark Lord.” She turned to Dupra. “Come Lika, I understand how you feel. If you truly cannot work with Him, He will let you go freely. This I know.”
“I don’t even want to see Him.” Dupra shuddered.
“I know, but it would be discourteous to just not show up. At least you should tell him of your qualms in person,” Simone urged her fellow councillor.
Deuris had moved, grumbling while the two were talking. Slowly Lika Dupra rose and walked. As they passed the two guardsmen waiting these two both bowed and followed them.
“Why are they here?” Turves Plenna asked nervously.
“For honour, sir,” The eldest replied. “Our Master sent us as an honour guard.”
“And if I had stayed in my seat?” Came the belligerent question from Deuris.
“Then you would have a lonely time of it all by yourself.” Ken of Hosta smiled, “Do you really think that anything else would have happened?”
At the elevators, the group split into two and descended to the ground floor. There they found waiting outside a large passenger conveyance. A curious crowd had gathered and news teams, alerted by the usual leakers, were there to record the event and to yell the expected questions, unanswered as usual.
At the palace, The Head Steward found that he was to hold, for the first time, a news conference. He had to his horror, been instructed to do just that by the Dark Lord.
“My Lord, never has this been done before!” He had protested vainly.
“It has, many times, usually about every ten thousand years.” The Dark Lords jovial reply did not reassure the Head Steward. He continued.
“It is simple, just read the proclamation. Answer a few questions about what is going on, the Council, and what is going to happen inside. Answer no questions about me, except when I arrived. You may however, tell them that I have spoken to both the First Councillor and the Marshal of the Legion.”
“Yes sire.”
“I suggest that you do this once you know that the council is on its way.” The Dark Lord continued.
“Indeed, sire.” Garda replied.
“And the feed to the news outlets from the Room of the Ministers?”
“That has all been arranged per your instructions, sire.” Garda reassured his sovereign.
“Good, now go and get ready. Take some time to yourself, you will need it.” The consoling words did not relax the Head Steward.
At the eleventh period the Head Steward was told that the High Council had convened. This news was delivered to him in hushed tones by the appropriate deputy who had grown complacent over the years but now realised that his job, if he kept it, was going to change and become vastly more important. It was less than a half period later that he made the second call and revealed that the council was leaving. By this time Karkart was dressed in his rarely used official uniform. He had a sinking feeling that he was going to be using it a lot more in the future.
“All of them?” The Head Steward wanted to be certain.
“They all got on the elevator.” The deputy replied.
“Good, call if some decide not to come.”
“Why wouldn’t a councillor not go to the palace?” The puzzled deputy asked.
“Never mind, just make sure that you tell me.” Garda signed off.
Leaving his office, he walked with Madla Dinsta to the main entrance. A junior assistant followed them, holding the proclamation.
“You know what to do when they arrive?” The Steward asked.
“I have it.” The Senior Administrator confirmed.
Waiting at the entrance was Security Chief Ferni Massett. She had placed twenty guardsman where the councillors would arrive and had another twenty security guards, in full ceremonial dress lining the front of the building. Tourists, of which there were always some, were being kept away, more guards having been detailed to keep them under control. There were more tourists than usual as word had seeped out about something strange happening at the palace, so crowds had gathered.
The news people had been placed in a position away from where the councillor’s conveyance would stop but close enough to provide good coverage. View screens for the public had been erected but were not yet activated.
Taking the proclamation from the assistant Head Steward Grada Karkart went to where the news people were standing and, to his annoyance, shouting questions. Taking a deep breath the Head Steward spoke loudly. “I have a proclamation to read.” Handed a scroll of heavy paper taken from a stock that had been long stored he unrolled it and began to speak:
To all citizens of the Empire!
“Today, Eleventh Wassas, Year 1392, New Style, Ninth Translation, our Master, the Dark Lord, the Supreme Lord and Absolute Monarch of the Empire has returned and will take up his seat to rule the Empire.
The High Council and the Marshal of the Legion are enroute and will take their Oath of Allegiance to the Dark Lord in the Room of the Ministers.”
Stepping back he handed the proclamation to the same junior assistant and took a breath. Gathering himself he spoke again. “I will, today only, take a few questions.” He pointed at one newsman at random.
“What is the oath?”
“It is the normal oath of allegiance that a member of the council has to take.” He pointed to another. But that brought several questions as to what the words and the form were. He held up his hand and informed them all that they would be hearing it later. He pointed to another reporter.
“Have you spoken to Him?” That worthy asked.
“Yes I have.” Garda responded
“How is He?” The same reporter asked.
Karkart paused at that. “In good humour,” came out and he pointed to another.
“Where has He been and when did He get back?” Was the expected question
“I have no idea where He has been but He arrived back on Tihab before midnight last night.” Garda replied.
“Has He spoken to anyone else?” One called.
“Yes He has met with both the First Councillor and the Marshal of the Legion.”
Being informed that the councillor’s conveyance was arriving, the Head Steward declared that he now had official business to attend to, and moved to his place on the palace steps. Further shouted questions were ignored and he made a mental note that a staff news person might be a good idea.
The conveyance had pulled up to the foot of the stairs and Garda noted with satisfaction that Madla Dinsta had boarded the vehicle which was much more than a bus.
“Good day First Councillor, Councillors and Marshal.” She paused and stepped aside as the four Imperial Guardsmen left. “We will be proceeding in an orderly procession to the Room of the Ministers. The Head Steward will lead you with the First Councillor and Marshal following. The Marshall will be on the left and the First Councillor on the right. The Councillors will follow in order of each cluster you belong to, starting with the first. In the room, there are two tables each with seven seats. Each councillor gets a seat. As you come in you simply split to the left or the right and take your seats in order.” She paused. “Do you have any questions so far?” A holograph diagram, complete with names and faces was projected from Distra’s comm for the Councillors to see.
“Where do the First Councillor and Marshal sit?” Jenna of Dispos asked, overlooking the obvious.
“I will show them, they are at the front where there are seats set aside for them.”
“Why all the guards?” Tama Priestas asked. She had been staring out the window.
“As you can see, most are in full ceremonial uniform. They are a full honour guard for you as the four Imperial Guards were earlier.” Dinsta had her answer ready. “Wait until you see the Head Steward!” She waited a fraction longer for more questions. Satisfied that there were none she turned to the First Councillor and Marshal.
“First Councillor, your seat is here to the left side of our master and Marshal, you sit here on the right side.” There were nods of comprehension. Then the Marshal pointed to another seat, beside his. “Who sits there?” He asked although he felt that he could guess.
“The Star Commander, when he is here, sir.” Again she waited for further questions. Standing up as there were none, she invited the councillors to form themselves in the correct order for the procession into the palace. There was grumbling and some pointed remarks, but soon they were ready.
“At your convenience sir.” Went to the First councillor. She noted the twinkle in his eye and realised that he knew what was being done here. The Marshal had his expressionless face on. Adjusting his cap and sword he followed along with the councillors.
Waiting for them were four lines of guards. Two lines each of ten Imperial Guards facing each other, and, outside of them, facing the same way, two lines of Palace guards. On the steps stood the Head Steward. Not visible was Ferni Massett. She had moved to a position near the Room of The Ministers, where she could monitor everything. With her was the Senior Guardsman, she still didn’t know his name. With her comm Ferni contacted the palace security control office, located in the basement, “Ok, Control, the show has started, reaction teams make ready.”
“Chief, Control here, we are ready, as are the teams. The broadcast has started.”
“Chief copies,” Then to the Guardsman, “Let’s hope they are not needed.” She got an unexpected smile in return.
“If someone starts something, they will soon regret it.” The guardsman promised.
All three of the senior palace staff had been uncertain as to what the Dark Lord would do. Massett was relieved when she had seen that He and the Ladies were already in the room and waiting. She had commed Karkart and Dinsta with the news.
Back at the front of the palace, the Councillors had straggled down the center of the reception guard, who had come to attention, and stopped when they reached the Head Steward.
“Welcome to the palace on this great occasion.” Came with a bow of greeting.
“We are honoured to be here.” The First Councillor replied, returning the bow. Both the Marshal and the First councillor stared at the Head Steward. He was dressed in a similar uniform to the ceremonial dress of the guards except that he did not wear a sword or any weapon and instead of unit designation, he wore on his shoulder the symbol of the palace and the Empire, a galactic swirl pierced by a sword.
By this time, Tim Deuris and Tama Priestas had heard on their comm units about the oath of allegiance and were silently fuming. They realised that they have been completely out maneuvered but both recognised that they never had, had any choice but to go along with the procession. They wondered what lay ahead, while Don Krispa on the other hand was rapidly revising his previous beliefs. The other councillors reactions ranged from Kens almost euphoria to Lika Dupra's almost depression.
“Let us proceed to the Room of Ministers.” The Head Steward turned and slowly walked up the stairs. The Palace guards took a step back, turned and matched the Imperial guard as they and the councillors followed the lead of the Steward.
The awakening of the palace was an event that could not be disguised. Around the planet, the system, then beyond, the word spread, at first slowly, then with growing momentum, rapidly. The surprise broadcast, live from the palace of the arrival of the High Council added to the drama.
The historic proclamation and unprecedented interview by the Steward heightened the interest, and along with the possibility of actually seeing the Dark Lord for the first time for all the empires citizens, meant that viewing grew to never seen before levels. One source estimated that almost one hundred percent of people who were awake or were roused from sleep watched the live broadcast and the rest did so at some other time.
Viewers on Tihab and close-in space stations had no or little lag time although further out there was some delay which became greater the further the distance from the planet. Other systems got edited cuts quickly via hyper transmissions but the complete coverage was on delay only.
News organisations were almost euphoric and hopeful of a new age of freedom, where they could show the inside of the palace and possibly even interview the Dark Lord. They were to be disappointed.
Once in the palace, the Palace guard dropped behind and followed the main group. Passing through the main doors, the Head Steward turned right and after a short distance, left into another corridor. Viewers everywhere gawked at the seldom seen interior. Approaching their destination the Steward slowed and then raised his hand to knock on the doors. Everyone held their breath.
At the sound of the Stewards fist striking the double doors, they opened on their own. The interior was revealed.
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