《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 027 : Ximen Yixiong


Not long after he was inside, Yixiong suddenly saw Shanquan there as well. His friend looked a bit confused. Yixiong thought he was looking for something. Yixiong was only observing from afar. He knew that Shanquan truly enjoyed being alone sometimes. In such circumstances, Shanquan usually felt uncomfortable when other people approached him.

When Yixiong saw Shanquan was walking in circles, he felt his friend was looking for someone.

Maybe Dage has had an appointment with someone in this building!

There was the sound of a child crying. Yixiong looking back. A small boy about five years old was sitting on the floor, crying. It looked like he was lost. Maybe he couldn't find his parents or relatives who looked after him. Yixiong remembered what had happened to him. He walked closer to the boy. But from his left side, a person was running toward the boy. The person then picked up and carried the little boy. He turned out to be his father or relative. Yixiong then turned back to where he was standing earlier.

Shanquan was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had found the person he was looking for, or maybe his dage had gone out of the mall because he couldn't find what or who he was looking for. Yixiong then descended to the ground floor. He decided to leave the mall and continue his journey to find a new place to live.

On the ground floor, Yixiong saw Shanquan again among the crowd who were there.

Apparently, Dage is still here.

This time, Yixiong wanted to approach him. He thought that would be okay. But when he started to walk closer, Shanquan suddenly rushed toward the exit. Yixiong tried to catch up. However, numerous people around him hampered his pace. Shanquan quickly appeared to have arrived at the mall's exit and entrance. He quickly disappeared behind the door. When Yixiong arrived at the mall exit and passed through that door, Shanquan was already out of sight. There was no visible figure at all.


Where did Dage go? Why was he running so fast? Or maybe I saw it wrong! Maybe he wasn't him.

Yixiong looked around in front of the mall. There wasn't a single trace of Shanquan. After considering for a while, he intended to go to one of the famous places for cheap apartment rentals. Although he wasn't sure about that place. At least he could see by himself what kind of place people were always talking about. He could use the bus to get there.

In front of the mall, there was a bus stop. Several bus lines passed through the major street in front of the mall. Without wasting much time, Yixiong immediately walked toward the bus stop.

There were only three people, including himself, who were waiting for the bus there. He didn't have to wait too long. The bus which was belonged to the line that Yixiong wanted to take had come. Five passengers got off at the stop. They quickly walked toward the mall's north entrance that Yixiong had just left. Yixiong immediately got on the bus. It turned out that he was the only passenger boarding the stop—the other two were waiting for another line bus.

At that time, the bus was not full at all. No passengers were standing. There were few passengers. More than half of the seats were empty. Yixiong instantly sat in the seat at the front, right behind the driver.

The bus started moving away from the stop when suddenly the people sitting in the very back seat of the bus began to scream. Yixiong saw the passengers, especially those sitting at the back, screaming while pointing toward the mall entrance.

Yixiong turned his gaze toward the mall door, which was still visible from where he was sitting. From the door of the mall, the visitors run out. They looked panicked. Several people fell. There were even people who accidentally kicked and stepped on other people who were running around irregularly. The situation was chaotic.


Something terrible happened at the mall!

The bus was moving. Yixiong got up from his seat and walked to the left side of the bus. He wanted to see it distinctly.

"Maybe it was a bomb!" said one passenger.

"I heard nothing. Also, no smoke or that sort of thing. So it was definitely not a bomb," said another passenger.

The bus was already about fifty meters from the bus stop, so it was impossible to stop. Besides, in such a situation, the bus could not stop. The bus driver was responsible for bus condition and the passenger's safety. It was possible that outside there had been a disaster that threatened the safety of many people. Naturally, people wanted to help other people who were outside. But everything had a procedure. For bus drivers and crew, the priority was the safety of bus passengers. So his decision to keep going was in accordance with the rule that applies.

Even though the bus hadn't stopped, the bus driver immediately turned on the radio and reported the incident. Yixiong hoped the police, ambulance, fire department, and other officers would come to the location to help those people right away.

Luckily, Dage had already left the building!

He'd returned to his seat. He'd kept thinking about what he had just gone through.

"Very well. I think now is the time for us to discuss the Songfei issue!"

Shanquan's firm voice interrupted Yixiong's reverie. Yixiong regained his senses. He could see Shanquan was right in front of him. His face was so serious. Currently, Yixiong was sitting with his friends on the sofa in their living room. He was ready to take part in this very important discussion.

It had crossed Yixiong's mind to ask Shanquan about what he did yesterday at the mall. But he quickly abandoned that intention. The timing wasn't right at all. After all, Yixiong really didn't want to ask that in front of the rest of his friends. He thought that maybe Shanquan was reluctant to tell it openly in front of many people.

Yixiong looked at his friends one by one. They all seemed enthusiastic about the meeting. Just like Shanquan, their faces radiated an air of seriousness. It was similar to when they attended game events hosted by Songfei. It's just that in the meetings that Songfei initiated, the atmosphere is much more fluid, not as serious as this.

"Besides us, are there other parties, such as Songfei's friends from the detective and mystery club, who have noticed that Songfei is in quite a bit of trouble?" Zhengyi asked.

So true! Things like this shouldn't be the domain of his clubmates? They must be much more interested in this case.

"About Songfei's friends from the detective and mystery club, as far as I know, no one is aware of this." Shanquan's voice sounded full of confidence. "But regarding that, there is something else you should know."

Dage indeed doesn't know. But it doesn't mean that none of the Songfei's friends from the detective and mystery club knew what had happened to him. Or maybe Songfei doesn't even trust them.

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