《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 026 : Ximen Yixiong


Ximen Yixiong was four years younger than Shanquan. With a face and body similar to Shanquan, some people often couldn't distinguish both of them from each other. From a distance, they look very similar. At night, when the light was dim, their neighbors often thought that he was Shanquan.

Yixiong had known Shanquan for a long time. Namely, when he had been four years old. He got lost in a very crowded city fair. There was a city fair that was held in an enormous field. The place was close to Yixiong's residence. Because his parents worked in another city, they entrusted Yixiong to one of his uncles. One day, Yixiong's uncle and aunt had something so important that they temporarily left their home. So after that, it is still clear in Yixiong's memory that he was under the care of his three cousins, who were still in their teens.

One night, some of Yixiong's cousins' friends came and asked Yixiong's cousins to have fun seeing the city fair. Yixiong was only four years old, so they thought they shouldn't take Yixiong away for fear it would be troublesome. So they left him and a cousin at home.

Yixiong's cousin, who was in charge of looking after him, was a reckless person. He didn't notice that Yixiong had secretly left their house. At that time, Yixiong's cousin and his friends had gone on foot so that Yixiong could still see them. Unbeknownst to them, Yixiong was secretly following behind.

Immediately after arriving at the city fair, the crowd made Yixiong lose track of his cousins. When Yixiong cried from fear, Shanquan appeared to calm him down. Shanquan then accompanied Yixiong and tried to help to find those two cousins of Yixiong and his friends.

The actual situation was more complicated than that because Shanquan was also lost. Shanquan visited the city fair with his parents and three younger sisters. When Shanquan's mother and younger sister were in the women's restroom. Shanquan followed his father into the men's room. But a moment later, he came out while his father was still inside.


As soon as he exited the toilet door, Shanquan saw someone he thought was strange and caught his attention. Somehow, Shanquan then followed that person. With the crowd in that place, Shanquan, in a flash, lost track of that person. The field where the people held the fair was vast. All the sites look the same, so Shanquan got lost. That's when he met Yixiong, who also had been lost. The two little boys were trying to find their families together.

Finally, Shanquan met his family but failed to find Yixiong's cousins. It turned out that Yixiong's cousins and friends didn't stay there too long because one friend asked them to go to another place. They just left because they didn't know from the start that Yixiong was following them. Until late at night, none of Yixiong's family reported to security at the city fair. So the Shanquan family then took Yixiong back to their home. That night Yixiong stayed at Shanquan's house.

The next day Shanquan's family reported the matter to the police. The police requested that Shanquan's family temporarily take care of Yixiong. Yixiong remembered that the Because Shanquan family had been very kind to him, then he was thrilled to be there. Only four days later, Yixiong's family, namely his uncle and aunt, learned of Yixiong's whereabouts and picked him up at Shanquan's house.

After that, Shanquan met Yixiong several times. But when Yixiong's parents came and took her to another city to live there, they lost contact. Only about twenty-five years later, they meet again. Although they rarely met face to face because Yixiong lived in another city. They only occasionally met when Yixiong visited Shanquan's city. Over the years, they maintained their friendship by exchanging letters and occasionally talking on the phone.

Two years ago, Shanquan gave him the news that he was about to start a journey. Yixiong was not surprised to learn that Shanquan had wanted to become an explorer. He already knew for a long time. After that, every month, Shanquan always gave him the latest news and told him about the experiences he had. After considering it, Yixiong was finally determined to try what Shanquan did. That's why, nine months later, Yixiong followed in Shanquan's footsteps by wandering. At first, he traveled alone. After two months of traveling, he joined Shanquan in this city.


Life in this city was a life full of color, far from the monotonous life that Yixiong experienced before. Surprise after surprise came to color their lives. They were all significant experiences. The house they lived in was a house that had made a million impressions on their minds. There was a sense of unwillingness but inevitably has to let it go. Yixiong hoped that his future residence would also contribute amazing things to his life.

Currently, they were chatting in the living room. There might not be many opportunities to talk there. There were important things to discuss, namely regarding the Songfei problem.

While talking in that living room, there were still things that stuck in Yixiong's mind. He was still thinking about the explosion of light at the mall near the station that happened yesterday. He felt something was odd. However, he could not describe which part was strange. Then he pondered over the things he did yesterday at the mall.

Yesterday he had visited the mall. It was just after he had exited from the subway station. The mall building was a rectangle that extended inward. The width was about 200 meters, while the length was 500 meters. So, this mall was considered very large. There were two entrances: the north entrance and the south entrance. The entrances were in the middle of the north and south sides. For the car and motorcycle, there were four other doors located at the left and right ends of each north and south side of the building. The right end for the entrance and the left end for the exit.

The car and motorcycle entrance lead directly to the underground. The entrance to the mall for passengers using cars is underground. After unloading the passengers, the driver can take the car to the parking area, which was also underground. Cars could also go directly into the underground parking lot. From there, the passengers got off and walked to the mall entrance. The entrance was located in two locations. They were right in the middle of the west side and in the middle of the east side of the building. For motorcyclists, they could go directly to the parking lot located under the parking area for cars. After parking their motorbikes there, they walked a little towards the elevator, which would take them to the same visitor entrance as passengers using cars.

Yixiong entered from the north door. Once inside the building, he saw a lot of visitors who were present there. Yixiong and his friends had often visited this mall. They already understand the ins and outs of this mall. As was the case with thousands of other malls in this city, this mall had complete facilities. Apart from a shopping center, there was also a small indoor theme park. So in this building, every time people always crowded.

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