《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 021 : Zhonghang Qiuzhen


Hanrong's voice sounded clear. "Yesterday indeed, I went out for a while. I didn't lock the door and gate because I thought I would only be out for a while. It turned out that, for some reason, my business took a long time. When I came back here, I still had time to meet those people. When I asked them what they were doing, they didn't answer. Those people just walked away. I saw there were three people in this building. But inside the SUV parked outside the building, there seemed to be three people as well. So the total number of people I saw was six. Maybe I was wrong about their number because I paid little attention to their number yesterday. After that, I rested for a while in this room. Because there was no sign that you were still in this building, so I immediately locked everything and went home.

Qiuzhen nodded from inside the chest. Hanrong said exactly as he had instructed. But there was something new. The car that Qiuzhen saw yesterday stopped around this building was a sedan. However, from the girl's story and Hanrong's words, it turned out that they were using an SUV. Maybe they used two cars. The SUV used for the kidnapping then left the area, but another member of their gang, who was in a sedan, soon arrived to keep an eye on the place. But it's also possible that the sedan that Qiuzhen saw wasn't part of the gang. Maybe they were the other party who, for some reason, was keeping an eye on the gang. Or perhaps it's just a coincidence. The sedan might belong to someone else who had nothing to do with the plot or the kidnapping case.

Qiuzhen continued to observe and listen to their conversation. His body was starting to feel sore, but the curiosity that overtook him made Qiuzhen ignore all of that. After all, there was no way he would suddenly come out of the box. Whatever happened, he had to keep hiding in the box until no one else was in the room.


"Isn't the night watchman coming?" asked the young girl.

"When I got home, he wasn't there. When I came, he was no longer there. So I don't know what time he comes and goes. I don't even know if he's coming or not," Hanrong's voice sounded a little irritated.

It seemed Hanrong then looked at Shanquan and the girl. With a slow tempo, he said, "This kind of thing …."

Shanquan then replied, "Regarding that. We also don't know whether they have actually committed a crime or not. So for the time being we will postpone reporting to the authorities for the time being."

"Thank you, Sir." Hanrong's voice sounded full of relief.

"Yes, the important thing is that we are okay. This is Mr. Gongyang's belongings that I will take home." Shanquan lifted the blue bag he was carrying.

"Oh, go ahead, Sir. At that time, Mr. Gongyang had already said that to me. Are there still a lot of Mr. Gongyang's stuff upstairs?"

"There's still a lot." Shanquan laughed. "But this time he just asked me to get this bag. Maybe next time I, or other friends, will get other things."

Hanrong's voice was heard again. "Besides him, there are several other tenants whose belongings are still here. I don't know when this building will actually close."

After that, Hanrong told them a little about the state of the building. Qiuzhen wasn't sure that Shanquan was interested in hearing Hanrong's story because a few moments later, Shanquan interrupted Hanrong's story.

"Hanrong, what time is it now?"

"It's almost half-past nine, Sir."

"We still have other things to do, so we must leave immediately."

"You want to go now?" Hanrong's tone sounded a little strange. Qiuzhen didn't know it was a tone of disappointment or relief.


"That's right. This afternoon I have to visit some other friends," said Shanquan. "Besides, I also have to take this lady back to her house. So, now we'll excuse ourselves."

After saying that, Shanquan and the girl immediately stood up. It seemed they were getting ready to leave the room.

"Do you two don't want to take a shower or at least wash your face upstairs first?"

Qiuzhen gasped when he heard Hanrong say that. Qiuzhen's backpack was still upstairs. Luckily, Shanquan immediately refused. It seemed that he had wanted to leave this place quickly.

"Oh, there's no need. I'm in a hurry," Shanquan said. Suddenly, the man slapped his forehead. "May I use the phone for a moment?"

"Go ahead, Sir," said Hanrong. Then Shanquan immediately used the telephone that was there. The phone was connected to a box that must be filled with coins for the phone to work. Shanquan only briefly used the phone. He just called home to tell him he was fine.

"Hanrong! Do you have a phone at home?" Shanquan asked Hanrong as soon as he hung up the phone.

"Yes, I have, Sir."

"May I have your home phone number?"

Unable to see clearly, Qiuzhen could only imagine Hanrong picking up a pen and a piece of paper. He wrote down his phone number on the paper. Then he gave the paper to the man who was about to leave the place.

"Thank you," said Shanquan.

"You are welcome, Sir!" Hanrong replied.

After that, Shanquan and the girl immediately left the room.

Hanrong also came out of the room. Maybe he'd walk them all the way to the back door. Qiuzhen intended to use this opportunity to get out of the box and return to the tenth floor. After retrieving his duffel bag, he will leave the building. As planned, he would return to their home in Pingyuan tomorrow evening.

Just as Qiuzhen had opened the lid of the box he was hiding in, suddenly the phone in the room rang. Qiuzhen closed the lid of the box again. Hanrong would definitely come in soon to answer the phone. He didn't want to see Hanrong know he had been in the box all along and seen and heard their conversation. It wasn't until the fourth ring that Hanrong walked into the room half running. He immediately picked up the phone.

"Yes, it's me Hanrong." Hanrong said firmly. Qiuzhen was surprised that Hanrong's tone sounded a little different from usual. Then Hanrong listened to the caller for a while.

"That's right, they just left through the back door. Their goal was to get to the station. After that they might go straight back to Mr. Duanmu's house in Pingyuan."

Then the caller spoke again. Hanrong seemed to be listening seriously.

"Okay then. I'll stay on guard here. It's best if we don't use this number again for contact. Just leave a message at the stall near the crossroad. I'll call you later."

After that, Hanrong hung up the phone. He then left the room.

Qiuzhen was shocked to hear the phone conversation.

Who called Hanrong? Why did Hanrong seem to have received calls from that person many times before? Who really is Hanrong?

So many questions immediately ran through Qiuzhen's mind. He could only hope that he would get the answer soon.

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