《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 020 : Zhonghang Qiuzhen


Arriving at the ground floor, as soon as he got out of the elevator, Qiuzhen went straight to Hanrong's office. The room was quite large, measuring eight meters by six meters. There was a large rectangular table in the middle of the room. The table was filled with chairs that were also large. In one corner of the room was a large, dark gray box. The box was shaped like a locker. But it was not a locker at all. It's just the shape that was indeed similar. Looking at the box, Qiuzhen thought of the big box that magicians often use in magic shows. About nine months ago, Songfei had once shown Qiuzhen that the box could be a hiding place, at least for a while. Qiuzhen opened the box without hesitation. The inside looks quite roomy. Qiuzhen steadfastly jumped in.

The inside was really roomy. Quite comfortable for adults whose body was not too big. Actually, people with enormous bodies could also hide inside, but surely later, their bodies would be sore. There was a part of the box that was transparent. The transparent part was only about twenty centimeters by fifty centimeters. So Qiuzhen could see outside the box. From the outside, the part was not visible because it only looked like dark glass. So it's like tinted glass, which was dark on only one side. It's just that the glass in this box was not just dark but pitch black, so one would not suspect that from behind it, people could see clearly. Songfei had also once told him that the person hiding in this box could clearly hear voices or sounds coming from outside the box.

The notion that Shanquan was a person confined inside an elevator was merely an assumption. The person inside the elevator might have been Shanquan, but it could also be someone else. If that person wasn't Shanquan, then Qiuzhen's decision not to appear was the right one. Qiuzhen didn't want his presence to be known to many people. His arrival at this building was discreet. Even his arrival in this city was also secret, at least for the time being. People didn't need to know. So, as much as possible, Qiuzhen didn't want people to know that he was already in this city.


If the person in the elevator was Shanquan, Qiuzhen's decision to hide wasn't a hundred percent wrong, either. From the banging on the elevator walls he heard earlier, Qiuzhen guessed more than one person was trapped inside the elevator. If one of those people was Shanquan, who was the other person? What was that person's relationship with Shanquan? Qiuzhen really believed in Shanquan. But he felt that sometimes Shanquan was too naïve. Shanquan was an honest person, so he rarely suspected others. At least that was the impression Qiuzhen got. Of course, he could be wrong, though. If one of the two trapped people was Shanquan, then Qiuzhen wanted to say something to Shanquan, but he didn't want anyone else to hear their conversation.

After waiting a few minutes inside the box, Qiuzhen heard someone's voice. It turned out that Hanrong and the person trapped in the elevator had already descended. They didn't enter Hanrong's study yet, so Qiuzhen couldn't hear clearly the contents of their conversation. After waiting for about five minutes, Hanrong's study door opened. Qiuzhen saw that three people were going inside. It was exactly as Qiuzhen suspected that Shanquan was the one trapped inside the elevator. But one more person Qiuzhen did not know. Beside Shanquan stood a very young girl. Qiuzhen had never seen her. From her gestures, it was implied that the girl really believed in Shanquan. Qiuzhen guessed maybe she was a relative of Shanquan who happened to be visiting this city.

But, if she is Beaushu's relative, why did he bring her all the way here? Like me, Beaushu came to this building, most likely only because Songfei asked. So why bother bringing anyone else? If Beaushu wanted to take the girl around town, wouldn't it be better on another day?

Before everything was clear, Qiuzhen didn't want to show himself. After all, Qiuzhen would look ridiculous if he suddenly appeared from the box. It could be an unfunny joke. A joke that Qiuzhen would probably regret for the rest of his life. So Qiuzhen sticks to the original plan. Observing everything from inside the box. After everyone left, only then would Qiuzhen get out of the box and leave this building.

Shanquan was carrying a fairly large blue bag. Qiuzhen could recognize that it was the bag that Songfei had asked Qiuzhen to keep for a while. So it was true that Shanquan had already taken the bag. He was relieved but also curious.


I didn't notify Songfei after the package arrived. Songfei might have doubted whether the package had arrived or had it lost on the way. I could understand if he later contacted Beaushu to ask Beaushu to keep his things.

But that's all beyond Qiuzhen's control. He just received the package after returning from a business trip. So indeed, he would not have time to contact Songfei. Qiuzhen's attention then turned to the blue bag.

The bag looks full. What exactly is in the bag?

Qiuzhen watched Shanquan. The person he had known since he was a child, looked exactly the same as three months ago, when Qiuzhen had last seen him. Just as usual, Shanquan's face looked much younger than his actual age. Only this time, his face looked a little pale. About three months ago, Shanquan once came to the town where Qiuzhen worked.

At that time, Shanquan accompanied the used bookstore owner where he had worked. Shanquan told him that the used bookstore owner chose to live with relatives who lived in the town where Qiuzhen worked. Shanquan and two other employees of the used bookstore wanted to make sure that the used bookstore owner would be okay. According to Shanquan, the three of them chatted with relatives of the secondhand bookstore owner. They were relieved because all the family members of the relatives received the owner of the used bookstore with joy.

Shanquan stayed for three days in the city. While visiting Qiuzhen, Shanquan also brought some of Qiuzhen's belongings that he forgot to take with him when Qiuzhen left three months earlier. Some of Qiuzhen's co-workers thought Shanquan was younger than Qiuzhen. They were shocked to learn that Shanquan was much older than Qiuzhen.

Although Qiuzhen could see the situation outside, the length and width of the transparent part of the box where he was hiding were very limited. There were so many blind spots that he could not see all the scenery outside. Hanrong gave them hot tea. While drinking tea, Shanquan and the young girl took turns telling stories to Hanrong. It turned out that the girl yesterday witnessed an act of kidnapping. She ran into the building to escape the pursuit of the kidnappers, who realized that someone was watching their actions. Shanquan and the girl then hid in the elevator.

So, it turned out that the people who had barged in yesterday were the kidnappers. Luckily, Beaushu had a brilliant idea. As strange as it was, the idea was truly extraordinary.

Even so, Qiuzhen still felt that something was off. Something he couldn't explain.

They were only after the girl, who was with Biaoshu, because she had witnessed their evil deeds, or was there some other reason?

Qiuzhen looked at the young girl who was with Shanquan. His current position in the box didn't allow him to see the girl clearly. But from the tone of her voice, Qiuzhen could imagine that the girl was someone with great self-confidence.

What is the relationship between Biaoshu and this girl? Based on their story, it seems they didn't know each other before. Unlike Biaoshu, who came here on business, this girl just happened to be here. If the kidnapping happened in front of another building, she would definitely run into the other building. But from their interaction, it seems that Biaoshu is very close to this girl. Can a few hours of being cooped up together make two people who previously didn't know each other become close? Or did they actually know each other long before this?

Various speculations popped up in Qiuzhen's mind.

They could have come together to this place. But Biaoshu only went into the building alone because he thought he wouldn't be too long. While waiting for Biaoshu to finish his business, the girl saw a kidnapping incident. Then she ran into the building to ask Biaoshu for help.

At first glance, this hypothesis makes sense. Even so, there was something odd.

If so, why did they agree together to cover it up? Is there anything else that prevents them from being seen walking together?

Qiuzhen's head was spinning around. He had to stop the wild speculation floating in his head. He knew the best way was to ask Shanquan directly. Then he looked back at the scene in the room.

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