《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 006 : Nangong Yiren


Nangong Yiren was a middle-aged man. He was 171 centimeters tall and weighed 68 kilograms. He was older than Xinxiu but younger than Zhengyi. In contrast to Shanquan and Yihshyong, whose hair was straight and limp, Yiren's hair was slightly curly. Even though they were all from the same region, the differences were not unusual. The physical appearance of the people from Yeuandong was varied. It was one thing they were proud of from their hometown.

Yiren had known Shanquan for a long time. Twenty-two years ago, Yiren met Shanquan for the first time. At that time, Yiren and his co-workers visited the city where Shanquan lived. They were there for only two weeks. On the eighth day, a problem arose. One of Yiren's friends lost his wallet. They suspected a pickpocket had occurred.

When they reported to the nearest police station, they met Shanquan. It turned out Shanquan was accompanying one of his students who found the wallet. Since then, Yiren became friends with Shanquan. Almost every year, Yiren visited the city to meet him. Ten years later, Yiren moved to the city Shanquan lived because he got a job there.

For ten years, Yiren had worked in that city. Two years ago, when Shanquan decided to resign from his job because he wanted to explore some interesting places, Yiren was among the people who advised Shanquan to abandon his crazy plans. But he could not convince Shanquan. Yiren even did the same thing six months later. Namely explored places he had only seen in books and television. Six months after he began the journey, he joined Shanquan and other friends to live together in the house they were about to leave.

There were many exciting things that Yiren experienced in this city. This includes meeting Mingzhu Caihong. He was a young man who came from a wealthy family. Caihong was involved in a gang of delinquents based in the city's northern part six months ago. Not long after joining the group, Caihong, who felt that he was not suitable, intended to leave.

The group members didn't like that. They caught and tied Tsaerhorng. They brought Tsaerhorng to a small cabin in a remote forest on this city's northern border. The group of delinquents then left Caihong there in a bound state. Fortunately, Shanquan and his friends explored that remote forest. They were there as participants in a mystery game designed by Songfei.

After that, Yiren never saw Caihong again until yesterday when Yiren went to visit a new apartment. The apartment was practically empty. Very few people live in the units there. Because the apartment building was luxurious and modern, the rent was so expensive that Yiren did not dare to ask further questions.


Incidentally, a painting exhibition was being held next to the building. Yiren really liked to see paintings, so he might as well attend the exhibition. There he met Caihong. After a bit of chatting, Caihong wanted to help them. He offered to help in the form of a locker facility. Yiren and his friends only have to pay two percent of the regular price. Of course, without consulting his housemates, Yiren immediately agreed to that generous offer.

After that, Caihong invited Yiren to have lunch together. Yiren could not refuse the lunch offer. He was already hungry. They both then walked to a small nearby restaurant and continued their conversation.

"How is Mr. Gongyang?" asked Caihong on that occasion.

"Ah, about Songfei. The last time we met him was about two months ago. After that, there is no news yet," said Yiren.

Yiren knew Caihong remembered Songfei very well. If only on that occasion Songfei did not insist on holding a game in that forest, maybe Caihong wouldn't be here right now.

After being discharged from the hospital, Caihong had met with Yiren and his friends. But he did not get to meet Songfei and the people from the detective and mystery club. They held the mystery game in another place as a substitute for the mystery game, which had to stop after finding Caihong. Soon after that, Caihong moved out of this city. He didn't have a chance to meet anyone, neither Yiren and his friends nor people from the detective and mystery club.

After that, Yiren told quite a lot. He eagerly shared his experiences while living in this city. Caihong listened with a smile on his face. Every now and then, he asked when Yiren's words may not be clear in context.

Caihong also talked about himself. He doesn't just sit idly by in the city he now lives in. This young man had set up his own company, which was completely separate from his family's. He even used this opportunity to expand his business to this city.

"So painting is not your primary job?" Yiren asked excitedly.

"Of course not, Uncle. This is just a hobby. I paint to relieve stress when I'm tired after work. There are even other advantages. When exhibiting paintings, I met a lot of important people. This is something that is very useful for advancing the company that I recently founded."

Yiren nodded. This young man was extraordinary. When Yiren was this kid's age, he didn't think that far at all.


After lunch, Yiren followed Caihong went back to the exhibition venue to chat with the other painters. Yiren really enjoyed the opportunity. He spent time there for hours. He got back from that place when the sun nearly slipped over behind the horizon.

This morning, he rushed to the station to take care of administrative matters. It turned out he had resolved it smoothly, without requiring much time. Right now, Yiren was standing in front of the lockers they had just rented. He looked at the lockers happily. The size of the locker was enormous. Maybe in an emergency, people could sleep there. Of course, this violates the rules because, in the rental agreement, there were rules that prohibited the tenant from storing living objects in the locker he was renting. But Yiren sure that rule was based on the assumption that living things could die if there was no food. Then also based on the assumption that a dead living thing would smell, causing inconvenience for other locker users. It could also cause the spread of disease.

In this imaginary case, the tenant store himself in the locker. A human was the living thing who had free will and could come out whenever they wanted. A living thing that couldn't possibly sit still and starved to death. Yiren didn't know if Xindongchang would also have considered that action breaking the rules. Yiren also didn't know whether anyone had tried a sleepover or even stayed in the locker. But he better not try that crazy idea. Many things were at stake here. If Xindongchang deemed this violated the rules and canceled the agreement, this action would affect his friends.

Talking about his friends, Yiren was thrilled to have the opportunity to live with them. Previously, except for Duanmu Shanquan, those people were strangers to Yiren. Before that, he didn't know them at all. People could say that Duanmu Shanquan was the one who brought them all together. This past year, they all lived side by side and shoulder to shoulder in joy and sorrow. Currently, Yiren already considers all of them as members of his family. Indeed, sometimes disagreements or even disputes arise. But all families must experience such things.

When Qiuzhen, the youngest resident, had to leave the house because the company had moved her to another city, everyone was sad. Qiuzhen said that it was only temporary. The company where he worked opened a new branch office. The company needed a trustworthy person to start running the branch, and Qiuzhen was one of the few selected. When the branch office can operate normally, maybe a year or two later, the company will pull Qiuzhen back to the head office, which is to this city. Yiren didn't know whether Qiuzhen's words were true or he just wanted to entertain his friends.

Yiren looked around. He hoped his friends would show up soon. Luckily, everything went exactly as Yiren wanted. Not long after, his four friends came to the place. They brought some of the items with them, which they would gradually move to the lockers. Everyone had bright, vibrant faces. It didn't take long before they finished putting all their belongings in the lockers.

Everything finished without a hitch. This is perfect. My worries are unfounded. I don’t need to rush. There’s still so much time before I meet him.

"Everything is in order!" Xinxiu looked thrilled to see the results of their work.

"Fortunately everything went well." Shanquan smiled in satisfaction. "It's a lot faster than I expected."

"Now what should we do?" Zhengyi looked at the clock hanging on the wall. Maybe he already had other plans.

I'm sure before we found out that we managed to find a place to store things, we must all have certain plans for today." Shanquan looked at them one by one. His face was so bright. "Because there's still a lot of time, so we should just do the things we have planned."

Dahge's words were exactly what I had in mind. But this is not unreasonable. I think everyone has the same thought.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Yiren and his friends then exited the Caihong family's storage facility. They happily went up to the next floor. Floor after floor, they passed until they finally arrived at the exit. Everyone looked at each other with cheerful faces. It was still early in the morning when they left the station to scatter and continue their hunt for shelter.

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