《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 005 : Duanmu Shanquan


Shanquan was walking on the sidewalk with light steps. Although his primary focus was on finding a place to live, he would accept it if he found a part-time job vacancy. He was not penniless, but he had to save money. Two years ago, before deciding to leave his hometown and wander around, Shanquan had a steady job. Maybe it was not truly a steady job because he always changed the workplace, although it was still in the same field. It might be more accurate to say that Shanquan had a job he could count on. During the decades of work, he had collected enough money. Since Shanquan didn't have a wife and kids yet, his expenses were so limited that he could save quite a bit.

Shanquan lived with his elderly mother in his hometown. Shanquan's younger siblings were all married, so Shanquan had to look after his mother. Two years ago, Shanquan's little brother, who was long lost, suddenly appeared. Shanquan took this opportunity to fulfill his dream. It so happened that Shanquan's younger brother did not mind taking care of their mother while Shanquan was away wandering. After one year of moving around, Shanquan finally arrived in this city and stayed. Currently, one year after Shanquan arrived in this city, he felt that there was still much to see and explore. It might be three or four years before Shanquan intended to leave this city and return to his hometown.

The streets were bustling. There were so many vehicles passing by on the big road. Suddenly Shanquan's eyes fell on a familiar figure. The figure looked like someone he had known several years ago. After paying close attention, Shanquan realized this person was the person he had met on the street yesterday. The one who had reminded him to open the umbrella when it rained and then asked him for an address.

Did she find the place she was looking for yesterday?

Shanquan talked to himself in his mind. He saw that girl enter a mall across the street. Somehow it seemed as if there was a force that drew Shanquan to follow her there. Shanquan appeared unable to control his own feet. He automatically walked across the street and entered that majestic building. Arriving inside, he looked around for the figure of the girl he had been chasing. Shanquan could not find the figure he was looking for because there were so many people there.


Shanquan laughed at himself after realizing how ridiculous he was. A few moments later, he intended to exit the building to continue hunting for the new residence. The mysterious girl he had met yesterday had interrupted his primary goal. But before he could get out of the building, Shanquan felt like urinating, so he immediately looked for the nearest restroom in the building.

Inside the men's room, there were also many people. There were six urinals in the room, and those people used all of them. Apart from the six people who were peeing, two or three people were waiting to pee behind each of them. Shanquan wondered what these people had been drinking, so they wanted to pee at the same time. On second thought, this one was close to the Food Court, so that might be why this restroom was so crowded.

Shanquan decided to find another restroom. He had often entered this building so that, more or less, he knew the ins and outs. He knew which restrooms were quiet in this building. A moment later, Shanquan arrived in front of a restroom that was usually quite quiet. The location was hidden enough that only people who had gotten lost had found it by chance. The layout was odd. Sometimes Shanquan questioned this mall architect's thoughts when designing the rooms here.

There were two restrooms, namely a men's room and a women's room. On the doorknob of the women's room hung a sign that said "under repair." Shanquan chuckled, and his prank's thoughts appeared. He removed the notice board from the women's room door and attached it to the men's room door. After that, he went into the restroom.

Before urinating, Shanquan always pressed a button or tapped on the urinal's top to make sure that water came out when he pressed the button. After Shanquan pressed the button of the four urinals, none of them let out any water. Shanquan sighed. He walked to the latrine stall where the flush toilet was. He quickly entered one of those booths to urinate there.

After he finished urinating and rinsing it with water, Shanquan turned around right away and was ready to get out of that latrine stall. But suddenly, Shanquan felt dizzy and lost his balance, so he fell and sat facing the latrine stall door. His head was spinning, then Shanquan's gaze darkened. Shanquan fainted.


A few moments later, he regained consciousness and quickly rushed out of the booth. Immediately he washed his face and rinsed his mouth. It was weird. Shanquan had never experienced it before. It was normal to feel dizzy a few times, but this was the first time he fainted. Usually, he felt dizzy when he was hungry. But before leaving for the station, he had a full meal. Maybe the cause was something else.

It had been a long time since Shanquan had a medical check-up. Perhaps it's time to care more about his health. He was not young anymore, so he must be more careful in maintaining his health. Shanquan decided to go home to rest. Maybe he was too tired because he had been away almost every day from morning to evening during the past two weeks.

Exiting the restroom, Shanquan did not forget to return the notice board to its original position. He right away walked toward the exit of the building. He walked fast. Shanquan wanted to go out and go home to rest. Inside the building, it was very quiet. Almost no people. So that he could walk very fast without fear of nudging other people.

Arriving outside, Shanquan felt something odd. He didn't know this was just his feeling or that some strange things had happened. Even though he felt that way, Shanquan did not want to think too far. Shanquan directly walked home. He walked so quickly. Right now, his stomach growled. Weird, still at 10 AM, but he was already hungry. A moment later, Shanquan arrived in front of his house. He then entered and headed straight to his room. Shanquan felt that it was not yet lunchtime, so he lay down before eating for at least half an hour or an hour.

After taking off his vest, tie, and shirt, Shanquan at once lay down on the bed. His eyes landed on the clock on the wall of his room. It surprised Shanquan; the clock showed 2:10 PM.

Maybe they have done pranks again!

Sometimes Shanquan's friends, who lived there, pranked him, including changing the clock in his room so that the alarm went off at the wrong time. Shanquan got out of bed and intended to fix the clock. Shanquan looked at the watch he was still wearing to see what time it should be. How shocked Shanquan was when he saw that his watch also showed at 2:10 PM. Then he looked for the clock on his desk at his bedside. The clock there also shows 2:10 PM. Shanquan ran out of the room and checked the other clocks in the house. It turned out that all showed the same thing.

It was still at 10 AM. Why is it already 2 PM?

Shanquan sat on the couch in the living room for a moment.

Maybe I was unconscious, not for just a minute or two, but several hours!

If that was so, Shanquan's health might be in bad condition. He must thoroughly check his health. Perhaps the problem was severe.

Suddenly the phone rings. Shanquan didn't pick up immediately. He waited until the phone rang three times before he answered it.

"Hello!" Shanquan said loudly.

It was silence. Shanquan could not hear any sound from the other end.

"Hello," Shanquan repeated his words.

There was still no reply.

After a moment of silence, there was a sudden voice.

"Uncle Shanquan. It's me, Songfei. Help me, please! Someone wants to kill me."

Shanquan held his breath at the words. The voice from the other end sounded extremely panicked.

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