《Phantom Year one》The Hold-Up pt2


Hank in his brand-new suit pulled up to the party, heading in he saw the elite of Lakeside smiling at one another as with glasses of champagne in their hands. “sir” a waiter spoke as he offered Hank a glass of champagne.

“thank you” Hank uttered with a smile as he took the glass and headed into the midst of the people sipping his champagne as he did so. Hank continued to flash his false smile to the people at the party as he searched for his cousin but came to halt as he laid eyes on the woman who was approaching him.

The lady walked towards him with a sway in her step and rose lips curved upwards in a smirk, dressed in a long straight red dress that accentuated her curves. “you look like you’ve seen a ghost which to me… is surprising considering the fact that I should be the one having that expression” the lady’s voice drifted into Hank’s ear causing his widened eyes to regain focus as he grabbed her and moved her farther away.

After reaching a distance where Hank was confident no one could hear their conversation he leaned in and questioned, “What are you doing here?” The lady smiled taking another sip of her glass before looking at him with a seemingly innocent smile. “This is some really good champagne isn’t it”

“don’t play with me Jessica” Hank tightened his grip as his voice gained a tone of warning, “Really Hank, now don’t forget your not in your god awful get up, and you’re in the midst of at least a hundred people. Do you really want to do this here?” hearing her words Hank hesitated for a moment before letting her go.

“That was quite a grip” Jessica looked to her arm which had gained bruises albeit barely visible. “You haven’t answered my question” Hank pressed her, with a sigh Jessica decided to speak. “You know, you were so much more romantic back in the day.”


Jessica wanted to continuing teasing Hank but seeing the look on his face she gave up the idea, “well after the explosion I received no news about the police recovering your body, now at first I thought your body was lost in the explosion but that is highly unlikely. Also kept a close eye on your family, but no one was mourning you then I discovered you were invited to this party and so… here I am”

“why are you here?”

“I just answered that didn’t I”

“I mean in lakeside”

“ooh, would you believe me if I said I’m here on vacation” Jessica sneaked a glance before she continued “yeah… I wouldn’t either, but do you truly expect me to tell you or have you forgotten how the house operates” the two now stood staring each other in the eye. “so you are on a mission for the house” “mm, look at you playing detective” Jessica traced her fingers across his chest.

“there you are” Michelle spoke as she arrived interrupting them both, “oh I didn’t see you there” Michelle apologized to Jessica who turned too her with her charming smile, “it’s okay I was going to get a refill anyway. See you around Hank” Jessica turned to Hank with a meaningful smile before fading into the crowd of people.

“I see you truly haven’t changed” Michelle’s words brought Hank who was staring at Jessica’s disappearing back, out of his thoughts. “This is a party Michelle” was all Hank had to say, “indeed it is” Michelle spoke as she clinked glasses with Hank before they both downed their drinks.


Hank managed to step away as the end to the party grew close placing a call, “hello” the voice on the other end spoke up with confusion. “I need you help” Hank spoke “oh, so when you need my help you call, but when I call you for help you say I should call the police.”


“I’m sorry about earlier but you have to understand I can’t save everyone, besides the police will handle it” Hank tried to explain his earlier decision to Ferdinand. Ferdinand at this moment was before his PC trying to perform his own investigations.

“what do you need?” Ferdinand finally gave in and asked Hank, “I’ll send information on a building I need you to find out who the owners of said building are.” “Alright send it over” Ferdinand received the information soon after and began searching.

Seeing Ferdinand began working on it Hank who had failed to find Jessica left with Michelle and headed home with thought on their conversation still running through his mind as he wondered, ‘Just what the hell was going on in this city’.

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