《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery Seven; Wrath The Beast
Fallen Stars
Mystery Seven
Wrath The Beast
K-8th Grade
The 3rd Grade, 1st Day of School.
Kids are all yelling, walking into class, and the bell rings, as they get into their seats.
Mr. Johns: Alright, quiet down punks. We have a new student.
Mr. Johns is a middle-aged black man with a bald head. The new kid standing in front of the class, with his mini afro. With a little fang tooth.
Mr. Johns: Go ahead, don’t be shy.
Draco looks at the new kid, leaning on his fist (headband on), while Vega’s head is in the books.
Wrath: Umm, my name is, Wrath.
Mr. Johns: Huh? The paper says your name is Zepheus.
**Zepheus; 3rd Grade**
All the students (confounded): Zepheus???
Tim: Zepheus? More like doofus.
The kids giggle.
Draco (reacts): (!!)
Wrath clenched his fists.
Wrath (heated): Just call me, Wrath.
Tim: Shut up bitch, your name is “Zepheus”.
The kids laugh.
Mr. Johns: Ay! Watch your mouth! Zep... Oops, I mean Wrath, take your seat.
Wrath: Mmmm.
Draco slightly reacts…
Draco: (Zepheus...)
As class starts, Wrath gets out his pencil. The class goes through Science, Math, and History. With Wrath rivaling Vega in answering questions.
[The Science Portion.]
Mr. Johns: Alright class, what part of your body can cut that won't hurt? Franklin?
Franklin leaning back.
Franklin: Shit, ya throat.
Other students laugh.
Mr. Johns: What? No, that’s not right. Franklin, are you ok? (The mouths on these kids.)
Franklin: Ah, yeah I’m good, thought that was right.
Mr. Johns: Ok, Wrath?
Wrath: Your hair?
Mr. Johns: Correct, Wrath.
Vega shakes his head, Wrath looking out the corner of his eye, Draco’s hand keeping his face up, still not paying attention. An hour goes by. Mr. Johns wrote a problem on the Brillant Board.
[The Math Portion.]
Mr. Johns: Who’s first to solve this?
It reads 1.3 + 7.5 = ? Both Vega and Wrath get up. Vega rushes to the board pushing him out the way. Vega starts writing.
Vega: 8.8, easy.
Vega walks back to his seat, with an emotionless face, with Wrath sitting next to him pouting.
Mr. Johns: No pushing in class, you’ll get him next time, Wrath. Vega was number one in his class last year.
**Vega; 3rd Grade**
Vega has a slight smug smirk. Wrath looked him up and down.
Another hour passes by, and onto History.
[The History Portion.]
Mr. Johns: Open your textbooks, page 15. Can someone tell me about the country of Ferdinand?
Wrath slaps his hand on the desk making paper fly, then raises his hand. Mr. Johns was stunned. Draco looks up at Wrath, and Vega turns to him.
Mr. Johns: Uh, Wrath, go ahead.
Wrath (heated): It’s a corrupt piece of shit country! Ran by a fiendish Monarch.
Mr. Johns: Whoa, watch your mouth, Wrath.
Wrath: Sorry, whenever someone mentions kingdoms, I think back on all the things they've done. They need a new king!
Mr. Johns: Uhh...
The lunch bell rings.
Mr. Johns: Ok, Lunchtime.
All the students got up and walked out. Vega starts walking out.
Vega: Ight, I’ll see you up there, Draco.
Draco: Ok, I’ll be there soon.
Wrath picks up his papers, before going to lunch. Draco goes to him and helps him with his papers.
Draco: Yo, you ok?
Wrath: Yeah, I’m good. Just need to stop getting so heated.
Draco (interested): Ha Ha, yeah, if you ever wanna talk about this, find me. My name is Draco.
Draco smiles as he hands the papers to Wrath.
**Draco; 3rd Grade**
Wrath: Uh, yeah, sure.
Draco walks out of the class. Wrath is about to follow, but he’s stopped by Mr. Johns. And he’s chomping down on a sandwich.
Mr. Johns: Mhm, now you watch out for that boy, he can’t be trusted.
As Mr. Johns goes to lick his fingers after taking a bite.
Wrath: (Boy?) Ok….
Wrath goes to lunch, in the cafeteria, and all the seats are taken with his classmates. But there is an empty table to the far right. He gets his food and goes to sit. Wrath looks around and doesn't see Vega or Draco.
Wrath: I wonder where they are. (Oh well….)
As time goes by with Wrath eating by himself, the bell rings ending lunch. They all go back to class with the day going by. The end of the day comes and Wrath walks out by himself. He sees Vega and Draco walking together laughing.
Wrath: Damn, I just missed them.
As the days go by, Wrath is still eating by himself. And can’t find Draco, plus too shy to ask. Wrath tries to eat with the other students, he approaches some but...
Wrath: Uh... Do you mind if I sit here?
At a table full of his classmates.
Kareem: Yeah, we mind. Go somewhere else.
Franklin: Piss off, “Zepheus”.
All the students laugh. Wrath walks off to the corner table.
Franklin: What an idiot.
Wrath by himself.
Wrath: They never come to the lunchroom, huh? Where would they be?
As Wrath thinks to himself, time continues to pass, and lunch ends again. Still only seeing Vega and Draco in class, the days go by without Wrath talking to them. The end of the week comes and it’s Test Day, the final period. Mr. Johns walks by each student passing out a test to each student.
Mr. Johns: One hour to complete the test, don’t finish within that time limit, whatever you have done so far will be it. So pace yourself, but don’t waste all your time. It’s a recap test for this whole week.
He gets to the back of the class and puts the paper on Draco’s desk.
Mr. Johns: I’m watching you, Mr. Draco.
Draco sighs and grabs the test.
Draco: Whatever.
Mr. Johns walks back to the front of the class to his desk.
Mr. Johns: Ok, start!
Mr. Johns pays too much attention to Draco taking the test, other students have answers written on their hands or are passing notes. Wrath looking around sees all this but looks at Mr. Johns, and he’s only looking at Draco.
Wrath: (Damn, what did he do.)
As the hour goes by Mr. Johns gets up.
Mr. Johns: Pencils down, that’s it. Pass your paper forward to the person in front of you. I’ll get it from the person in the first row.
All the students pass their papers forward. There are four rows of students, and each student represents each row, he starts from the first one...
First Row: Tom
Second Row: Kareem
Third Row: Vega
Fourth Row: Donald
Mr. Johns gathers all the papers and sees something written all over the paper.
Mr. Johns: Whose paper is this?
He held it up and the pencil lead was rubbed all on it.
Mr: Johns: Uhhh, It’s yours, Wrath?
Wrath: *looks up* What? No, it can’t be.
Mr. Johns: Isn’t this your name?
He shows Wrath the paper, with his handwriting all over it.
Wrath looks forward and sees Kareem snickering with Donald.
Wrath is angry, but can’t speak up. Draco looks over to Wrath... but doesn’t say anything.
Mr. Johns: It’ll be fine, I can at least see your answers somewhat. The grading should take about thirty minutes, I’ll have these done before you go home, sit tight class. It’s a free period now.
All the students start to form their groups, talking to each other. Wrath sees Vega going back to the textbooks and studying, he turns to Draco, and he’s looking outside the window.
Wrath: (He doesn’t even care, he probably failed. Maybe that's why Mr. Johns told me to stay away from him.)
Mr. Johns pushes up his glasses, and gets in his grading stance, then starts, super-fast grading special! Marking X or a Check, running through the tests. Wrath is amazed. What the students don’t know is…
**Mr. Johns**
Full name: Haedi Johns
Cosmic Path: Answer Key
[It allows him to grade papers and answer sheets, super fast. Shortening the time, so students can get their papers back before school is out. Test day is usually Friday.]
As the thirty minutes go by, Wrath is not talking to anyone just sitting to himself. Mr. Johns finishes...
Mr. Johns: Alright! Grading complete. I’m putting the top three scores on the board, then passing out the tests. He goes to write on the Brilliant Board.
First Place: Vega, 98.
Second Place: Wrath, 96.
Mr. Johns: Ugh…
Third Place: Draco, 95.
Vega (snarky): (Of course.)
Wrath (happy): (Yes! Top 2! That Vega guy doesn’t play, but Draco got a 95?!)
As Mr. Johns passes out the results to each student.
Kareem, 88.
Donald, 79.
Liz, 89.
Kiara, 70.
Daniel, 12.
Mr. Johns: How do you get a 12? You literally learned nothing. You didn’t even answer some.
Daniel: Sheesh, bad teacher. Not my fault.
Mr. Johns: Whatchu say?
Under Daniel’s breath.
Daniel: Nothing.
Mr. Johns: Thought so. (I almost came across this table. Punk.)
Draco’s head is on the desk as Mr. Johns puts his paper on the desk. Wrath watching the interaction.
Mr. Johns: (Hmmm, he didn’t cheat, I was watching him.)
Draco: You aren’t going to say a good job?
Draco, with a wisecrack smirk. Mr. Johns is balling up his fist. But let out a tense…
Mr. Johns: Good job…..
Draco: (...)
Draco turns to look at Wrath and catches him looking at him. Wrath quickly turns back and looks back at his paper. As the bell rings, the day ends.
Everyone leaves in their cliques, Draco and Vega walk out together leaving, Wrath gets up by himself, walking outside sees Draco and Vega again walking, he has no one to talk to. Walking home alone. The next day comes, class passing by, another lunch by himself. This goes on for three weeks, but, test after test, the top three students are always Vega, Wrath, and Draco, in that order.
During lunch, Wrath tries to sit with Kareem and his group again.
Wrath: C-Can I...
Kareem laughs loudly.
Kareem: Uhaha. No. You can’t sit here.
Wrath looking down.
Wrath: …
Kareem: Why would anyone sit with a 'Wild Beast' like you, that gets triggered by the word “kingdoms”. Uhaha.
Wrath just walks away, going back to his lonely table. Eating lunch, He’s trying to figure out where they are, and sparks an idea.
Wrath: (I already checked the library, where could they be…. The roof! That’s where they can be!)
Wrath gets up during lunch to walk out, and goes to the roof, climbing the stairs, busting the door open. He looks around and sees no one.
Wrath: What?! Where are they?
He walks back down the stairs sad, not finding them. As the door slams close, but on the rooftop of the stairwell building. Vega is eating, with his wooden sword beside him, and his necklace out. Draco laying down looking up at the sky, hands behind his head.
Vega: Took him long enough.
Vega eating a persimmon.
Draco: He’s smart, I knew he would eventually get up here.
Vega: What, are you planning on asking him to join us?
Draco continues looking up.
Draco: It can’t just be the two of us forever. I think he’ll be a good fit. Honestly, Wrath is exactly what we need.
Vega takes another bite and looks at him out of the corner of his eye.
Vega: ...
As the days go by, then weeks, then months. Wrath never asks where they are during lunch. Too afraid to ask to sit at the other kids’ table he always eats lunch by himself. As he goes to lunch again by himself, he passes by a sign saying…
**Sign up for
Basketball Today!!**
Wrath: (I am pretty good at basketball. Maybe I should join, I can make friends like that too.)
Wrath signs his name on the paper ready and excited for practice. The afternoon comes and Wrath with many other students in the gym ready. Wrath looks around but doesn’t see Vega or Draco.
Wrath: (Draco isn’t here either, I wonder why, he’s pretty tall.)
Coach T: Alright, come together. We don’t got all day!
All the students get in a group spreading across the court.
Coach T: Closer, closer. We’ll be teammates here, you have to get to know one another.
The students get closer.
Coach T: Ok, we have over twenty students here. Only eleven are making the cut, so do your best!
Wrath: (The time is now. No one can fuck with me in basketball.)
Wrath goes up for a few shots, shooting left-handed, doing a few turns around shots.
Coach T: You’re left-handed?
Wrath: Yeah…
Coach T: You’re playing well, keep going.
Wrath with a smile on his face.
Wrath: Right, Coach!
As the days go by, practice after practice, with Wrath trying his very best. The basketball season is coming closer and closer. The end of the week comes. Coach T blows his whistle.
Coach T: Alright alright, gather round. This is cut day, only 11 of you are making it. I’ll call out the name of the members of this season’s Tartarus Basketball Team. First…
Kareem (smug): (Of course I made it.)
Wrath (so exhilarated): (Let’s GO!!!!!)
Kareem: (Hmm, He made it, huh.)
Coach T: And finally…
Coach T: And that’s everyone. Can the rest of you please leave the gym.
The students that were just cut, all leave the gym. One student dragging alone and moping around. The coach catches up to him, patting his shoulder.
Coach T: It’s ok, Michael. Just try again next year.
Michael (furiously): You just missed out on the best player here.
He brushes the coach’s shoulder off of him and walks out of the gym.
Coach T: Oh, he’s gonna be fierce in the future.
Coach turns around back to his team. As he claps his hands.
Coach T: Ok. Let’s get started. We have a game in two weeks. As of now, the starters are...
**Donald at Point Guard**
**Jason at Shooting Guard**
**Kevin at Small Forward**
**Wrath at Power Forward**
**Kareem at Center**
Donald, Jason, and Kevin were excited.
Wrath: (Dang, I want to play small forward…)
Coach T: Rest of ya, sidelines. Starters on the court, we’re going over plays.
Coach clapped his hands, yelling at the players.
Coach T: Let’s go, Let’s go! We don’t got all day!
The students go over plays and drills day after day, until a couple of days before the first home game.
Coach T: Ugh, I need an assistant. Gather round, I’m taking down jersey numbers. Which ones do you want? Starters take priority.
Donald: 4
Kevin: 9
Jason: 12
Wrath about to speak up is interrupted.
Kareem: 6
Wrath: (That’s my number.)
Wrath begins to muster up some strength to say something.
Wrath: Uhh…
But is interrupted again.
Kareem: Got something to say?
Wrath backs down.
Wrath (scared): No. I’ll take number 5.
Coach T: Alright, on to the bench.
The days go by, more practice, then it’s game day! The crowd is packed for the first home game. As the players look through the glasses before they run out. Seeing how big the crowd is.
Kareem: C’mon, it’s game time, get focused!
Donald: Yeppie!
Wrath: (Oh shit. There are so many people. Can I handle this?)
Wrath focuses himself, psyching himself up.
Wrath: (You got this Wrath, you’re the best!!)
Kareem walks over to him and whispers to him.
Kareem: Don’t worry, you’re not getting the ball anyway.
Wrath: What?
Coach comes in, loud!
Coach T (thrilled): C’mon, line up! We are ready for this!
The music starts playing, and the players run out. Starting their lay-up lines and staring down the competition.
Kareem: Hm.
**Hoba Academy
The game is about to start, and the players go around Coach T, for the prep talk before the game. Taking off their warm-up gear.
Coach T: Lotta people here, don’t get nervous. Short and sweet, to the point. Starting 5 let’s go.
Taking off their gear ready to go, walk onto the court, and get ready for the jump ball. Wrath looks around slightly nervous, but ready to show out. He looks around the crowd, and sees Vega and Draco, at the top of the stands. Eating popcorn.
Draco nods his head to Wrath.
Wrath: (Focus, you got this.)
Draco talking to Vega.
Draco: I see he’s trying to break out of his shell.
Vega with a silent face.
Vega: …..
The game starts, the ref throws the ball up, and Kareem wins the tip. As the first quarter goes on, Wrath has zero points, zero assists, and two rebounds. Struggling to even get a shot up.
Wrath (enraged): (Pass me the fucking ball! I have to speak up.)
The first quarter ends with Wrath still scoreless. But the score is...
**Hoba Academy, 14
Tartarus, 20**
Coach T: We have the lead, let’s keep it going. Don’t slip up! The starting 5 are staying in. Kareem count us down!
Kareem: On 1, break, and yell Tartarus! Hands in...
They all put their hands in.
Kareem: 3, 2, 1….
All the players: Tartarus!
They all run out of the huddle, ready for the second quarter. As it starts, Tartarus steals the ball quickly, but Hoba Academy fouls as soon as it happens. Causing Kareem to take the ball out and pass it in, he threw the ball to Donald. Wrath makes eye contact with Donald who is bringing the ball up the court. Saying with his eyes…
Wrath: (Give me the ball!!)
Donald is stunned but focuses on throwing the ball down low to Wrath. He gets in position and Donald throws it to him. Wrath goes to make a quick Dream Shake, for the open shot. But a double team comes from the other side and he’s forced to pass it to Kareem. Kareem talks it up for the easy lay-up. But if we rewind a few seconds before the pass happens, we see Kareem whispering to his opponent.
**Few Seconds Beforehand**
Kareem: Uhaha, we’re about to give the ball to the power forward, you should probably stop it. I won’t even move from this spot.
The opponent, seeing his friend guarding the power forward but grabs the ball and starts to dream shake, he runs over to help.
**Back to After The Pass**
Kareem: Good pass, Uhaha.
Wrath: Whatever.
This happens a lot in the second quarter. As the second quarter ends, Wrath ends the half scoreless. All the players walk into the locker room. Half-time score, Hoba Academy, 20 vs Tartarus, 36. Kareem with 14 points. In the locker room….
Coach T (thrilled): Good job! Don’t take your foot off of their f’ing necks!
Donald (nervous): (Whoa, Coach is fired up.)
Wrath walks over to Kareem and says…
Wrath (mad): I know what you're doing. Pass me the fucking ball!
Kareem: Whoa, relax bro. You’ll get it when you get open.
Wrath (infuriated): Stop fucking playing with me!
Kareem (same energy): Calm down you, “Wild Beast!”
The coach overhears the argument and steps in.
Coach T: Everything ok over here?
Wrath: No, it’s not. Kareem is stopping me from getting the ball.
Coach T: It’s a team game son, we all will get our shine.
Wrath (still angry): I’m not your fucking son. Just give me the ball.
Coach T: Just listen to me. There’s no reason to be so cocky, I-
Wrath (cocky): *interrupts* I’m the best in the world! I don’t need any advice! So stop babbling!
Coach T (baffled): The best? Are you a different animal, and the same beast?
Wrath (confused): What the fuck does that mean, Coach?
Coach T: Exactly. Acting like a 'Heated Wild Beast'… I thought you would know.
Wrath with a speechless reaction.
Wrath: …
Coach T: When you figure it out, I’ll take you off the bench.
Wrath (angry): I’m benched?!
Coach T: Yep, until you figure it out.
The horn goes off, letting them know, that half-time is over. Outside of the locker room is Draco, standing back to the wall, holding a slushie and drinking another one, while smirking.
The team walks out, with Kareem laughing under his breath. Wrath is so heated he walks out last.
As the players do warm-ups getting ready for the second half. Draco is getting back into his seat by Vega. Handing him the other slushie he didn’t drink from.
Vega (ecstatic): Thanks.
Draco: No problem. But I heard something very interesting.
Draco laughs a bit.
Vega: …?
The game continues with Tartarus winning, 74-35. Kareem finished with 23 points. Wrath finished scoreless. Wrath storms off to the locker packing his stuff and walking out. But someone tells him something as he walks out.
Kareem (snarky): You’ll get them next time.
Wrath turns around fists balled up. But he notices the coach is standing behind Kareem, he turns back around and pushes the door wide open, walking out.
Wrath: (Fuck this.)
Two days go by, with Wrath missing practice and still sitting at lunch by himself. Kareem walks to his table.
Wrath: (Just ignore him, don’t get heated.)
Kareem: Coach has been asking about you, he said you won’t figure it out missing practice.
Kareem leans in….
Kareem: But it wouldn’t matter anyway, Donald won’t pass you the ball anymore, and I definitely won’t. So just quit. You damn 'Beast'.
Wrath jumps up quickly, fists clenched. He walks out of the cafeteria in a rage and straight to the roof. He kicks the door open and yells out…
Wrath (anger raging): FUUUUCK!!!
As the wind blows, leaves fly around. Feet hanging above Wrath.
Draco (joking): Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Relax.
Wrath turns around quickly.
Wrath: Huh?
As he looks up, he sees the sun shining behind Draco’s head, only seeing his smile.
Draco: Yo.
Wrath, wiping his eyes, sees him clearly now.
Wrath: Draco? You were here the whole time?
Draco: Yep, we were waiting on you, Wrath.
Wrath: We? Waiting?
Vega, who was reading, gets up, from having his back to the wall, and shows his face to Wrath.
Vega (expressionless): Sup.
Wrath: So you two sit up there during lunch? How do you even get up there?
Draco and Vega both jump down.
Draco: We just climbed up, you’ll see soon.
Draco walks over to the parapet, resting his arms on it. Looking over the school and city.
Wrath: (Let me ask him.) Why does the teacher hate you so much?
Draco: Ah, he thinks I cheat all the time because later in the year I won’t do any work, or do any test.
Wrath: Why?
Draco with a smirking smile.
Draco: Once your grades are so high at the beginning of the year, even doing nothing, they won’t drop down to an F.
Wrath: You don’t want to do anything, huh?
Draco: Doing schoolwork is so boring.
Wrath: Hmm.
Draco: But…. Wanna help us out, Wrath?
Wrath: With what?
Draco has an evil smug look on his face.
Draco: Change the World.
Wrath quickly says...
Wrath: I’m down!
Vega (questionable): What? You didn’t even think about it.
Wrath: Nothing to think on. I just want you all to help me out too.
Vega and Draco: With what?
Wrath (tensed up): (I have to speak up.) I want to get rid of all the kingdoms in this world, and I want to be King of them!
Draco turns around. With a puzzled confused expression.
Draco: All of them?!
Wrath: Yup.
Draco: You know there’re over 500 kingdoms in the world, right?
Wrath with a determined face.
Wrath: Yes, I know.
Draco: What if we destroy 299, and move on, then, when we’re destroying other ones, they get rebuilt?
Wrath’s face gets more intense.
Wrath: That’s why we have to destroy the foundation. It’ll work, help me and I’ll help you.
Vega: Hmmm.
Wrath: I want them all gone, if not gone then replaced with someone else in charge. Preferably me. If I can’t do that, then I can’t help you two.
Draco: Vega.
Vega: Yeah.
Draco: This kinda works with our plan.
Vega closed his eyes, nodding.
Vega: It does.
Draco (laughed): Alright, that works with us. Let’s help you, help us. We need a “beast” like you! Ha Ha!
Draco has a big smile showing.
Wrath (concerned): (“Beast”… He’s saying it like it’s a good thing...) Good with me.
Draco: Before that. There is one kingdom you can’t be King of.
Draco holds up 1 finger.
Wrath: Which one?
Draco has an evil smile again.
Draco: I’ll tell you…
As the three talk it over, trading laughs back and forth, eventually over the years become great friends. We come back to Wrath telling Caffua everything while laughing.
**End of Flashback**
Caffua sitting speechless. Wrath laughed even more.
Caffua: Wow.
Wrath: Yahaha, I know. Crazy, right?
Caffua: Completely crazy. I have no words. How did you get the name Wrath?
Wrath: Yahaha, that’s a different story for another day.
Caffua: Even being the Hot Head, I could see you being the leader.
Wrath (grins): Nah, that’s Draco. Now that you asked us everything, let me ask you.
Caffua: Hm?
Wrath: What’s your power?
Caffua: Oh, my Cosmic Path is Telepathy.
Wrath: Meaning you can, and have been reading our minds?
Caffua: Sorry, I never pried too much. But, I did listen in on some thoughts.
Wrath: Oh.
Caffua: During his fight with Vega. I heard Draco saying he needs to redeem himself for Gib Gnab.
Wrath: Hmm…..
Wrath gets up, out of the Hot Spring.
Wrath: Let’s get ready for tomorrow. I’m excited to see what hatches from this egg.
Wrath walks away.
Wrath: Yahaha!!! I bet Kareem isn’t laughing now!!
He walks into the building heading to his room and closes the door, as Caffua says….
Caffua: (A power like his, plus a mindset like that. He will be a 'Beast'. That Vega one is the same too. Is Draco just as scary as them…. or worse...)
In his room, another memory comes to Wrath’s mind, after trading laughs with Draco and Vega.
[On the roof]
Draco: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Wrath.
Wrath: Yeah?
Draco rubs the back of his head while smiling innocently.
Draco: I’m kinda a terrible person.
Wrath: What?
Vega smirks.
As time goes by, the next training day comes, with Caffua telling them to take their eggs today. The group arrived in the desert.
Draco (ecstatic): It’s been two weeks! It's time! Today is the day!
Vega (calm): Yup, let’s see what we get.
Wrath (euphoric): I already know, all of them will be great! Let's Go!
Standing in the desert with eggs in their hands.
Caffua: Alright, I believe they will hatch in 1 hour.
But as Caffua says that, they start to crack……!!!
Wrath (perplexed): What the-!!
Vega (puzzled): …!!
Draco (smiles): Haha!!
[The Eggs Are Hatching?!
What Will Come Out Of Them?!]
Mystery 7 Fin
- In Serial99 Chapters
The Tower
Thousands signed up to be part of The Tower. The game was simple: climbs all 100 levels of The Tower. But once all the players were inside, the game trapped them. Ethan and his friends must work with other players if they ever want to go home. Death means starting back at level 1. Volume 2 After recovering from their wipe on the 26th Floor, Ethan and his friends have left the town of Startesgarde to finish their own, unique class quests. Little do they know, one of their own never made it to his destination. An unknown threat stalks them, even as a new recruit changes the dynamic of the Disorder guild. Volume 3 Following the events of Volume 2, Ethan Holliwell is in an absolutely terrible place. Kim Tae-Won is still missing, the woman he had fallen hard for abandoned him, everything that he had been working towards the entire time he has been trapped in the game was taken from him. His remaining friends, David, Miguel and Leah, want to help him, but they don't even know where he actually is. War is coming, can they find and help Ethan in time?
8 164 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Traveling Musician
A man, a laptop, and the opportunity of a lifetime. To recreate himself in his ideal image. However, he is given a limit of 10,000 creation points to do so. Discovering that it was possible to change his race from a human to a god, the man decides to do just that. However, the cost to become a god wasn't a cheap, costing 15,000 creation points, more than he was allowed to spend. Finding a workaround, the man was able to change his race into that of the powerful beings that are gods. However, unlike what he had in mind, he finds out that he is not the powerful deity he believed himself to be. Instead, he has nearly all the characterstics of a common man, outside of his divine talent for music. And it is divine, for he became the god of music, and must now rely on his divine talents to survive and navigate a new world...
8 135 - In Serial122 Chapters
Dreams Built by Blood and Blade
Isaac is a runaway slave who joins the Nasaaran army in hopes of figuring out why he dreams of a city he's never been to and achieving his grander ambitions. The drums of war beat once again after 20 long years of peace. For some it's an opportunity for revenge for the blood shed all those years ago, for others it's another disheartening decision in a line of terrible decrees from an inept king, and for us it's an opportunity to escape the chains that bind us down and search for where we belong in this world and for what purpose do we keep breathing. But should you follow your dreams if they're drenched in the blood of others? What if we follow them regardless knowing the inevitable consequences? "Every night I dream the same dream. What does it mean? Where will it lead me? And for what purpose do I have this dream? I don't know. All I know is I need to get out of this barn." Current release schedule is Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday at 1:06 PM PT. [This novel is also being published on Scribble Hub]
8 116 - In Serial11 Chapters
Life is not a game: Ice
It all started as a great day until we all got powers and monsters came and killed everyone i will become stronger and make sure i am strong enough so this wont happen again.Authors comment: my first time also this is going to be the first book and my sister is writing this with me but with a different Character i would like helpful feedback and tips.P.S there will be graphic content such as rape and torturing so if your easily offended don't
8 97 - In Serial26 Chapters
Information Technology and Services - Decipher Credit
Decipher Credit is the ultimate place for complete lending services online. You can increase sales, speed up the underwriting process, and also improve efficiency using our services to drive revenue and delight borrowers.
8 120 - In Serial8 Chapters
Falling for the Muslimah
When bad boy Austin gets partnered up with confident, caring, sweet and stubborn Umaira, he just messes around with her. But will they be able to look past their differences and fall in love? **** When Umaira Sultan gets paired up with bad boy Austin Woods, all she thinks she'll be doing is avoiding him as much as possible...but when sweet Umaira and the famous, cocky Austin begin to grow closer and closer. Will Umaira be able to discover the truth about Austin and change his ways?
8 205