《Fallen Stars》Fallen Stars: Mystery Six; Vega The Demon
Fallen Stars
Mystery Six
Vega The Demon
K-8th Grade
The 2nd Grade, 1st Day of School.
Teacher Gabrielle: Class, we have a new student. Go ahead and introduce yourself.
The new kid standing in front of everyone with his red eyes and necklace with a red stone on it.
Vega: Uhh, sorry to be talking to you all from up here, Ahaha. Seems I have the lemonlight.
**Vega; 2nd Grade**
Ms. Gabrielle: ...The limelight?
Vega: Nah, that can’t be right.
Ms. Gabrielle (hurrying): Just be quick about your introduction, please.
Vega: I’ll keep it short and sour.
Ms. Gabrielle closed her eyes for a long period. Having an unpleasant face.
Vega: Hi, my name is, Vega. I’m new to the city, but people don't seem to be that smart here.
Jack reacts. Draco (headband on)reacts but just responds to the name.
Jack: (Huh?)
Draco: (V-Vega…?)
Vega: Anyways, what I’m getting at is….
Vega pauses for a second.
Vega (serious tone): I’m better than all of you, and I’m gonna take that number one spot.
As Vega points to a random girl in class, Draco turns his head around to look at Vega and chuckles a little bit.
Draco (amused): (This guy is interesting.)
**Draco; 2nd Grade**
Ms. Gabrielle (bothered): Excuse me? Number one? Mr. Vega, go take your seat, right in front. (I hope I don't have another troublemaker like “him”.)
Devin: Who is this red-eyed clown?
All the students laugh.
Ms. Gabrielle: Quiet class. Alright, Math first, get out your textbooks.
As the class goes through Math and History.
Ms. Gabrielle: Does anyone have an answer, five times five? Jack…
Jack: Uhhh, ten?
Vega interrupts.
Vega: Actually it’s twenty-five, she said times, pretty easy. If you listened.
Ms. Gabrielle (smiles): Correct, Vega. I think some people need to study a little bit more. (He might not be such a bad student.)
The class snickers. Jack starts fuming. He whispers to Devin.
Jack: I’ll show him.
An hour goes by, and onto History.
Ms. Gabrielle: What country did the forty-year surplus take place in? Devin…
Devin: Hmm.
Devin snaps his fingers like a lightbulb went off.
Devin: Callisto?
Ms. Gabrielle: Correct, Devin. Good job.
Devin celebrates.
Devin: Yes!
Vega quickly raises his hand.
Vega: Actually, it’s Triton. The Most Tech Advanced Country.
Ms. Gabrielle looks in the textbook.
Ms. Gabrielle: You’re right, Vega. Good catch.
Vega: Of course I am, you should’ve known that too.
Ms. Gabrielle: Excuse me?
Students whispered to each other, laughing at the teacher. She notices Draco is still not paying attention. More hours and different subjects go by, and then the bell rings for the class to go to lunch.
Ms. Gabrielle: Alright, lunch kids.
They all get up ready to go. Cindy, a classmate, walks over to Vega. Cindy with her hair in pigtails.
Cindy (joyful): Want to sit with me? Since you don’t know anyone yet. And you pointed me out in front of everybody.
Draco finally gets up out of his seat.
Vega: Ahaha... sorry about that, but yeah sure. Where?
Cindy: Grab your food and meet me at the outside eating area.
Vega: Ok, I’ll be there.
Cindy walks off all happy and skipping.
Draco walks out, but before he gets completely out of the door.
Draco: Yo, I would watch out for them.
Draco keeps walking off to go to the roof.
Vega: What is he talking about? It’ll just be me and her.
Vega gets his lunch and turns around looking for the area and sees Cindy waving him over to another corner area. Vega smiling walks over there. Vega comes around the corner and gets punched. Knocking him to the ground and all his food spills.
Jack (enraged): You’re number one in what?! In hands?!
Vega raises his hands to cover his face, looking up at Jack.
Vega: That’s not what I meant, asshole.
Jack: And you went after my girl?!
Vega: Oh that was your girl? I thought I recognized her….
Vega looks up and sees four students standing over him, and they all start kicking him in the head and body. With Cindy smiling in the background. Jack stomps him out.
Jack (happily mad): Yeah! Wanna tell jokes? Your life is a joke!
Cindy and her pigtails are the last things he sees before being knocked out. 30 minutes pass by, and Vega walks up. Vega sat up, feeling his face and stomach.
Vega (hurting): Ahhhh, my face hurts so bad.
Vega looks around and sees no one around.
Vega: What time is it…
Then the bell rings.
Vega: Crap, is it just the end of lunch? I have to get up and tell someone.
Vega goes to the principal's office. Knocking on the door. And turning the doorknob.
Vega: Hello…. Hello…. No one is here. I can tell the teacher.
Vega hurries back to the class. Walking in.
Vega: Ms-
Ms.Gabrielle (irritated): Save it, Vega! How are you late from lunch on your first day? (He really will be a troubled one.)
Vega: No. I was beat-
Vega looks over at his classmates and their eyes are in full evil intent. Staring him down.
Vega: Nevermind.
Ms. Gabrielle: Good, sit down.
Vega goes to sit down. As the day goes by, the last bell finally rings. All the students get up and Vega goes to walk out of the school.
Vega: (What a terrible first day.)
Vega sees some people waiting down the steps. Trying to ignore them and walk past. Vega is trying to hurry as quickly as possible.
Jack: Where do you think you're going, little man?
Vega: (Just ignore them, just ignore them.)
Jack steps in front of Vega blocking his path.
Jack: You better keep this to yourself or next time we won’t be as nice.
Jack fakes a punch at Vega. Vega doesn't move.
Jack (smirks): I like that.
He slaps close to Vega’s face, all the bullies walk away.
Edward (cheerful): Haha, you had him so scared Jack!
Jack: I know right?
Kevin: Did he even jump though?
Jack: Shut up!
More days go by with Vega getting his lunch slapped out of his hands and beat up on certain days. Vega is getting tired of it. He did try to fight back one day… 5 students have Vega surrounded. Vega throws the first punch hitting Edward, but then is blindsided by Jack. They tossed him onto the ground.
Jack: Yeah! Take that!
All 5 start kicking Vega. Vega looks up, right at Jack. Glaring at him.
Jack: Stop looking at me with those demon eyes!
Edward: You damn 'Demon'!
That day didn’t end well… The next day. In class, Vega wonders...
Vega: (Demon…)
Vega (sighs): Ahh. What can I do? The teacher won’t listen, the Principal won’t even open his door, and I can’t tell my Grandma. I need someone or something. (If I had my sword, I could handle all of them.)
Something rings through Vega’s head. “No… killing please.”
Vega: (Dammnit.)
Vega goes through the classes getting bullied again and again. Draco sees him struggling.
Draco: (I tried to warn him. Those punks are on him... they won’t even try me. I can rest, I guess.)
Draco rests his head on the desk... then thinks.
Draco (interested): (Or… I can use him… Ha Ha.)
Weeks go by, then months go by, and no one stops the bullying. Someone else even joined in. They’re surrounding Vega, kicking him!
Joshua: I don’t even know why we’re beating you up, but all the popular kids are doing it. I need this image!
Joshua kicks harder!
Another lunch beating passing by, Vega recollects on what he did.
Vega: No way they’re that mad about me saying I’m better than them. Am I the problem, what was it? My grandma can’t afford to keep moving, I just have to be smart. (Is my life really a joke?..... I just have to make it past the gate today, they never catch me like that. I should be safe, Jack isn’t even here today. But if they did, I would have my sword. Dang it grandma, she had to take it....)
The bell rings ending school for the day. Vega shoots for the door running out. Pushing everyone in the whole school aside. Too bad they’re on a whole other side to get to the door. But Vega makes it out. Making it past the gate, he stops running and starts walking now. Draco sees him….
Draco: (Hmmm.)
Vega: Whew! I made it.
Jack: Made it where?
Vega gets depressed.
Vega: Ah, shit.
Vega turns, Jack and Joshua are waiting for him, sitting on a bench.
Vega: I thought you weren't here today.
Jack coughs and sneezes.
Jack: Yeah, I am sick, but I couldn’t skip your daily beating.
Vega (sad): (C’mon.)
Jack punches Vega to the ground, and Joshua kicks him. Then more kids come from the gate. Two more, Devin and Dario.
Jack: Ahh DD, come over here.
Dario: Looks like JJ caught him.
Devin: Talking all that stuff, Vega. Look at you now.
They all start stomping him out. Vega hurt, in immense pain.
Vega: (How long are they going to keep doing this? I need to just kill them all…!!)
Jack leans over Vega and snatches his necklace.
Suddenly, the atmosphere around Vega changes to intense, the other three don’t feel anything, but Jack senses it. He looks at Vega who is staring him down while getting kicked. Jack feels himself sweating.
Vega (intense): Give it back. My dad gave me that.
Jack snaps out of it.
Jack: Hmhm. It’s mine now.
Jack laughs at Vega. Then instantly the area gets quiet.
Draco: Yo.
Draco appears with his bookbag hanging over one shoulder. As the dust slowly settles.
DDJJ: Huh?
Draco: Could you all stop that?
Devin: This doesn’t concern you, Draco. We don’t want any problems with you.
Devin says in fear.
Vega takes his hands from covering his face and looks up and sees Draco.
Vega: (Oh yeah, I remember him.)
Joshua: You don’t want this, Draco. Just leave.
Draco: No can do. Stop beating him up, or else.
Jack: I guess it’s else then!
Draco: You asked for it.
Draco starts kicking up dirt blinding them and throws his bag at Jack. Then punching one out, knocking another down. Leaving just Joshua and Jack. Draco targets Joshua first, two piecing him, knocking him down with Joshua yelling out...
Joshua: Don’t hit me, bro! I was just doing this for my image!
Draco punches Joshua on the ground, knocking him out, leaving only Jack. Draco slowly walks toward Jack.
Jack: Whoa, relax man, we’ll leave him alone.
Draco (smiles): If I don't teach you, you’ll never learn.
A struggle ensued. Draco goes to punch Jack as hard as he can. Knocking him to the ground in one punch. Jack gets up, drops the necklace, and takes off running. Vega is still scrambling, wiping his eyes from the dirt. Draco with his fists clenched picks up the necklace and walks over to Vega, turns his fist, and double taps his chest. Then sticks his hand out to help.
Draco: You good?
Vega, looking up, sees Draco standing right in front of the sun, gleaming so bright. All he sees is the sun shining behind Draco’s head, only seeing his smile.
Vega: (What is this light…)
He grabs Draco’s hand.
Vega: Yeah, I’m good.
Draco hands the necklace back to Vega.
Draco: This was important to you. You probably should leave too. Three students laid out is not a good look.
Draco smiles. Vega nods, and Draco walks away. Vega sees him leaving.
Vega: Yeah…..
Vega reaches out his hand….
Vega: What am I doing? I should leave too.
Looking down at his necklace, staring into the red stone.
The next day comes, in the morning classes all the four boys have bandaids on their faces, Vega is just calm during class. Draco is still looking out the window. As the class goes by, the lunch bell rings. All the kids walk out, and Draco walks out of the class with Vega somewhat following him from a distance.
Vega: (He’s not even going to the lunchroom. Where is he going?)
Getting upstairs, Vega sees the door is slightly open. Pushing it open. Leaves blow as soon as he gets up there, with his necklace swinging. Draco laughing and eating some snacks, sitting on the roof’s edge. The roof is beige and grey.
Draco: Took you long enough.
Vega: You knew I was following you?
Draco: Of course, in this school, you have to always watch your back. Especially after yesterday.
Vega: Oh, I just wanted to thank you for saving me.
Draco: No problem.
Vega goes to turn around, but then stops…
Vega: Why did you save me? After so long of just watching it.
Draco (smirks): I feel we can help each other out.
Vega: Hmph?
Draco: Plus those guys won’t bully you anymore if you follow my method.
Vega: What method?
Draco (laughs): They say I turned into a bad kid. No one messed with me anymore. Bullies only attack the weak. After I became a hassle, they didn’t want to deal with me. Also, I saw you fighting back some days. You were a real “demon!” Ha Ha!
Vega (concerned): (A… “Demon”… Why is he saying it in a good way...)
Draco: I won’t be here every day to protect you, some days I won’t even care about anything. So you have to defend yourself.
Vega: Yeah, I know.
Draco: Make people earn your trust, stop giving it away loosely. Don't be friends with everyone you see.
Vega: ...
Draco: Now….
Draco directed his eyes towards Vega, and about to eat a snack.
Draco: Wanna help me… Change The World?
Vega surprised. As the leaves blow all around the roof.
Vega: Huh? The World?
Draco: Yeah, you know, something small. Ha Ha.
Vega: Small?
Draco: Ha Ha Ha.
Vega: …. Why would I help you?
Draco: Because I think we were supposed to meet.
Vega confused.
Vega: ….Supposed to?
Draco laughing, and Vega thinking to himself.
Vega: (....) Will we become filthy poor?
Draco (confused): What? Do you mean filthy rich*?
Vega: I’m sure I said it right.
Vega looked at Draco chuckling, sitting on the edge.
Vega: How old are you?
Draco: Seven.
Vega: (Same age as me...)
Vega has a modest smile on his face. Vega looks at the red stone around his neck, holding it.
Vega: I definitely want to thank you for helping me get this back.
Draco: Yeah, no problem. It seemed really important to you.
As Vega clenches it.
Vega (getting serious): It is.
Draco: Ha Ha. Well, tell me about it. We got all day.
Vega is moved by what Draco said, as Draco smiles. The two talked more and more, Draco learned more about Vega and vice versa, and they became great friends.
[End of Flashback]
Vega (sighs): And that’s just the start. It got worse and worse as the years went by.
Caffua thinks to himself…
Caffua: The way you all are, I thought you would be the leader.
Vega (staying calm): No, Draco was always the leader.
Caffua: Vega, let me tell you a few things.
Vega: Hmph?
Caffua: I think you’re too focused on this Change The World thing.
Vega (ticked): Huh? What are you saying?
Caffua: Don’t get me wrong, I love the ambition you all have. I just don’t think that you should forget about everything else.
Vega: Ok…
Caffua: There are so many great things this world can offer you. One shouldn’t be locked on one thing. You like swords, right? You said you trained since you were young.
Vega: Yeah, I do.
Caffua: But, do you truly love swords?
Vega: I already said I do.
Vega slightly tilted his head with a pissed-off face. Caffua sits back for a second, then leans forward.
Caffua: What if I told you, there are Ten Divine Weapons in this world?
Vega’s ears perk up.
Vega: Hm?
Caffua: And after gathering them all, if they are on the same side, you can't lose. But, no one knows exactly where they are.
Vega: So it’s just a wild-duck chase.
Caffua: (A wild what..? Nevermind.) There are stories about them. Saying, they are spread across the whole world. Each holds different divine abilities.
Vega: So, why would I want to chase after something that could be a myth?
Caffua: Well, we do know they exist.
Vega: How are you sure they exist?
Caffua: They say one of the Gods has one.
Vega: …
Vega thinks a bit.
Caffua: It’s just something to think about, so you don't get tunnel-visioned on your main goal. It might be good to have a backup.
Vega: But why are you talking about all these different weapons? I use a sword.
Caffua: Rumor has it, one of them is a Divine Sword.
Vega continues thinking. He brings half of his face underwater. Leaving his nose and eyes above to see and breathe.
Vega: (The light, a demon, and the divine sword….)
Vega stares into his necklace’s red stone.
Caffua: (Hmmm.)
Another thing Vega remembers is the same day he and Draco met, right after talking so much.
[On the roof]
Draco: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you.
Vega: Hm?
Draco rubs the back of his head while smiling innocently.
Draco: I’m kinda a terrible person.
Vega: ...Huh?
As time goes by, Vega is still thinking to himself about the new info he was given, the afternoon comes, and he’s back to training.
Several days go by, with one day left before the eggs supposedly hatch. With Draco still doing his drills, swordsmanship/kicks, Vega doing swordsmanship/fire attacks, and Wrath soloing, doing electricity attacks. Caffua walks over to Wrath to see what he’s thinking.
Caffua: Wrath, how’s it going?
Wrath is panting, while his electricity sparks.
Wrath: Ok, so far. I’m still testing the limitations of my power.
Caffua: Oh, ok. What have you tested so far?
Wrath: Well, as you know, we can only use our powers for around fifteen minutes. I’m seeing if I can use it then stop, then go again, seeing if that increases the time or am I set to fifteen minutes.
Caffua: Ok, testing it. What else?
Wrath: I’m checking distance, plus control. Seeing as much as I can do. Also this…
Wrath puts out his hand palm up forward then drops it….!!
Wrath: **King’s Wrath**
A surge of electricity comes raining down from the middle of the sky, hitting the ground twelve feet from Wrath and Caffua. Blasting away a bunch of sand.
Caffua: Whoa, that was nice.
Wrath: *panting* Yeah, but I wasn't aiming for that spot, plus even with fifteen minutes of power usage, it takes a lot of stamina.
Caffua: Hmm, I see.
Wrath: I have to increase my aim and stamina...
Wrath raises his arm into the air, electricity forming around it, and with an intense face.
Wrath: To control this power!
Caffua: Well, I have a few suggestions, if you’re willing to listen.
Wrath looks out the corner of his eyes with a smug smile.
Wrath: I’ll be fine by myself.
Caffua: Oh. (So cocky.)
As Caffua starts to walk away.
Wrath: I want to see if I’ll be able to change the voltage, or turn into electricity.
Caffua stands off in the middle of all three just watching their training.
Wrath (clenches his fists): More stamina, and more control. I have to rack up the intensity of my training, to increase my stamina. (No more usual training, from twenty miles, run to thirty now, still within an hour.) Time to start, I’ve done it before another ten miles should be fine.
Caffua smirks, as Wrath gets started on his thirty-mile run around the desert. Starting now, he goes with his usual pace of a slow start, high middle, and intense finish. Twenty minutes into his run, and he's at ten miles.
Wrath: Fuck, I have to increase my speed.
Wrath cranks it up a notch, getting to forty minutes in, and twenty miles.
Wrath: (Faster, Faster.)
Putting electricity on his feet running faster and faster, makes his turn, to turn around, to get back to the gang. But changes his mind and keeps going forward.
Wrath: A turn might slow me down, also I have never been past here, let me see what it’s like.
Going forward, he edges it by five minutes making it thirty total miles.
Wrath huffing and puffing, he falls backward, laying down.
Wrath: Whew, I have no energy left. I must be right in the middle of the desert. Fifteen-minute rest and I’m back at it. (I might even run in the other direction.)
As the fifteen minutes go by Wrath lays there, eyes closed, waiting on the feeling saying his power is back. Then after time passes he gets a shock to his eyes and jumps up….
Wrath: Woo! It’s back. Let’s go.
Wrath starts his miles run again, getting back to the group. Wrath does this all day running back and forth as soon as his power and stamina are back. Increasing his power usage also while doing this.
With training over, next is the Hot Spring. The usual steam rest happens with laughter as always, then sleep before the next training session.
Caffua up again in the middle of the night walks past the rooms, but Vega’s door is closed this time, and Wrath’s door is open and empty. Shocked, he keeps walking and the front room is empty as always.
Caffua: Draco is on the roof again, huh?
Caffua then suddenly hears splashes from the Hot Spring, he goes to check it out. Walking out the door, he sees Wrath sitting on the side of it with his feet in the water, holding up his egg.
Caffua: Everything ok?
Wrath: I remember you saying these eggs would hatch in two weeks.
Wrath looks dead at Caffua.
Wrath: It’s been two weeks.
Caffua: Ah ok. They should hatch in the afternoon, an hour into the training. I was going to tell everyone to take their eggs with us.
Wrath: Oh, ok.
Caffua: But, let’s talk about you, Wrath.
Caffua goes to sit down.
Wrath: Nah, I’m fine.
Caffua: C’mon, we can at least talk about some things.
Wrath: Pass, I don’t want to.
Caffua (disturbed): For such a Hot Head I thought you would have the fire powers.
Wrath (whimsical): Hot Head? Yahaha.
Wrath laughing it off then stops.
Wrath: You should’ve seen Draco in his younger days if I’m the Hot Head.
Caffua: Well, let’s start there. How did you meet Draco and Vega?
Wrath: They probably already told you about Tartarus. That’s where we met.
Caffua: Yes, I’ve heard about it.
Wrath: Well, back then I was kinda, uh….. shy.
Caffua: Haha, what??
Wrath (sighs): Yeah.
**We are taken back,
to the good ole days!**
[As Vega Finds His Way,
Wrath Is Up Next!]
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