《Honest Way of Living》Sleepless Night


The driver described that being a commoner there at night is like poking a lion with a wooden stick. Not to mention, any criminal cases related to the commoner are always neglected by the authority since it is a waste of their sources to investigate them.

Asfa decided to stop earlier to buy better clothes since he would want to get into trouble later. The driver dropped him at the entrance of one of the biggest malls there, Blue Diamond Megamall. He chose to shop there since the building is connected to their own 5 stars hotel, Blue Diamond Hotel.

Fortunately, there was a boutique just after he entered the mall, and he went inside to start getting some proper clothes to wear. He picked a pair of ready-made suits that he liked and compared them to see which one was better. He wanted to try the clothes in the fitting room to see if he could just buy both of them.

Asfa walks toward the fitting room at the corner of the boutique. Suddenly, he senses something is coming from behind, so he moves aside to evade it. It was a punch!

"You piece of garbage! How dare you shop here?!"

Asfa is looking at the teenager who threw the punch, "Umm, I don't want any trouble. I will just go and pay for these clothes. Have a good day, sir."

The teenager's expression changes, and he calls his bodyguards behind him, "You two! Go and teach this uncle a lesson."

The bodyguards surrounded Asfa while the teenager was laughing at him. Asfa is still thinking about whether he should fight or run away from this place. While he was thinking, the bodyguard from behind tried to grab him, but Asfa sidestepped it.

Asfa realises that the other customers are watching him, and they look so excited."They must want me to retaliate..."


The moment he hit back, they would blame and charge him without even investigating it.

Asfa decided to run away as soon as he got an opportunity to do so.

He dodges every hit made by the bodyguard for quite some time to find a way of escaping without hitting them. Suddenly, an old man wearing a black suit walks into the crowd and shouts.

"ENOUGH! We are closing the boutique. Everyone leaves now."

Everyone was stunned by the scream earlier except Asfa. He noticed that the old man used a skill to make people trembling who heard his voice. By coating his ears with mana, he manages to block the skill from hurting him.

"Why are you leaving so fast young lad. Here take these clothes that you want to buy. I am sorry for what happened just now."

The old man passed him the suits that he wanted to buy earlier. Asfa wanted to pay for them, but the old man refused.

"We are alone now. My staff just left this place. So, tell me young man, how did you not affected by my skill? Was I too obvious?"

Asfa would rather pay the suits instead of answering the questions asked. But he had no choice since he owed the old man.

"For your first question, I simply blocked my ears with mana. For the latter, you did fine. I was just lucky to notice it."

"I like your honesty, young man. At least you know how to repay someone. You should change your clothes now, or else it will be a sleepless night for you."

Asfa uses the fitting room to change his attire and leaves the boutique since the old man has gone. He lost his interest in exploring other shops after the boutique incident.

He was so glad that the hotel was just in front of the entrance he used to leave the mall. After a few minutes, he arrived at the hotel receptionist. Asfa wanted to stay in his room while watching the views of the Capital from above, so he managed to get one which cost him ten thousand per night.


The room he booked only has a single room and bathroom, but they look huge and luxurious. Asfa remembered that customers are allowed to order food from their room, and it will be cooked by an executive chef hired by the hotel. He ordered the top three most expensive food there and went to clean himself.

He spent some time in the jacuzzi and then left the bathroom to check his phone. The old man has not replied to his message, and there were some messages sent by Olivia.

He then went to the balcony and sat on the expensive-looking wooden chair to reply to some of the messages he got. He read a pamphlet at the hotel receptionist mentioning that this hotel is the third highest building in the Capital, 900 metres above the ground.

Due to how workaholic Asfa is, he meditates and starts controlling mana inside his body. He wanted to see what else he could do with the white mana he got. He tried to copy the screaming skill he saw earlier in the boutique but failed miserably.

"Ding dong, your food is here."

Due to the excitement, he ran to the door and brought the tray to the balcony. He slowly eats the food that he ordered while appreciating the view there.

The food made by the chef indeed tastes better than he could imagine. Asfa wondered if the chef was using mana to improve the food taste since there were glimmers of mana on the food.

The old man told him that enhanced humans can just meditate instead of sleeping, and it would benefit them better. So, he sits on the balcony to meditate until the sunrise.

3 hours passed quickly, and Asfa heard the building's alarm sounds ringing loudly. He realised that something must be happening down there since he could not sense anything from his floor. Shortly later, the speaker from his room's telephone starts beeping.

"Dear customers, the hotel is being seized by terrorists. Do not get panic. The authority will be here soon. Stay inside your room and stay safe."

Asfa immediately takes out his phone to see if he can find news on the internet about this accident. Surprisingly, he found nothing after searching for a few minutes.

"The authority must have deleted news related to this accident. Damn it."

Asfa wanted to leave the room, but the door was locked. It couldn't be unlocked without the hotel's approval. In a flash, he scanned the whole floor with his ability to see if other customers had the same problem.

Asfa got shocked because it was faster and easier than yesterday. He owed the old man a lot. The meditation technique that he learned was vital to every enhanced human. By seeing the mana, it was much easier for a person to control the flow and the volume of the mana supplied.

"So, everyone else got locked inside their room, and they didn't even try to unlock the door! They must have trusted that the hotel would be able to settle this problem without any consequences."

Asfa went to the balcony to see the situation outside of the hotel from above. The whole hotel has been sealed by the authority with barricade tape.

"That was quick!"

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