《Daydream of Gods》20 Flood:How to gut a fish
Oliver made the halberd disappeared and started to run, the whale took that as a sign of giving up and smiled liking its lips, so far no prey had escape from his teeth neither would this one, but Oliver wasn’t running he was baying time, he had come here not long after receiving the quest and hadn’t though about plan but just decided to brute strength his way through, which he currently realized was a fucking bad idea, he had been too exited from the events happening and hadn’t thought things through at all, so now he needed to have little time to come up with a plan.
The whale chased him traying to shallow him but every time it got close, Oliver just made a turn, while they fought Oliver found out that the whale might be a bit faster in a straight line but the huge body had its disadvantages, it couldn’t turn smoothly, after five minutes of dodging and running Oliver came up with a strategy, he summoned the halberd and made the whale chase him even faster, when it got close Oliver used all the power of the blades under his fit to propel himself up narrowing missing the monster mouth, going upward and landing on its back, the monster losed track of Oliver but not long after found him again, thanks to the cuddle on his back, meanwhile Oliver was getting frustrated, the halberd which broke the prison wall didn’t seem to be able to do much against this whale armor, the whale slammed its tale on the place Oliver was, but he had managed to dodge swimming backwards.
Oliver came to the conclusion that he needed to find a place without scales, but the whale was huge that would take time, so Oliver decided to do the logical thing and go for the eyes.
He swam at the side of the whale the latter couldn’t turn his body fast enough and Oliver used that to his advantage, when you are experienced in fighting you learn one thing, it doesn’t matter how big or strong the opponent is, if he cant hit you it’s the same as feather, but don’t get overconfident and always think that one hit is enough to kill you.
Oliver was confident in himself but he never underestimated the enemy, Oliver made several turns and so did the whale but that slowed it and increased his speed, he managed to get close to the eye slashing with all his strength but the latter closed its eyelid the moment it saw the wasp and the blade hit the armored skin, no harm could be seen, seeing this Oliver backed away immediately and as he did a few spike torpedoes landed on the spot he stood a second ago.
Oliver looked at the halberd, according to Floods words this weapon could kill a god, there was no way it couldn’t harm a fucking sea pig, so the only conclusion was that the problem was himself.
Oliver remembered what his God told him, but even she didn’t know about the special abilities that his halberd had, only that it had them, they were suited for him, and could be brought out only with his instincts, which usually was good for him but the problem was that as a warrior he had control over his instincts but now he had to let them run amok to show those abilities was like telling a person who after painstakingly learning to fly to start crawl suddenly, for someone who wasn’t experienced in fighting it would be easy but to a trained warrior it was hard, that’s why Oliver was having such problems now, he had thought that he could let his instincts run wild with this enemy but when he had started fighting he found out that this wasn’t the case, but he still did it, he wouldn’t not do something just cause it was hard, for him that was the reason it was worth doing it, if he could do it now he would reach another level as a warrior.
Oliver once again stopped fighting and dispersed the halberd, it was boring but he started to look for a weak spot, that continued for about half an hour, most people would have run out of stamina but that wasn’t the case here, Oliver still had a lot to spare, and after about thirty eight minutes he once again materialized his weapon, he couldn’t attack with the circular disks cause if he did he would immediately get shallowed but even if it wasn’t for that he wouldn’t do it, cause he wanted to test the special abilities of the halberd.
This time Oliver swam away from the head and swam towards the tail of the Whale seeing this, the whale made a smile, this bug wanted to kill itself, when Oliver got close it started using its tail as a whip, it actually tried to hit him with its tale but its size prevented it from doing so, but now that bug was so close to it that the whale found it easier to use it, but that didn’t stop Oliver from going close.
This was another place where there was a weak spot, the whale rare end, he attacked it but found it more difficult to land a hit than he originally thought it would be, the tail was extremely big obstacle, in every sense of the word, multiple times he got close to his target but every time the tail prevented him from landing a hit, this place looked guarded too as well, so Oliver once again started to run away and look for another one, after a few more minutes he found another one, this time it took less time, he was starting to understand the build of this creature, but it really was too strong, the deaths were the most dangerous marine creature known to man so far, but that was because they were numerous, and their individual attack power wasn’t weak at all, but this wheal wound lose to them if there were only few Death, its attack power wasn’t as high as theirs but its defense was formidable its humongous size wasn’t a weakness as well, since the defense covered its whole body, this creature was a natural born tank, with no apparent weakness, but that didn’t mean it didn’t have any, after all Oliver knew, till it was a living creature it had weakness, there was no natural born impenetrable wall, only ones that seem like it.
Oliver swam backwards and then towards the whale, they were both swimming towards each other but unlike the whale Oliver was gaining more and more speed, when he decided he had gained enough, he started spinning with the halberd in hand, looking like a miniature tornado, seeing this the whale smiled and increased its speed, it didn’t mind a head clash, it was confident it its armor so far noting it fought could harm it, when they were almost a few meters apart from each other the whale opened its giant moth, the shark teeth shined ominously in the water , Oliver got close enough to smell its breath but before the creature could eat him he used the discs and pushed himself narrowing missing the teeth, and attacking its side, the disks once again tore his skin, the red liquid could be seen in the water, the Whale gave out an angry roar, not only Olivers blood was spilled, he had managed to tear off a scale from the impenetrable defense, this predator felt pain for the first time in its life, but not on only the whale but Oliver as well made a dark expression.
He had use all his mind but only a single scale from the mountain like creature was torn and this time he was hurt worse than the first time, but the wound once again closed, in the eye of the giant creature Oliver could see the crazed anger, if before he had a chance to escape now that was impossible, this creature wouldn’t let the first being which hurt it live no matter what, if at start this was just a battle to feed its hunger now it was a battle to kill the first true enemy in its life.
Oliver for the first time during this whole battle made a concerned expression, he had severely underestimated the risk of this battle, if at first he had thought it was around 70 procent, now it has risen above 80, if he had known that he wouldn’t have fought it, he knew that escape was no longer an option as well, but that only made him more clear headed.
The Washer gave another roar, this time the water around them shook from the mighty sound and almost frenzied anger could be hurt from it, all the spikes on its body shot out, Oliver dodged to his best abilities and managed to evade them, or at least most of them, few still hit him and made wholes in his body, they still closed but this time slower, he had a lot of energy but using the discs constantly, and attacking while healing the wounds started to actually affect him, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t last long but he knew that even if he tried he would still be killed, at the end his body wont look anything like it did now either, he evaded the constant barrage of spike and swam towards the marine King of this territory but the latter was staring him with blood shot eyes the whole time, as he saw the wasp traying to get close it started to violently clash his body against everything around it, it already felt pain, it didn’t mind feeling a little more and it didn’t care about eating that bug no more either, it only cared about killing it, no matter what.
Oliver once again spinned and managed to find an opening as the whale was clashing its body and slashed another scale, this time however the whale managed to crash him into the rocks, it purposely made the opening so it can crush the opponent.
Looking at the place where the enemy should look like a pancake the predator smiled victoriously, but before the cloud dust made from the rampage of the humongous fish, it felt another scale of his be torn out, it swept his gaze and found Oliver, the later was swimming in the water, its body was full of tatters, blood was flowing from his wounds, one of his hands was broken and even one of his eyes seemed to be injured.
Oliver could feel his energy draining off, his wounds no longer healed so fast as before, but before he could take a break spikes pierced his body, he managed to avoid few but many landed, he felt the pain and almost blacked out for a second, but the spikes stayed there unlike the previous one preventing the wounds from closing, Oliver was at dead door, the Whale opened his mouth and swam towards Oliver but the latter didn’t give up, if there was one thing he was, fighter would be it, he managed to dodge and tear another scale, the whale let out another angry roar, which made Oliver smile, he knew he had a bond with flood but didn’t know how it worked, he had come alone cause they decided that they would split up but he never could have imagined that things would turn out like that, but he didn’t regret anything, he was given a chance and he had taken it, even if he could go back in time he would still take it, after all fighting was his happiness, and he would give everything to be happy, it wasn’t like he had done no damage, but before he could finish this thought something happened, the whale wounds started to heal.
The whale had a surprised look, seeing this Oliver blanked out for a second after which he let out a bitter laugh, it looked like the whale didn’t know about this ability as well, but Oliver wasn’t surprised as well, he was probably the first one to hurt it.
The whale smiled, no longer blood shot eyes were on its face, he had never known about this ability of his, which now gave it even more pride, Oliver no longer looked like a wasp but like a fly again, it decided to eat it after all, he swam towards Oliver.
Seeing this mountain coming towards him Oliver once again laughed bitterly, he had thought that his power was huge, everyone who he had met so far told him that Saints were incredibly powerful ,he also had the experience from his previous world, and had red fantasies, it was his goal to kill a demon lord, but there was one fact thrown at his face since he had come here, which he had failed to comprehend completely until this moment, this was a new world, a truly, dangerously, completely unknown world, with beasts much stronger than the ones he knew about, he had never underestimated his enemy, but it looks like he had underestimated this whole world instead, he was proud of himself to some degree, but thinking about it he had never fought something truly powerful here until now, the death at the prison avoided him, and as for the travel to the jungle the beast came at him many at a time which meant that they were only strong in number not individually.
Oliver made a resolution in his mind, if he manages to survive this he would be even more careful than before, he would not only not underestimate his opponent but will even overestimate them.
Oliver dodged but didn’t managed escape the water King giant mouth, if anything it only made it worse, he landed on the teeth which shredded half of his body, but thankfully managed to land on the tongues, he heard the whale gulping and giant torrent flew towards him, but noting of that mattered right now, his mind was completely blank with only one thought in it, KILL, if he was going to die here he wanted to take this fucking salmon with him, before the torrent hit him he summoned the Halbert, half of his body was torn, his insides werent inside no more, his leg and arm was missing, only his head was intact, this was probably the reason for him still being alive right now, with his left hand he started wilding the halberd with all his remaining might, hitting , slashing, hitting again rage engulfed his whole body wanting to tear everything in his field of view, he stopped feeling pain quite some time ago, but his half body couldn’t give him the strength he wanted, which made him shout “DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, he wanted power he was actually damaging the tongue, and as if the halberd heard his cray, the instinct of its wielder resounded in it, only one thing was contained in them ”DEASTROY IT ALL, TEART IT , KILL IT, SHREDDID NO MATTER WHAT”, suddenly on the blade water started to flow… fast, again and again, faster and faster.
On the tip of the halberd a water saw spread, Oliver couldn’t even see it, he was starting to pass out, but every hit he made tore a piece of flesh, every time larger and larger than before, on the tongue a large holes started to appear, he was starting to deal damage, making the mighty sea giant cry out in pain, but it didn’t sit still, he gulped a lot of water which finally pushed Oliver in the stomach, as he landed motionlessly in the stomach juices they started to dissolve what was left of him, in his eyes darkness could be seen, he wasn’t blanked out, he was dead.
Flood who was moving toward him since a some time ago cause she felt his anger, felt that as well, her eyes filled with deep blue nothing like the light one before, she made ugly expression, the water around her trembled, she didn’t care who did it she was going to find him and tear apart everything, the city was gonna cease to exist as well
She raised her hand all the water around her started to follow her will, she no longer restrained her power, all the surroundings including the Water People Kingdom was about to find its end in her anger, but before she started attacking she felt something and all her pressure disappeared along with her angry, she let out a relieved sight and quickly sealed her power again, thankfully it happened before she actually attacked.
In the stomach the ugly deformed body, which was barely one forth of the original started to get surrounded by water which came out from the air, blue light shined from the halberd and engulfed the water, the body which was torn in pieces started to regenerate, water came into the wounds and then out solidifying into new flesh, muscles, and blood, Oliver rose from the stomach juices with blue light surrounding him, he still wasn’t fully conscious.
Oliver “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” he let out a crazed cry, even the Washer heard it coming from its stomach, and for the first time made afraid expression, a burning pain started to come from its insides.
Oliver grasped the handle almost to the point of breaking it, a humongous strength emerged in his grip, the water on the blade started rotating even faster, and Oliver once again started slashing this meat mountain, above, below , right left nothing coming in contact with the blade was spared, everything was ripped out piece by piece, the giant King started to crash out in everything around it with roars made from hellish pain, it was getting torn apart from the inside, its organs, vains, bones noting was spared, and whats worse it couldn’t think of anything, it was being gutted alive, the mighty King of this waterfall was being treated like nothing more than dead fish.
Around half the rampage Oliver came to his senses, but he still didn’t stop, he continued to tear the flesh in sight, and he continued till he was sure that the Washer was dead.
Once he was done he tore the stomach and came out of the carcass, Flood was standing against him.
Flood[still happy that you came]
Oliver knew what Flood meant and made his by now signature playful smile.
Oliver ”don’t you see the giant dinner behind me, do you even need to ask”
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