《The Na'vi Je'daii (Star Wars FF)》Chapter 4.5


The first thought that came to mind after she spoke was

'Even her voice is small. Is anything about my Padawan big?'

Kavuk knelt to get a better look at his Padawan. She was barely 1.5 meters tall and had a petite physique.

The more he looked at her, the less that Kavuk understood why she was assigned to him. It seemed like she was the exact opposite of Kavuk.

"Hello. I am Kavuk Anurai but you can just call me Master Anurai. I will be your Jedi Master and guide you on your path."

Trilla flashed Kavuk a smile.

"Then I shall thank you for your guidance in advance, Master."

Kavuk nodded before walking to the other side of the room and unsheathing his lightsaber. During his 2 weeks of R&R, he had constructed a new/his first lightsaber. Kavuk realized that his Force-Blade and discblades would not be of use during this war.

The advantages they had could not compare to their disadvantages during the current war. And Kavuk had to adapt to the times. So while he kept his Force-Blade, he turned it from a sword into a dagger. He used the rest of the blade to make up for parts of his lightsaber hilt.

"Come at me, Padawan. Since you will be with me, you will be in the heart of some intense battles. I want to see what the Jedi temple has taught you in terms of combat."

Trilla nodded before unsheathing her blade. The young lady had a long-handled lightsaber that seemed even larger on her small frame.


The girl let out a battle cry as charged at Kavuk.

When he saw her approach, Kavuk put his lightsaber back on his belt before dodging his Padawan's strike. The girl launched a strike from above but it missed its target. She then began to unleash strike after strike but not only did a single blow land, the young girl was unable to force Kavuk even to unsheath his lightsaber.


'Her blade form is both erratic and predictable. How in the world was she able to create such a style? But this girl certainly has...'

Kavuk's thoughts were cut off when Trilla spun her blade and a second blue blade emerged from the other side. Kavuk didn't dodge but instead stretched out his hand and grabbed both of Trilla's hands with one of his own before the blade could land a hit.

"Hmm. Not bad, Padawan. But you still have much to learn. At least with your skills at the level that they are, you won't be dying on the battlefield as long as you follow my advice."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master."

Trilla beamed at his compliment. She had already been warned ahead of time by Master Ti and Master Secura that Kavuk had a sharp tongue. As long as she looked past it and paid attention to all the words he spoke, she would be able to see what he meant.

"You need to focus on a lightsaber form. I can that you tried to use Form 1, 3, and 4 all at once. It ended up becoming nothing more than a mess."

"But I heard that you were a practitioner of Niman, Master Anurai. Isn't that the same as using multiple forms?"

"Not at all. Do you know what nicknames Form 6 has, Padawan?"

"I believe it is also called 'The Moderation Form' and 'The Diplomat Form', Master."

Kavuk nodded.

"Both are correct but you are forgetting its third title. The Way of the Rancor. Most of the other forms teach one to follow techniques and styles while Form 1 teaches a person to let the Force guide them.

Niman is about following your instincts. Feeling when to be aggressive and when to be passive. Feeling when to hold off and when to strike. Feeling when you should use your lightsaber and when you should use the Force.


Revan and Exar Kun, two of the most powerful Jedi and Sith recorded in history are both masters of this style. They were known primarily for their prowess with the Force but you would be foolish to forget how powerful they were with their lightsabers, Padawan."

Trilla nodded like a child that had just heard an amazing story.

"Master. I am willing to learn Niman from you. I wish to be as powerful as those two were. Can you tell me more about Revan and Exar Kun? The amount of information we can get about them is limited as Padawans and Younglings but I have heard many Jedi Knights and Masters explain how powerful they are."

Kavuk nodded. Those two were indeed the greatest Jedi the order had ever seen. And when they fell, they were the greatest betrayal that the order had ever seen—even more than Count Dooku in the current war.

"I can tell you more about them at a later time, Padawan. For now, we need to leave this room. Master Ti might think that I have been bullying my new Padawan if we remain in here any longer."

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