《Knights of Auran》The Departure Part 4


The woods were peaceful, filled with the sounds of birds and animals communicating to each other in song and chatter. They arrived at their favorite spot in the woods. They had a pitched tent, with their book bags and toys inside. They parked next to their tent and ran inside to check out the treasure they obtained.

“Lemme see Kev. I wanna see what it looks like.” Johnny said with excitement.

Kevin responded by taking the gemstone out of his pocket and the two marveled at the beautiful stone as it was softly glowing in a pattern that was almost like it was breathing.

“Whoa!” They both softly exclaimed in awe of the gemstone.

“Where did your Dad find it?” Johnny asked.

“I don’t know.” Kevin replied. “He always had it.”

“Well let’s play with it.” Johnny said.

Kevin looked around his tent and found an old blue tin box that contained his favorite things. He opened the box and dumped out his toys and rocks and put the gemstone inside.

“Ok Johnny, close your eyes.” Kevin ordered. “I’ll hide the treasure, then we’ll make a map and you get to find where I buried the treasure got it?”

Johnny agreed as he closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands so not to peek.

Kevin went out the tent with the gemstone stone sealed inside the tin case. He ran further into the woods trying to find the perfect place to hide their treasure. He thought of burying it in the ground but figured it may be too obvious cause all treasure is buried in the ground. Just before he was going to give up, he sees an old tree with a hollowed-out hole in the center.

“That’s it.” he thought to himself. “Johnny would never think to look in there.”

He ran up to the tree, on his tip toes he peeked into the hole to see how deep it was. Seeing that it looked like the perfect fit, he placed the tin case deep inside the hollow tree. The case fit perfectly inside, as he could barely see it. Pleased with his hiding spot, Kevin ran back to their tent where Johnny was still covering his eyes.

“Ok Johnny, you can open your eyes now.” Kevin said gleefully.

Johnny put down his hands and opened his eyes. He stepped out of the tent and started looking around for the tin case.

“Where did you hide it?” Johnny asked as he continued to look around the area for it.

“We gotta make a treasure Map first remember?” Kevin chuckled.

“Oh yea, I forgot.” Johnny said as he stopped and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Kevin went back inside the tent to look for some paper and coloring pencils but the tips of the pencils were either broken or whittled down to where you could barely write or color and there was no paper in sight.

“Ah man, we’re out of paper.” Whined Kevin.

“Wait, we can go back to my place.” Said Johnny. “We can make the map there.”

“That’s a great idea.” Kevin chimed in. “Maybe we can have some snack too.”

They both cheered. They got back on their bikes and rode to Johnny’s house. As they got there, they made their map and had there snack but then they ended up playing in Johnny’s backyard and later on played video games inside. As they day faded, they completely forgot about their buried treasure as it was still inside the hollow tree.


Kevin realized the gemstone he took from his old man years ago is the one that sealed his Seirei Jin powers.

“That Gemstone I hid all those years ago, could that be what I’ve been hearing at the stadium?” He thought to himself. “I gotta find it.”

With a new plan in mind, Kevin decides to leave but accidently bumped into the door he was carefully standing against causing the door to move a little which created a creaking noise; Kevin knew his cover would be blown. His father heard the door make a sound and stopped recording as he looked up to see if someone was there; he didn’t see anyone but felt someone was still there.

“Who’s there?” He asked sternly.

There was no answer. The Father carefully began to approach the door, Kevin heard him coming. Knowing that it wouldn’t matter if he were to run, his Father would spot him. He then decided to confront his Father with everything. Kevin stepped out of his hiding spot and stood at the entrance way of his Father’s office. Ben stopped in place as he saw his son standing at the doorway mad.

“K-Kevin? You should be resting son.” His Father replied nervously.

“I heard it all.” Kevin replied sternly. “So I am a half-breed, and you knew this whole time.”

“Kevin let me explain.” His father pleaded.

“Stewart was right, this place isn’t real.” Kevin said as he slammed his fist against the door post in anger. “It’s a freaking farm and we’re the harvest.”

“Son, I’m trying to save you.” Answered the Father.

“Save me?! You were going to give me over to your “so called friend” who is working for the Advant guard!” Kevin yelled back.

His father remained silent, unsure of how to explain that plan. His Father’s silence convinced Kevin that his Father was going to give him away. Kevin’s ears perked up as he heard a motorcycle arriving. He knew it was his friend Johnny and decided to head to the front door. His Father followed.

“Kevin where are you going?” He asked.

“Like you would care.” Kevin replied coldly as he reached for the door.

His Father grabbed Kevin by the arm to try and stop him from leaving. Kevin turned around and punch him in the face causing his Father to fall back from the impact. His Father sat up surprised that his son punched him. Kevin looked down at him with disgust and left the house. He quickly got on board the back of Johnny’s bike; his father stood back up and came out the house to see his son ride off with Johnny to who knows where. Still holding his injury, Ben’s mind is racing with thoughts about what he needed to do as his son could be in danger. He thought about Agent Reynolds, he went back into the house and tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. Despite his several attempts he couldn’t get through, he then began to wonder if this was a set up for Peter to knab his son.

“Damn it!!!” Ben yells in frustration as he throws his cell phone on the ground.

Johnny comes to a stop at a red traffic light. As they were waiting, Kevin taps on johnny’s shoulder to get his attention. Johnny lifts the vizor of his helmet and looked back at Kevin.

“Remember those woods we use to go to when we were kids?” Kevin asked yelling over the loud sound of the engine.


Johnny nodded to signal to Kevin that he understood what he was saying.

“I need you to take me there, I’ll explain when we get there.” Kevin continued.

Again, Johnny nodded and looked back at the road as he put his vizor back on. The traffic signal turned green and Johnny continued onward as they were heading to the woods where they use to play. Not too far from them, Mike and his crew were hanging out at a small convenience store, next to their bikes were empty cans of beer as they knew a guy who worked at the store would sneak some out for them despite knowing that they were under age. His friends only had a couple, but Mike had about four cans and he was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol as he started to stagger in posture, and his eyes were starting to become blood shot.

“Can you believe that Kevin and his team won tonight?” Asked one of Mike’s friends.

Surprised to hear that, Mike spat out the beer he had in his mouth.

“What?!” Mike yelled.

“Yeah, you didn’t watch the news?” Asked another of his friends. “They announced it on the six o’clock news.”

“Hell no, I don’t watch the news.” A slurred Mike exclaimed. “My phone was off, besides the news is fake, anyway; there’s no way they would allow a half breed to win.”

Mike then continued to finish the rest of his beer, but the others looked at each other wondering what Mike was talking about. They waited for Mike to finish up his beer as he guzzled it down till there was nothing left, he then belched as he crushed the can with his head before he tossed aside with the other empty cans. One of his friends decided to speak up.

“Kevin’s a half breed?” He asked.

Mike looked at his friends who looked back at him puzzled and confused. At first he thought his friends were joking but their blank stares made him realize they weren’t joking.

“Dude, I told you guys what I saw after we left the stadium.” Mike declared. “You know before ya’ll went home.”

Again, his friends looked at each other puzzled as they don’t remember him telling them anything. Unknown to them, since Mike had his phone off during the rewind protocol, he never had his memories reprogrammed like his friends were. Mike couldn’t understand why his friends couldn’t remember. Before he could tell them in hopes of jogging their memories, he hears a near by motorcycle coming. The others did too and hey looked back at the direction of the noise to see Johnny on his bike stopping at another traffic light with Kevin sitting behind him. From a distance, Mike recognized Kevin by his clothes and grew furious thinking back to what happened during the race ad how he cheated using his powers. He knew the race should’ve been won by him and not some half breed. The traffic light turns green, Johnny and Kevin ride off, but Mike quickly gets on his bike and follows them. Confused to what is happening, Mike’s friends scramble to get on their bikes and followed Mike not only to see what’s going on but to look after him since he drank all those beers and they could all get in trouble for drinking underage.

"Hey Mike, wait up." Yelled one of his friends.

As Johnny and Kevin reached the base of their old stomping ground, they see a build board displaying a future large car wash. They parked on the side of the road and walked up to where they once had their tent pitched. Using his Cell phone’s flashlight, Kevin looked around trying to remember where he hid the gemstone. Johnny just followed unsure of what they were doing.

"Yo Kev, why are we out here?" Johnny asked.

'I’m looking for something." Kevin replied as he walked further into the woods.

The further they went into the woods, the less they were starting to see trees as the construction crew had almost flattened out the area leaving only a few trees standing, while some were on the ground ready to be removed. Unknown to Kevin and Johnny they were not too far from the hollowed-out tree that Kevin hid the tin case in only it was on the ground and the case right next to it. Kevin arrived at the area where he hid the gemstone but with the tree on the ground he couldn’t pinpoint the exact location. The gemstone comes alive as it sensed Kevin’s presence. It softly begins to illuminate bringing Kevin and Johnny’s attention to the fallen tree. They walk up to the fallen tree and found the gemstone in the old blue tin case softly glowing just like when they were kids. Kevin picked it up showing Johnny the stone. Johnny’s eyes widened as memories of when they were kids came flooding back and how they were suppose to look for the stone as their buried treasure.

"Hey, I remember that thing." Said Johnny as he took it from Kevin to take a closer look.

Just like before as Johnny held it in his hands, the stone’s glow faded and became dull. Johnny remembered that too.

“And it did that to me too back then.” Johnny said resentfully as he gives the stone back to Kevin and once again the stone comes back to life. “Why are you so special?”

"This gemstone and I are connected somehow". Kevin softly answered, thinking back to what he heard from his Father.

“Connected?” Johnny thought to himself. He wasn’t sure what Kevin was talking about and he began to feel uneasy as he remembered he had a job to do. He put his hand in the pocket that contained the device that could call the Advant Guard with just a push of the button. He thought to himself if he could really betray someone he called Brother, or because he could be a potential danger he could risk innocent lives. Meanwhile, Mike and his crew also arrived and found Johnny’s motorcycle parked on the side of the road. He looked around seeing that there was no other place they could go but into the woods, he decided to go in; without any questions his friends followed. Meanwhile Agent Reynolds was calmly drinking coffee at a local diner, he watched as his phone rang showing Kevin’s Father Ben trying to reach him, but Agent Reynolds has him blocked so his phone automatically sends the call straight to voicemail and he gets a notification saying called blocked. He picked up his phone putting in his password to open it and speed dials the lab that held Stewart and the other Class A Psychic half breeds. With only a couple of rings, the head scientist answers.

“How’s our reality progressing?” Reynolds asked.

“It appears everything is still going as planned. The head scientist replied. Everything from the incident at the Stadium to now is still going according to the reality that our Class A participants have projected would happen. It won’t be long now; his friend will betray him and we will have the Riley kid.”

"Good, I will see you then." Replied Reynolds.

He hangs up the phone and finishes his coffee. He then pays for it with cash and leaves the diner and into his car. Before he starts it up he thinks about what he was about to do. He knew the time would come to betray his friend, it was a shame it had to be this way.

“I warned you old friend.” Reynolds said to himself. “Not even our friendship can save your son. He belongs to us.”

Back in the woods, Mike was moving closer to Kevin and Johnny’s whereabouts. He noticed something glowing further ahead along with a flashlight. Taking his chances, Mike was heading towards the lights as he felt it would lead him to Kevin.

"Connected?" Johnny asked Kevin.

"When I was a kid, I did something terrible to save my parents. My Father used this gemstone to seal my powers." Kevin explained.

"Powers?!" Johnny exclaimed surprised to hear what Kevin was telling him. "Then Stewart didn’t do this to you. You’re a- a."

"Half breed?" Kevin interrupted looking at Johnny finishing Johnny’s question. Johnny looked at him waiting to hear and answer. Kevin looked back at the softly glowing stone. "Yea, I am."

"That’s all I needed to hear." Mike called out drawing Kevin and Johnny’s attention. They look back to see a drunken stupor Mike and his friends standing behind him.

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