《Knights of Auran》It All Starts Here Part 2
The day is finished as the final bell for school rings. The school hall fills up with students and faculty as they try to make their way home. Kevin was among the crowd heading to his locker to empty it out as this was his final full day of school. All that was left, was to graduate, but that wasn't on his mind right now. The dream he had in class continues to haunt him. He knew what really happened; they went home. There were no soldiers no man in a three-piece suit just a normal evening. Even though he knew that's not what happened, it felt real, too real.
"Damn, third time this month, why is this happening to me?" He asks to himself. As he continues to walkthrough the heavy crowd of students who are moving past him whether in a hurry or just passing by, from a distance, his friends Johnny and Sara were trying to catch up with him as they attempt to maneuver through the heavy traffic.
Yo! Kev, wait up! Johnny yells trying to get Kevin's acc ttention, but he was too far to be heard among the loud conversations and hustling and bustling of the traffic in the hallway. Kevin reaches his locker and starts to empty out of all the junk he collected over the years into his bookbag.
"What does it all mean? Why am I dreaming about...that night?"
Kevin wakes from his train of thought as his phone, blares out Johnny's ringtone, he takes it out of his jacket pocket and answers.
"Hey Johnny, what's up?"
"What's up? Dude, what's going on with you?"
"What are you talking about?" Kevin asks.
Before Johnny could answer, Sara, from behind, hits him hard on the back of his head with her notebook.
"You jerk, where were you Mars? We've been calling out to you and you were ignoring us." She yells back with her notebook in hand.
"Ow! Jeez, did you have to hit so hard?" Kevin replies annoyed as he looks back to see an upset Sara as he rubs the back of his sore head to ease the pain.
"Look, whatever is bothering you, forget it. I need you two chuckle heads to focus on winning the WVAMA this weekend. This is our chance to make it to national guys." Sara says with excitement.
As the three continue to talk amongst themselves, Stewart is walking down the hallway maneuvering around the crowd as he was looking for Kevin. However, Stewart was looking pale, paler than before. He holds his head as a headache is slowly building making it difficult for him to focus.
"Man, I can't shake this headache, I gotta find Kevin." Stewart thinks to himself. Stewart stops to look around the hallway and spots Kevin and his friends. Kevin closes his locker and the three begin to leave. Stewart quickly tries to catch up but bumps into Mike the school's star football player and his friends. Mike happened to be carrying an open bottle of soda. When Stewart bumps into him, the impact causing Mike to spill a large amount of his soda on his letterman jacket.
"Look whatcha did you little freak!" Mike yells at Stewart.
He grabs Stewart by the collar of his shirt, bringing him closer to his face. His friends watch in amusement looking forward to a beat down from their leader. Helpless, Stewart couldn't express his fear of possibly being beaten to death, only pain as his headache begins to build.
"Mike please, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Let me go, I-I don't have much time."
"You bumped into me weirdo." Says Mike. "That means you're not leaving till you fix this. Or I can knock some sense into you till you do."
Stewart's headache becomes too much as tears weld up in his eyes. The vein in his head slightly bulge developing pressure. Mike notices Stewart's tears and continues to entice him as he taps him in the face.
"You're gonna cry now? Dude you're so lame."
Unable to hold it, Stewarts holds his head and yells in pain. The students and faculty stop and turn to face Stewart, Mike and his friends as they draw attention to themselves, including Kevin, Johnny and Sara.
The teachers see it as Mike bullying Stewart and begin to walk towards the scene. Several other Students began using this opportunity to take out their cellphones and record this moment of a popular sport jock about to get busted.
"My head!" Yells Stewart. "I can't take it."
Suddenly Stewart is engulfed in purple energy like aura, similar to the dream Kevin had of himself as a child. Mike and his comrades were not sure what was happening, but they noticed the teachers coming their way.
"Bruh, let go of him, we gotta bail. Them teachers are coming man."
Mike let's Stewart go but not fast enough as Stewart unleashes a shockwave of energy pushing everyone and everything away. The impact of the shockwave causes the lights to overpower with energy till they burst shattering glass everywhere. Lockers begin to bend forward reacting to impact of the force in the energetic push. The purple energy dissipates as Stewart falls to his knees in exhaustion. He pants relieved that the pressure in his head, the pain he succumbed to was gone. However, he begins to hear the whispers from those around him. He looks up and notices several students and teacher on the floor unconscious. Several people like Mike, his friends, Kevin and his friends were sitting up stunned to what they just witnessed. Stewart was a Seirei Jin half breed
"Y-You're one of them." Mike exclaims and he gets up and starts to move away from Stewart.
"He's a Seirei Jin!" A student yells out loud.
Those who were awake and could stand started running towards the exit of the school screaming. Others shouted "he's a Jin" to warn anyone who didn't see or hear what was happening. Teachers and other faculty were helping students to evacuate the school. A female teacher rushes to an alarm similar to a fire alarm only painted blue attached to the wall; above the alarm was a sign reading "In case of a Seirei Jin Attack". Like a fire alarm, she grabs the lever and pulls down on it activating it.
In another part of the city, lies a building, home of the Advant Guard, a task force that captures Seirei Jin of all ages. In the main room, a large monitor displays a map of the city of Parkersburg. In the center of the room, were analysts monitoring possible sightings of seirei jin in the areas. The large monitor blares out an alarm indicating a sighting. Everyone looked up at the monitor where they saw a target symbol over a school.
"Attention. There's a Seirei Jin sighting at Charles Adams' High School. Class: unknown, maybe considered dangerous. Proceed with caution." Reports the receptionist.
A group of fifteen soldiers assembled to their group leader waiting for their orders.
"Alright men let's make sure we bag and tag this threat before it tries to escape. Soldiers, to your vehicles." Orders the squad leader
"Sir, yes sir!" The soldiers respond in unison.
"Pardon me chief." Replies a man from a distance.
The squad leader and his crew look towards the direction they heard the voice to see a man in his late forties dressed in a brown tanned three-piece suit and a fedora just like Agent Parker.
"A-agent Reynolds?! What are you doing here?" Asks the squad leader.
"Just a routine checkup, but it's been a while since I've been out in the field, I don't want to get rusty. Mind if I join the hunt?" He asks.
Yes, of course. The squad leader replies.
Reynolds followed the squad of soldiers as they boarded and filled four assigned black SUVs. Agent Reynolds chose to sit in the front passenger of the lead SUV and the team drives off to the high school to go after the suspect Stewart. Meanwhile, back at the high school, students and faculty were still leaving the school for safety. Mike and his friends run off worried of what Stewart would do next. Kevin's friends were urging Kevin to do the same, but Kevin was still curious about Stewart's new identity. He knew he should run but from what he saw happen to Stewart just now reminded him of his dream.
"Come on Kevin, what are you doing?" Sara yells. "They called the Advant Guard, we better go before this gets real."
"Wait!" Stewart cries out trying to get their attention. "Kevin, I need to speak to you."
"Like hell you are." Replies Johnny. "You ain't going near him freak."
Annoyed at Kevin's friends as they drag Kevin further away from him, Stewart uses his abilities, as he instantly teleports himself in front of Kevin and his friends. They stopped in place surprised to see Stewart appear in front of them.
"Just Back off!" Stewart yells, as he raises his hands and suddenly Johnny and Sara were lifted from the ground. With his powers, Stewart had the two over his head. Then throws them to nearby lockers. He then quickly grabs Kevin by the hand.
"We need to talk."
With Kevin in hand, Stewart teleports them both away from the hallway and ends up outside of the school, away from the chaos. Stewart sits on a railing to regain his composure as he was still exhausted from his energy burst earlier. Kevin looks around realizing they were at the back of the school away from the evacuation.
Yo, we’re outside. He exclaims.
"Phew!" Stewart giving a sigh of relief. "My headache is finally gone. Damn, I didn't think I would make that big of an explosion. Sorry about that."
"Sorry?!" Kevin questions Stewart. "Bruh, you just destroyed a hallway. They called the Advant Guard, you better bail before they get here."
"Actually, this is as far as I go man. This was supposed to happen so we could finally meet. Besides, I'm not the one they're really after."
"Finally meet?! What are you talking about?" Kevin asks as he looks at Stewart concerned but confused.
"One day, I saw you in a dream, no, it was a vision. Stewart closed his eyes trying to recall what he remembered in his dream. It was late at night, you were just a kid, ten I think; that’s when they came after you."
Kevin's eyes widen as he realizes that Stewart's vision was actually his dream. The very dream he kept seeing for months.
"Wait, that's my dream, but how?"
Stewart stands up and smiles at Kevin.
"Helllooo! I'm a seirei jin remember. Or at least a half breed. Remember what they taught us in grade school? Seirei jins are beings that have lived here for centuries. Well, when a jin and a human get together, they create half breeds. Half breeds become powerful than their parents and then get taken away."
"Taken away? Why? What about the, Seirei Jin who bore you?" Kevin asks. "What happens to them?"
"Don't know, I was adopted. I found that out when my powers were awaken and I began to see into people's minds. I could even see into the future; and I saw yours. Kevin, you're a half breed, like me."
"Me?! A Jin half breed?! I can't be." Kevin states as he steps back in disbelief to what he just heard.
"Kevin, that dream you've been having, it really happened."
"No. Kevin shakes his head in doubt. This doesn't make sense; we weren't attacked we-"
"Went home like nothing happened?" Stewart asks as he finished what Kevin was about to say.
"How did you?"
Stewart points to his head to remind Kevin about his ability.
"I can read thoughts too. Think about your dream Kevin. That was the Advant Guard that came after you guys that night. Why do you think they attacked you?" He questions.
"I don't know." Kevin answers sharply. "I was just a kid. Besides, half breeds have powers too, right? Well, I don't have any powers."
Stewart walks up to Kevin and stares at him. Kevin felt weirded out.
"What are you doing?"
"Relax, I wanna see something." Stewart replies.
Stewart gazes at Kevin's eyes but mostly his left. Stewart's pupils glows purple then automatically dilates. Kevin's left eye doesn't respond but as Stewart peers closer looking deep into Kevin's subconscious, the odd-looking birthmark over Kevin's Iris glows blue and spreads towards his pupil as if to block Stewart from peering any closer. Kevin noticed something odd happening to his eye and responds by moving away and rubbing his eye as it irritated him.
"Yo, what are you doing?" He asks.
Stewarts eyes became normal again and started thinking about why he couldn't go any further.
"There's no doubt about it, you're a half breed. I saw something blocking your powers, like a seal, and it's a strong one. Not even I could open it. But It's only a matter of time before someone finds out what you are."
"I'm so confused, why me? Why now?" Kevin asks frustrated.
Before Stewart can answer, the two hear the sound of vehicles driving at high speeds coming their way. Four armored vehicles one by one drive through the closed back gates of the school and towards Stewart and Kevin.
"The Advant Guard!" Both Kevin and Stewart say in union.
The four vehicles parked on the grass, all next to each other and opened their back doors. A flood of soldiers came out of the vehicles armed with non-lethal weapons and stood in position awaiting their orders. Agent Reynolds was the last to come out of the vehicles from the front passenger side. With a calm composure, he stands in the center with the other soldiers around him and looks at the two teens with a smile on his face.
"Good afternoon gentleman." Agent Reynolds replies as he tips his hat to the two boys, still smiling. "We received a distress signal from your school of a potential half breed sighting. A half breed's power is uncontrollable and is considered a threat to society and we're here to contain that threat."
Agent Reynolds looks closely at the two boys, especially at Kevin as something about him looked familiar and he couldn't figure it out.
"Which one of you is a threat?" He kindly asks.
Sir. A young girl calls out.
An armored female soldier steps out of her ranks and approaches Agent Reynolds with a tablet like device in her hand. She salutes to Reynolds and he salutes back.
"You have something for me specialist?" Reynolds asks.
"Sir, Kevin Riley, age eighteen, I'm not picking up any signs of reiki activity emitting from his body. However, Stewart Weitzman age 16, is producing a substantial amount and still rising. He's a class "A" type." She replies.
"Class "A" huh?" Reynolds then looks directly at an annoyed Stewart. "Stewart, is it? It's our job to bring you in son. If you resist capture, we will have no choice but to use force. What do you want?"
"Hey! Screw you!" Stewart yells as he flips Agent Reynolds the bird with both his hands.
"Now son, please reconsider. I wouldn't want to make you look like a fool in front of these people. Your powers are growing kid, and they may be unstable so-"
Reynolds stops as he hears the sound of a gun cocked. He then feels something pressing against his back. He carefully looks back to see a young male soldier with a frightened look on his face shaking as if trying to resist. Reynolds then realizes it was the nozzle of the soldier's handgun that's pressing against his back.
"Is there a problem, lieutenant?"
"Agent Reynolds forgive me sir." Replied the young male soldier as he continues to hold his gun to the agent's back. "I-I can't control myself."
Agent Reynolds then realizes, Stewart is using his powers. He looks at Stewart closely to see the iris of his eyes glowing purple along with a shroud of purple aura around him.
"That's it kid, only one?" Reynolds asks. "I was expecting more from a class "A"."
Suddenly one after another, all the soldier's surrounded Agent Reynolds. They all started facing him aiming their weapons. Reynolds looks at the soldiers seeing that they no longer had fear in their eyes but blank stares as though they were in a trance. In the situation Agent Reynolds was in, anyone would be worried about how they would get out of it. Agent Reynolds however was calm, and a little amused.
"Well now, that's more like it."
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