《The Last Gregoryo (Science Fantasy soft LitRPG)》The Beginning of The End - Five - The Noflo Method.


Loris swallowed the last sip of his beverage and tossed the empty cup away, cackling wickedly in delight.

In this looming global calamity, he finally got a reason to train after years of emptiness. It reminded him of the time his motivation shone sky high, and his overbearing self-esteem blinded his schoolmates with rage. Ah, the good old days. Back when he had yet to accept his inherent limits. When every training session resulted in a one-way trip to the emergency room.

“Aina, connect the projectors to my p-watch,” he said in a cheerful tone filled with nostalgia.


A beautiful woman appeared in the room. With slicked-back scarlet hair and a flashy outfit sharing the same colour as her extravagant, slightly slanted N-cut, she would look ridiculous if she didn’t take on her role for a moment. Fortunately for her, her assertiveness and stature gave her a charismatic presence.

Taking a step towards Loris, as if a real person was hiding behind this holographic presence, she spoke in a clear and lively voice. “Who hasn’t already dreamed of achieving all their goals with alarming ease? To outperform all their peers? To make friends and rivals envious? It doesn’t matter what field you’re in, be it physical, intellectual or even virtual. The Noflo method is The Solution!”

This kind of introduction would excite many, but not Loris. Not that day.

His purpose remained clear, and his resolution firm. Everything else was a platitude from which he wouldn’t scratch the surface of. Deep down, he knew it: One becomes average by following the masses. It wasn’t only his birthday, but the day he would seize his destiny and drag it wherever he wished.

The commercial video dragged on with all kinds of truer-than-life holograms. They depicted many sub-products and practical uses of the Noflo services.

In three words, it was boring.

It went in one ear and out the other. A comedy in which every piece of information struggled to be the most useless. Was it the scriptwriter or the actor that should be fired? In his opinion, both. Yes, she was talented, yet even animals wouldn’t respect such a script. With a bit more objectivity, it wasn’t so bad. Just boring.


Nevertheless, tiny bits of exciting information lurked between product placements, buying incentives, and brand promotion.

The Noflo method was a multi-purpose training method that operated through modules and sought to propose the perfect guidance in specific circumstances. And in between, to pave the way to achieve the perfect training.

The first step was subscribing to the method and purchasing the desired training modules.

Only perfection was not easy to identify and even less to achieve.

To this end, the method recommended state-of-the-art monitoring and information for optimal exploitation of the Noflo algorithm. The video referred to an indicator called the ‘Noflo guidance accuracy rate’ that assessed the perfection rate of the Noflo instructions.

For this, The N-haired woman promoted monitoring nano-robots - to be taken weekly in a capsule - and a mixed-reality kit as the minimum required to get precise instructions. She also mentioned that additional equipment and consumables may be required depending on purchased modules. Naturally, both cost a fortune.

Once in possession of this technology, the ball was in the trainee’s court.

Depending on what was required and sought, one would have to push themselves to their limit by using their best wits, intelligence, agility, strength, or perception in real-time. After each seance, the algorithm would calculate the ‘Noflo tracking rate’, depending on the trainee’s performance.

At best equal to the accuracy rate of the Noflo guidance, a 100% mark for this indicator represented a perfect training session. These were heavy claims. Yet, no reputable coach had proven to work without the services of this algorithm.

Finally, the method also included diet and lifestyle recommendations. The irritating red-haired woman advertised additional pricy, brand products: Noflo nutrient powders and beds.

Multiplying the ‘guidance accuracy rate’, ‘the tracking rate,’ and a third index named ‘lifestyle multiplier’ gave the ‘Noflo rate’ that measures the effectiveness of a formation.

Perfect instructions, perfect training, perfect lifestyle. The Holy Grail of all competitors: The No Flaw rate.

Although no one has ever achieved this perfect theoretical growth, the end of the ad challenged him to be the first to do so. A cheap way to sell their service, yet it worked. Pumped up, Loris was certain his determination and ability to train were second to none. If only it wasn’t for his unfit genes…


After registering his intention to subscribe to the method - subject to a rebate for watching the ad - he displayed the most popular modules. There had to be one that fit his needs.

[Get the body of a Greek god under three months.]

[The art of seduction for dummies.]

[All you need to get rich like Croesus.]

[How to break through category C’s glass ceiling.]

[Turning failure into success.]

[Look prideful and confident in three steps.]

Apart from a good laugh, it was far from helpful. Loris checked his notifications. Maybe his friend had sent him something else.

Great! As expected, a message from Fabrice: “If all you need is an efficient training module to approach a competitive form, try ‘Nine steps to conquer yourself.’ Reaching the second step should be enough. No need to thank me.”

Fabrice had his fair share of flaws yet often showed a reliable and caring side. At least with his friends.

“Aina, put this module and everything I need for a month of Noflo method, including the mixed reality kit, nano-robot caps and the Noflo nutrient powder, in a basket and display the prices.”

A holographic window appeared.


His mouth stayed wide open for a few seconds.

[Monthly subscription (renewable): 2000 merits. 50% Rebate => 1000 merits.]

[Mixed-reality kit: 2155 merits.]

[Intermediate module: Nine steps to conquer yourself: 10 000 merits.]

[Monitoring nano-robots (Four capsules, renewable): 15 000 merits.]

[Noflo premium nutrient powder (Thirty daily portions, renewable): 15 000 merits.]

[Total basket price: 43 155 merits.]

Any of these purchase orders far exceeded his monthly, category F citizens’ allowance. Even Anastasia, who perceived a category D allowance - twenty-five times bigger than his - couldn’t sustainably consume their premium nutrient powder without relying on her professional income.

A scam. Loris had no other words to describe such fraudulent products. He could buy a respectable, autonomous electromagnetic car for half this amount. Not that anyone would be dumb enough to buy such monovalent vehicles.

The soothing voice of Aina echoed. “Do you want to buy it?” The domestic AI’s reassuring tone prompted him to accept. If Aina’s algorithm wasn’t contained in a little box within their basement, unaffected by any outside influence, Loris might have developed paranoid thoughts.

“No, I don’t even have enough-” he partially answered.

Wait a minute. If the AI that had free access to his personal data suggested something, it meant he could do it.

Through swift movements of fingers, Loris displayed his savings.

[46 847 merits (+30 000)]

Loris chuckled. “What a moron.” He sent a ‘thanks’ to his long-legged friend through the local network.

While he had enough to buy the necessities for a month, besides the monthly subscription, two supplies involved monthly expenses: the nano robots-caps and Noflo nutrient powder. Each cost fifteen thousand per month. The Noflo subscription being 1k merits, the monthly expenditure was thirty-one thousand.

After checking the usefulness and substitutes for both, he removed caviar from the list. He could eat gold that would be cheaper than this powder. If his AI could spot any technical scam, Loris recognised outrageously overpriced products.

After removing it, the basket was still worth over thirty thousand merits. Each additional month of training would cost sixteen thousand merits. Even if he miraculously found a decent job, Loris couldn’t expect to earn such that much merits. Still, his three-year-long savings would melt under two months at such a rate.

He needed money more than ever.

“Aina, confirm the purchase with express delivery.”


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