《Mwizi Tales》Sins of Father III



It was another hopeless and boring day, he woke up from the loud noise of Pyremobile horns honking. He looked outside to see it was still early morning and crawled out of bed, as he found his father training downstairs. He was an aging man with short dreadlocks at the top and shaved graying sides. He was still in shape and always trained every morning, Anansi joined him in picking up a wooden sword as well. They did a few warm-ups, practicing sword strikes and blocks. His father held two wooden swords while Anansi held one, “care for a sparring match?” His father asked, wiping sweat off his forehead. He nodded and got into a defensive stance, his father got into an offensive stance, despite his age he charged in nimbly striking with two swords at once. Anansi staggered back and blocked one as the other one smacked his side. He scanned his father's stance to look for openings, as his father gave him no chance to even think, striking his hand and forcing him to drop the sword. His father smiled and ruffled Anansi’s hair, “you overthink kid. When in battle you won't have time to analyze your opponent. And they won't give you that chance.” Anansi picked up the sword and put it back on the rack, feeling angry he still failed to even touch his father. “I know but how am I supposed to beat someone better than me?”

His father shook his head, “I didn't start like this, I trained and mastered my skill with the blade. Just give it time.” He put his sword up and made his way up the stairs, to shower. Anansi sat at the dining table and sighed. His father had a wrapped-up package just resting on the table. He recalled this was his father's latest project for the Lady Empress. He tried asking his father what exactly he was making, but he said it was top secret. Anansi went to make himself something to eat when he heard a swift slamming of the door. He heard heavy footsteps enter the home. His mind went racing as he jumped to hide in a closet, he was able to peek and see three tall and slender men, they all had firearms, two having hand pistols and the other one holding a musket with two hands. They scanned the area and made their way to the dining hall only inches away from him, he felt his heart racing and sweat beading on his forehead. He knew he had to stop them but how? He didn't have any weapons and they had firearms, as they inched closer to the hall he heard a shout coming from the stairs. He saw a chair get sent flying into one thug, surprising the thug as he accidentally fired his pistol. The other two looked to the source, and as Anansi looked he saw his father. He was standing with two blades and confidently, but he had a face that Anansi had never seen before.


He had an intimidating gaze and aura about him as he stood in a defensive stance, the two aimed for him and he ducked out of the way of fire, getting cover from them in the corner. “Get the package!” One screamed in Danese, Osaze saw the package inches away on the table and sprinted for it. The two-shot and both landed shots at him. Propelling him into the wall but he held the package. And was inches away from Anansi when he spoke in a low tone. “In five seconds ill give you a cover, take the package, and run for your life, son.” Anansi, still frozen in fear, stiffened hearing his father's words. Was he asking him to flee with his tail between his legs? He couldn't leave his father to face three armed men alone. But he also knew he was only going to be a handicap for his father. His father stood confidently, despite being shot he wasn't bleeding or injured, as he saw his bulletproof vest peeking through. The two raised their guns and his father kicked the table and used it for cover. Several bullets went through the wooden table.

As Anansi took a deep breath and grabbed the package. He then crawled and made his way out through the back door. Hearing the loud gunfire and curses continued, as he ran with the heavy package through his backyard, climbing the fence and running through a forest. He kept running until the gunfire became inaudible, he took a break to catch his breath as he tried to figure out what exactly was going on. Why did those thugs come and try and rub them, and what do they want with his father's project? His first instinct and place to go were to the Empress, he noticed a note in the package and went to read it. He read the note and tears fell down his face, as he knew what he had to do. Looking forward in the forest as he made his way to Fengshu.

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