《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 5


Anthony Missucci had been head of the Missucci family for eight years, ever since his father died. The family had been in decline since his father's final years in charge, the old man had lost the wherewithal to keep running the family like he used to and even on his best day Anthony wasn't as good a gangster as his father was on his worst. Under Anthony's leadership the Missuccis had lost territory to rival gangs, there were arrests because Anthony failed to make payments to law enforcement, the poker games were raided and shut down, two strip clubs, used for laundering money, closed. The goose had been a godsend. It had appeared out of nowhere at a time when Anthony was only a couple more failures away from being done for. The goose had provided him with wonderful insights about management that had allowed him to get things back on track and it had excellent ideas about how to generate revenue from new sources. On the goose's advice Anthony opened up a grocery store, bought two ailing gas stations and fixed them up and invested in three fast food franchises. The businesses all did extremely well and allowed Anthony to reduce his family's criminal exposure. There were some in the community who said to Anthony that he should run for congress. Anthony was intrigued by the idea, thinking that with the goose at his side there was nothing he couldn't do.

When they saw him going around everywhere with a goose everyone who knew Anthony thought that he'd gone off the range, but in time they came to recognize the value of the goose and they all did what they could to show their appreciation to the goose. They brought food and wine for the goose and some brought women for the goose to enjoy. During its time with the Missuccis the goose became accustomed to a particular lifestyle. It got fat and greedy, was often drunk, and engaged in lascivious behavior that was beneath it as a guardian. Fortunately for the goose his activities on earth weren't being monitored, if they were he would have been in trouble.


The goose thought when he left Anthony Missucci that he was done with him. He underestimated Anthony's determination. The goose didn't want to see Anthony again, he didn't want to be reminded of the most shameful time of his life. The goose flew into Anthony's home through an open window and walked into his study. Anthony was sitting at his desk looking over some papers. He'd lost weight and his hair was a lot greyer. Products of stress, most likely.

"You haven't been letting things slide in my absence have you?" The goose asked.

"You're back! You're really back!"

Anthony popped out of his chair, rushed over to the goose and gathered it up in his arms.

"Only for a brief talk, there are some things that we need to clear up."

"Anything, whatever it takes to get you back, consider it done."

"I won't be coming back anytime soon, there's something important that I need to deal with right now."

"What? No! I need you back right now, you were right, I have let things slide, ever since you left everything has gotten worse."

"If that's the case then it means that you weren't paying attention to what I was teaching you."

"I was paying attention, but you're special, just having you around makes all the difference."

"It wasn't because I was with you that you were able to accomplish everything that you accomplished, everything that you needed to be successful you already had within you, you just need to have more confidence in yourself."

"Of course it was because you were with me, you're special. Look, just stay for a few weeks, with you by my side that should be enough time for me to turn things around, and while you're here you could spend more time with Carrie, she's been miserable ever since you left, she said you're the best sex she's ever had."


"Well I'm not going to deny that I enjoyed our time together and that I do miss her, but what I'm busy doing now is of the utmost importance and I can't afford to be distracted from that by anything, so if you don't stop sending your men after Robert then you can forget about ever seeing me again."

Anthony thought hard about what the goose said and decided that he couldn't take the risk of doing anything that would cause him to never see the goose again. He agreed not to send any more of his men to try and capture the goose.

"How long are you going to be busy with this thing of yours?" Anthony asked the goose.

"About six months, after that I'll be free for the next five hundred years, so you can count on seeing me again."

"Five hundred years?! What are you?"

"Only Robert is allowed to know that, now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to him. Oh and send Carrie my love, I really do regret leaving her the way I did."

With that the goose left, feeling quite heavy-hearted about lying to Anthony about them ever seeing each other again. The goose was ashamed of its time with the Missuccis and wished never to revisit that part of its past ever again.

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