《Gates To Earth》Chapter 14 Continuing The House Hunt Multi Pov
Chapter 14
Continuing The House Hunt
Rex Lopiz
3/1/26 11:07am
Once the small skirmish was over the lady greeted us.
"My name is Angela Goldstein." she said with a bow.
I was still covered in goblin blood and Max was painted in goblin blood.
"Hello, my name is Rex Lopiz." I replied back.
I then turned away from her as I talked to Hailey.
"You should gather the others and look for a weapon, and probably anything of value from the dead." I told Hailey.
She nodded as she ran back to the tree line, I then picked up a nearby sword from a dead goblin, as I went to walk to the smoke I was then stopped by a sword's blade stopping mere inches away from my neck.
"How dare you turn your back to the first Imperial princess! Angela of the Holy Empire of Goldstein!" One of the knights yelled out as the other knights approached.
So the empire is named after the family's last name? Interesting.
I turned around as Max got ready to attack.
"Are you sure you can handle us with such small numbers? I said with a grin, getting excited for another fight.
I catch myself as I had that thought, I have to get control of myself if not I don't know what will happen.
"You should be worrying about yourselves!" The knight yelled.
"You need to relax, first off we are not from around here, second I have never heard of your holy empire." I replied honestly.
"How have you not heard of the holy empire?" The knight said, confused.
"Because we are not from here dipshit!" I said as I ducked.
The sound of metal being hit with metal was heard, Max punched the knight as he flew back, the other knight were about to chant spells but before they could the lady stopped them.
"Is there a reason for this?" She asked the knights.
"We have more important matters to attend to, then to fight the ones who helped us." she said with another bow.
"Thank you for providing us aid when we were attacked, and next time you attack one of my knights. . . I will make sure you pay." She said with a serious face as they walked back to their carriage.
They then began to move along the road with the carriage and horses who now mostly carry dead or wounded soldiers.
As they left I began to run into the other side of the forest to where the smoke was, Max knew to follow me while the others came out of the tree line once we began to enter the other side.
They grabbed every weapon they found on the ground besides the broken ones, once they finished that they just waited as me and Max went to the smoke pillar.
The foliage was growing out of control, it makes sense such there is no one living around here, the grass was not bad but the bushes and trees were thick, as we got closer I could smell the fire.
It did not have a weird smell just wood probably, as we got closer I could hear some noises, first there was cackling of goblins followed by some crying, I did not want to know what was going on or did I want it to continue, I pushed through the last couple of bushes as I passed through the bushes I was immediately behind a goblin.
I ran the sword in my right hand through the goblins back, as it pierced the goblins skin it let out a shriek of pain "AGraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" its high pitch scream did not faze me as I saw who was crying.
There stood a group of 5 humans who were being guarded by 3 goblins, who were wearing leather armor as well as armed with a shield and a sword while the other 2 had spears, I pulled the sword out of the goblin as I pushed its back with my right foot.
The 5 humans were beaten up pretty badly, there was a group of 3 dead armed humans while the alive ones looked to be civilians.
There was 1 female around her late 30's with a male in the same age most likely and 2 more females who looked to be around 18 to 20's and a boy who looked to be probably 16, their clothes had cut wounds and some parts of their clothes completely gone.
It did not seem these goblins were doing anything to them besides cutting or stabbing them in order to hear them cry out in pain, weird little creatures but it's better they only do that instead of other things.
"Max get the prisoners and protect them till your last breath!" I yelled as 5 goblins wielding clubs and daggers charged me.
"Yes captain!" Max said as he leaped over a log.
Max threw 2 daggers which he saved and nailed 1 armored goblin in the left knee and chest, making it fall over wounded, Max then pulled out 1 spear and a short sword as he threw the spear into a goblin who was about to kill one of the young females.
The spear made a loud splat noise as the spear made the goblin lose his footing, the spear did not slow down as it struck into a tree, making the goblin get impaled to a tree, that goblin died the second the spear stabbed into its body.
The other goblin was now scared as it tried to run but the older man stuck his foot out as the goblin ran making the small creature fall, it grew pissed as it was about to slice the man, Max Sliced the small creature's hand off that held the sword, max then struck down with his sword into the chest of the goblin.
Also Max was still covered in goblin blood from the last battle myself included but he was painted with it the only thing you could see was his slightly glowing white eyes and that was it, he then began to defend against groups of normal goblins.
2 clubs were swung at me from the right and left going at a vertical strike, these two goblins were in sync as they swung another one with a dagger then thrusted his small dagger from Infront of me, I was going to get hit no matter what I did.
I took my sword as I moved towards the right, the goblin looked to be smaller then the other two so I was hoping he was weaker, I Parried the dagger's thrust while moving out of the way of the left club, the right club impacted into my left as I tried to turn out of the way but was slow.
"umph" was all i was able to let out as the club hit into my side, I stumbled to the right as it pushed me, this little goblin has a lot of strength as well as the others, The one with the dagger did not hesitate to turn to take another stab I was able to block it this time.
As I was blocking these three another goblin ran from behind me as I turned to take the attack the other goblin with the club hit me in the back, I straitened as it pushed me forwards, the other goblin held a dagger as well and behind it was 3 more with clubs.
I raised my sword to deflect the attack, the dagger was thrusted towards me as I blocked it, I went to move back, all that I was able to do was grab my back as I felt a piercing pain enter into the right side of my lower back.
As I felt my right side of my lower back I felt a cold metal as I turned a goblin was now leaping onto me as it kicked me back, I thrusted my sword into it as it was jumping and let go of my sword as it got stuck in the small body.
A dagger was sticking out of my back, I left it in case I make it worse by taking it out, I was in too much pain it hurt. . . Why maybe I should shut my eyes? No, I must keep fighting no time to close my eyes.
A goblin leaped as it swung its club as the other 3 goblins with clubs swung at the same time, I was too slow for this, I was wounded, I had a dagger sticking into my lower right back, and I was hit in the back and left side by a club.
My body ached in pain, I raised my hands in defense against the leaping goblin, I was hit in multiple areas with clubs, the sound of the clubs hitting my back was heard out loud.
"UGH!" *Thwack* *Thwack*
The sound of wood hitting bone was heard as the clubs were swung with immense strength, the goblin that leaped at me was blocked as I tackled the little creature, I began to hit into the goblins body as I was consistently being wacked by clubs as the other dagger goblin was getting ready for another charge.
"Captain!! I'm on my way!" Max yelled as he was still dealing with large groups of goblins.
"NO UGH. . . MAX! PROTECT. . . UGH. . .THEM!" I yelled back with the remaining strength.
He followed the orders as the last goblins arrived from the trees, they seemed to be other groups that went out on patrols or hunting either or.
The goblin with the dagger ran towards me, I smashed the other one's head into the ground three times as blood began to flow out as I got off of it. the others kept hitting me with their clubs, I picked up the goblins club as I deflected the others, it stopped them but with every block the pain got worse.
As I went to swing the club into the other club goblins the dagger one ran into my stomach with his dagger.
The pain. . . was horrible I felt it throughout my whole body as club and now 2 daggers pierced my body, blood came out of my mouth as a internal organ was damaged, the blood spurted out of my mouth, I clenched my mouth closed as I smiled as blood leaked through my smile.
If I'm going to die again I mind as well bring these little shits with me.
I grabbed the goblin who held the dagger and pulled him by his arm as I swung him into the club wielding goblins, I used the goblin's body as a new form of weapon, the pain of holding the creature became worse but that's alright, I swung the goblin with the rest of my strength as the dagger was now stuck into my stomach, and another in my lower back.
My vision began to get hazy but I did not stop till there was no more movement from the goblins, I dropped the one I was holding, I then Grabbed its throat and squeezed as it clawed my hand with its nails.
It eventually fell into a slump position, other goblins ran towards me, these ones were wearing leather armor with swords and shields, it seems the archers were taken out by Max.
I held two clubs as I ran towards the 3 blurry goblin figures, I can still see but it was a little blurry as I lost blood at fast speeds, I tried to ignore the pain, as the adrenaline began to make the pain feel numb.
That's very good was all I could think of as I swung the two clubs into the 3 goblins.
They swung two swords and a spear as I blocked the two swords with the clubs I moved to the right a bit as the spear sliced into my left side slightly, I then kicked the spear goblin as it fell back it dropped the spear, I threw a clubs into the spear goblin making it fall to its back, while I went to pick up the spear I turned to block a sword swing, it hit the pole of the spear as I pulled back and thrusted it into a goblin.
the spears were the size of the goblins so about 3ish feet, It entered one sword goblin as the other one with the sword swung into my right side as the sword got stuck in my skin, I yelled as I pulled the spear out of the goblin and thrusted it at the goblin, the goblin let go of his sword as he jumped up to my face and grabbed hold of my face.
it held on for dear life as I dropped the spear and pulled it off the goblin's nails scratched my back of my head all the way to my neck as I held him out he bit into my arm as I yelled I threw him on the ground, I stomped down on the stomach of the goblin as it lost its voice to yell I picked up the spear as it tried to scramble to its feet.
I stabbed down in the stomach and left the goblin impaled. . .
Blood spilled out of my mouth even more as I fell to my knees, the blood was being let out whenever I let out a yell and now the pain came back to me as Max finished the last goblin and rushed over to me.
The pain was too much and my vision blurred more. . .
Why am I always rushing into the heat of battle, every time I do this I end up dying or blacking out, I guess I want to feel what it's like to fight like this. . . I will never stop getting my hands dirty . . . I just like the thrill of it I suppose. . .
I fell onto the dagger in my stomach as it pierced me through the gut. . .
3/1/26 11:34am
The battle was long, the captain gave me orders to defend the prisoners. . .
Why would he do this to? He is more valuable than these civilians. . .
I follow orders till my death. . . Captain gave me these orders and I will complete them.
The battle was nearing its end as I heard yells of pain and saw the captain . . . he was being overrun and he was getting hit from all sides. . .
I will provide him aid, I shall request my assistance. . .
Why would he deny my help? He just told me to stay and defend. . .
Captain is taking too much damage, I must finish my first order, then help him once I complete the order. . .
The last threat was killed. . . . . "Captain!!!!!"
He laid motionless. . . He had daggers piercing his stomach and back.
Injury is fetal. . .
Chance of survival 10%
choosing equipment FirstAid
Applying bandage around the wound. . .
Daggers are lodged in applying bandages around daggers to stop bleeding. . .
Can't remove daggers. . . Not equipped with proper medical supplies. . .
Internal damage is fatal. . .
Chance of survival 3%. . .
"Captain stay with me!". . .
Captain needs medical assistants. . .
Not carrying correct medical supplies. . .
Must seek proper medical equipment. . .
Movement in bushes. . .
"REX!" Hailey yelled as she saw the captain's body.
Hailey pulled over her small medical bag as she removed medical supplies out of it.
Medical supplies required found, taking over operation.
Removing daggers. . . Blood leaving body at a fast rate. . . Stitching wounds. . . Applying bandage over stitches. . . Blood slowing down. . . Repeating procedure on back dagger. . . Applying required medical to the captain. . .
Internal damage is still fatal. . .
Survival chance 2%. . .
"Captain. . . please don't go again. . ."
Captain's body was no longer breathing as he laid motionless. . .
"Captain. . . . . Is dead. . ."
Heartbeat 0. . .
I stood up. . . following the next order. . . None. . . Choosing the next order. . . Defend the captain's body till death. . .
Nick Hudson
3/1/26 11:45am
Rex. . The one who saved us, the one we chose to follow. . . Has once again died.
This guy dies too much was all I could think of, the robot applied medical to the man he outclassed the medic, he did everything swiftly as he told us of the passing of Rex.
What now? how are we supposed to carry on without this man, he was supposed to lead us, we may no longer be undead, but this man had the power to be a great leader.
After about 20 mins of looking at his body the prisoners came over and looked at Rex.
"So---" the older man was talking before Max cut him off
"DON'T EVEN SAY IT" Max said loudly.
"This is now his second time dying." Max said. as he lifted Rex's body off the ground and walked into the goblins camp further and set Rex on a hay bed the goblins used.
I spoke to the prisoners,
"Rex made Max, he is a machine but is like a human, Max knew rex more than us not sure how much more. what I'm trying to say is don't take his words personally he is just very upset." I said.
"And don't feel guilty, Rex would not want that he saved over 100,000 lives before yours without asking for much." I said as I looked at the 5 of them.
They nodded as we all walked over to Max, he was standing above rex as he looked to Hailey and spoke,
"I'm opening the spot where my core is, I'm going to use it to try to jump rex's body back to life but I'm afraid of the internal damage." Max said.
We all looked at him confused as he spoke again,
"I believe it was nothing too serious, I Believe since we removed the daggers he should be fine as long there are no more serious wounds, stomach and lower back wounds can be recovered from, we can hope the internal problem was due to the knife being in him." Max said in a serious tone.
"Once my core is revealed I will then use the electricity as a jump starter to Rex's body, do not get close to me or you will be killed by me, this is your only warning I will bring him back" He said as he looked at us.
"Alright Max, Everyone back up!" I yelled as I pushed everyone back as a bright blue light shined.
I looked and saw a small sphere that shined light blue as Max held it with one hand not moving it form the spot it came from, he reached his other hand onto rex's hear as the electricity shocked the body as it jolted, Max waited some time before continuing till Rex's chest went up and down with movement.
Rex Lopiz
3/1/26 12:00pm
The feeling of heat leaked into my body as a bright blue light was seen through my closed eyelids, pain ran throughout my body, it ached as I opened my eyes as the blue light no longer shined.
"Welcome back captain. . ." Max said who was standing on my side.
"Let me guess I died again." I laughed as I tried to sit up.
"ARGH FUCK THAT HURTS!" I yelled as Max rested his hand on my back to help me up.
"Yes captain, you have indeed died again, but do not worry I used the core's power to bring you back." Max said
"Thanks Max, sorry for making you have to watch me die again." I said with a light chuckle to avoid the pain.
"Captain, I think we need to have some sort of guard force with you." Max said with a serious tone.
"alright but I will not stand and watch, I want to get better at fighting so I won't be useless on the sideline." I replied.
"Alright captain, by the way you are injured and may not be able to walk for some time, you will have to stay at camp once we find a location, for now I will carry you." Max said as he held me like a princess again.
"Alright max." I said feeling embarrassed.
The others looked at me confused.
"What are you all looking at? We have to keep walking, this area sucks, let's go deeper towards the mountain." I said as Max began to walk.
Everyone nodded as the prisoners asked.
"Sir, thanks for helping us, we owe you our lives, please let us accompany you till you are better, we have nowhere to go, our farm was burned, we can help you recover." the male said as the others nodded.
"Very well. but just a heads up my powers are quite strange." I replied.
"Thank you, also you don't have to worry about us." The man said.
"Hailey, can you patch them up and introduce each other we have a walk ahead of us." I said as she nodded.
The group helped carry weapons and food that we found from the two fights as well from the camp, as we continued to walk towards the mountain some more.
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