《Gates To Earth》Chapter 5 Massacre - Pvt Leo
Chapter 5
Pvt Leo of the United States Army -
5/28/25 2:35pm
At first we were confident that this would be a cake walk, now we see the reality that we are facing.
After entering the Gate Command split everyone into their groups, I was part of the second main battle group, it consisted of 1 battalion from the Army and a company of Marines, this was a joint operation, we had 2 squads of M1A2 Abrams as well as squadron of 6 Ah-1Z Vipers to provide overwatch for the forces on the ground.
We also had other vehicles like Humvees and transport trucks and much more like the Bradley's command had the rest of the assists split up between all the forces.
My squad that I was assigned to had been given the callsign Wild squad, the reason behind it was simple my squad is a heavy support squad they given us 3 M249 gunners with 2 At soldiers, and the rest are normal riflemen like myself well beside Staff sergeant Fredrick, he had the radio pack, it's not normal but that's why they called us wild squad, because our squad was wild with their weapons.
Let me introduce Everyone,
Staff sergeant Fredrick - Radio Operator
Sergeant Quilo - Rifleman
Sergeant Nick - Rifleman
Private first class Victor - AT
Private first class Rick - Machine Gunner
private Gipps - AT
Private Hill - Machine Gunner
Private Poi - Machine Gunner
Private Leo - Rifleman
Private Thomas - Rifleman
That's my squad and let me tell you something, their names are something else.
We are riding in one of the transport trucks, there are no roads in this other world, lots of off roading and thank god for our cars being able to drive off road.
Our Force was heading to group up with the 5th Main battle group, they reported that they have spotted a possible Orc encampment, we are going to destroy it.
5/28/25 3:17pm
"All callsigns begin Operation Green Death."
"Affirm, Operation Green Death is now commencing!"
The Staff sergeant's radio said and that is where it all began.
First the 6 AH-1Z's began to fly ahead and missiles were let loose, all of the armored vehicles began to let loose their guns, their main and secondaries were now firing at the encampment.
All of the infantry unloaded from their transports and began to split up and take cover behind anything possible.
As I saw what they were firing at, I froze for a minute as I saw in the distance, explosions and muzzle flashes, there was a large-scale battle going on, we were on a small hill that overlooked the battlefield.
There was no encampment, Instead there were hundreds of thousands of orcs with banners, the banners were all different and the orcs as well, they were all different colors, they were dark colors like dark blue, dark red and much more, they marched towards us.
No they were not heading for us, they were going towards the Gates direction and they were prepared for war, different kinds of weapons and armor, they had any kind of fantasy weapon you can imagine including bows to swords, axes, spears, and some holding ropes to giant creatures.
They were ogres, they ridden on the backs of giant wolves they too had war paint and wore armor as well they were at least 4 feet tall half the size of the 6 ft orcs, but were full of muscles.
The 5th main battle group was in retreat heading towards us, there bullets were not touching the orc army, I looked to see why and there they were, hundreds of orc mages were casting a shield in front of the orc force, and some launched fireballs and all sorts of spells some were even large spikes of ice and even lightning bolts.
This was not what any of us were expecting, almost everyone of the 2nd main battle group was in shock as the guns stopped firing and we just looked at the orcs, they were slaughtering the 5th main battle group we could hear the orcs bang on their shields and drums banged with each step.
They were in sync with the steps of the orc army, the helicopters fired the missiles and it did nothing, the orc mages shot at the helicopters and blocked the bullets and rockets.
The choppers blew up as we watched them crash in the distance, it was hopeless I thought.
No, if they get past us then they will keep marching until they cross to Earth, they had to be stopped here and now, I raised my M4 and I aimed down my sight and began to suppress fire down to the orcs.
Other soldiers regained themselves and joined me in firing and I called over to my squad lead.
"Staff sergeant Fredrick! Call For Reinforcements Tell them we found a main force of orcs!"
He looked to me and nodded
"This is callsign Wild squad! Command we found a Force of at least 800,000 orcs marching towards us, and I bet once we are taken out they are heading towards the Gate, we are not able to damage them they have hundreds of mages, they are supported by ogres or so that's what it looks like, they also have riders on giant wolves we need more forces, the 5th main battle group is half their size, I repeat we need reinforcements!" he yelled into the radio
The radio was quite
"This is main command, where is the one charge of your battle group Staff sergeant?" the man on the radio said asked
"He is in shock most of us are down here!" he yelled back
"Alright, we have reinforcements en route to your position." the man on the radio said
"All reserve forces converge at the 4th battle group's position."
After everyone heard this the battle group's commander finally said.
"Sorry fellas I was surprised at the sheer amount of these orc bastards, Hold position and dig infantry take cover as much as possible, armored vehicles find something to cover yourselves, these mages are going to throw some weird shit at us, tanks you do the same once in position give em hell." the commander said in such a calm matter
With his orders everyone began to move and eventually the barrage of gunfire picked up again, my squad was firing as well and the AT soldiers took out their Rpg's.
The radio then spoke out. “All AT soldiers fire at the mages positions, all tanks join the AT and aim for the mages as well.” a person on the radio said and afterwards loads of people confirming the order.
At once hundreds of Rockets flew into the orcs lines the mages put up the shield barriers, but they took too much damage and it broke, once we saw this we all fired the 5th main group was now coming up the hill, the orcs were still quite the distance still.
Orcs began to fly and that was when they let out battle cries and charged at full speed, their lines were no longer in sync. ogres ran in front of the orcs infantry and the riders were already at the hill.
I fired down the hill and shot the wolfs they took about 6 shots with the m4, the orc riders wielded spears and swords, they cut down some of the 5th main battle groups infantry, most of the infantry enter close combat they pulled out knives and used their guns to whack the orc riders.
The marines were Maniacs, they attached bayonets and charged the riders while firing the marines attached to our battle group charged in as well.
Are all marines like this? They smiled as they ran towards the orcs firing, most of the riders hopped off of their wolves and fought on the ground and the wolves ignored the marines entirely, instead they ran towards us instead.
Did the orcs have some sort of system like honor? The orcs and Marines fought, once the marines from our group impacted with the orcs, it was like a movie, both sides let out battle cries and they hit one another.
Dirt flew up as marines were thrown into the ground by orcs and some orcs fell backwards as marines rammed them through with their bayonets, as they killed one another they found their next target and continued all colors of blood flew in the air.
Screams of humans and orcs were heard gunshots kept firing at the wolves and orcs, I saw a marine get decapitated as his head flew, afterwards his squad mate jumped off his friends slouched body, he landed on the orc with his bayonet he yelled as the orc died with a smile.
He then got up and charged at another orc and this continued, the wolves were finally meeting us and were leaping onto soldiers as they were shot, we were taking casualties left and right.
But we made sure to get 10 of the orcs before one of us died or so it looked like, I continued to fire while watching the marines, they began to drop their rifles instead of reloading, they picked up swords and spears from the orcs who died.
They looked badass until I saw a marine get sliced in half by brute strength then I remembered they were crazy, eventually the riders were all dealt with, the wolves included, it took about 1 hour for it to be over the battle that is.
The amount of marines left were around 100 they were built different, seeing them covered in blood and body parts was terrifying, the orcs main force was still being hit by gunfire of all kinds, we even had artillery hitting them now.
The gunfire continued as the marines got ready for the main force, they had at least another hour before the main force reached us, 2 hours passed by before they reached us.
Once the main force reached the bottom of the hill all of our ammo was gone, the orcs stopped and reorganized themselves and figured that we can no longer shoot them.
How did our ammo run out you ask? That's simple the orc mages are really good shots, they shot a volley of fireballs at our supply trucks and some smaller portals appeared behind our main force and took out the artillery and our supply teams.
And our reinforcements were nowhere to be seen, all of our radios were no longer working and our command team was also getting no response from main command.
We assumed that the reinforcements were being halted by more orcs as we could hear distant gunfire and explosions.
The orcs had the ogres in front of their infantry and the Marines picked up orc shields and formed a tight formation as they got ready, the orcs then made a walkway through their line as a horn blew.
Then orcs wearing really good armor came out, and a single orc with a helmet that had stripes of green with horns was in the middle, he came out in front as he had a mage cast a spell on him.
he then spoke.
"Who's Your Leader!" it spoke English
We all were surprised and then our commander stepped out
"That would be me Lieutenant Colonel Hudson" the commander said
"I'm Trek from the clan of Greenhorn, I'm in charge of this Horde as we march for the Gate" the orc said
"I'm afraid I can't let that happen" the commander said
"We see you cant use your magic weapons anymore its over puny human" the orc said with a chuckle
"You know what we are?" the commander asked
"Of course we too had humans till we killed them that is" the orc laughed and the army joined in as they laughed
"You bastards we will avenge them even if we come from different worlds" the commander said
"What are you going to do Weak human? your friends are busy with the other orc hordes you are alone." the orc let out another chuckle
The commander took out his knife and he looked at us, we knew what we were about to do. and we knew that what the orc said was true, but we are not about to die without a fight.
The commander pointed his military knife at the orc leader and spoke.
"ALL SOLDIERS CHARGE KILL THESE UGLY BASTARDS!" he yelled as he charged to reunite with the marines who looked way too happy to run back into the orc lines.
All of the remaining soldiers pulled out knives and picked up dead orc weapons, the remaining vehicles drove at the orcs getting lined up to play a nice game of bowling.
I joined the charge with my knife, we all let out cries as we ran to our certain doom, the orc leader was shocked and pointed his sword at us and let out a cry of his own.
Orcs began to run at us as we ran at them, all that I thought of was how cool this must have looked, I pulled out my grenades that I have not used and threw them into the orc lines, as soldiers saw me throw them, they all joined in and hundreds of explosions went off as we entered hand to hand combat.
The ogres began to crash through our lines as a tank rammed into one of the ogres legs and made it fall, and of course leave it to the marines to do the crazy shit, a handful of marines jumped on the ogre and began stabbing into it.
As the first orc and Human made contact all you heard was the crashing noise of bodies as they impacted, I had to weave in between of dozens of people fighting for their lives and I cut with my knife hitting the passing orcs in the sides, trying to help out anyone I could a body hit into me as I moved it off to see it was a marine who was thrown by a ogre I picked up his sword he was carrying.
And got back up and saw just what I got myself into, yells and screams filled my ears as human and orc alike were killed, blood flew through the air and you could smell the iron and smell foul stenches of people shitting themselves or pissing themselves.
It was understandable they were now fighting with orcs in close combat and ogres crushed your friends with their swings, I ran into the battle again and saw a soldier get stabbed, I replaced him and began my first battle with an orc, he was not even hurt.
I raised the sword and the orc smiled, what's up with that? I then swung the sword in a vertical slash and the orc was not ready for the sudden attack, the sword met his flesh, he let out a painful cry as he jabbed his spear, I moved to the right as I went for another strike this time it was blocked.
The orc parried my attack and moved my sword to the right, I stumbled as I tried to catch my footing, the orc went for another jab with his spear, I moved the sword to meet the attack and it deflected the spearhead, I then closed the gap that way he could not use the spear.
The orc stumbled back as he saw this, I stabbed forwards with my sword, it pierced his chest and he fell, I stabbed deeper till he was no longer breathing.
As I stood up I picked up the spear with my left hand, I seen a small team battle happening ahead of me as 3 marines and 2 army soldiers were battling a ogre, I ran to support them and as I closed in I switched the spears hand to my right hand, I threw the spear towards the ogre it made a splat noise as it hit the leg of the ogre.
The soldiers gave the ogre no time to react as they charged it, I caught up to them as an Army soldier got flung by the ogres club, I slashed the ogre's other leg and made it fall to its knees.
We finished it off as it fell to its knees and we all gave each other a nod, we kept pushing forwards we helped out where we saw fit, eventually we had a small force of marines and army soldiers moving as one.
We were able to hold our ground as more orcs came charging, It felt like we were the Spartans, the amount of ogres were down to around 30 and they were pushing up as well.
We were eventually flanked as our forces were being overrun from all around the amount of orcs were too much for us, we only had a thousand in our battle group and the orcs were in the hundreds of thousands.
we fell one by one, we heard a voice coming from the center of the battle.
"We Killed Your Leader Now Its Cleanup Time" the voice was the orc leader and there was an ogre who held the body of the commander.
We all let out a cry as we all grew furious, we turned into wild animals we were full of bloodlust as we slain orc after orc, it got to the point where orcs ran away and they had fear in their eyes.
We were rabid dogs, we were slashed and stabbed and we kept killing till we could no longer swing from exhaustion or we were killed.
The battle lasted for hours, it felt like all that was left was myself and 30 other army soldiers and 1 marine, the marine had gone insane, he was laughing as he twirled and slashed while holding two swords.
The soldiers were almost the same, we grew accustomed to the orc's weapons and kept fighting, I felt tired but I had to keep swinging, my body was covered in all sorts of blood, my hands grew numb and the orcs stopped charging and they just stood there staring.
We all paused, including the marine, surprisingly, the orcs were looking into our blood filled eyes and they lowered their weapons, we finally saw what they were looking at, it was noy us but the amount of bodies on the ground.
There were piles of Dead orcs, the field that was once green was now a river of blood that was made black by the sheer amount of colors, there were hundreds, maybe thousands of bodies of orcs and humans laid on the ground laying cold, some bodies had birds eating from them.
The orcs were shocked just like us, none of the two sides realized the sheer amount of dead around us till the orc leader was among the dead, who killed him?
It turns out it was the marine as he stood on top of his body with a senile smile, he let out a laugh and the orcs got scared and raised their weapons and the marine looked at the rest of us and said.
"It was an honor fighting and I would do this again if I had the option" he said as he looked back at the orcs and the remaining 2 ogres.
How did we manage this either way we were going to die and that was it, we managed to make the orc army down by at least 100,000 and there was still more including more mages, riders and ogres in the back still.
We smiled as we knew this was it we were going to die like the rest but we stalled them enough for the distant gunfire to stop. which meant the other battle groups won or lost.
I forgot that every battle group that entered the Gate came with a soldier who had a helmet camera, and I was one of them, I Took my helmet off to look at the cam, I saw a red light coming from it.
I began to laugh out loud as I realized that this was being streamed back to the fob at the gate which then made it live back to earth, this whole time people were watching us die and watched as we killed the orcs one by one.
I spoke out with my voice which has run dry from not drinking and all of the yelling.
"Well folks, it seems like I forgot about my camera, this is Private Leo with the Wild Squad which is a part of the 2nd Main battle group, I was expecting to fight the orcs but not like this." I said as I began to laugh while I had tears fall down my cheeks and the orcs just looked at me.
"If you're watching this, Brother, Sister I did it, I Avenged our parents for what they did to our parents back at the city, but I'm afraid this is where we part ways as well. . ." I placed my helmet back on and adjusted it so it would not fall off.
I raised the sword and yelled one last time as the remaining of us ran to the orcs and the orcs returned the gesture, as we clashed we let out screams and the marine was the first to fall.
And then it was the others they fell after a while of fighting until it was me and one other, it was a female medic, she was covered in blood as she was impaled by 3 orcs with spears and swords.
Now it was me and the orcs, I was cut in multiple areas and had a chunk of flesh missing from my side but that's alright, I got revenge for my parents, and that was enough, hopefully our other forces won their battles.
As I swung my blade, an orc died, I used the last of my strength as an arrow struck me in the chest, I forgot about archers, it seems like we made it to the center of the orc force.
I fell to my knees as I dropped my sword.
I looked at the arrow and then my hands, they were covered in blood of orcs and now my red blood spilled onto them, the orcs did not finish me off, instead they pounded their chests.
they give me a serious smile as I fell to my stomach that was them saying that we fought well
"You . . . orcs . . . fought . . . Well . . . As . . . . . . Well . . . . . . . ." I said with a smile
Private Leo
The United States Army
5/28/25 8:37pm
K.I.A In Gate of Orc
Cause of Death Battle wounds and Arrow to chest
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