《Kondor》Chapter 1-Begining (part 1)
-We know very little about the primordial era, maybe because so few beings can, and even less want to talk about that time as if it is some taboo. One of the things that we know for sure is that at the head of the food chain were 7 Firstborn Titans and Primordial Dragons, we also know that end of the primordial era happened because of an event called the "War of God-Kings" where 5'th Firstborn Titan also known as Primordial Thunder Titan was slain and 3'th also known Primordial Earth Titan was defeated by Olimp and Asgard but is this accurate to name "War of God-Kings" as the end of a primordial era when 1'th and 2'th deaths and disappearance of 7'th with most of Primordial Dragons happened much earlier?- Discourse of primordial era by Head of Wenthart Collegium, Archmage Duflin Zarans.
Day 1 in "Integration"
Congratulations you finished taking rewards now you can start the game
Will barely managed to read the notification as suddenly everything around him changed.
The first things he noticed were green plains and mountains in the distance. As Will looked up he saw 7 suns with different colors, red, green, black, purple, blue, white, and golden. Except golden other suns weren’t nearly as bright as the sun in the real world.
"I am sure that 7 suns are against the law of physics"
Will took a deep breath, even the air felt different as if it was entering every particle of his body awakening desire to greedily took more and more breathes.
He closed eyes to enjoy the light breeze that tickled his body. The freshness that Liriya was giving him was hard to explain, it was as if Will whole life lived in a confined world, as if until now he never breathed fresh air.
“I already don’t want to return to the real world but…”
He opened eyes.
“If I want to earn living by playing games then I don’t have time to chill”
After admiring Liriya, the time came for observing himself.
He was dressed in a full-body black dress with a painting of a red dragon on it, the dress was looking more like something from ancient china, up to his knees were high boots made from something like steel but much lighter, and at his back was a small brown bag.
Inside of the bag was a thin book and two shining silver stones.
"Well I guess it is my manual and tokens"
Will looked around, not too far was a small lake and in opposite direction to the lake at some distance away was a huge black rock.
After not finding any other places of interest around, Will couldn’t wait any longer and decided to use his tokens immediately.
"I hope that this place is not for nothing named as one of the best starting locations"
When Will touched tokens something clicked in his mind and he instinctively knew what to do, Will gave a mental command, and around him appeared several buildings.
The most impressive one was round stone gates with golden flames inside. There were three more buildings barn, storage, and weaponry despite their size was quite big in everything else they were average wooden village buildings. After using his common building token, there appeared one more building, it was an impressive smithy with a home attached to it.
"I expected for the "Common" building to be much worse but this smithy doesn't look half bad, on the other hand, it is not like I have seen many smithies to compare"
Will walked up to gates with golden flames which he was quite sure were teleportation gates, and began waiting for his first residents.
After few seconds from the gates started to come out people.
First came an elderly couple with white hairs around their sixties, they were looking very healthy for their age. After, came a family of five, a middle-aged couple were husband was a very muscular man and three children, two of them were teenagers boy and girl and one smaller boy in his tens. The last came three more people two young men and one woman in their twenties.
After spotting Will his new residents came up to him, as the elderly man who was in the front suddenly kneeled, they all followed his example, the little boy didn’t understand why everybody suddenly kneeled and with a confused expression in face started poking his siblings, but his mother by force quickly made him kneel too and with one angry glance stopped tantrum that boy was going to make.
-We welcome our lord and waiting for your orders.
Said the elderly man as the de-facto leader of the group.
Will was a little startled by this turn of events, he surely knew that he would be a lord but it was the first time when somebody kneeled before him. He tried to look calm and began to hand out instructions.
-You all can get up, I hope that together we would build a prosperous village. Later I would like to know each of you better but for now, I want to know about your classes.
As it turned out the elderly man was "Village Head" (Common) (Peak) his wife was "Herbalist" (Common) (Peak), muscular man was "Blacksmith Apprentice" (Common) (Medium) and his wife was "Shop Seller" (Common) (Medium) their children didn't have classes, from three young man and women one man was "Farmer" (Common) (Low) another man was "Fisher" (Common) (Low) and a girl was "Militia Captain" (Common) (High).
The only ones who could read and write were elder couple Marina and Marcus, "Shop Seller" Kristine, and "Militia Captain" Rae, number of educated people was already much higher than Will expected, especially good was the fact that he from the beginning had both smithy and blacksmith.
Will put in charge Marcus with the hope that his class as "Village Head" will help and ordered for everyone to build basic homes using materials that were in storage. They had to act quickly considering that the only home in the village, for now, was the one that was attached to the smithy.
"It would’ve been much better if somebody with construction-related profession would've appeared but I think we would be able to deal with basic homes by ourselves"
After giving instructions Will went to check the barn and weaponry, he didn't want to disturb others work so decided to check storage later.
Arriving at the barn Will understood why it was so large, the inside of the barn was overwhelmed with food, so much food that could feed hundreds of people for years.
“Good, in the near future food won’t be a problem” Thought Will relieved that there was one less problem to think about.
Next, he gone to weaponry, weaponry wasn't nearly as full as a barn but you can’t compare fast-ending food to weapons.
"Looks like it was a good choice to choose extra resources as a reward"
In weaponry were 50 spears, 10 swords,20 shields, 5 sets of leather armor, 20 bows, and 5 crossbows with ammunition for them, all weapons at first sight were looking like average quality.
"Wish I could've appraised these items... maybe Kristine as shop seller can appraise them, even if she can't her husband Doran as blacksmith should be able to tell their quality"
After taking a mental note not to forget later bring this couple here, Will took one sword for himself and hung it over his belt, he didn't take leather armor because marquis dress should give better protection with "Rare" (Peak) rank and equipping just helmet would've looked too comical.
Without anything urgent to do, Will went to check at how was going progress of building homes and was very pleasantly surprised by their progress.
Villagers were working with impressive coordination, men were making more heavy work, among them Doran was especially impressive, he singlehandedly was dragging logs which normal people have to drag at least in a team of two. Women except Rey were making more delicate work like knitting blankets, Rey in her turn worked with other men, and by the way how they obeyed her, it looked like she was quite respected. Even a small boy dragged something here and there.
"Maybe "Village Head" class is somehow helping"
Thought Will and looked at Marcus who was working with other men and at the same time was managing to give instructions to everyone.
When Will approached them, villagers tried to kneel again but Will simply gestured that there no need and called Marcus.
Sweaty Marcus quickly came up and asked with worry.
-My lord, did I make any mistake?
-No no, you are doing great... I just wanted to ask when we will finish the first home and if there anything that needs my attention.
-My lord despite that everything is going good, even by best estimates we will finish home just by tomorrow, but I should warn that because homes were made in a hurry they won't be very lasting. And…
Marcus added with hesitation,
-Some of us get hungry, we would be grateful if you will give orders for food distribution.
Seeing that how Marcus carefully brought up food distribution, Will smiled and with a light heart answered.
-Don't worry we have more than enough food so everyone can eat to their full, I am entrusting you with the distribution of supplies. What about homes…. from teleportation gates each day will come ten people so, for now we have to quickly make enough space for them, later luckily with help of proper builders we can build real houses but for now, let just clench our teethes. By the way, did you arranged who and where will sleep?
Marcus answered relieved as if the heavy burden was lifted from his shoulders.
-My lord without your permission we didn't dare to decide anything by ourselves but my humble opinion is that the most proper option will be if you would sleep in the home attached to the smithy, women with children will sleep in storage and men will sleep in weaponry.
-Why would I take the only home just for myself? Let children and women sleep in smithy-home.
Suddenly in Marcus's eyes flashed despite, a moment later Marcus noticed his mistake and immediately tried to hide his eyes by bowing head but it was late, Will already saw it and understood his own mistake.
-Don't look at me like that, I am not some pervert, if it will put you at ease I would sleep in storage.
Marcus's face comically quickly paled, and with a horrified expression, he fell to his knees with excessive force.
-My lord, you misunderstood! I would never dare to…
Will became amused by Marcus's overreaction.
“Is it a feeling of power? I can be sick but I like that my subordinate is in horror because of a small mistake. Until now, I have never experienced myself so important”
-Marcus we both knew what you thought but I don't blame you, you don't know me and it looks like you really care about these people so I don’t hold any grudge.
Said Will with a warm smile as if trying to calm down Marcus.
-My lord... thank you for mercy! I would never forget this!
Said still kneeling Marcus with gratitude. Will felt like he for the first time saw real emotions in face of Marcus, not the facade of loyalty and obedience that he always was trying to show.
-You can stand up, anything else that requires my attention?
Asked Will with a light tone, happy that he groped Marcus's true feelings.
-Yes my lord, if I am allowed then I would've recommended to you put money that is in storage to a more secure place.
Barely resisting to facepalm, Will was doing everything he can to not leak his emotions.
"How can I be so stupid! Why I didn't think that there could be money in storage, and whole day everybody just went in and out from there. Now I won’t know even if somebody stole part of the money"
-I trust you and the residents but if you think that it is not secure then I would hide money in a more secure place.
“Although village for now don’t have any secure places”
-My lord thank you for your trust, I believe that current residents won't steal too but as you said every day there would be more and more people so I think that it would be better to be careful.
-Almost forgot to ask, Marcus I noticed that you have much better manners than other villagers why that so?
-To tell truth as village head I interacted with minor nobles and if you value your life it is better to know manners.
Said Marcus without thinking.
"So this means that villagers have backstory"
-How you ended up here then?
-My lord, it is a common story. Because of the bad harvest, we couldn't pay our taxes so our former lord became angry and decided to take tax by force. When he came we didn’t resist and let him take away what he wanted but our lord wasn’t satisfied as the only thing that he found in the village was hungry people and scraps of food. Unhappy with the catch he said that our women have to pay tax with their bodies, needless to say, we tried to defend our women but despite we were quite a big village and even had our own militia, hungry and weak we couldn't match real army.
Despite there was sorrow and anger in face of Marcus as if it was very hard to talk about it, from time to time Marcus was looking at Will as if observing his reaction, Will felt that the main reasons why Marcus was telling him all that is to warn him, so if Will would think to do something bad he knew that villagers would resist.
“It looks like in eyes of Marcus nobles are evil, I hope that with time he will understand that I am not like his former lord”
A little bit annoyed that Marcus still had such an opinion about him, Will continued to listen.
-But gods were favorable to us, as all villagers were going to fight until the death system asked if we wanted a second chance and most of us said yes.
-So other villagers from the same place as you?
-Of course.
-What about the ones that will come in the future?
-They could be from our village but the chances are very low.
Marcus was saying that as if it was common sense.
After chatting with Marcus a little bit more, Will said.
-I don't want to distract you from work for too long, is there anything else that needs my attention?
After some hesitation, Marcus answered.
-My lord, can we know your noble name?
"Shit, I forgot to tell them my name"
As Will was going to tell right away his name, he pondered.
"It is a great opportunity to use a cool nickname, let's see… I think my surname good so I won't change it, but I would like to change my name to something cooler... Malekith... Keyn... Kayn... Regis... Ainz Oal no no no it does not fit at all"
Seeing the strange look in face of Marcus, Will noticed that he thought too much for a very simple question so he decided to leave his nickname search for later.
-My family name is Kondor.
-My lord can I ask one more question.
Glad that Marcus started to behave more relaxed around him, Will nodded.
-My lord, I can see that house Kondor is very powerful, so why you are here by yourself without guard and servants?
At first, Will didn't understand what Marcus was meaning but then remembered that he was wearing a marquise dress.
"Look like villagers don't know anything about players, it can be risky but it is better to look like I am from powerful noble family so if something happens people will think that I have backing"
-I am the successor of my house, the head of a family who is my father sent me here to try my skills, for a better show of my talents father wants me to build new domain by my own, of course if something dangerous happens support from my family will quickly come.
After telling with pride the story that he invented in second, Will looked at the reaction of Marcus and was disappointed seeing that he didn't look as if he fully bought this story.
"This man doesn't look like a naive villager, is this because he was dealing with nobles for a long time or it is the effect of his class?"
After dealing with Marcus, Will directly gone to storage and after a short search found a small handful of coins.
"100 silver and 7 gold coins, considering that one gold is a hundred silver and silver is a hundred copper it means that I have 8 gold, 800 silver, or 80 000 copper. For now, it looks like there no place to spend this money but I am sure in the near future this will change"
Will found in a storage a small pouch to put money inside.
"I don't know it is better to hide them or just carry them with me... hmm maybe it is better to not draw a target on my back, especially without real power to defend myself… Yeah, I will just hide it"
Until Will found the best spot to hide money night came, Marcus visited him in storage.
-My lord, because of darkness it is hard to work also villagers are tired and sleepy. Can we finish working for today?
-Of course you can, Marcus from now on you don’t have to ask permission from me for things like that, I completely trust your judgment.
Said Will trying to earn some points with Marcus.
-Thank you my lord, you are embarrassing me with your generosity.
Said Marcus and tried to kneel but Will quickly come up and raised him.
-Marcus, at your age that much kneeling is harmful to health, you and villagers don’t have to kneel every second. If you want to show your loyalty then better show it with work.
Said Will jokingly last part and sent Marcus back until he didn’t start again thanking him.
“I hope this will make villagers love me more”
As Will was going to go sleep he remembered about the mana manual which he hadn't tried yet.
"There was saying that it is power up by meditating, so why not try it before sleep"
- In Serial84 Chapters
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A mysterious incident occurred on a otherwise normal science centered world where all of the children from the age range of eight to sixteen suddenly vanished. “Where have their kids gone and will they ever return?” The now childless parents never got to really ask that question, because a strange new element replaced their lost children. This element slowly mutated the various animals that they once ruled over with their technology to the point that they were immune to their modern weaponry. The barren land of savages on a continent far away from theirs also had their children taken, but they easily mutated just like the beasts and only grew stronger thanks to the incident. A revolution of animals eventually took place after the mutations started to cause the animals to understand just how badly the humans ruined their lives and planet. Humans were the slowest to figure out how to use this strange new element to evolve, while their opponents were evolving and growing stronger by the day they couldn’t even surpass their modern technology. When humanity was on the brink of extinction a long forgotten event finally ended and their children finally started to return from the various worlds they were summoned to! It turns out that the mysterious new element that they didn’t know what to call was mana and that it’s everywhere in some fantasy planets. The children brought back a increase in technology and techniques to grow stronger with, which caused the humans to finally be able to build safe havens for their race. They grew stronger and started to finally adapt to their brand new environment. This is the story of a orphan who was taken away from his world, before he could gain a sense of attachment to the world. Who only has his older sister to care about and how he ends up adapting to the new world in front of him.------------------Dog notes by doggo First 'five' chapters aren't what the story is really about and is more of a prologue. The reason why some are separated into parts is because Doggo originally posted them as a entire chapter. The main setting is Ghost's actual world and not any foreign world. So this story was already posted once to another site or this site three years ago… and Dog is finally ending that three year hiatus! The explanation on why Dog was on a three year hiatus would of been written in the review section, but rrl doesn't allow self reviews. I'd have to create a alt just to self review which they obviously don't want even tho I'd not give myself any stars so its going to be here instead. The update schedule is a chapter a week till Dog get a editor and then two chapters a week till Dog gets enough money to pay for Dog’s bills. The final goal is to release a chapter every other day. Dog writes 4k word chapters so they are about twice as long as some of the other authors so every other day is actually more like once a day. ------------------- The part that was supposed to be the 'review' which Dog wont bother editing out repeat infomation since it wasn't supposed to go here in the first place. The first thing Dog will go over is what changed for the first 5 chapters, so that anyone who still remembers Dog's little novel and wants to continue from where Dog originally left off can decide whether or not to reread it. Also Dog is moving over to qidan simply because dog like the app they have. Dog won't go premium even if Qidan tells dog to and will simply move back to royalroad or create a blog.The things that changed over the years are mainly two important things. The first is that Dog changed the first person point of view to a third person, because Dog read a really bad first person novel and it reminded dog of dogs own novel. Dog also changed the thoughts of the character to be - - instead of italics. Finally dog changed chapter 3 completely to make the mc not seem like a homicidal maniac and introduced a important character in chapter 3.What happened to do in the three years that dog was away? Was dog at college and now needs money to eat? Was dog off in space after successfully becoming a astronaut and has now returned home with a completed novel or two? The answer is actually quite plain dog graduated from highschool and was supposed to only spend a year at dogs owners house to choose what major dog wanted to go to college for.Dog didn't do that and is still stuck with dogs owners and is sick of being a neet. Dog wants to move and buy doggy food, but dog is antisocial and doesn't want to work a simple 9 to 5 job for the rest of dogs life. Dog is a reader before dog is a author and the reason why dog got into writing was because dog wanted to write a novel without all the things dog finds annoying. Dog spent the first year reading various novels and dropping various novels. Dog is all caught up and has to much free time on dogs paws. The first year that Dog took off was the very same year that qidan came out so dog was naturally overloaded with free chapters. But now that pemium exists dog naturally has to limit the amount dog can read. Dog is addicted to reading like my very own readers and can understand your frustrations for dog disappearing for 3 years.Dog decided that dog will go back to writing 2 years ago. Dog wanted a decent stockpile incase dog has any other emergency so dog didn't post for a year but then dog decided to change the point of view which took another year.Dog has a patreon page https://www.patreon.com/mclaindog but there isn't any tiers there or goals till dog gets a editor. My final goal is to release a chapter every other day, but as long as Dog gets a editor Dog will do two free chapters a week.Dog will probably also make a kofi for anyone who just wants to send dog a tip and can't afford to donate money monthly while maybe having bonus chapters if the tip jar gets filled.
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Би ер нь дуу хөгжимд их мэдрэг ханддаг хүн л дээ. Тэгээд энд нэг булан гаргасан юм. Энд чухам юу орох нь уу гэтэл хэдэн дууны шүлэг орох шинжтэй. Би дууны ая данд илүүтэй хандтай, чих тавин таашаал авдаг л төрлийн хүн юм л даа. Гэхдээ аливаа нэг дуу надад машид гүн гүнзгий сэтгэгдэл төрүүлбэл шүлгийг нь нэн шохоорхож эхэлдэг. Энэ хэсэгт чухамдаа миний зүрх сэтгэлд хэсэгхэн зай эзлээд одох гадаад хэл дээрх дууг монгол хэлнээ хөрвүүлэн оруулах бяцхан ажил өрнөх юм. Гадаад хэлнээс эх хэл рүүгээ дуу, шүлэг хөрвүүлнэ гэдэг бас ч нарийн мэдрэмж шаардсан ажил гэж бодном. Тэдгээр яруу сайхан мөр шадуудыг шуудхан үгчилж буулгах чухам учир дутагдалтай санагддаг тул аль болох утгачилж, утга санааг өөрийн хэл соёлын өвөрмөц онцлогт дүйцүүлэн орчуулж гэмээ нь яруу байдлаа хадгалсаар байх болов уу. Иймд миний бие онц сонирхолтой, олонд танигдаагүй өвөрмөц шүлгүүдийг аль болох утга дүйцүүлэн, мөн ядмагхан яруу найргийн мэдрэмжээ давс хужрыг нь тааруулах мэт хаялаад чадан ядан уншигч та бүхэнд сонирхуулахаар шулуудлаа. Болгооно уу.
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