《Kondor》Prologue (part 2)
Congratulations you finished the trials
Trials have 8 evaluation marks
Bad, Below Average, Average, Above Average, Good, Very Good, Best
Very Good
Very Good
Above Average
Very Good
Speed (6 h. 27 min)
Very Good
"How crazy the developers should be to put players make trials before they can start an actual game for more than 6 hours, well at least most of the trials were really interesting"
Trials weren't very hard as evidence, despite Will made horrible performance in architecture making the plan of town almost random he received Above Average mark. Everyone who is not trolling can get an average mark and the ones who at least somehow acquainted with themes of trials can easily get the Above Average mark.
Will got lucky because he was a little bit knowledgeable about all subjects approached in trials although he was really surprised that he got the Best mark at geography, he somehow expected to get the Best mark in politics because when there was a trial to make political systems he just copied one of the already existing systems about which he read a book.
Please choose your Military reward
Human Subordinate Summon Token (Uncommon) (Medium)
The token that summons one loyal human subordinate with "Commander" (Uncommon) (Medium) class and "G" (Medium) power
Weapon of Choice Summon Token (Rare) (Low)
The token that summons one chosen type of (Rare) (Low) rank weapon
Beginner Mana Manual of Ryokko Knights (F)
5-time use mana manual that would help to archive up to "F" grade power
There were three systems that were announced for players, first of them is the power system in which the strongest is "A" and the weakest is "I", with four levels between each grade "Low" "Medium" "High" "Peak".
A grown man is "H" grade power and depending on his musculature or natural talent he can be from "Low" level to "Peak". "G" grade is where your body is trained and honed, also known as the realm of elite soldiers. "F" grade known as the realm of knights, it is a grade where you could use mana to reinforce your body or your weapons and armors, for untrained humans, it is practically impossible to kill "F" grade powers. "E" grade and last grade about which players have information are known as the realm of mages where you can materialize your mana outside of your body and weapons, also it is the grade where you can be walking disaster because for “E” grades it is possible to bombard cities and a large number of enemies.
There are three ways to raise your power levels, which players call NPC way, player way, and mixed way. NPC way differs depending on your grade, up to "G" grade it is by training their bodies and from "F" grade to "E" it is by meditating or cultivating like some call that, so far there is no information about "D" grade so nobody knows NPC way after that.
The player way is by gaining enlightenment, for combat classes this means fighting and for non-combat classes, it depends on the field of the class, for example, the farmer can gain enlightenment by planting crops, in fact, the player way can be called exp way.
The mixed way is finding natural treasures and absorbing them, after announcing mixed way Royal Road got backlash from players who said that this is resembling a pay-to-win where anybody who has enough money can buy treasures and level up.
Despite the fact that players named these ways as NPC or player way the truth is that there no limitations so players can train their bodies and cultivate like NPC, similarly NPC can gain enlightenment as players.
The class system and artifact system were similar, where the highest rank is "Divine" and the lowest is "Common", between ranks also was the same level system from "Low" to "Peak", information about this systems were even less than about power system.
Item rank and level in most cases can become stronger by absorption of natural treasures and mana. Items made from natural treasures or with mana are much stronger than the ones that were made with normal materials.
The classes have three proficiency levels "elementary", "intermediate" and "advanced" and have three ways to raise the level. In most cases you can evolve your class after gaining enough proficiency in your respective field by reaching an "advanced" level and accomplishing hidden requirements. The strange thing about the class system was that you won’t be able to see your proficiency on the status screen, Royal Road announced that players would "feel" their proficiency, whatever this means. The second way is by fusing different classes together and the third is by gaining promotion, for example, when a "Soldier" met certain conditions he can get from his commander promotion and become "Lieutenant".
The most interesting part of the class system is the fact that it is hard to predict the evolution of your class, in most cases your new class one level higher than the former, sometimes it is an entire rank higher but sometimes it even remains at the same level. If you want to right away receive a high-rank class then you have to make special deeds like defeating a much stronger enemy or have special titles.
After remembering all information announced by Royal Road, Will plunged into deep contemplating.
"Summoning subordinate is good but considering gameplay of nobles I will not suffer from lack of people so spending reward in summoning one man seems like a waste, maybe in short-run he would be very helpful but in a long run it is better to take something else. Mana manual and rare weapon both are very valuable but taking into consideration that I am not really good at the use of any weapon and don't know which weapon would be better for my future subordinates I can't fully utilize that chance.
- Beginner Mana Manual of Ryokko Knights
Please choose your Diplomacy reward
10 Magical Contracts (E)
The contract that makes individuals with powers of "E" grade and smaller that sing it to unquestioningly fulfill conditions of contract
Noble Face (Uncommon) (High)
Making your face more handsome and honorable so people would easier believe your words
Human Subordinate Summon Token (Uncommon) (Medium)
The token that summons one loyal human subordinate with "Diplomat" (Uncommon) (Medium), "Teacher" (Uncommon) (Low) class, and "H" (Medium) grade power.
"For the same reason as before the subordinate summon token is not really attractive even despite the fact that "Teacher" class can be very useful at the beginning, contracts are good but who knows when I would meet "E" grade person and even will need this contracts so I think face upgrade is the best variant, it will greatly help in future negotiations"
Will tried to justify why he chose "Noble Face" but the truth is that he just wanted to look better. Will have average looks and in Integration your character practically the same as your real self so it was a rare chance to change appearance.
Your Architecture reward is a token that summons one random building (Common)
Will was surprised that buildings had a class system too, Royal Road didn’t say anything about that.
Please choose your Politics reward
Marquis Dress of Shinya House (Rare) (Peak)
A majestic dress with decent protection that makes everybody to a certain degree be in trepidation before you.
Piercing Eyes (Uncommon) (Low) (Upgradable)
Making your eyes a little bit more piercing so you can easier understand the minds of others
Lesser Submission Scroll (Unique) (High)
The scroll that submits one person to the will of the owner. If the target is two grades below the owner then he will obey unconditionally, if the target is one grade below the owner then he will obey conditionally, if the target is the same grade as the owner he will obey conditionally and un-permanently.
Submission Scroll (E)
The scroll that submits one person to the will of the owner. If the target is "G" grade and below then he will obey unconditionally, if the target is "F" grade then he will obey conditionally, if the target is "E" grade then he will obey conditionally and un-permanently
"Ahh, each of the rewards is so good! It will be a very hard decision. Firstly it looks like the subjects that tied to certain power grades is not classified the same as artifacts, secondly rewards that upgrade you directly and the ones that can be upgraded is lesser by rank than other rewards, on the contrary rewards that have a one-time use, higher than others by rank. One more noteworthy thing is that amount of choices for rewards that you get depends on your evaluation"
After thinking for a long time Will made the final choice.
"The lesser submission scroll is the one with the highest potential but it will take too much time for best utilization of it, for it to be better than "E" grade submission scroll you have to be at least "D" grade and I think it will take quite a time. Submission Scroll is not a bad choice, you can from the start make somebody strong obey you but why waste reward for submitting one person when you can take rewards that will help you naturally subordinate others. "Piercing Eyes" were very tempting but logically speaking they are much worse than Marquis Dress at the start, yes you can upgrade them but without knowing conditions of upgrade it will be short-sighted to take it just for cooler eyes"
Filled with shame that in the previous choice he made not an optimal decision just to look better this time Will decided to choose just guided by logic.
-Marquis Dress of Shinya House
Please choose your Economy reward
Extra Resources
You will start with a "Very Good" amount of resources in your village
Storage Ring (Rare) (Low)
Ring with very small amount of place that can store inside belongings
Enchanted Silver Glasses (Rare) (Low)
Glasses that can appraise items. The amount of information depends on the rank of the item
"Storage ring is interesting but I don't think that it will be very valuable for me, especially because of the very small amount of place. Concerning silver glasses, I think that there would be plenty of merchants and alike that can appraise items and I am also suspicious that it can't appraise items higher than the "Rare" rank. I think... I will go with resources since it is very important for good fundament and I have high hopes for "Very Good" amount of resources"
-Extra Resources
Please choose your Geography reward
Living Map of Province (Unique) (Medium)
A live map that shows everything that happens in your starting province. Peoples with certain classes or enough power can prevent or intercept supervision
Better Starting Place
You would start at one of the "Best" places for your village
Lesser Natural Treasure Compass (Rare) (Peak)
The compass that indicates nearby natural treasures
Chosen Better Starting Place
You would be able to choose one of 10 "Very Good" places to start village
"Again crazy good rewards, I think the compass is something very valuable but according to Royal Road players and even NPC's can feel natural treasures to a certain degree because of the powerful aura that they are emitting, of course with the compass it may be much easier to find them but considering that I won't travel much as a noble player, at least not plan too, it is not practical for me. The living map is priceless, seeing everything that is happening in your province is very useful but from another perspective knowing at the start that there enemies nearby won't save you, and better starting place from that point of view is much better because I am pretty sure that if you start at one of best places there won't be powerful enemies nearby and you even could start near to natural resources. Between chosen and normal better starting places, I am pretty sure that there a big difference between "Very Good" and "Best" places so I will trust the game and chose best.
-Better Starting Place
Please choose your Speed reward
Baby Pet Summon Token (Uncommon) (Low)
The token that summons loyal baby beast with (Uncommon) (Low) race rank
Ryokko Knight Boots (Uncommon) (High)
Knight boots that allow the owner to be a little faster
In "Integration" beasts can become stronger too and their race rank is very important because it means how much more powerful they could become. Beasts unlike humans with time naturally becoming stronger, for example, beasts with higher race rank that will allow them naturally grow to "E" (Medium) grade would not face any bottlenecks until that, on the other hand, beasts with lower race rank that will allow them naturally grow to "G" (Peak) grade will face bottleneck by reaching it but if they will overcome it than after becoming "F" grade they will evolve and with that their race rank would rise. Evolving race rank for beasts in certain aspects similar to evolving class for humans, results depend in many factors and if beast wants to get right away to high race rank then he has to accomplish special deeds.
"I don't think that beast with this race rank can get enough strong and investing to him resources for breaking through race rank limitations would be counterproductive. I expect that in the future there would be plenty of opportunities to get a pet with a higher race rank"
-Ryokko Knight Boots
Guardian Spirit Beast
To your village will be attached random Guardian Spirit Beast with "G" (High) power. Guardian beast can get stronger as your village expands, he can reach up to "D" (Peak) rank
Race Choose
You can choose for yourself and your starting village another common race. (Gnomes, Orcs, Elves, Daemons...)
Perfect Manual Token (E)
Token that will summon one-time use perfectly compatible manual that will help archive up to "E" grade to owner
"Waah, this time rewards surpassed themselves. Race choose the most interesting but there is written that you will choose another common race which means in fact new race is not superior to humans and also taking in consideration that most of the players would be humans at least at the beginning, then taking different race can negatively impact future diplomacy, one more small detail is that because of being human I can understand how human community work but if I will take another race than I will be playing half-blind. If I understood correctly then the "Perfect Manual Token" will summon a manual that is perfect for the one that used it, maybe it is the most valuable reward but "Royal Road" said nothing about compatibility or something like so I don't know the real value of manual. I think that guardian beast is the best choice, having guardian beast in your capital sounds cool especially if this beast can evolve up to "D" grade about which nobody doesn't have any information"
-Guardian Spirit Beast
Congratulations you finished taking rewards now you can start the game
- In Serial43 Chapters
Dear Human
Nial of Grennport needs to get out of town because he just killed someone. In his own words, it was "a self defense thing." So he embarks on a pilgrimage to a mysterious magical shrine across the desert with ten other pilgrims. When the murders begin to happen, everyone suspects everyone else, and it becomes immediately clear that no one is who they claim to be. Who's the killer? Is it the pompous wizard? Is it the strange creature who's always invisible? Is it the girl Nial has a crush on? And who's next? NOTE: This work of high fantasy is complete at 120,000 words, and I'll be releasing a chapter every day or so, including weekends, unless something prevents me.
8 214 - In Serial48 Chapters
Records of the Weakest Emperor
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Action, Evil Gods, Evil Religions, Goddesses, Hidden Abilities, Industrialization, Mature Protagonist, Manipulative Characters, Mystery Solving, Mythology, Nobles, Time TravelCalvin Villanueva was once heralded as the savior of the world. His might was unrivaled despite possessing the weakest class in Las Felipinas. But in a cruel twist of fate, his achievements were turned against him and in a span of a single night, he went from experiencing heaven to plunging into the deepest parts of hell.Captured and imprisoned by the Sucklings, an alien invader who came from a different realm. Calvin became their Scribe, the Keeper of History, and ultimately... He arrived at the peak of the weakest Writer Profession and became the Author of Fate. Unfortunately, it was already too late. The world was now in ruins and Calvin only had a single choice in front of him.It was death.He may have chosen death but he had proven before his death that he was indeed the true savior of humanity.Manipulating fate, twisting time and space...Calvin went back to the past for a second chance to turn things around!After countless life and death battles, who was it that snatched everything away from me? Under the tribulation of sorrows and the tossing of wind and rain, humanity may have betrayed me, but I shall save them once again!Bringing with me the memories of my past, those who dare to block my way shall be killed!My return to the summit begins!
8 188 - In Serial11 Chapters
All These Tentacles
Krim had always hoped for a powerful boon from the gods. On his sixteenth birthday he got his wish but the slimy tentacles weren't what he had in mind. Blessed by the God of flesh and perverts, Krim will have to over come the worlds skewed view of him and his benefactor if he hopes to become an adventurer of legend. Let me know if there are any errors with grammar or spelling. This story is a rough draft and wont include any harems or sex scenes despite the tentacles.
8 197 - In Serial24 Chapters
I Cultivate With Science
Science Met With CultivationCultivation Evolved to Antra CultivationDantian Replaced ve InflaMana Kneaded With Secrets of The Universe And Become SpiraThen;People Began To Search For Universe's SecretsAnd Finally;First Batch of Seekers Born-------------------------------------------------------------------A boy was born and raised on the earth which is a planet ruled by humans. At the same time, he was a hero who is chosen as the world protector.After centuries-long of this tired duty, when fighting the most dangerous enemy to earth saw ever, he sacrifices himself along with the enemy to protect the earth and closes his eyes when facing death with a smile on his face.When he opens his eyes again he founds himself in a new body within a new world.This hero who is lived and sacrificed himself for others in his first life; chooses to use this second chance to live for himself.A new journey in a new world to find the universe's secrets with the wisdom and skills of a world protector who is lived for centuries.
8 296 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Immortal's Reckoning
A familiar sounding story takes a sharp twist when a young man winds up in another world and realizes he isn't the Chosen One of this story. The Chosen One is his friend, who was kidnapped for her power by the insane evil Emperor, who is trying to mold her into his perfect enforcer. Follow this tale as the two friends, trapped on opposite sides of a conflict, desperately try and get home. This is the first book in the series. I won't be publishing all of it here since I have already published it in other places like Amazon, but I'll publish enough to get people interested. Check out my website at www.worldsoflara.com or support my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/marisianking.
8 223 - In Serial15 Chapters
A Tragedy for a Demon Lord
In a world created from the love of two goddesses exists endless possibilities. The children of the two goddesses were given the gift of mana, a tool that can weave miracles through thoughts. Yet, with unlimited possibilities, prosperity was the first that disappeared in the world.While there was no difference between the two faction except for the fact that they were born from different mothers, conflict eventually arose out of that single disparity. The children of light saw the foreboding darkness within the heart of their enemies, yet they, who were born in the light, did not realize that they had stepped into the darkness. Because of the desire to eliminate the proclaimed heretics, the world was plunged into chaos and war.Those born to lead the children of the darkness were originally kind hearted souls. Their sole desire was to live in order to worship their mother and goddess. When the thought of war arose, they were the first to reject it. Even though they were born from darkness, they understood how beautiful the light, and the gift of life they received, was. However, after losing everyone and everything, their heart were eventually plunged into darkness. Without anything to live for, without anything to hold them back, they allowed themselves to be consumed by hatred. Cursing the Goddess of Light for the death of their family, those born from the darkness turned away from the light. From the chaos, the demon lords were born, and the cycle of chaos began. Long into the future, where those gifted with the ability to manipulate mana existed in few numbers, a child, fated to be consumed by chaos, was born. The child, born on the horizon that separates darkness and light, was given the blessing of both the Goddess of Darkness and the Goddess of Light. Because he did not exist within either side of the horizon, he was alone. Kept hidden within the castle of his father, he saw little of the world. But, he was content with the life he was given. He had loved his mother and father far more than he loved the world. As long as they were beside him, he did not feel alone. But, when the fated day arrived, his life was shattered. Broken and in despair, a child, born from the love of a demon lord and a human, sought for revenge- the sole reason he continues to live within a cold and merciless world that would never accept him.
8 177