《The Plan》1.4 Blu - Rhav - Servants
Chief's House, Blu, Blu
Rhav received news about the planned migration to the new land when reading a few papers laying around in the house and brought up the topic to his father.
"I forbid it!"
Rhav laying down on a bed had those words echoing through his mind. He had a look of confusion reflected in his eyes. He asked why, and recalling the answer he started to frown.
"Too weak! Forget this topic!" Taz was never good at talking, if he said something of the lines 'I don't want my only son to be injured' maybe something would be different, but instead he started to berate his son. He wanted his son to learn to be independent, but who would of thought this would lead to the exact oposite effect.
Rhav started to figet and started rolling back and forth while on top of his bed. "Not fair!"
Pouting, "There are others who are just as weak that get to go!"
Suddenly Rhav got an idea, "Why can't I just go anyways? It's not like anyone other than father can stop me!"
Many solutions came into his mind:
1. become a desciple for an artisian, "Maybe"
2. become a soldier or bodyguard, "Nope, too weak"
3. become an artisian and get my own desciple or bodyguard, "Possible, but I'll get caught quickly."
4. "What if I hire someone to be a pretend artisian? hmm, hmm, this, uhh is doable hmm yeah."
These ideas were escallating very quickly... Rhav decided to get another person's opinion on his ideas. He traveled to the only book store in Blu.
Book store, Blu, Blu
Not many people came here, as books were expensive and even the highly ranked members of society couldn't read words. His father and a few elders could read, but their reports used many doodles instead of many actual words because they were easier to remember. Like symbols and jargons would be used everywhere. A report with only symbols and jargons could and would happen on a regular basis. Some written materials didn't even have words, they only had images or pictures to describe it's contents.
"Old man, have you heard the resent news?"
"About the festival? Or are you talking about why we are having a festival?"
Pouting, "You know alot like always."
The old man makes a wry smile, "Do I? So what did you come to bother me about? It's not just to make fun of me is it?"
"So, I want to go to the new camp, an"
Cutting Rhav off, "And your father said you can't go?"
"Eh? How did you guess?"
"So you come here to complain to your only friend?"
Making a face of contempt while speaking, "You wish I, your father, was your friend!"
They both laughed, the old man speaked, "You little kid, what you run here to talk about?"
Rhav spoke, while placing a finger on his nose, "So artisians are being treated like nobles on this trip. What if I hire someone to pretend to be an artisian? I've recently finished an inscription design that can reduce the weight to tools! And it doesn't effect the usage negatively!"
"I don't think hiring just a single pretend artisian is going to be enough, how much money do you have sunny?"
"115 silver coins."
"Nieve! Even though everything will be cheap during the festival, but aren't you going to need to buy food, tools, and spare materials? What about bodyguards? How are you going to get everything transported? So what are you planning to sell to get more money?"
Rhav took out a bag off his back, placed it on a table with a smile then spoke, "Check out these heavy rocks!"
The old man rose an eyebrow after he lifted the bag with ease, but the rock inside the bag was too heavy to lift out of the bag. Confusion was evident on his face, "Uh, this bag is very nice. These rocks look like they don't have a value?"
"Right! The rocks are just rocks, but the bag however takes about 2-3 million seconds to make, but I think I could sell this for alot. I've made 2 bags, this large duffelbag and the other looks like an ugly small cariage. It's about a quarter the size of a regular carriage."
"How about I buy this dufflebag off you for 200 silver coins? I think this could be very useful for me."
Rhav thought he could sell it for about 50 silver coins max, given that the materials cost about 8 silver coins to make. He nodded with a smile while rubbing his nose, "Yes, that's a very good deal. Any thoughts on where to get some people? I also need to store everything before the departure. I don't want my father to find out my plan until I leave."
"Well, I'd suggest making a list, and other than personnel, you can get everything at the festival. You'll probably find survival kits for sale on the day for ideas if you miss something. I'd suggest buying a few extras if you have the money, because you could resell it to others on the journey. Also I'd suggest getting a docile beast rather than an animal to pull your cart. Go to the south side of town today for people. Maybe you'll get lucky. There is also a few empty lots you can put your holdings while your people stand guard."
After spending some time writting a list down
Needed stuff
[ ] food x 500 meals x people
[ ] spare cloths x 3 x people
[ ] sleeping bag x people
[ ] parka x people + beast
[ ] carriage [ ] 2 x harness [ ] saddle [ ] rope
[ ] pots [ ] pans [ ] cooking utensils [ ] jugs
[ ] plates [ ] bowls [ ] cups [ ] eating utensils
[ ] tools
[ ] axe [ ] knives [ ] pick [ ] level [ ] fire starter
[ ] 2lb hammer [ ] 10lb sledge [ ] 50lb sledge
[ ] materials for trade :
[ ] Cloth [ ] String [ ] thread [ ] nails ALOT
[ ] spare tools for trade
[ ] thread needles ALOT
[ ] some seeds
[ ] animal feed x 1000 meals
[ ] 25 x empty barrels to store things like water or food
"This looks like a pretty good list. Stop dilly dallying and go already. Go to the southern part of town, you'll see a red colored brick house. Ask for Ted, say that Tom recommended you. You'll not get any discount, but atleast you aren't going to get robbed with that weak looking frame of yours."
"Thanks old man!"
House in the southern part of Blu, Blu
Upon entering the house, a tall and burley man started to stare bullets at Rhav.
"Kid, who sent you?"
Looking at a child that looked well dressed comming into the building, the burley man could guess what the little shrimp would come in here for, but he had to ask.
"I was told to ask for Ted and that Tom recommended me."
"Oh? And do you think you can see Ted just because some guy named Tom recommended you?"
"Yeah. Because I got money."
"Oh~? That's a pretty good reason. Well I am Ted. What are you looking for and what's your bugget?"
"I'm looking for a bodyguard and an attendant who can pretend to be an artisian who can be my maid or butler and run my shop on my behalf. My budget is 250 silver coins, but I can go as high as 300."
"Okay Okay, let's take a seat over here and drink some tea while we talk."
The man named Ted lead Rhav to 2 chairs and a small table off to the side in the corner next to a window. The man poured a cup for himself and Rhav, took a sip then started to speak, "I can get you a tier 1 female warrior for 150 silver. A male youth will be 15 silver higher. hmm, I also have a young adult tailor, she has damaged legs, missing a left eye and ear; we are asking for 100 silver coins for her. She used to run her own shop, so she should be able to learn to run your shop. She can't be your attendant though, how about a 5 silver discount for 95 silver coins?" He took a another small sip from his cup.
"Hmm," Rhav nodded, "Any others?"
After waiting for a brief paused the man continued, "I have another artisian with smithing experience, but he's going to cost 250 silver coins. I also have a young lad that's a baker, going at 150 silver. I'll give you a 5 silver discount for him for 145 silver coins. Any unskilled young girl around your age will be around 110 silver coins, a lad add 15 silver. Young unskilled adults 140 silver coins either gender. Older unskilled adults can be much cheaper, and damaged or injured even cheaper."
"Okay, I'd like to look at the tier 1 warriors you mentioned before."
"Absolutely, we have 12 to pick from. Should I bring them all? We'll have about 20 more during the festival."
The man lead Rhav to a room to take a seat, while the man would get the warriors ready to be inspected. After 450 seconds passed by, 5 females and 7 males came into the room. They were all equiped in very minimal amounts of leather, with short tin swords in their hands.
Ted, the old man Rhav was waiting for, asked, "So? Any questions or preferences?"
"If any of you have killed someone, raise your hand."
A single female and 2 males rose their hands.
Rhav looked at the female and asked, "In a short description, why do you kill others?"
In a semi deep voice that didn't care how she sounded, said, "A thief wanted to steal from me."
Rhav nodded, turning his gaze to another man and asked, "In a short description, why did you kill someone?"
The first man Rhav looked at smiled, "I enjoy it."
Rhav nodded again, turned his gaze to the last person, asking, "Same question."
The last man snorted, "Secret."
Rhav replied, "Then I don't want you."
The last man's face cramped then rolled his eyes.
Rhav looked at the female that talked first and asked, "Can you use a bow?"
She nodded then Rhav asked, "Can you steer a carriage and take care of beasts or animals?"
She nodded again and Rhav took a deep look at her. He looked at her white short hair. She had serious scarring caused by what looked like burns on the right side of her body from shoulder to her feet. Whip scars could be seen all over her body. Her face lacked vitality, and a deep scars that looked like letters spelled out the word ugly was on her face. Her yellow tinted eyes looked empty and lost. She appeared to be only slightly older than Rhav, and had a honey skin with a bronze or chai cool undertone. Rhav asked finally, "What's your name?"
Before the girl could reply, Ted said, "Normally, they receive new names after you buy them. We give everyone temporary names for convenience. Her name right now is Neo, it means new. She is one of the few that asked for her memory mostly erased. Except for things related to combat or skills, her personal life from before was removed on her consent. We also provide extra services if you choose them. If you choose, you can neuter females for 30 silvers, males are 10 silvers. Everyone receives a basic brand on their backs between their shoulder blades. Upgrades and requests can range between 1 and 30 silvers. If you want them to obey or feel pain on command and other similiar things. Non conconsential memory removal can be costly and reach upto 200 silvers, depending on how much you want removed or if you want a reusable brand to remove memory that will reach gold coins."
"Any recommendations?"
"For 12 silvers, we can upgrade the brand to simple auto pain on conditions or moderate on command."
"We'll go with that. Can I also take a look at that first artisian you mentioned?"
"Of course, I already have her ready to be inspected."
Ted had a body guard lead the warriors out including Neo, and a bulky looking bodyguard carried the skinny looking artisian into the room and sat her onto the chair. The girl was staring at Rhav. The left side of her head was mutilated. Her brown long hair was only on the right side of her head. The left side was scarred by burns. The hair was removed down to the root. Her ear looked like it melted off, and her eye socket wasn't much better off. It looked like it was caved in from a punch. Her remaining eye was a deep blue with a silver shine to it. Her legs looked like it had muscle atrophy. Her hips were dented at the joins to the legs, which led to the atrophy aparently. She appeared to be double Rhav's age, and had a milk skin with a light beige cool undertone.
Ted said, "Her temporary name is Taylor. Saying she is scared of people would be an understatment. Her 95 silver price includes the removal of her memory. We would erase memories from the last year, other than when she stayed here with us. Do you have any questions so far or like to talk to her?"
Rhav looked at Taylor and said, "I plan on running a shop. I have a weak physical body and will need help taking care of a shop. I also can't expose myself so need you to be the artisian represenative. I do have a few tailor related tasks that I'll need help with in my shop too so you can just do that too. Can you do that?"
The woman named Taylor looked at Rhav and simply nodded lightly. Rhav sighed. He didn't expect everyone he looked at so far to have this large of a personality issue like he just experienced. He asked, "Before the things that happened to you, did you have issues talking to strangers?"
The woman shook her head. Rhav nodded when he saw her reply.
"Okay, so what recommendations do you have for her?"
"4 silvers mild headache on conditions, light pain on command. Also note that the leg damage could be repaired for about 300 silver in the future if you ever choose to do so."
"How much do I owe you now?"
"160 plus 12 and 95 plus 4, so. Uhh, 271 Silvers. Do you want basic clothes? We can give a 10% discount from market price. We can also recommend Luke's shop for armor and weapons. Oh, and uhh, he also has a few bows." Ted added remembering the question related to bows.
"Yes, for Taylor I'd like 1 sets of casual clothes, and 2 sets of clothing for light work, and a pair of shoes. For Neo, a sets of casual clothes, set of light working clothes, shoes."
"So 271 silver, the discount of 20% by being recommended by Tom, sub total 217 silver." Ted started to write the number on a small paper, then continued speaking, "136 irons for the clothing, 10% discount, that'll be, uh, 124 irons. Let's round it to 2 silvers" Ted wrote a few more things onto the paper, did some quick math, then spoke, "219 silver coins will be your total."
Rhav took out 219 Silver coins and handed them over. Ted counted, had an associate take the girls out. Then Ted continued saying, "It'll take about 400 seconds to prepare the girls then we'll need some of your blood to complete the brands, then after about 200 seconds the brands will be complete and we can start the removal of memories. Memory removal should take 1000 seconds. After 300 seconds or so, we can wake her up. Then you can leave. While my associates are getting those two ready, I can continue to answer questions."
"Well, I don't know what to ask. Any general information or recommendations for first time buyers?"
"Well, your artisian is old enough, just ask her for details you need to know so they can do their self maintance. You can also tell them to inform you when there is something they need or something happens to them."
"Are you going to have any help managing these servants?"
"Well, uhh, your artisian is old enough, just ask her for details you need to know so they can do their self maintance."
"Okay, so uhh, do I have to care about their families trying to take them back?"
"No, the law says once someone gets a brand, they are forever a servant. The family can fight for ownership, but they'll end up paying a fortune to the current master. Also, these two don't have any family, so you don't have to worry."
"Do you think servants will be sold at the new camp?"
"The first few million seconds they will be expensive. The price will depend on the food accessibility most likely."
"Okay, well that's all my questions I could think of."
- In Serial61 Chapters
The Voice of the World
Jason Elric used to be an ordinary college student living in the heart of San Francisco. He had a part time job, he played online games with friends he got along moderately well with, and he earned reasonably good grades. The worst he really had to worry about in life was turning in his coursework on time and not being late to class. Now, though? Now fighting for his life and running from a horde of giant frogs that want to make him their next meal is just another Tuesday. Thanks to a summoning ritual gone terribly right, Jason has found himself trapped in a world eerily similar to the role playing games games he used to play for fun. Unfortunately for the now ex-college student, everything happening around him is terrifyingly real and if he wants to survive, he’ll have to figure out how to exploit the system for his benefit before it’s too late. The Voice of the World is the first part of what is planned to be a multi-book, Isekai LitRPG story with crafting elements, set in the fantasy world known as Verdania. This is my first time posting online for public consumption, so bear with me as I work to find a style that people like. While I may occasionally write scenes that may deal with heavy concepts, expect this story to be primarily light hearted high fantasy. There will be a lot of common fantasy tropes involved, as this story got its start as a simple practice exercise, rather than any plan to actually post it. However, it’s grown on me, so I felt it’s worth sharing after all. Thus, if you’re looking for more serious/original/unusual stories, you might want to look elsewhere. For the rest of you, feel free to leave suggestions, as well as to point out grammar and spelling mistakes; I’ll do my best to make edits to correct them. I do my own editing currently, and it’s easy to miss things when you know what’s supposed to be there, so such call outs are highly encouraged. Content TLDR: No harems, probably no romance (unless it makes sense for the story later on) (it did, eventually), definitely no sex (keeping this PG-13 or close to it), limited profanity. Does/Will contain mixes of magic and technology (think Warhammer, Final Fantasy); copious amounts of blue tables; race, gender, and sexual equality concepts; crafting sequences; and (slightly, but not overbearingly) strong protagonists. If you don’t like these things, go elsewhere instead of downvoting people for content instead of writing quality. Update Time currently varies, due to personal injury, but the goal is 1/week on Wednesdays, with a possible smaller chapter on weekends if time/health permits.
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boxer [p.jm] ✔️
"Why don't you ever go into the ring?", he asked me, while my eyes drifted from the hanging bag in front of me to the guy who stood next to it. "I'd prefer to ruin the bags rather than someone's face," I tell him, smirking as his eyes went wide and he backed away. -A Park Jimin of BTS Fanfiction.-Created: January 14, 2018Ended: January 21, 2018
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