《C.O.L.A. BERATION》Chapter 4
Chapter 4
(Charlie and Josaline are both riding in the Bat Mobile)
Charlie: This is nice.
Josaline: What is?
Charlie: Riding in this sweet, ass super car with my girl; the wind is blowing in my face along with the
blood and guts of the Zombies as they get ran over.
Josaline: First of all, I'm not your girl. Secondly, that's disgusting. Third of all, you're disgusting. Lastly,
where on earth did you get this car?
Charlie: I'm glad you asked.
(Ten seconds went by.)
Josaline: Well?
Charlie: Well what?
Josaline: Aren't you going to tell me?
Charlie: Yeah, but you didn't tell me when to tell you.
Charlie: Ok, miss grumpy. It all started in the year 1910. That's when dinosaurs roamed the earth and
people were killing each other with rocks.
Josaline: You idiot. Tell me how you got the car.
Charlie: Oh yeah. That's right. In the year 19...
Josaline: I will push you out this car and drive off without you if you keep it up.
Charlie: OK...OK! It all started in a place called Gotham City.
(Charlie is walking home from school.)
Charlie: Man, going to school sucks, especially since the students don't listen to the teachers and the
teachers just fuck with the students because they have nothing better to do.
(Charlie heard an alarm go off.)
Charlie: What's that?
(Charlie ran around the corner to see what was causing the alarm to go off. Just then Charlie spotted
3 guys running away from the store while carrying bags of jewelry.)
Charlie: Hey, you know that stuff don't belong to you. That's not right. Matter of fact, that's
downright messed up.
(Charlie began to chase after them.)
Guy #2: Hey, who's that kid?
Guy #3: Who cares? Just keep running.
Guy #1: Shut up, you two. Let's turn into this dark alleyway. That's where we'll get him.
(The three guys went into the alleyway and Charlie followed behind them.)
Charlie: Crap, it's too dark. I can't see anything in all this darkness. Where'd they go?
Guy #1: We're right behind ya.
(That's when they flashed a light on Charlie.)
Charlie: OMG! That flashlight is way too bright. Turn it down.
Guy #1: Well, you better get used to it because you're going to be seeing stars. Get him, boys.
(That's when the men started pounding their fists together while walking towards Charlie.)
Charlie: You guys better stop or else.
Guy #2: Or else what?
Charlie: Or else...I'll play one of Lady Gaga's songs really, really loud.
Guy #3: Oh shit! He's trying to torture us! Stop him!
(The men started running towards Charlie.)
Charlie: No! Wait! I was joking. I don't even have my MP3 player with me.
(Just then something came from the sky and hit the two men in the face, knocking them out.)
Charlie: Whoa.
Guy #1: (Gasp.) The Dark Knight.
(That's when the man ran off.)
???: Are you OK, kid?
Charlie: Yeah, but who are you?
???: Stay safe.
(That person pulled out a grappling hook and zipped on top of the building.)
Charlie: Things just got weird.
(Charlie walked from out of the alleyway.)
Charlie: I wonder if I'm dreaming.
(Charlie saw someone in a weird costume running towards him.)
Charlie: Why are you running?
???: (Heavy breathing.) Give me a minute. (Heavy breathing.)
Charlie: You know, Halloween was last month.
???: Did you see someone in a bat suit who looked really cool?
Charlie: But I did see someone in a bat suit who looked really stupid.
???: Which way did he go?
(Charlie pointed towards the direction where that person headed.)
Charlie: That way.
???: Thank you. You know what? Here you go. I want you to have this.
(The guy gave Charlie a card.)
Charlie: Robin Hood's Gay Party?
???: Oops! Sorry. Wrong card.
(The guy took the card back from Charlie and gave him a different card.)
???: Catch you later.
(The guy winked at Charlie and then ran off.)
Charlie: Did he just wink at me?
(Charlie looked at the card that was given to him.)
Charlie: Batman's hideout information? Fucking Batman?! That was Batman?! That means the guy
who gave me this card must've been...Robin?! Weird.
(Charlie then headed home.)
(24 hours later)
(Charlie was riding his bike from school.)
Charlie: I wonder if I'll see Batman again.
(Charlie saw Batman's Batmobile drive down the street and turned the corner.)
Charlie: Oh yeah! Oh yeah! You're mine now, Batman!
(Charlie started chasing after the Batmobile on his bike, but when he turned the corner, it was gone.)
Charlie: WHAT?! I can't believe this. It vanished into thin air.
(Just then something fell from the sky and hit Charlie in the head.)
Charlie: Owwwww! What in the world...
(Charlie looked up in the sky, then looked at the ground and found a colorful remote.)
Charlie: A remote? What is a remote doing, falling from the sky?
(Charlie picked up the remote.)
Charlie: I have something written on it. “Universal Remote X?!” Hmmm. I wonder what this button
(Charlie pushed the button and a tunnel sprouted from out of the street that lead underground.)
Charlie: Awesome! This universal remote thingy is off the “chain.” But I still wonder where it came
Narrator: It came from me.
Charlie: Oh, OK then. Thank you.
Narrator: You’re welcome.
(Charlie put the universal remote in his pocket and rode his bike in the tunnel.)
Charlie: It sure is dark in here. I hope this tunnel doesn’t have a steep…hiiiiiilllllll!
(5 minutes later)
(Charlie continued towards the end of the tunnel and stopped on a platform.)
Charlie: OMG! That was the scariest fucking thing I have ever been through in my entire life. I got to
do that again.
(Charlie looked around to see where he ended up and noticed he was in the Bat Cave.)
Charlie: This is sweet. Being in the Bat Cave rocks way harder than my…
???: Shut up, nerd. We don’t use profanity down here. Now, what the fuck are you doing in my cave?
(Charlie turned around to look behind himself and noticed that Batman was talking to him.)
Charlie: Oh snap.!Batman! It’s really you. Can you sign my shoe?
Batman: I’m not doing that.
{Full Name: Batman/ Age: Unknown/ Nationality: Unknown/ Race: Caucasian/ Height: 6"0"/
Hair: Unknown/ Hobby: Fighting Crime/ Favorite Dish: Caviar/ Hates: Sidekicks/ Fear: Robin's
???: I’ll do it.
(A person came from behind Batman.)
Charlie: Robin?!
Robin: Yeah. I’ll sign it real hard.
{Full Name: Robin/ Age: Unknown/ Nationality: Unknown/ Race: Unknown/ Height: 5"6"/ Hair:
Short and black/ Hobby: Being with Batman/ Favorite Dish: Batman's favorite dish/ Hates: Not
being with Batman/ Fear: Batman dying}
Charlie: Hey, Boy Wonder finally shows his true colors. Rainbow colors I might add.
Robin: For your information, I am not gay.
Charlie: Only a gay person would say that.
Robin: Only a guy person would say that.
Charlie: Only a guy person would repeat me.
Robin: Shut up before I…
Batman: Robin, that’s enough. Can’t you see I’m trying to talk to the other nerd?
Charlie: Yeah. You better listen to your daddy.
(Charlie picked up on what Batman just said.)
Charlie: Wait a minute.
Robin: I’ll kill you.
Batman: Both of you, shut up. I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with you two. You both need to start
acting like adults, even if you are kids.
Robin: Fine.
Charlie: Idiot.
Batman: Anyway, how did you get down here?
Charlie: I took a tunnel passageway that lead me down here.
Batman: What?! But it was closed off. How did you manage to open it?
Charlie: With this.
(Charlie pulled the universal remote from out of his pocket and showed it to Batman.)
Batman: (Gasp.) A Universal Remote X. That is the rarest item on earth. The second rarest is a
Tyrannosaurus Rex using its hands for something.
Charlie: What?
Batman: Never mind that. Where did you find that remote?
Charlie: It fell from out of the sky.
Batman: From out of the sky?
Charlie: Yeah.
Batman: The Narrator.
Charlie: Yeah. How’d you know? You know him?
(Batman looked up at the ceiling.)
Narrator: Yes?
Batman: Why did you give him a universal remote?
Narrator: Because I can.
Batman: You son of a bitch! I want a universal remote! Give me one!
Narrator: No. You broke the last one I gave you.
Charlie: Not cool, dude. Not cool at all.
(Batman looked at Charlie.)
Batman: Shut up!
(Batman looked back at the ceiling.)
Batman: But it wasn’t my fault. Robin is the one who broke it.
Robin: Guilty as charged.
(Batman looked at Robin.)
Batman: Shut up!
(Batman looked back at the ceiling.)
Batman: Please, Narrator. I’m begging you.
Narrator: Eat a dick.
Robin: OK. I mean…no way!
(Charlie looked at Robin with an awkward look on his face and then looked at Batman.)
Charlie: Batman, I think you need a new sidekick because I think this one is broken.
(Batman looked at Charlie.)
Batman: Tell me about it.
???: Tell you about what, Batsy?
Batman: Oh shit. Don’t tell me that’s…
(Charlie, Batman and Robin looked up towards the ceiling and saw two figures floating down.)
Batman: Joker!
Joker: Yes! It is I, The Joker.! In the living flesh! Along with my fat companion, Penguin!
{Full Name: Joker Clown/ Age: Unknown/ Nationality: Unknown/ Race: Unknown/ Height: 5"11"/
Hair: Lengthy and dark green/ Hobby: Causing chaos/ Favorite Dish: Unknown/ Hates: Bad jokes/
Fear: Being sane}
Penguin: I’m not fat. I’m just chubby.
{Full Name: Penguin Penguin/ Age: Unknown/ Nationality: Unknown/ Race: Caucasian/ Height:
5"3"/ Hair: Go past the shoulder and black (bold at the top)/ Hobby: Singing and dancing/ Favorite
Dish: All fish/ Hates: Cats/ Fear: Felines}
Joker: Oh, shut up and just get us down there, safely.
(Joker and Penguin floated to the ground with the help of Penguins umbrella.)
Batman: How the hell are you guys able to find my Bat Cave?
(Batman looked at Robin. Robin began to smile.)
Batman: You gave them my address?
Robin: I figure we can have a party someday.
Batman: The villains?
Robin: Masquerade?
Batman: Fuck you, Robin.
(Robin pants became even tighter.)
Charlie: Disgusting.
(Batman looked at Joker and Penguin.)
Batman: What do you two drag queens want?
(Joker and Penguin began to smile.)
Joker: Poor, poor Batsy. Your eyesight must be getting terrible because I am clearly dressed as a clown with a sick personality.
Penguin: And I’m a three fingered, mutated human with a hat, an umbrella, and sharp teeth.
(Joker stopped smiling and turned towards Penguin.
Joker: Penguin, you’re an idiot. You know this, right?
Penguin: I want to say yes, but I get the feeling that’s the wrong answer.
(Joker smacked his forehead.)
Batman: I have a question for you, Joker.
Joker: Shoot.
(Joker faced towards Batman and began to laugh.)
Batman: What’s so funny?
Joker: Your face...It’s priceless.
(Joker stopped laughing and began to smile.)
Joker: It’s quite simple, Batsy. All we did was follow the kid that’s standing right over there.
Joker: Not the gay one.
Batman: You got to be shitting me.
Charlie: You cannot be serious.
Robin: You got to be pissing on me.
(Everyone looked at Robin.)
Robin: What?
Joker: Batsy, I believe your sidekick is extremely weird..
Penguin: That poor bastard is a weirdo by nature.
Batman: Robin, I will kick your ass out of this cave if you don’t stop saying weird shit.
Robin: Sorry, daddy.
Charlie: He’s not your dad. I bet he doesn’t even like you.
Robin: That’s not true.
Joker: I’ll take you up on that bet.
Penguin: I second that.
(Batman looked towards Joker and Penguin.)
Batman: All of you, shut up! I’m getting tired of your bull shit and your nonsense, Joker! It’s time to
get this party started.
(Joker and Penguin looked towards Batman.)
Joker: Silly Batsy. The only party you’ll be attending is your funeral.
(Joker snapped his fingers. The ground started to shake. Just then, a McDonald sign rose from the
ground in front of Joker and Penguin. A shadowy figure came from the shadows.)
Charlie: Is that…
Batman: Ronald McDonald!
(Ronald McDonald came from the shadows, smiling.)
Ronald McDonald: Hey! Would you guys care for a happy meal?
{Full Name: Ronald McDonald/Age: Unknown/ Nationality: Unknown/ Race: Unknown/ Height:
5"11"/ Hair: Afro and red/ Hobby: Being around kids/ Favorite Dish: McDonalds/ Hates: Other
restaurants/ Fear: Going out of business}
(Ronald McDonald pulled out three happy meals from his hair.)
Charlie: Ummm...no thanks. I’m good, bro.
Robin: I would love to have one.
Ronald McDonald: Would you like fries and shake with that or YOUR DEATH?!
Robin: So many good choices. I’ll take the fries and shake for two hundred.
Ronald McDonald: I’m sorry. We’re fresh out of those.
Robin: Then what was the point of asking?
Ronald McDonald: Now die!
(Ronald McDonald charged at Robin, but then Batman got in between the two.)
Ronald McDonald: I guess you want to die first then.
Batman: Not today you fucked up clown.
(Batman uppercut Ronald McDonald and smile at the feat he managed to achieve. When Ronald
McDonald went through the Bat Cave’s ceiling, causing a giant hole, Batman stopped smiling.)
Batman: Fuck me!
Robin: Ok.
Batman: Oh god.
Robin: That’s my line.
(Charlie covered his ears and closed his eyes.)
Charlie: Make it stop! Make it stop! Make it stop!
(Joker was looking at where the whole was at and then he slowly looked at Batman with a surprised
look on his face.)
Joker: Fuck! Did you really have to hit him that hard?
(Joker turned around with a frown on his face.)
Joker: Shit! Shit! Shit! Auntie Sue isn’t going to like this; not one bit.
(Charlie opened his eyes.)
Charlie: Auntie?
(Charlie uncovered his ears and faced towards Joker.)
Charlie: Wait a minute. Are you telling me Ronald McDonald is your cousin?
(Joker faced towards Charlie.)
Joker: No shit, Sherlock! Can’t you see the resemblance?
Charlie: Not really.
Joker: We’re both clowns, moron.
Charlie: (Sarcastically) Because that explains a lot.
Joker: (She’s going to kill me if I don’t bring him back.) But first, I must kill you three.
(Joker snapped his fingers. Penguin began to dance.)
Penguin: (Singing) Now that it’s raining more than ever, know that we’ll still have each other. You can
stand under my umbrella. You can stand under my umbrella.
(Penguin stopped dancing.)
Joker: What the fuck?
Charlie: Wow. This penguin has a good voice and can dance.
Penguin: That’s what happens when you do 10 years of ballet and vocal practice. Also...I'M NOT A
Batman: He has the voice of an angel.
Robin: I’ve heard better.
(Batman walked towards Robin and then slapped him.)
Robin: (Whisper) Harder.
Penguin: Whatever, Boy Wonder. You’re probably just saying that to make me feel bad. It’s not
going to work. And because of your insolence and jealousy, I’m going to kill you.
(Penguin’s umbrella transformed into a sword. Afterward, Penguin charged at Robin.)
Penguin: Right here and now!
(Batman ran towards Penguin and punched him in the face. He flew back to where he started and was
knocked unconscious.)
Joker: What the hell? They are so weak. You know what Batsy, I’m going to call it a draw for now. But
next time, your ass is mine.
(Joker threw some smoke bombs on the ground which clouded the area. When the smoke cleared,
Joker and Penguin were gone.)
Robin: Wait in line, pal.
Joker: GAY!
(Charlie began to search for where the Joker is.)
Charlie: What the hell is he? A magician?
Batman: No! Even worse. He’s a clown. Dun! Dun! Dun!
Robin: Nice one, Batman.
Batman: Thanks. I made it up myself. You know what Robin, you’re not half bad.
Robin: Thanks, Batman. That means a lot.
Batman: You’re welcome. Hey! What do you say we go for some ice-cream?
Robin: That’s cool.........Do you get it?
(Charlie and Batman frowned at Robin.)
Batman: I’m disappointed in you.
Charlie: Stop making jokes.
(Batman reached into his pockets to get his car keys, but noticed that they were not there.)
Batman: That’s strange. Robin, have you seen my car keys?
Robin: Nope.
Batman: Charlie, have you…
(Batman looked over to where he last saw Charlie, but Charlie was gone.)
Batman: Where’d he go?
(The Bat Mobile horn went off.)
Robin: He’s inside the Bat Mobile, Batman.
(Batman looked at the Bat Mobile and saw Charlie inside.)
Charlie: I’m over here, suckers. Thanks for the sweet ride.
(Charlie started the Bat Mobile and drove out of the Bat Cave.)
Robin: Oh no, Batman. He stole your sweet ass ride. What are we going to do?
Batman: I will get my revenge, Charlie. I’ll get my revenge.
(Flashback ends.)
Josaline: Wow. So you stole this car?
Charlie: No. I just borrowed it without giving it back.
Josaline: When did all of this take place?
Charlie: Last weekend.
Josaline: Last weekend?
Charlie: Yep. Are you gay?
Josaline: Shut up!
(5 seconds later.)
Josaline: You’re lying.
(Charlie stopped the car.)
Charlie: If you think I’m lying, why don’t you ask those two?
(Josaline look in the same direction Charlie was looking and noticed two people walking towards the
Bat Mobile.)
Josaline: Who are they?
Charlie: Fucking Batman and Robin!
- In Serial69 Chapters
Kardin lived a happy and good life. That is, till he was given a strange orb by an even stranger man, maybe even a demon. He watches as his village is burned, the villagers slaughtered and his friend devoured. He escapes into the Jungle of The Gods, a place of ancient ruins and deadly animals. There, he is changed and his fate diverges from what should have been his death. Now he must forge his own path in a world of great beauty and power, where death lurks around the corner and battles between veritable gods are fought. Where nations clash and ancient beings destory civilizations on whims. But unseen cogs move under the surface, events transpiring beyond simple understanding. Strange and powerful items called Artifacts have started to reappear across the land of Auren, empowering their wielders far beyond what cultivation can give. The Traezar Empire and all of Auren are on the precipice of war and strange beings have started to emerge, all with an agenda of their own. Chaos is brewing, and Kardin must survive it, all while trying to attain vengeance and understand his strange and anomalous Katra. ***Current Schedule*** I am currently releasing 1 3,000(Sometimes I end up writing waaaay more) word chapter halfs every week. If there is not some sort of notice as to why I have vanished, then I'm probably dead. Let's hope I don't die then, eh? *Ducks under flying knife* I own this cover, put my own blood, sweat and an hour of my time into it. Ahahaha! This story is inspired (I stress this word, as because most of the story is different) by Will Wight’s Cradle. I highly recommend you read it! (Please for gods sake, if you have something to say, please do it in a curteous fashion. I don’t need any more maniacs flying at me and trying to stab me with sporks, I am already insane enough to fill that role.*Winks*) **What is This Story?** Think cultivation mashed with western fantasy, put into a pot to boil and then drunk while it's pipping hot. All the while a mad man(me) cackles insanely over the pot, stirring. It draws from xianxia lightly, which means no exasperated angry young masters. No “genuis” or “prodigy” MC, one that is not OP, or anything of the like. If you don’t like cultivation novels, this might still be up your alley. MC focuses on “Life Shaping”, see poll 2 for more Info. Warning! If your are squeamish, that gore and traumatizing content tag is there for a reason. I shall dive into both bloody and disturbing scenes and the questionable ethics of manipulating life, and some of it won’t be pretty. With a dose of realism added in. I do add my own evi- I mean despic- no, sorry, interesting twists aswell. >:) Also, I HATE info dumps! *Steps out of the way of a charging semi* Still not dead! Arc 1 (Kindling): Chapter 1 - 13 Arc 2 (Metempsychosis): Chapter 14 - 29 Arc 3 (???): Chapter 30 - ??? A disclaimer, I am new author and am still feeling out my limitations. This story is my hope of bettering my writing skills and to have fun. Buckle up and enjoy the insane journey that is Katra. (Pronounced as cah-tra)
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A story about a man who was never able to live life to the fullest, troubled by his useless pride and uncompromising principles. But he never regretted it, he refuses to ever be assimilated, to change for society, to be molded by a culture created predecessors he never knew. When the man was supposed to of died, a higher being gave him another opportunity at life in another world. A chance to be able to live again and live life to the fullest, unrestricted by the morals and ethics of his previous world. How will this man live his new life? This is an isekai story like many others that have been told before. TLDR: Cliche Isekai story This is the first story I ever made/wrote, I decided to try it out in the spur of the moment. I'm hoping to have fun with this, don't expect anything of quality in my writing. This story will be more of a wish-fulfillment so do not expect any intricate storyline and plot twist as I'm basically just chilling and writing w/e I'm in the mood to. Tags: R-18+, Dungeons, Slave Harem, Slice of Life, LitRPG, Male Lead, Selfish/Possessive Lead, Magic, Isekai.
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