《A(n) (Other)worldly Tale.》Chapter 6: Spying! / Memories Of Names From Our Past


Chapter 6: Spying! / Memories Of Names From Our Past

“Let’s make sure Renji isn’t getting into trouble.” Rin said

“He’s with his friends. He asked your mom if he could go out with them today. So we’re watching over him while he has fun.” Aunt Rai said

“What? How?” Rin asked

“What do you mean, how? I used to be a detective, it’s become a habit of mine to investigate stuff.” Aunt Rai said

They left school, and Aunt Rai started to head towards the park.

“So, where is he?” Rin asked

“Well, he’s probably down at the playground.” Aunt Rai said

“Really? Isn’t he only a little more than a year younger than me?” Rin asked

“Well, even if it’s a bit much to go alone, even you might come here if it’s with friends, right?” Aunt Rai asked

“That’s true.” Rin said

“And he’s with his friends, so it’s fine, right?” Aunt Rai asked

“Yeah, I guess. If Renji enjoys it, I’m fine with it.” Rin said

”Oh. There he is. He’s with Daisuke and Nozomi again.” Aunt Rai said

“He seems like he’s having a lot of fun.” Rin said

“You acted like that more often than you would think over the past few years.” Aunt Rai said

“Wait, what? When?” Rin asked

“You have fun when you’re playing with Renji.” Said Aunt Rai.

“Both of us have fun when we play with Renji. I’m still mad about the other day, by the way.” Rin said

“I won fair and square.” Aunt Rai said

“Yeah, but… fine.” Rin said. She sighed.

They had bet over the last ice cream cup. They fought in a 1v1 super sm*sh bro match. Renji was there to make sure things were fair. It was a random character battle, and Aunt Rai had gotten lucky. M*ta knight. Rin, however, was not very lucky. She got a robot dude. She had no idea what he did. She played as best she could. But, with their skill even, Aunt Rai won easily. M*ta knight is definitely overpowered.

“I bought more ice cream by the way. It’s in the freezer.” Aunt Rai said

“Sweet! Thanks, Aunt Rai!” Rin said. She hugged her.

“Focus, focus. We’re watching Renji.” Aunt Rai said

“Hmm. He seems fine. I think we can go, he has dad's magic cast on him. Nothing on this planet can get past that, even if this was a flag.” Rin said

“True. Oh. By the way, I got another book translated for us.” Aunt Rai said

“Which one?” Rin asked

“It was one about water magic. I haven’t read it, really. All I did so far was translate it. I didn’t really pay attention to it’s contents at all.” Aunt Rai said.

“Then let’s look through it when we get back.” Rin said.

“Yeah, that sounds good to me. By the way, have you learned how to use fireball yet?” Aunt Rai asked

“Almost.... And to think fire is the easiest one to learn.” Rin said

“Isn’t wind the easiest?” Aunt Rai asked

“Everyone has different difficulty understanding certain elements. You’re just really compatible with wind magic.” Rin said


“Oh. Yeah, your dad told me that when he first helped me learn it. Then he dumped me in the library with you for classes. I must admit it’s fun, though.” Aunt Rai said

“I still don’t get how you can already use every basic elemental form of the magic sphere technique.” Rin said

“It’s been over a year. I can help you if you want. I’m trying to learn how to turn it into the advanced elements. This is apparently average for a normal wizard. Though, Evan did say the difficulty changes dramatically when it comes to trying to learn the spear or arrow technique. He said the arrow one was especially hard. If you need help with the water element, the book might have the information you need to help you. Considering Evan will only teach us the process. Oh, right. I set up an actual training area. We can check it out after Evans' training session.” Aunt Rai said

“You’re average?” Rin asked

“Well, my talent is. Skill wise, I’m not even as good as a 15 year old wizard in the other worlds, apparently.” Aunt Rai said

“Seriously? Actually, he said he was bringing someone from that world to help us train right?” Rin asked

“Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s for a while or just once though. It’s the cotton candy and konpeito lady, apparently.” Aunt Rai said

“Oh! Evan mentioned her before. She sounds like an incredible person! He said that she could remember everything perfectly, forever, all of the time.” Rin said

“Yeah, it's photographic memory, but her kind is pretty rare. I’m pretty sure she’s just skilled in multiple fields that work well together. That’s still incredible, though.” Aunt Rai said

“How come you know all of this stuff?” Rin asked

“Well, you never come and hang out with me and lime whenever we go out. We talk about lots of things.” Aunt Rai said

“Really? Like what?” Rin asked

“Another world. And a group of teenagers a little older than you who were brought there by the gods. Lime seems to especially like telling those stories. She also tells me about her past if she’s in a good mood. Oh, shoot. Evan said lime isn’t allowed to drink, didn’t he? Dang, I might have to cancel our plans to go to the bar with everyone next Friday.... I’ve never actually seen your parents drink, come to think of it. Other than for cooking, I don’t think there’s even any alcohol inside your house. Jeez. That’s some pretty impressive restraint.” Aunt Rai trailed off.

“Aunt Rai, what did you mean by dad not letting mom drink?” Rin said

“Oh. Well, apparently if she has a single sip of wine or something she gets drunk almost immediately. The explanation Evan gave was a convoluted mixture of magic and science. I’m smart, but not that kind of smart.” Aunt Rai said

“What’s wrong with her getting drunk?” Rin asked

“Well, it’s a bad idea to get drunk, at all, in general. But from the stories Evan told me… no, that’s for adults. You aren’t old enough for that yet.” Aunt Rai said


“Oh. Well, it doesn’t matter too much. But I have seen alcohol in the fridge, dad seems to like making drinks. He just doesn’t drink them. I guess he doesn’t do it too often cause it’s a waste.” Rin said

“Well, he can let me have them, then. I guess I’ll talk to him about that. I thought he didn’t have any interest at all in drinking.” Aunt Rai said

“Not drinking. Specifically, my dad likes bartending. You didn’t notice the umm… bartender tools? I forgot what it’s called. That silver cup thingy with the lid.” Rin said

“A tumbler?” Aunt Rai asked

“I’m not sure. Dad would know. He makes us non-alcoholic drinks all the time. I like the cups and straws he has. He makes really good dessert ones, like milkshakes or smoothies.” Rin said

“Does your dad just like beverages in general? I remember his best creation was hot chocolate. That, and the ice cream he made. It’s been ages, but you have to still remember that right?” Aunt Rai said

“Of course I do. It’s pretty hard to forget dads cooking. Speaking of, I needed to help out with dinner tonight. Are you coming home, too, or are you gonna watch Renji?” Rin asked

“No, I’ll come home. You had a pretty good point with the protection magic Evan put on him, it is nearly Unbreakable.” Aunt Rai said

“Then let’s go, it’s going to get late if we get too distracted.” Rin said, as they headed home

“What’s for dinner, anyway?” Aunt Rai asked

“Oh, I think it was hamburgers.” Rin said

“Nice.” Aunt Rai said, smiling

“Yeah, they’re probably my favorite.” Rin said

“Sometimes I forget we aren’t a normal everyday family. It’s peaceful.” Aunt Rai said

“Yeah. It really is.” Rin said

“Honey, are you sure I can’t cook next Friday?” Evan whined, deflating on the kitchen table

“Even once every two months is a bit much for normal people, dear. Plus, our plans to go out to the bar were canceled. So I’ll be here to cook.” Lime said

“Bar? Rai, were you guys going to go to a bar?” Evan asked

“Yeah, we planned to go out with some of my colleagues from work, but I scrapped the idea. You did mention that limes a scary drunk.” Aunt Rai said

“You could’ve just changed the place you guys were going” Evan said

“We did. I was going to tell Lime tonight.” Aunt Rai said

“Oh, so I can cook! Yes!” Evan said, reinflating with excitement

“I guess it’s fine, then. Dear, don’t go overboard. I won’t be here to monitor you, so listen to Rin. Where are we going out then, Rai?” Lime asked. Her mood seemed to be better.

“Oh, we were going to go to karaoke, and a few other places. We were discussing going to the arcade. Some said we may be a bit too old to go to the arcade just to hang out, as adults. I thought it was a fun idea.” Aunt Rai said

“I don’t think I’ve ever gone to an arcade before.” Lime said

“Wait, really? Oh.. actually I guess it makes sense. Karaoke and the arcade then. I’ll let them know.” Aunt Rai said

“Mom, you’ve never been in an arcade? Ever?” Rin asked

“No. For the record, I’ve never been to karaoke before, either. I don’t know where it would be either. I don’t see any when I’m walking around town. I know you sing there, but that’s about it. Beyond that, I don’t have a single clue.” Lime said

“You’ve been to the arcade before. Many times in fact. Remember when we went to school, and waited for Qin to get off of work? I don’t know if we did karaoke, though. I can’t recall.” Evan said

“Oh! I do recall that. It’s the place with the bright blinking lights, right?” Lime asked

“Yeah, I’m not surprised you didn’t recognize it immediately. The one around here looks nothing like the one we used to go to. You’ve also probably only ever seen the entrance of the one here. You should recognize it if I called it a Game Center, though.” Evan said

“Oh, I’ve missed that place so much! I was so sad when it closed down.” Lime said

“Yeah. That was pretty sad. But we were one of the only people that ever hung out at that one.” Evan said

“But it was just as good as the other one, and less crowded.” Lime said

“The games were older, and slower, and the prizes weren’t as good. Plus, it wasn’t an area most people would have frequented.” Evan said

“Dear, Isn’t it still the same as long as you have fun?” Lime asked

“As always, a hopeless optimist. Beautiful, amazing, perfect lime. To some people memories don’t seem any more important than material objects.” Evan said

“Oh. You mean like the people who were chasing after my family’s fortune back then, right?” Lime asked

“Errr. Yes. Though, that isn’t exactly what I meant. Those people are more greedy and blind, than just blind. So your words are right, if not a little extreme.” Evan said

“Oh. Are there a lot of things I don’t remember because the names are different, then?” Lime asked

“Well, it’s not just the names. Ah, it’s fine. There isn’t really anything else to worry about, okay? I’ll come with you. Rin can watch over Renji, right? I trust her. Plus, the house is protected.” Evan said

“True… Rin, is that okay with you sweetie? I’ll give you some money to order food, but you would be alone with your brother.” Lime asked

“Sounds like something Rin would jump at.” Aunt Rai said

“I’ll do it!!” Rin said, excited

“See? Anyway, you're coming along then, too, right Evan?” Aunt Rai asked

“Yeah. You two will have to introduce me to your friends. I haven’t met any of them have I?” Evan asked

“Well, you met some of them at the school. They’re a couple of my colleagues, as I mentioned. Me and lime hang out with them pretty often.” Aunt Rai said

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