《TeamFortress2's New Addition》Chapter Four


Walking through the door into science class, you bumped into a man, not looking where you were going. Before you could apologize, the man turned around and quickly asked:

"Aye, lass! Are ya alright?" You thought you saw a faint look of quick recognition in his eyes, but it quickly faded. He was black and held a mildly thick Scottish accent, you thought it was Scottish at least. He held a handlebar mustache that avoided his chin, but connected to a beard that covered the rest of his cheeks. You finally found your voice after being startled like that.

"U-uh, yessir. I just wasn't looking where I was going, sorry," you gave a bit of a chuckle, which the man joined in with. You noticed how sashes going down the sides of his chest to his belt could hold cylinder-shaped objects.

"Nah, it's alright, but class is about to start, so take a seat?"

"Got it," you quickly took your seat next to Katie, who didn't even seem to notice the conversation you had, as she was talking to Janette, who you also often spoke with as you three did projects together. You would consider her your friend, but, let's say, she was a part of the "popular girls," so you didn't know if she would really feel the same. You noticed movement out of the corner of your eye, Mrs. Herri, your science teacher, was talking with another man who was not the one you were just speaking to. This man had well-combed hair compared to the first man's beanie, a lab coat with a red cross symbol on it and vest on, spectacles, and a stern, intimidating gaze. This man seemed very to the point and stern, almost like "Soldier" at gym, but... colder, more intelligent. The new man's gaze shifted a bit to where you were both making eye contact, but after merely a second, you broke away, feeling awkward that you were caught staring. You wanted to calm down by talking to Katie, but the second (late) bell had rung, signaling that class had started. You unzipped your backpack that was by your feet under the tables you sat at with Katie and Janette, just to be ready to take things out quickly.

"Good morning class!" Mrs. Herri told your class, looking more excited than usual.

"Good morning Mrs. Herri," the class almost grumbled back, it was a Friday and you were all tired.


"Today, if you haven't already noticed, we have special guests here with us. They are here to explain what you will be studying in college, much like that credit we want from this class," Mrs. Herri laughed alone, awkward, and mentioned something about chemistry. Some kids unlike you, had...certain problems with new things when it came to school. You felt eyes boring into your soul, and looked back to the man in the lab coat, his gaze didn't seem like it had moved from you since before the bell rang. You felt a bit more uncomfortable, and struggled not to show it. "So, without further ado, go ahead," she waved them to do their thing.

The man with the stern face and the sashes guy walked up to the counter that faced the class. The sashes guy spoke first:

"Alrighty then! I'm Tavish Finnegran DeGroot, but Mr. DeGroot will do today, and this is my partner...," Mr. DeGroot waved the stern-faced man to speak up, he was still eyeing you while you personally tried to ignore it.

"I am Dr. Ludwig, and before jou bombard me vith questions, yes, I am German, and yes, I am a real doktor," Dr. Ludwig's accent was thicker and he looked annoyed already, but his eyesight was still on you. Trying to be brave, you made eye contact with him and held it, giving him almost an annoyed, questioning look. His pupils stretched a bit in mild shock, but went back to almost a bored expression almost immediately and looked away.

"Right!" Mr. DeGroot shouted, clapping his hands. "To start off, how about a bit about ourselves? We know Dr. Ludwig here is a doctor and is German," he said, chuckling a bit, "but I am in fact Scottish if you couldn't already tell, and I deal with Chemistry, mostly bomb making. Boom boom, baby"-this earned a laugh from the class, making Dr. Ludwig roll his eyes- "BUT" -the class got quiet as Mr. DeGroot made hand motions like wiring a bomb- "This means that one crossed wire, one wayward pinch of potassium chlorate, one errant twitch...and KABLOOIE!" – the class gasped as Mr. DeGroot made a "death face"- "My life is gone quicker than a snap of ya's wee fingers! Therefore, you need to learn how to not blow yourself up in chemistry. Anything you would like to add, Dr. Ludwig?"


"Vell then, I am a doktor in medicine, which vould naturally come into this...AP vhatever. Today ve vill show jou kinder ze basics of our subjects," Dr. Ludwig took off his lab coat and rolled up the sleeves on his vest, clapping his hands together and giving a smile. Yet this smile, was nothing but pleasant, it looked insane. He gave a creepy, slow, low chuckle and pointed to you, "Jou, kindes, please join me up front vith Mr. DeGroot."

You slowly got up, very aware or your classmates all staring at you as you made your way to the front. You looked up at Dr. Ludwig, trying to keep it together. You hated attention. His creepy smile was still on his lips, and Mr. DeGroot seemed to notice, too. In fact, he looked a little scared, but before he could intervene and say anything, Dr. Ludwig started talking again.

"Now my kinder!" he boomed, but not even Mrs. Herri noticed. "Today ve vill learn about ze basic medical procedure. Jou might be wondering vat this must do vith jour studies next year, but trust me, ve'll talk about it along jour examination." You felt yourself slowly stiffen up, trying to fight the urge and relax, but it was no use. The doctor dug through a bag you hadn't noticed was there, you guessed it was his, and he pulled out a chart for a...physical exam? While you pondered what the heck he needed a physical exam from you for and why the classmates weren't calling this out, you didn't notice the doctor appear right in front of you. "Ahem," he called your attention back to reality. "Kindes, I told jou I needed jou on ze test counter, please."

"S-sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts," you apologized, hopping onto the counter with ease despite what "Soldier" and "Scout" put you through. He gave you an unidentifiable look before turning to the class.

"Now parts of our biology are things doctors test through procedures like physical exams to make sure that ze body is vorking properly, that is vhy ve vill do a fake physical exam to explain to jou how biology vorks," he turned to you and put a hand on your back. You hated being touched by people you didn't trust, and it made you tense up. He whispered to you in a confusingly soothing voice seeing as how he was just giving you an insane stare: "Now, kindes, I need jou to relax for me, it's ze only way jou vill get out of this." You thought that he could just get another volunteer to do this for you, but you managed to slowly relax despite the alarms bells ringing through your head. "Danke," he whispered before noticeably not moving his hand from your back and turning to the class. "Now a physical exam starts vith checking for any differences in ze skin...," he trailed off as you slowly went numb from the alarm bells drowning out anything else.

-+-{Time-skip to close to the end of the exam}-+-

You were being poked and prodded everywhere except where you weren't, well, allowed to be touched thank God, and you soon noticed you weren't being poked anymore. Coming back into reality, you looked up to see a triumphant Dr. Ludwig and in his hands, a filled out physical exam.

"Danke, kindes. Jou might as well been my best behaved patient yet," he said, putting the chart away in his bag as you caught a look from Mr. DeGroot, he looked... relieved and smiled at you. You sat up and hopped down from the counter and went back to your seat. Suddenly, the bell rang for the next class, which meant lunch. Mrs. Herri walked back to the front and Dr. Ludwig had his lab coat back on, and with it, his cold demeanor.

"Now, wasn't that informational, class?" she asked the class, looking slightly annoyed.

"Yes," the class agreed, ready for lunch.

"Well, it's a shame Mr. DeGroot couldn't talk about Chemistry much to you, but at least Dr. Ludwig gave you insightful information!"

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Dr. Ludwig smirk a bit with hidden knowledge and gave a tight nod to Mrs. Herri. Mr. DeGroot waved the class off as you picked up your bag and left with Katie feeling familiar eyes on you once again. Thank the Lord I don't have to see him again, that was embarrassing.

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