《IM A SNAKE!!》5 Im out


after a long search and wonder i see light I also brought all my minions all bats at max level "LIGHTS ITS THE EXIT I THINK" I say as my minion speaks =New skill btw= "Yes lord it is from echolocatipn it leads to the outside"

Minion 1

"Nice so lets all runnn to it" I run fast as i could and reached the exit i then jumped put with all my minions the guards of the duengon then became aware and retailiated

"Na boi im not gonna let ya ruin this freedom" I said as i gave him a roundhouse whack with my tail he fell to the grould with a bloody nose

"Wtf am i witnessing" Random Spy said through his binoculars watching the commotion

_End of volume one Temporary haitus_

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