《IM A SNAKE!!》Mini Axtoct Spider Boss Fight


As I was strolling down the cave I was suddenly ambushed giant legs came at me trying to impale me i lent my body back without falling cause i dont got legs the spider minions came out of eggs the spider produced i saw some flammable liquid I but it in my mouth and spit it at the spiders

[Poison Resistant LVL 1]

I then then led them into the liquid puddle and i threw a stone at it exploded due to the impact and the friction after it

the spider mother screamed as it entered a buff stage it attacks git faster as i barely dodge i have a deep cut in my chest i am at 500 health half from 1000 health and i was losing it quickly i soon found a opening and bit it until a piece pf meat came off she died to blood loss and poisoning the vains and gut sprawled on the floor i feasted on them and activated glutton and earnwd the skill webmaking

[Title Genocide Achieved Title King Of Death]

After that i gain 2000 points

I got 1400 EXP andy Minions had 600

I earned 1450 from the mage and spiders

I then Upgraded to a half humanoidish snake still no legs only snake lower half the upper half was human

[Stage One Evolution Complete 2000 EXP Earns Arm blades]

-blades that are on the side of your arm when you bend your arms it is shown when melee mode is on-


"Sheeessshh" I said imagining how op I would be if i got those once i came back I rested up i found more bats and had 100 knights 100 Hunters 1000 Builders 100 Engineers 100 Blacksmith and 50 Scientist

"New ranks selected" I went on a spree while my slaves did too killing everything in the duengon i had 1500 points now and my bats hit max evolution humanoid bats they had fangs and some fur some places like the back and elbows they had razor nails and elf like ears to hear like normal bats..

Anyways I made housing beds and candles like a mini town using my 1500 points i brought elemental magic i now had stone houses and lamps little did i know that it would be wrecked

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