《The Slayers Of The Seven》XIX - In The Lion's Den


[Mansoon’s POV]

Past the mossy stone walls, small dirty buildings surrounded the area. Every city has this, even the most beautiful cities have some sort of slums. The capital of Sela, The Imperial City, was no different. In fact it may be the biggest slums in the country. If you start from the entrance to the slums to the Middle Ward it would take around 40 minutes. Slums from to the Upper Ward would take even longer. It would take 70 minutes.

It is an understatement to say that this city is just huge. This city is unimaginably large. In the center of it all is a tall hill that holds the royal castle and a lot of the Upper Ward Villas. The people in those Villas are unmatched wealthy people consisting of extremely successful merchants, nobles and adventurers.

Bud pressed his face against the glass and let out a squeal of awe, “This city is so big! Biggest city I have ever seen!”

Elwen let out a small chuckle, “This city is the biggest city in The Kingdom Of Sela and probably throughout the entire world of Ruxriel! This city alone has 13 market plazas around the city. You see that hill up there with castle Bud?”

Bud looks up at it and nods. Elwen smiles, “Now we aren’t going into the castle but we are going into a Villa next to it!”

Baldr shifts over to Elwen, “Do you have a villa there?”

Elwen shakes her head, “The man we're seeing has the kingdom’s greatest healer in there. I’m sure he’ll even allow us to stay for a couple of days. I’m his friend after all!” Elwen lets out a big smile with a wink.

“Who is this man?” I asked.

“Alexander III Of Glaybar, he is the duke of Glaybar.” Elwen responded.

Oh I know who Alexander was… Currently he is one of the five candidates to become the next ruler of The Kingdom Of Sela. Alexander was the country’s head general while the royal family was alive.

If I had to guess who was the most popular candidate with the people in The Kingdom Of Sela it would definitely be Alexander. He is the second most experienced when it comes to politics, but the fact that he was rubbing elbows with the previous king shot his chances of becoming next ruler through the roof.

Alexander would probably lead this country into greatness, maybe even causing a golden age in the kingdom, but Alexander was not the candidate that the boss wanted to win. The way to defeat Alexander is to find a way to drag him out of candidacy status or to destroy his reputation. Besides destroying a man that nearly wronged me gives me great pleasure. His existence is troubling to my organization as his soldiers nearly found me out while I was doing an assassination job here. Alexander then somehow made the outrageous most out there guess of my organization’s existence. That put me in deep waters with the boss as we are supposed to be secretive.



I gazed at Elwen as points and taught about the sights of this hierarchical city to the rest of the group.

Elwen despirly needs a popularity boost, she naturally has the kindness that the common folk are looking for. I wonder how deep this “friendship” goes with Alexander, depending on if it is real or not could be very useful for Elwen’s popularity.

My mind rushed with excitement as my eyes widened, a sharp grin formed onto my face.

Alexander III Of Glaybar’s weakness.

“Elwen do think it will be possible to see Alexander today?” I said, still holding the grin.

“Err… I’ll try.” Elwen unconfidently said.

“I don’t like that answer.” I said, closing one eye staring at Elwen.

“Oh uh. Yes! I can make it happen!” Elwen suddenly shouted.

Baldr says, “Elwen will try her best Mansoon, don’t push her.”

I growl at Baldr’s interference. Building Elwen’s confidence should be another priority.

Saaxol stopped the carriage in front of a black iron gate with a golden family crest of war chariot carrying a lion. Behind the gate is an older reserved man in a black suit with a neatly tied bowtie. At his belt hangs a sword, I suppressed a laugh. I could probably take an oldtimer like that easily.

Elwen steps out of the carriage, “Hello, Hephaestion. How do you do?”

A small gleam could be seen in his nonreflective blue eyes, “Ah. Elwen it is a surprise to see you. Did you have an appointment booked with Alexander III?”

Elwen shook her head, “I apologize for coming so suddenly but many bad things have happened to request a place to turn to. I also have people who need to see the healer, they have wounds that could kill them soon.”

Hephaestion looks at the carriage and catches my gaze and holds it for a few moments before saying, “Come on in. I’ll give you guys a room and then give you a healer.”

Hephaestion leads us into the second floor of the luxury villa of Alexander.

Hexa turned to Mallory and said, “You better be on your best behavior.”

I sigh… Why did we even bring her into here?

Hephaestion shows us each our rooms.

“The healer will be with you shortly, I will check with Alexander III if you can get an audience with him” Hephaestion said and bowed to us before he walked away.

“Thank you Hephaestion!” Elwen said, waving.


Mallory walked up to me and waved for me to kneel down.

“What.” I said dully.

“Come down here I need to ask you something!” She replied in a hush tone.

I kneel down and she whispers, “So how many people have you killed? I know an assassin when I see one!”

I paused. “I don’t know what you are talking about. I only work for Elwen.”

In truth, I’ve been killing almost everyday since I started my line of work for being an assassin. It was mainly cleanup work from the other members if they were seen. I wonder which one of them took the assassin job after this long term assignment.

“What do you mean you only work for Elwen? I didn’t ask who you worked for” Mallory whined.

Shit. I got careless. I have to think of my responses very carefully. I can't slip up anymore.

I rub the back of my head, “Whoops, hehe. I meant that my only job is that I work for Elwen. I don’t kill people for money.”

That’ll be good enough.

Down the hall I saw a light skinned man with blue eyes and golden streaks in his eyes with a large smile.

“Mansoon! How are you?”

The Dragon Sword Priest… My eyes widen but I quickly compose myself.

“Grayhart!” I say with no breath in my voice, “I’m good! It is nice to see you in good health as well!”

I could feel my heart pound as he placed his hand on my back.

“Thank you friend!” His eyes traveled down to Mallory, “Is she your child?”

I felt the sudden urge to vomit after that comment, “NO!” I shout suddenly leaving a shocked expression on the Sword Priest. “Excuse me, no she is not mine. Actually, could you take her off my hands… She works for the Miasme Guild and she gave the group a curse. Which is why I’m here in the first place…”

The Sword Priest laughs, “Ah… I am sorry for the misunderstanding. Yes, I'll take her off your hands. I never knew you worked for Elwen!” He looked at Elwen down the hall and waves at her. “I would’ve loved to recruit you into Alexander’s campaign.”

I smiled as Mallory gave me a horrified expression, “You gotta be kidding me! Do you know where The Dragon Sword Priest will take me?!”

“I honestly don’t care! I hope to never see you again! GOODBYE! Thank you Grayhart.” I walked into my room with glee.

After I sat on the chair a quick knock interrupts my joyful mood,

“Come in-” before I could finish a gray catfolk rushed in and asked,

“Where did you get bit?”

“Oh uh right here.” I unroll my sleeve to reveal the bite with black opaque vapor pouring out of it.

He took out a swab and dipped it into a clear liquid and then rubbed it onto the wound.

A sharp burning pain took over the wound. I scrunched up my face as the catfolk quickly got up, “You’re good.”

The catfolk left me alone quickly going to treat the others. I looked at my wound, the bite was still there but the vapor was completely gone. I walked out into the hall and saw Hephaestion, Elwen and Bud.

“Alexander is willing to see you now Elwen.” Hephaestion said.

Elwen smiles and nods, “I’ll take Mansoon and Bud as well.”

I hope Bud doesn’t fuck with my plans.

Hephaestion nods and leads us into a mahogany double door; he opens them and reveals a dark skinned man with a blue beret on. He sat up straight and tall with his military general’s navy blue and red coat. Golden buttons lined up perfectly straight on his muscular chest. He placed his hands with white gloves on the desk in front of him and pushed himself up in a brutish way. He marched over to us in an aggressive manner.

In a strong deep voice, “It is nice to see you again, Elwen.” He grabbed Elwen’s hand and kissed it.

He turned to me and Bud, he grabbed my hand with such force that it felt like it could break any second.

“Hello there. My name is Alexander III Of Glaybar.”

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