《The Slayers Of The Seven》XVII - Suspicion


[Baldr’s POV]

I watched Mansoon’s eyes lock onto the black book that was in my bag.

“Yes,” Mansoon paused. “That is the book I saw one of the cultists holding.”

My eyes widen as my mind starts to go numb, “Then… Who am I?”

“That’s a question I should be asking you…” Mansoon said, placing his hand on the hilt of his rapier. Mansoon closed his eyes, the carriage was in complete silence for a few moments until Mansoon sighed, “Lemme hear your story. If you’re actually a high ranking member of the cult, we would all be dead already.”

I shifted uncomfortably. “Well… That’s the thing, I don’t have much of a story to share because I have absolutely no memory of anything. I only first got consciousness the first day we met each other.”

Mansoon slowly nodded, still not releasing his hold of the hilt. “Hexa. Do you believe him? I trust you have good judgment.”

I looked over at Hexa, who had been watching my movements, when I pulled out the black book. I gave Hexa a slight smile, in return she turned away from me and said,

“I believe he is telling the truth. When we were back in The City Of Qork, he told me that he had no combat experience. I believe muscle memory of whoever Baldr was before kicked in when fighting. He also looked surprised when landing powerful blows. There is also the fact he had no idea who The Miasme Guild is. Baldr has no knowledge of this world. Even less than Bud in some cases.”

Bud snickered at Hexa’s comment, which left me a tiny bit hurt. But it isn’t my fault that I have no knowledge of anything!

“Thank you, Hexa. Your insight was helpful,” Mansoon lowered his hand away from the hilt of his sword, “That does make me wonder who you were, Baldr.”


I shrug. “I have no idea! My previous self left me with very little knowledge, but this conversation adds to some more hints as to who I am.”

Elwen lets out a sigh as she sinks into her seat. “I’m glad that was takin’ care of… I could feel the heat from Mansoon.”

Bud pokes the black book in my hands. “Have you ever looked in there? Maybe it gives some hints!”

I nodded and started flipping through the pages. “Yes. I have, nothing was-” I stop myself as I see dark green words form onto the page.

Elwen is leaving her domain, we will not engage until she returns.

My eyes widened as I read this, this wasn’t here before… This most likely confirms that this is a cultist book. So was I a cultist?

“OH!” I yell, and everyone shoots their heads up at me.

Mansoon leans from the other side of the carriage. “What is it? I don’t see anything?”

I looked up at him, puzzled. “You mean you don’t see the words on this page?”

Mansoon shakes his head as Hexa also looks over. I rub my eyes to try to break any illusions I may be seeing, but I still see the words. They are definitely after Elwen.

“I’m not sure if any of you will believe me, but this will regard Elwen’s safety,” I pause and clear my dry throat as Elwen’s eyes float over to me, “On this book it says, ‘Elwen is leaving her domain, we will not engage until she returns.’ It never said this before… I swear.”

“Oooo, a magic book!” Mallory shouted, jumping in her seat with a large smile.

“I’m sorta familiar with this kind of magic, it's a simple way to communicate with other members who have a similar book to you. Though, I have never seen it go invisible to others. Quite interesting,” Mansoon pauses, putting his hand up to his chin then blurting, “Oh, but also very scary with regards to Elwen’s safety.”


I looked out of the foggy tinted window and I saw that we were starting to leave the forest and going towards the grassy plains. The grass stood tall over the road. In the far distance, I could see mountains with speckles of snow on the top of them.

Even though these people--whoever they are--said that they wouldn’t engage onto Elwen, it was still relieving to get out of the forest, where they could have jumped out at any moment.

“Well. I think we can assume that the cultists, if they are the real deal, don’t know that Baldr has a black book in our hands,” Elwen stated.

“I’d still be on guard, I do believe that Baldr isn’t our enemy, but the cult seems like it would have the resources to mess with someone’s mind, just to place a trap out for us. Just think about it… why would Baldr have access to the book?” Hexa commented.

I felt my stomach drop, could I really be a trap for everyone? Am I the one causing the problem? I try once again to remember anything to possibly help them. I close my eyes and slowly drown out the noise around me. I feel my body go as light as a feather as I float into an empty abyss. A picture starts to form in my head of a large, golden tree with multicolored leaves attached to it, hanging in place, unbothered by any wind around it. I notice I'm wearing different clothes--a white cloak with a hood. I blink and find myself in a completely white room.

I remember this place. I place my hands in front of me as my vision clears up. I see myself sitting across from me. Still the unfinished puzzle lies in front of us. There is a lack of progress since I was last here.

“Who are we?” I ask myself.

The hooded me looked up. I could see his grayed out eye. “You are a parasite. I am a god compared to mankind.”

I jolt awake to hear Saaxol yelling from the front of the carriage.

“There’s a massive fog wall ahead!”

I peek my head out and see a colossal sized fog wall in front of us, shaped like half of a sphere, not really reacting to anything around it and just staying still.

“Ahh… One of the great beasts’ fog. I can't even control a beast like that…” Mallory murmured.

“What do you mean by control?” Elwen asks Mallory.

“Oh. I am a blood magic user, I use animals and monsters to do my bidding,” Mallory responds, still looking out the window in awe at the fog.

Saaxol stops the carriage as Mansoon looks over at Mallory, “You’re the first I’ve seen that can control so many animals with blood magic, you must be a master at it.”

“Yep! I am quite the proficient user. Though I do need my whistles to summon any of the animals or monsters I’ve binded to,” Mallory beamed.

“Oh, these?” I hold up the bag of whistles that I took from Mallory.

She quickly nods and reaches her hand out to grab it from me. Mansoon slaps her hand away. “We don’t trust you. You will definitely not be getting any of your whistles.”

Mallory gives Mansoon a sour look and she sits in her seat with a “Hmph.”

Saaxol walks into the carriage. “So does anyone know if that fog wall is safe? Fog is quite scary, and that definitely is not normal. It's so thick! ”

“Yeah. It’s fog from the Great Beast Calatemps, The Stealer Of Time!” Mallory shouted.

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