《Elian's Grimoire》Chapter II. The Siblings


The bright warm light of the morning sun flashes to the sleepy damped road dispersing the cold fog covering the picturesque view of the Ashen forest whereas a lady with flowing crimson long hair to the cold air while riding a worn-down carriage currently traversing the wide empty road. The sound of the wooden wheel echoes throughout the thick verdant forest creating a somewhat peaceful sound. In the carriage, the crimson haired lady wears an earth-color hood protecting her to the cold breeze of the breaking dawn. Also in the carriage are supplies of different kinds of foods and lots of jugs which contain meads and wines. The carriage suddenly stop at the middle of the road, the hooded lady then get off its driving seat and walks away from the carriage. Looking closely at the lady, she wears studded leather armor and a sword hanging on her hips. "Nine Hells, early in morning? Do they think I will not notice?" The girl spoke as she unsheathes her sword. Minute passes, creatures of green colored skin, pointy ears and teeth like razor sharp sword emerges at the thick foggy forest. " two, four... six? That many? Tsk" she uttered. The creatures begin their approach increasing theirs speed each time, two quickly jumps in front of her whom she deflect immediately with her scarab, then out of nowhere another one appears behind her back. Chills run down her body as the creature point its blade, then and there out of the sudden the creature screams and a sharp object penetrates it body. At its back a shadowy figure emerges. "Needed a hand sweetheart?" the figure said. “An attractive creature, eyes green, hair black and pointy ears?” she was so confuse that she did not see the two new incoming creatures that jumps at her. As she recognize the two new shadow at her feet, a two thick mirrors emerges reflecting the sunlight towards the approaching creatures giving enough time for her to regaining her footing, she slashes her sword towards the two creatures. The blade hits their necks severing their heads from their body, blood sprays around her. Seeing what happen to its comrades, the remaining creature fled as fast as it can back to the thick forest where it belongs. "Damn! you’re a brute" the unknown figure said. "What did you just say?" She answered. "Strong women with a terrible personality, no thanks, you’re not famous around men aren't you?" He replied while fixing his coat. “This half-breed! The nerve” She thought. "Should I give thanks to someone who only killed one? I killed more than you and I don't need your help" She said as she sheathes her sword back. "Wow! Are we counting now? I kill the only one who manages to get near you; oh you’re that kinda girl ha?" he pointed at the lifeless corpse beneath him. "What kind of girl? The one who is strong enough and no need of man to save her? Then yes that kind of girl I am" she replied stepping near him. "Nope, that kind of girl who pretend she strong but actually weak inside waiting for a shiny white knight to rescue her" He mocked. "What did you say?!" she yelled. "Hold up ...huh huh… stop… fighting..." A guy with the same black hair though has blue eyes instead of green, panting, hand on his knees trying to catch his breath, approaches. He wears a black robes with blue lining design, his clothing is too neat unlike the half-elf, now that she had look at him intently, the half-elf wears brown cape with dirt that are now wet from the morning dew, his clothes also does look like it has been worn to many time and not been wash for a very long time.


"Hi my name is El, it is very nice to meet you and this is my friend Kit" The attitude and appearance of El was too different from Kit the rude half-elf that she were taken aback. She suddenly wipes the blood from her face and fixes her coat. "Mmm hi? I’m Milliana nice to meet you too" She said. "Wow your hair is so red, it’s beautiful! Can I touch it?" El said. “I-i guess" she uttered trying to hide her astonishment. "If the hero Tessarion has a human body I think you would look like you" El caress Milliana red hair and inspect it like he inspect a magical items, while this happen Milliana's face quickly turning red like her hair. "Ok what the fuck is happening?" Kit said definitely confused. "Shut up greasy!" she yelled. "Oh she might have also the dragon's personality" Kit mocked. "Shh Kit, sorry he's not always like that, by the way where are you going?" El said removing his hand off Milliana’s hair. "And what is in the carriage?" Kit inquired. "Don't be rude Kit, sorry again" El excused. "No no it's alright, I'm going back to Riverspring and this are supplies for the tavern I work for and thanks for the help" Milliana replied. "Wow Mili suddenly got tamed" Kit teased. “Who's Mili?” Miliana asked. "Sorry again, he always do that, he gives ugly nickname to everyone, he actually give mine" El explain while pushing Kit away. "What?! El is cool nickname!" Kit countered. "Anyway where are you two going?" Mili said ignoring Kit. "Oh ah, we’re going to Riverspring as well" El replied. "That's great! Want to join me I’ll tour you, Mm you know for saving me" Mili offered. "See! Now you admit that we save you!" Mili stares at Kit intently giving him the nastiest side eye Kit ever received, seeing this El quickly reply to lessen the tension. "Sure thanks! Let me and Kit take our horse first, they might get attack, wait here" The two men quickly go back to their concealed horses inside the Ashen Forest while Mili fixes her carriage and wait for the two new companions. The two guys ride their horse beside the carriage that Mili currently riding as they all three navigate the road towards the town of Riverspring.

Riverspring is one of the many towns that are part of the Republic’s territory, it is known as the agriculture center of the country furthermore it is also a gateway to the capital of Republic alongside the port located at the capital itself. Many adventurers and traders use Riverspring as a stop-over to restock and also relax before entering the busy metropolitan of the capital of Dragon’s End.


“Here we are, welcome to Riverspring” Mili said stopping at the entrance of the town. “Not bad, not bad at all” Kit uttered. “Do you have any place to stay before you go to your destination?” Mili asked. “What to mean before we go?” El curiously replied. “Well no adventurers really stop here, you both are adventurers right?” Mili said. “Yes! We are adventurers” Kit quickly replied. “But no we are staying here right El?” he added. “Ye..yes we have a mission here right Kit?” El replied. “Oh! You are the one who accept about THAT quest, good luck you’ll need it” Mili said. “Yeah? yeah thanks” Kit said elbowing El. “Since your taking that quest why don’t you go with me, I work at a tavern you’ll get more information there” Mili said. “Ok thanks” both replied.

The three reach the tavern with ease; its old rustic appearance gives a provincial atmosphere both alluring and tranquil to a city folk like those two but for Mili its feels more like home. The Thistle and Thyme is where Mili and his brother grows up since the tragic purge of their tribe, luckily their distant cousin live in Riverspring and took them in and give them shelter that is why Mili work in the tavern to pay their gratitude. “Sister!” a young voice shout inside the tavern was heard. “Cyfern I’m back” Mili said as she enters the tavern. The two men follows and enters the tavern, the interior is the same as any tavern however more rural. “It’s empty” Kit uttered. “Obviously It’s too early for drinking” Mili retorted. “By the way, El, Kit this is my younger brother Cyfern, Cyfern this is El and Kit they help me earlier” she added. “You mean save” Kit articulated. “Shh Kit, sorry, Hi nice to meet you” El said. “Hello nice to meet you two” Cyfern replied. “Oh before I forgot! El is a magic user, wizard right?” Mili excitedly asked. “How did you know I’m a magic user?” El asked. “I mean you’re the one who use the mirror magic thingie or that guy did” Mili answered. “That guy? But yeah he’s the magical one” Kit replied. “And yes I’m a wizard why’d you inquired?” El answered. “Well you see my brother is gifted can you teach him” Mili said as she pushed Cyfern forward. “Stop sister it’s too embarrassing to ask a stranger” Cyfern retorted. “No it’s fine, but what do you mean gifted” El said. “My sister means is that, ever since I was born I have magic” Cyfern replied. El looked at Cyfern closely, he have brown hair instead of red unlike her sister as well as his skin its more paler even than both his skin and Kit’s nonetheless he emits a magical aura around himself. “Look like you’re a born magic user, a Sorcerer” El said. “A sorcerer? What’s that?” Kit asked. “Seriously?” El snapped. “What?” Kit replied. “Anyway, I can still teach you a few spells but if I may ask, can you control your magical energy?” El ignoring Kit completely. “I have a grasp of it” Cyfern replied. “Well before we got started a think we should find a larger place than this” El said. “I can’t get out” Cyfern replied. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you, Cyfern have skin condition he can’t go outside with the sun” Mili said. “Oh ok, well we can do small magic spell inside instead” El said.

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