《Kain, The Apocalypse Overlord》Chapter 16 | Ancient Forest
The two of them were expecting for the rat to fail in doing anything to the wooden desk and wince in pain. This was because they knew that this specific wooden desk of their house was made from a pretty hard type of wood. Miranda knew better than Beth about it, the wooden desk was actually made of schinopsis balansae, a type of wood known for its toughness.
As Nev skidded to a stop, the two women were surprised to find the wooden desk missing a whole chunk of it’s bottom, that was fallen right beside it. What neither of them realized, except for Kain, was that a faint image appeared for short moments in front of Nev’ teeth, that resemble a pair of it’s fangs.
Kain: Now... is that sufficient?
While pulling their attention back to him, he beckoned Nev back with his indicator finger. Which took no time to close the distance and climb to his second favorite spot in the world, since it’s favorite spot was in the cleavage of Beth with all of it’s warmth and fluffiness. Patting his partner on the head, he looked over at the two women, who shuddered under his gaze and the presence of Nev. This was further evidenced on Beth who remembered the fear she experienced at the bathroom, back in school.
Miranda: … y-yes.
Although Miranda answered weakly and trembling, due to fear, she put her arm in front of her daughter, in an attempt to seemingly protect her from Kain.
Kain: Good. Then go get your whole stock of perfumes and detergents.
Even though it was a touching scene, Kain felt nothing as he simply gave them an order.
Miranda: Huh?
Contrary to her mother, who was trying to think of what reason he would want their perfumes and detergents, Beth immediately walked inside her bedroom once more.
It wasn’t like she wanted to obey him, but it was the better choice at the moment, or rather, the only one. It was the perfect example of one moving not by loyalty but fear, fear for her mother’ health.
Kain: What? Do you need more incentive?
Growing frustrated at the mature woman, Kain flicked his arm which brought out his knife out.
Miranda: There is no need for that. I will get going.
Kain wasn’t the only one growing frustrated, or, in this case, irritated. Miranda and Beth also didn’t like their current situation, they were constantly being threatened and treated like slaves.
Kain: “I don’t like this as much as you, but you don’t look at a gift horse in the mouth.”
Watching her big ass swinging all over the place, as she walked away, he hid the knife away. Walking down the stairs, he went to the kitchen and began preparing some sandwiches and getting cans of food, like beans, sausages and such, from the shelves and also a couple of water bottles from the fridge before he put them into a plastic bag.
Kain: “It should work.”
While doing so, he was thinking and rethinking over his ‘plan’ that he had come up with to deal with the dungeon in the forest. Although he still had to see if there was one dungeon there or not, in the first place.
[10 Minutes Later]
Miranda: Why...did you... bring us... to the forest?
Beth: Anddd... so deep at that.
The pair of mother and daughter were stumbling through the thick forest following the young man in the front. The main reason behind they difficulty in keeping up with the young man was because of the luggage they were carrying with them. It was weird since the things they were carrying with them were completely different, as while Miranda was simply taking care of a single huge object, that looked to made of metal, Beth, on the other hand, had her hands full of shopping bags with a lot of stuff in them.
Meanwhile, the young man at the front only had a bag with him, which was the one he had fill up with food before.
The two women had thought of dropping everything and run away a thousand times, but each time that thought crossed their mind, it was immediately shot down by the presence of Nev running around them. Their fear towards it was so big that even though Nev wasn’t there to keep watch over them, they felt like it was. In fact, Nev’ job was to create an area around them to keep them safe and sound from wild life – animals, insects, (…).
Kain: “... it should be around here.”
Even Kain wasn’t paying any attention to the two of them, he was more focused on finding the temple.
Kain: “Got ya.”
That sound of a bell never felt so sweet for him. Stopping in his place, he began to look around in search for some sort of clue. Pushing a couple of bushes aside, he came upon an open space where a temple stood, that seemed to have been forgotten by society.
Kain: “This kind of structure... seems familiar... maybe.... Mayan? Or Aztec? Whatever” Come.
Without sparing a single look behind to the two struggling women, he approached the temple’ entrance where he saw a slight golden glow coming from.
Behind him, the two women were perplexed why he wanted to find the temple and going inside it. Was he going to try and hide inside it? After all, the temple was known to hold nothing of worth and some stories circulated through the island that it was also haunted by the spirits of ancient tribesman.
Sweat ran down their faces as they mustered their strength to approach the temple, if he ordered them to walk a few meters more than they would collapse to the ground without being able to move any more.
Hidden Locations
Description - Like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty, there are other, less important, landmarks to be discovered. Find them and be marveled at the adventures waiting for you.
2/7 Locations Found
Standing in front of the golden question mark, he placed his hand on top of it, which caused the panel before him to disappear and be replaced by another one.
Hidden Locations – Dungeon
Ancient Forest
Do you want to enter? (3/3)
Kain: “It has the same uses as the one in the school.”
Quickly gazing behind him, he found the two women laying down the stuff they were carrying while puffing for air and wiping their forehead with their arm. Returning his gaze to the golden question mark, he knew that the dungeon he was about to dive in would be one that he didn’t know anything about it, not to mention that the difficulty of this one will be notches higher and that he will try to bring persons with him this time around.
Kain: ffff... here.
Breathing in and out heavily, he settled his racing heart before he offered his left hand for them to take.
Miranda: What are you trying to do?
Beth: “He looks nervous. What is so never wrecking about this space?”
Kain: Just shut up and do as I say. Nev!
He no longer had the patience to deal with anything right now, even this gorgeous dark woman wasn’t an exception to this. Kain immediately called for his partner, that rushed from the surrounding forest to his shoulder.
The two of them became like tamed kittens under the presence of the demonic purple rat and grabbed on to the young man’ hand. Checking that they were also touching the luggage, he selected the yes in the panel.
The sound of birds resounded through the forest with the temple’ area being completely empty of life. The group of four, with Nev included, having disappeared without leaving a single trace behind. Not even the bags and the heavy, big object, Miranda carried, being there.
[Ancient Forest]
Kain: Gross
Looking behind, he found the two women kneeling on the ground throwing their insides out. He knew what the two of them were feeling right now, it was also what he was feeling but he had grown into it because of doing it for a couple times now, after all, he had thrown up as well in his first time. It wasn’t his happiest and proudest memory, but it was the truth.
If any of them could describe what it felt like, it was as if one was going through the worst and bumpiest roller coast ever.
Kain: “This looks... interesting.”
Taking a look at his surroundings, it seemed that they were in an open space in what seemed a forest, by the thick vegetation that filled their gaze whenever they turned their head around.
Kain: Nev. Keep watch on the surroundings.
Nev was also feeling a little bit unwell from the recoil of the dungeon diving, but it quickly shook it’s head before jumping from his shoulder to the ground and running towards the surrounding vegetation.
It didn’t end there, Kain also brought out Escan from it’s poke ball, which immediately scared the dizzy Miranda and Beth. They didn’t know what to be more scared off, if it was about the scene of a creature coming out of a small ball like that or the creature itself that spewed a torrent of flames upon appearing.
Kain: Don’t let anything approach us.
Kain: Good boy.
Crouching down a little, he patted the fiery dog on it’s warm and fluffy head, while continuing to observe the dungeon they were in. He knew better than anyone not to judge things based on it’s appearance. This was especially since it was certain that this dungeon was going to a lot harder than the previous one, after all, the one in the school was named ‘The Beginning’.
Kain: Get up.
Speaking towards the two kneeling women, he began rummaging through the bags they brought with them.
Miranda: What are you doing?
Beth: Where the hell are we?
The concerns of the two were completely different. While Miranda was worried about what Kain was going to do with what he made them bring with them, Beth was more concerned about their current location. They were just in front of the temple, but now they were standing in the middle of the forest with no landmark in sight.
Kain: Aren’t you going to help me?
Miranda: … sure.
Just then Miranda noticed a golden opportunity. This prick of a young man was completely focused on retrieving the things from the bags, while his strange creatures were ignoring the two of them and concentrated on their surroundings, for whatever reason that may be.
Beth: Mom?
Seeing her mother’ signal to go towards her, she closed the distance between the two of them.
Miranda: Ssh.. be quiet sweetie.
Beth: Oh... alright.
Immediately taking notice of her mother’ instructions, Beth reduced the volume of her voice.
Miranda: I want you to get out of here and run as fast as possible to the city and get help.
Beth: But... mom...
This was what Beth feared, she knew of her mother’s love for her and she assumed that it was going to be something similar to what was happening. She would rather be the one to stay behind and cover for her mother to run away.
Miranda: I know sweetie. I love you too.
The two women were tearing up, as Miranda pulled her daughter’s head closer and kissed her on the forehead. It was an attempt of Miranda to give strength and encourage the two of them, especially her sweet and lovable daughter.
Kain: Huh? What are you doing?
Sensing something going on behind his back Kain turned his head around and found Beth running away while Miranda stood between them while gazing fiercely at him.
Miranda: Nothing that concerns you.
She was ready to take a stand and block him for her daughter to escape, even if that meant her impending defeat, which could lead to rape and death.
Kain: Is that so...
A smile grazed his face as he redirected his attention back to the bags, where he got a shovel out and began digging. His behavior was totally unexpected to the mature woman, as she was left bewildered by his actions and attitude. Wasn’t he worried about them telling others or call for help? Otherwise, why would he get their phones for?
What Miranda and Beth had no idea about was the fact of all of them being in a separate space, so Kain had no worries about one of them, or even the two, running away. In fact, he was rather curious how they would survive in this dungeon.
Miranda: Why aren’t you more worried?
A bad feeling formed inside of her as she asked the young man digging up the ground.
Kain: Why would I be? She is in far more danger than me.
Miranda: Hu----
Miranda’ exclamation was cut short by the sudden sound from the side. It was a peculiar sound and, yet, at the same time, a familiar one to anyone that watched a show about wild life.
Facing the source of the sound was Escan, that was growling at a purple snake, the supposed source of the sound.
Miranda: What the hell is that?
The knowledge gap Miranda was experiencing was justified since the purple snake wasn’t any kind of wild animal that existed in her world. It was a purple serpentine creature. It’s eyes, underbelly, the thick stripe around it’s neck, and rattle were yellow. It had three pairs of black lines encircling it’s body, as well as another line that connected to each slit-pupiled eye and curves towards it’s nose. It’s large mouth had a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth.
Miranda wasn’t even able to recover from the appearance of a new creature, like the demonic purple rat and the fiery dog, when she witnessed something similar once more.
Just then from the surrounding forest, more specifically a bush, Nev rushed out while tackling a brownish bird. This one was a small, plump-bodied avian creature. It is primarily brown with a cream-colored face, underside, and flight feathers. On top of it’s head is a short crest of three tufts. The center crest feathers are brown and the outer two tufts are cream-colored. Just under it’s crest are it’s narrow eyes which have white sclera and pupil along with it’s black irises. Angular black marking extended from behind it’s eyes and continued down it’s cheeks. It has a short, stubby beak and feet with two toes in front and one in back. With both of it’s beak and feet being grayish-pink. Finally, it had a brown tail made of three feathers.
Miranda: … just what is going on...
The strength seemed to leave her body as she fell on her butt, she wasn’t able to understand anything that was currently happening around her. She previously thought of the terrifying purple rat to be a mutated one, but it seemed that she was wrong. Now it made all sense, this was the reason why he wasn’t worried about her daughter escaping earlier, the forest was inhabited by those creatures.
Meanwhile, Kain continued to dig while having right beside him the plastic bag he brought with him, the perfumes of the women, the detergents and, finally, the strange metal object that was bottle shaped. The earth he was digging up, mixed with dried grass and small rocks, were constantly being thrown away towards the edge of the open space they were in.
Miranda: BETH!!!
Looking up from the ground while breathing a little heavily, he managed to catch only the shadow of Miranda going away.
Kain: It’s useless.
He knew after seeing the serpentine pokémon that this dungeon was going to be a replica of a forest, and that included the existence of wild animals, insects and, above everything, poisonous life. He was aware that Miranda wasn’t dumb, but rather she was hit with a bundle of new and confusing knowledge and tricky situation, which resulted in her making a bad decision in sending her daughter of into the dangerous wild.
Before he resumed back to digging, he took the opportunity to look around and see that Nev and Escan had finished of their opponents.
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